Fast-food workers walk out of job

For arguments sake, let's say that McDonald's or any other fast food chain agrees to pay $15.00 an hour what do you really think will happen next? A chain the size of McDonald's or Burger King won't go out of business, however though, all those employees working 35 - 40 hours a week, expect your hours to drop down to 20 - 25 hours a week. Fast food industry is not unionized and never will be. By paying a cost to employees from $7.35 to $15.00 an hour is quite a leap. Now you know if the rich guy is forced to pay more in wages to employees, do any of you really believe they will take it in the shorts? The companies would cut cost in other areas such as hmmm let's see...medical benefits and retirement benefits. So for all those folks protesting, careful what you wish for. And for smaller chains, they'll just shut down some of the restaurants that don't make as much money. So now what, these workers take McDonald's or any other company to court? Ha, the judge would throw the case out, once again, not a unionized industry. Doesn't take an economics major to figure this out. :eusa_whistle:

and who do you think is behind all this we want more money lets strike?

the unions.

The unions want the fast food industry to be unionized.... they want the dues.

As of now, the fast food industry isn't unionized. Therefore, those employees are participating in a non-sanctioned strike. These folks could be fired. Just as well, with unemployment up, they're plenty of folks that would be glad to get a job. These folks are too dense to realize that they are easily replaceable.
are you actually threatened and spit on?

Yes, I was actually spit at once when a woman didn't like her fries. She spat them out, and a gob of spit landed inches away from me, on the bench.

We have had other incidents, the scariest being my former boss punched in the face by an irate drive thru customer who stormed into the store, demanding free food. When my boss refused, she was punched in the face, and the girl went outside, picked up a chair and threw it through the glass door. Those doors have glass at least two inches thick - and it smashed. Lucky no customers were standing nearby, they would have been slashed to pieces.

We've had drug addicts yell at staff and refuse to leave, accuse us of stealing from them. We've had to call the police of several of them. We've had drunks staggering in right before closing time and then refusing to leave because they need some grease to cure their self inflicted hangovers.

We've had customers abuse the shit out of new employees who then end up in tears and refuse to go and serve another customer because they are terrified of being abused again.

And people here have the gall to insist that we don't deserve every single damned penny of the wages we get here? People think that all fast food employees deserve is seven bucks an hour?

Those people can go and get fucked.

Dog off the forums and spend your off hours getting a degree and move up. No one feels sorry for you. You have plenty of time to sit and post, so if you don't have time to better yourself you are just another lazy fool. I don't feel sorry for you.

I never said I wanted someone to feel sorry for me, you stupid cow.
American business owners are more concerned with lining their pockets than with paying their employees a decent wage.

Of course they are.
The nature of capitalism is to make money, not do social work.

Its selfishness. Getting your employees to do the hard work, while you sit back and pocket the fruits of their labor.

You are so full of it! 99% of all business owners worked, sweated and stayed up trying to make sure they made it. They risk everything, feel responsible for their workers. So spare me your liberal greedy mentality.
So? minimum wage is a useful tool to set a base line. It also cuts down on employee abuse. Not every employer is going to be altruistic. I means lets face it there are a lot of democrat employers and I think they shouldn't be able to screw people willy nilly.

But once there is a minimum wage then there is no longer the UNFETTERED contract between the employer and employee.

What the protesters want is not for the companies to give these wages on thier own, they want government to FORCE these companies to pay said wages. Any FF place that paid $15 an hour to entry level employees will not remain in buinsess too long.

there is more to it then just that. I would lay good odds that the unions are behind this.

They want the dues of every single fast food worker out there.

I would lay good odds that the unions are behind this.

they use it in other more important applications

these minimum wage workers are just the chumps for the big union

they will still be minimum wage workers with low dues

the more important application is for negotiations with

higher paying union jobs

they go in saying

"look the minimum wage is 15 bucks and hour my guys are only getting paid

25 bucks an hour barely more then minimum you are going to have to better then that"
But once there is a minimum wage then there is no longer the UNFETTERED contract between the employer and employee.

What the protesters want is not for the companies to give these wages on thier own, they want government to FORCE these companies to pay said wages. Any FF place that paid $15 an hour to entry level employees will not remain in buinsess too long.

there is more to it then just that. I would lay good odds that the unions are behind this.

They want the dues of every single fast food worker out there.

I would lay good odds that the unions are behind this.

they use it in other more important applications

these minimum wage workers are just the chumps for the big union

they will still be minimum wage workers with low dues

the more important application is for negotiations with

higher paying union jobs

they go in saying

"look the minimum wage is 15 bucks and hour my guys are only getting paid

25 bucks an hour barely more then minimum you are going to have to better then that"

I'm sure unions are encouraging this, they're not doing any favors, though, for the fast food workers, especially when the pink slips are handed out.

there is more to it then just that. I would lay good odds that the unions are behind this.

They want the dues of every single fast food worker out there.

I would lay good odds that the unions are behind this.

they use it in other more important applications

these minimum wage workers are just the chumps for the big union

they will still be minimum wage workers with low dues

the more important application is for negotiations with

higher paying union jobs

they go in saying

"look the minimum wage is 15 bucks and hour my guys are only getting paid

25 bucks an hour barely more then minimum you are going to have to better then that"

I'm sure unions are encouraging this, they're not doing any favors, though, for the fast food workers, especially when the pink slips are handed out.

I would lay good odds that the unions are behind this.

they use it in other more important applications

these minimum wage workers are just the chumps for the big union

they will still be minimum wage workers with low dues

the more important application is for negotiations with

higher paying union jobs

they go in saying

"look the minimum wage is 15 bucks and hour my guys are only getting paid

25 bucks an hour barely more then minimum you are going to have to better then that"

I'm sure unions are encouraging this, they're not doing any favors, though, for the fast food workers, especially when the pink slips are handed out.


yep lots of high schooler's looking for work
Yes, I was actually spit at once when a woman didn't like her fries. She spat them out, and a gob of spit landed inches away from me, on the bench.

We have had other incidents, the scariest being my former boss punched in the face by an irate drive thru customer who stormed into the store, demanding free food. When my boss refused, she was punched in the face, and the girl went outside, picked up a chair and threw it through the glass door. Those doors have glass at least two inches thick - and it smashed. Lucky no customers were standing nearby, they would have been slashed to pieces.

We've had drug addicts yell at staff and refuse to leave, accuse us of stealing from them. We've had to call the police of several of them. We've had drunks staggering in right before closing time and then refusing to leave because they need some grease to cure their self inflicted hangovers.

We've had customers abuse the shit out of new employees who then end up in tears and refuse to go and serve another customer because they are terrified of being abused again.

And people here have the gall to insist that we don't deserve every single damned penny of the wages we get here? People think that all fast food employees deserve is seven bucks an hour?

Those people can go and get fucked.

Dog off the forums and spend your off hours getting a degree and move up. No one feels sorry for you. You have plenty of time to sit and post, so if you don't have time to better yourself you are just another lazy fool. I don't feel sorry for you.

I never said I wanted someone to feel sorry for me, you stupid cow.

Anyone who posts a 500 word whine fest wants pity. Let me suggest you begin you education with a math class. You ignorant twit.
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Of course they are.
The nature of capitalism is to make money, not do social work.

Its selfishness. Getting your employees to do the hard work, while you sit back and pocket the fruits of their labor.

You are so full of it! 99% of all business owners worked, sweated and stayed up trying to make sure they made it. They risk everything, feel responsible for their workers. So spare me your liberal greedy mentality.

The purpose for starting a business is to increase the wealth of the owner. If someone hires employees to do all the work that it entirely their right to do so. But, you are right, most business owners work much harder than their employees, and give far more of themselves because their business is not just an 8 hour shift. It is a lifetime, 24/7commitment. People like Noomi don't get that. They have no ambition and are as lazy as hell. They want everything handed to them and think having to work a shift is the supreme sacrifice. That is why they are miserable failures who will work in fast food joints their entire lives.
Back in the 20th century... ought-'71 to be exact... I worked for $1.10/hour at the local Burger Doodle. Sure, I was living at home... but I 15 years old to boot. That money went to help put food on our family's table. My younger brother (I much later discovered) sold weed for the very same purpose. It was a hand to mouth existence. But we did it. Without Obama - who wasn't even not born on U.S. soil yet.

For every fast-food worker that walks, there are 40 applications sitting on file.

Regale in employment, and make the best of it. Add to it, work your way up. Be recognized for your efforts.

Or... sit at home doing jack shit and collect you Obama bucks. And contribute said-same shit to the world around you.

I think your memory's off, because I had the same job in 1968 and I was getting MW of $1.25. Three years earlier.
FWIW that would be $8.39 in today's value. Which means MW has sagged.
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Back in the 20th century... ought-'71 to be exact... I worked for $1.10/hour at the local Burger Doodle. Sure, I was living at home... but I 15 years old to boot. That money went to help put food on our family's table. My younger brother (I much later discovered) sold weed for the very same purpose. It was a hand to mouth existence. But we did it. Without Obama - who wasn't even not born on U.S. soil yet.

For every fast-food worker that walks, there are 40 applications sitting on file.

Regale in employment, and make the best of it. Add to it, work your way up. Be recognized for your efforts.

Or... sit at home doing jack shit and collect you Obama bucks. And contribute said-same shit to the world around you.

I think your memory's off, because I had the same job in 1968 and I was getting MW of $1.25. Three years earlier.
FWIW that would be $8.39 in today's value. Which means MW has sagged.

Yeah so what? It's been slow for everyone,what the fuck makes a burger flipper think he's special?
are you actually threatened and spit on?

Yes, I was actually spit at once when a woman didn't like her fries. She spat them out, and a gob of spit landed inches away from me, on the bench.

We have had other incidents, the scariest being my former boss punched in the face by an irate drive thru customer who stormed into the store, demanding free food. When my boss refused, she was punched in the face, and the girl went outside, picked up a chair and threw it through the glass door. Those doors have glass at least two inches thick - and it smashed. Lucky no customers were standing nearby, they would have been slashed to pieces.

We've had drug addicts yell at staff and refuse to leave, accuse us of stealing from them. We've had to call the police of several of them. We've had drunks staggering in right before closing time and then refusing to leave because they need some grease to cure their self inflicted hangovers.

We've had customers abuse the shit out of new employees who then end up in tears and refuse to go and serve another customer because they are terrified of being abused again.

And people here have the gall to insist that we don't deserve every single damned penny of the wages we get here? People think that all fast food employees deserve is seven bucks an hour?

Those people can go and get fucked.

Dog off the forums and spend your off hours getting a degree and move up. No one feels sorry for you. You have plenty of time to sit and post, so if you don't have time to better yourself you are just another lazy fool. I don't feel sorry for you.

no kidding..
Back in the 20th century... ought-'71 to be exact... I worked for $1.10/hour at the local Burger Doodle. Sure, I was living at home... but I 15 years old to boot. That money went to help put food on our family's table. My younger brother (I much later discovered) sold weed for the very same purpose. It was a hand to mouth existence. But we did it. Without Obama - who wasn't even not born on U.S. soil yet.

For every fast-food worker that walks, there are 40 applications sitting on file.

Regale in employment, and make the best of it. Add to it, work your way up. Be recognized for your efforts.

Or... sit at home doing jack shit and collect you Obama bucks. And contribute said-same shit to the world around you.

I think your memory's off, because I had the same job in 1968 and I was getting MW of $1.25. Three years earlier.
FWIW that would be $8.39 in today's value. Which means MW has sagged.

Yeah so what? It's been slow for everyone,what the fuck makes a burger flipper think he's special?

And another point sails blissfully over the head of the lefthanded coprophilac. :lol:
Yes, I was actually spit at once when a woman didn't like her fries. She spat them out, and a gob of spit landed inches away from me, on the bench.

We have had other incidents, the scariest being my former boss punched in the face by an irate drive thru customer who stormed into the store, demanding free food. When my boss refused, she was punched in the face, and the girl went outside, picked up a chair and threw it through the glass door. Those doors have glass at least two inches thick - and it smashed. Lucky no customers were standing nearby, they would have been slashed to pieces.

We've had drug addicts yell at staff and refuse to leave, accuse us of stealing from them. We've had to call the police of several of them. We've had drunks staggering in right before closing time and then refusing to leave because they need some grease to cure their self inflicted hangovers.

We've had customers abuse the shit out of new employees who then end up in tears and refuse to go and serve another customer because they are terrified of being abused again.

And people here have the gall to insist that we don't deserve every single damned penny of the wages we get here? People think that all fast food employees deserve is seven bucks an hour?

Those people can go and get fucked.

Dog off the forums and spend your off hours getting a degree and move up. No one feels sorry for you. You have plenty of time to sit and post, so if you don't have time to better yourself you are just another lazy fool. I don't feel sorry for you.

I never said I wanted someone to feel sorry for me, you stupid cow.

such a bitter hateful wonder people abuse you...
Yes, I was actually spit at once when a woman didn't like her fries. She spat them out, and a gob of spit landed inches away from me, on the bench.

We have had other incidents, the scariest being my former boss punched in the face by an irate drive thru customer who stormed into the store, demanding free food. When my boss refused, she was punched in the face, and the girl went outside, picked up a chair and threw it through the glass door. Those doors have glass at least two inches thick - and it smashed. Lucky no customers were standing nearby, they would have been slashed to pieces.

We've had drug addicts yell at staff and refuse to leave, accuse us of stealing from them. We've had to call the police of several of them. We've had drunks staggering in right before closing time and then refusing to leave because they need some grease to cure their self inflicted hangovers.

We've had customers abuse the shit out of new employees who then end up in tears and refuse to go and serve another customer because they are terrified of being abused again.

And people here have the gall to insist that we don't deserve every single damned penny of the wages we get here? People think that all fast food employees deserve is seven bucks an hour?

Those people can go and get fucked.

Dog off the forums and spend your off hours getting a degree and move up. No one feels sorry for you. You have plenty of time to sit and post, so if you don't have time to better yourself you are just another lazy fool. I don't feel sorry for you.

I never said I wanted someone to feel sorry for me, you stupid cow.

mission accomplished

now what are you doing to better yourself?
For arguments sake, let's say that McDonald's or any other fast food chain agrees to pay $15.00 an hour what do you really think will happen next? A chain the size of McDonald's or Burger King won't go out of business, however though, all those employees working 35 - 40 hours a week, expect your hours to drop down to 20 - 25 hours a week. Fast food industry is not unionized and never will be. By paying a cost to employees from $7.35 to $15.00 an hour is quite a leap. Now you know if the rich guy is forced to pay more in wages to employees, do any of you really believe they will take it in the shorts? The companies would cut cost in other areas such as hmmm let's see...medical benefits and retirement benefits. So for all those folks protesting, careful what you wish for. And for smaller chains, they'll just shut down some of the restaurants that don't make as much money. So now what, these workers take McDonald's or any other company to court? Ha, the judge would throw the case out, once again, not a unionized industry. Doesn't take an economics major to figure this out. :eusa_whistle:

and who do you think is behind all this we want more money lets strike?

the unions.

The unions want the fast food industry to be unionized.... they want the dues.

As of now, the fast food industry isn't unionized. Therefore, those employees are participating in a non-sanctioned strike. These folks could be fired. Just as well, with unemployment up, they're plenty of folks that would be glad to get a job. These folks are too dense to realize that they are easily replaceable.

They should be fired. Every one of them. Pull out the stack of applications and start making phone calls. Not a single one of them who walked out should have a job the next day. If they will walk out, there is no end to the sabotage they would do next. They are untrustworthy and should be replaced.
Of course they are.
The nature of capitalism is to make money, not do social work.

Its selfishness. Getting your employees to do the hard work, while you sit back and pocket the fruits of their labor.

You are so full of it! 99% of all business owners worked, sweated and stayed up trying to make sure they made it. They risk everything, feel responsible for their workers. So spare me your liberal greedy mentality.

And now that they have 'made it' they think they can sit back, work their employees into the ground for little pay, and then fire them when they go on strike.
Dog off the forums and spend your off hours getting a degree and move up. No one feels sorry for you. You have plenty of time to sit and post, so if you don't have time to better yourself you are just another lazy fool. I don't feel sorry for you.

I never said I wanted someone to feel sorry for me, you stupid cow.

mission accomplished

now what are you doing to better yourself?

Working on my martial arts to become a martial arts teacher - you?
They are flipping burgers for Christ's sake.....................

They are ALL REPLACEABLE............................

If the Libs had their way they'd double their pay and we'd need 10 Bucks for a cheeseburger combo.........

Don't worry though.............Daddy Obama will take care of them with Welfare, Food Stamps, Free Housing, Free Power, and FREE HEALTH CARE.

My opinion on those on strike...........DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN YOUR BUTT ON THE WAY OUT.

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