Fat Chicks

Well, I got chubby. But now I am back to the weight I was when I had my boutique and did fashion shows for the locals and tourists. If I get too skinny, I look weird. And I feel awful. Too chunky, I look chunky and I feel awful. I am also 5'8"...or rather, I was. I lost an inch. Comes with age. And I can't move around like I used to. But...I got where I wanted to get weight wise so I'm happy.

Posting pics all over the net is fine and dandy for those that want to do it. I learned from experience its a bad idea. I HAVE posted pics here of me, but took them down within 10 minutes or thereabouts. I also had my face in one of my avies but nobody knew it was me
Oh… man.. let me check… pffhh… I did too…. not good news…fuck!
Well, that's because you're married, I hope! :lol: Me, OTOH . . . not married. Posting pictures of myself is not a big deal to me. :D I NEVER post nude pictures though. I'm not THAT stupid. Some women and men do that too. I've posted my picture and a profile on a dating site before, but I never really actively followed it. Some of those sites should be x-rated, honestly. Lol.
Why not? It would make you look a lot younger… let's say 27ish...
Have you tried Plenty Of Fish, Chris? I used to be there when I was divorced but mostly I was just looking for buddies, not really to hook up. One COULD have been a possibility even though I wasn't really wanting that, but as we became more friendly, the weirder he got so I am glad I held back.

Anywho...I think most dating sites are worthless. When you find the one for you, it will be coming from anywhere. Look at Sherry and WelfareQueen. Those two met here, and now they are a couple fixing to tie the knot. Awesome, isn't it?
Is that for people who don't take baths?
I'm not 29, nor did I ever claim to be in my 20s. :lol: What is WITH you people? What is your major malfunction about how I look?
You! It's you.

I asked you a question. Tell us what about you tells us you are not a girl in her 20s. If you can answer I'll stop.

You know what? I didn't start any of this. You did. Now, you tell ME what it is about me that would make you think I am a 50-year-old woman? Be specific.

I wouldnt worry about the seal ...I mean really,you could put a dress on my ass and I'd look better.
I'm sure you've put a dress on that ass.

If it made the ass look good enough I'd do it....
Are you changing teams???? WTF????
She doesn't look neurotic...she doesn't look narcissistic insecure bitch,...she looks like a nice normal human being :wink_2:
hahahaha… indirect message… I love it!!! I wish you did the "little" sparring again…..
I know more people that have gotten married via
Sorry, so sorry, to anyone who is 50. I'm not saying that it is bad to be 50, but when you are NOT yet near to being 50, then . . . . I'm sure you can understand. :)

I'm 51 and it's all good :)

Why you old hag....i'm only 50...and a half.:p

Them's fightin' words! :biggrin:

oh... you want to fight too? :meow:
Let's get real about this discussion for a moment.
Ignore (or try to) their faces.... both women overweight but 1st girl, rolls of fat 2nd girl, proportional and a flat (or flatter) tummy. (and of course, well endowed up top...)
Yes you do. That's why you keep starting with this age thingy and won't let it go. You bring it up on my gallery comments, and here as well as elsewhere. So what exactly is your problem with my appearance? Out with it. Put up or shut up.
I don't know how or why I was notified when you posted a new pic but did you notice I didn't comment again after you yelled at me? I was just busting your balls. Then I don't know how you made a thread about fat girls about you Chris. Lol. But you seem to do that you attention whore. Lol jk

You people make it about me. I was making topical comments.
This place would be less interesting without you.

If you think for one moment that I would ever back down from the likes of you, then you are more foolish than I thought. In fact, I could probably kick your arse.
I wrestled in college in 1989. My freshman year of college. What were you doing that year? According to you you were in 7th grade.

No, you idiot. I was 10/11 years old and in FIFTH grade. Stupid fucktard.
Yes you do. That's why you keep starting with this age thingy and won't let it go. You bring it up on my gallery comments, and here as well as elsewhere. So what exactly is your problem with my appearance? Out with it. Put up or shut up.
I don't know how or why I was notified when you posted a new pic but did you notice I didn't comment again after you yelled at me? I was just busting your balls. Then I don't know how you made a thread about fat girls about you Chris. Lol. But you seem to do that you attention whore. Lol jk

You should not have been notified. You are not on my friends list, nor have you ever commented on one of my pictures before, as far as I'm aware. So . . . I don't know you, and I don't know what your problem is.
I may have commented that one night when it was you vs skye

Oh, blah, blah, blah. What does any of that have to do with you? Anyways, I'm out. Later gator!
I'm trying to explain what might seem like my obsession with you. I saw you wrote something about how can some people think you are 40 and I felt compelled to reply. It probably felt stalkery. Sorry. I get it. Lol good night.

You do obviously have an obsession with me. Go bother someone else!

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