Fatal shooting at Las Vegas restaurant, Walmart

One person killed, two police critically wounded so far. Early reports, the totals may change as more info comes in. The murderers shot two cops, took the cops' guns, and then shot at least one more person.

The murderers also killed themselves.

Would have been nice if they'd done that BEFORE shooting the others, instead of after.


3 dead in shootings at Las Vegas restaurant, Walmart, police say | Fox News

3 dead in shootings at Las Vegas restaurant, Walmart, police say

Published June 08, 2014

At least three people have been killed and two officers have been critically injured in shootings at a Las Vegas restaurant and Walmart, authorities say.

Las Vegas police spokesman Larry Hadfield told The Associated Press that the spree began around 11:30 a.m. Sunday when a man and woman walked into CiCi's Pizza restaurant on North Nellis Boulevard and shot two officers who were eating lunch.

The suspects took the officers' weapons and ammunition before storming out of the pizzeria, Assistant Sheriff Kevin McMahill told KVVU Fox 5.

The two suspects then fled to the Walmart across the street, where they shot a person inside and then killed themselves in an apparent suicide pact, Hadfield said. Police and a SWAT team were dispatched to the scene, KVVU Fox 5 reports.

What a horrible tragedy this is. I'm sure those two cops didn't do anything to these people. My prayers go out to their families. Same for the person who was shot and killed at Walmart. I hope the two cowardly turds are in hell right now.

Clearly these two were some kind of extremists, but it's not fair to count them on either political side. Neither side would support what these people did. Not sure what these people intended to do, but the warning to clear out when they got in Walmart is very odd if they wanted to just massacre people.
Once again for the slow and stupid....including justifiable homicide AND suicides we have about 32000 people are year killed with firearms. Do the math. 320 million people 32000 killed, what is the percent again? And you want to take my weapons?

Let me correct your first sentence: "Once again, from the slow and stupid..."

That obvious correction aside, in the DoI Jefferson wrote, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"; note he did not write about your right to own a gun, he wrote about a citizens right to live. Something morons like you never seem to understand, thus, my right to live supersedes your right to a gun.

So no cars no knives, no hammers no tools at all would be legal using your definition. Got that right? I mean someone can kill you with just about anything.

You really are quite dumb.
How many leftist peacenik hippies carry guns and want to kill random people? Most liberals aren't into the whole gun "culture" thing, so it's probably a safe bet that they weren't gay liberal hippie progressive Sharia Marxists or whatever.

If these liberal wackjobs love Obama so much then why would they scream, "THIS IS A REVOLUTION!" and start killing people? Why would pinko commie Sharia Marxist Muslims who hate America want to revolt against their Messiah-in-Chief? Once again, the right-wing is wrong.
You've never heard of the Weather Underground? Look it up. There were many such groups and who knows how many today. For the record, conservatives typically fall into the law abiding demographics.
How many leftist peacenik hippies carry guns and want to kill random people? Most liberals aren't into the whole gun "culture" thing, so it's probably a safe bet that they weren't gay liberal hippie progressive Sharia Marxists or whatever.

If these liberal wackjobs love Obama so much then why would they scream, "THIS IS A REVOLUTION!" and start killing people? Why would pinko commie Sharia Marxist Muslims who hate America want to revolt against their Messiah-in-Chief? Once again, the right-wing is wrong.
You've never heard of the Weather Underground? Look it up. There were many such groups and who knows how many today. For the record, conservatives typically fall into the law abiding demographics.

Well! You've convinced me. Who knows how many!? What a great question. Can't wait till the libs try and answer that one!

Oh no you didn't! You didn't cite "the record"?!!!!
Fuck off.

Why? I fucking hate Vegas cops. I dislike all cops. I rejoice at news of their death. This is awesome!

I have enjoyed and agreed with most of your posts but you're wrong on this one. There are a lot of scummy and crooked cops but, by far and away, most are just doing their jobs the best way they know how and with little to no support from the community.

They are willing to put their lives on the line for you. They go to work every single day knowing they could be killed, knowing they might not go home to their families. Think about that.

There are reasons they are getting "little to no support from the community". People are sick of the abuses.

Hell, police "officer" isn't even one of the top 10 most dangerous jobs.

Ranchers, fishermen, iron workers, truck drivers have more dangerous jobs....and they don't get to arrest people, beat them or kill them if they have a "bad day".

A person in america is 8 times more likely to be killed by a cop than by a "terrorist".

On average.....500 innocent, unarmed people are killed by the police every year.

Think about that.
Quite true. They wrote that into the Constitution, which is the law of the land, not the DoI, which is not.

And yet the Second Amendment is quite ambiguous. The District of Columbia v. Heller was decided on a partisan 5-4 vote. We might be living in a saner society had one vote changed.

The irony on the issue of guns in our society is quite striking, many on the same side argue for strict construction of the language in the Constitution, and even oppose Marbury v. Madison, yet cite Heller and other decisions that fit their agenda.

It might have been ambiguous when it was written (at least to our perception), but DC v. Heller cleared it up rather nicely. Here's the reality regarding that ruling: since it has been clarified by the Supreme Court to be a constitutional right, the only way to change it is to amend the Constitution.

You don't know much about the Supreme Court and its history of reversing prior rulings. As for its ambiguity I'd argue it was clear in the 18th Century and seriously seriously outdated in the 21st Century.

The closest thing we have to a legal militia today is the National Guard; the middle aged fat guys dressed in camouflage running around the woods are no different than a gang of crips running around the hood - dangerous, ill trained and socially deviant.
And yet the Second Amendment is quite ambiguous. The District of Columbia v. Heller was decided on a partisan 5-4 vote. We might be living in a saner society had one vote changed.

The irony on the issue of guns in our society is quite striking, many on the same side argue for strict construction of the language in the Constitution, and even oppose Marbury v. Madison, yet cite Heller and other decisions that fit their agenda.

It might have been ambiguous when it was written (at least to our perception), but DC v. Heller cleared it up rather nicely. Here's the reality regarding that ruling: since it has been clarified by the Supreme Court to be a constitutional right, the only way to change it is to amend the Constitution.

You don't know much about the Supreme Court and its history of reversing prior rulings. As for its ambiguity I'd argue it was clear in the 18th Century and seriously seriously outdated in the 21st Century.

The closest thing we have to a legal militia today is the National Guard; the middle aged fat guys dressed in camouflage running around the woods are no different than a gang of crips running around the hood - dangerous, ill trained and socially deviant.

It is, nonetheless, the law and changing it will not change our world. I agree with you on the "militias", but they are a tiny minority and pretty much harmless. The gangs are a different story, but we create them with poor schools, poor economic practices and insange drug laws. Removing guns from people who don't commit crimes will not remove them from the hands of people who do. The solution is not stricter gun laws and I see no reason to support laws that will do no good.
Why? I fucking hate Vegas cops. I dislike all cops. I rejoice at news of their death. This is awesome!

I have enjoyed and agreed with most of your posts but you're wrong on this one. There are a lot of scummy and crooked cops but, by far and away, most are just doing their jobs the best way they know how and with little to no support from the community.

They are willing to put their lives on the line for you. They go to work every single day knowing they could be killed, knowing they might not go home to their families. Think about that.

There are reasons they are getting "little to no support from the community". People are sick of the abuses.

Hell, police "officer" isn't even one of the top 10 most dangerous jobs.

Ranchers, fishermen, iron workers, truck drivers have more dangerous jobs....and they don't get to arrest people, beat them or kill them if they have a "bad day".

A person in america is 8 times more likely to be killed by a cop than by a "terrorist".

On average.....500 innocent, unarmed people are killed by the police every year.

Think about that.

Before a LEO is put on the street s/he has had an extensive background check, including psychological evaluations and several interviews; s/he is generally on probation for one year under the mentorship of a field training officer who assists the trainees supervisor in monthly written evaluations. During such time the trainee can be terminated with no right of appeal.

Today, when any drunk or lunatic can easily obtain a gun and a couple of hundred thousands fools claim sovereign citizenship, its no wonder our streets are more violent and some innocents die. But executions don't occur in our country, every officer involved shooting is vetted by an outside agency and officers are pulled from the street during such investigations.

Who ya gonna call when shit hits the fan, Vigilante? People who do end up in cages exactly where they belong, or in coffins.
They should make guns illegal.
So how that's working out for crack and heroin?

Idiot Liberals...
Serious idiots...
There are already photos of the two cops being taken across a p-lot in flag draped caskets to coroners office!! What a fcuking joke. That's called a photo-op assholes.......ask ANY cop if that is standard procedure.

The full blown push to label anybody right of center to be a possible enemy of the state.... http://www.cryptogon.com/?p=44053 ..of course, could just be coincidence that a week after the attorney general announces a task force on "home grown" terrorism, this incident occurs!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:. No need for the big boys to focus at all on left of center people.......they are already on hands and knees with ass pointed straight to the sky.
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I have enjoyed and agreed with most of your posts but you're wrong on this one. There are a lot of scummy and crooked cops but, by far and away, most are just doing their jobs the best way they know how and with little to no support from the community.

They are willing to put their lives on the line for you. They go to work every single day knowing they could be killed, knowing they might not go home to their families. Think about that.

There are reasons they are getting "little to no support from the community". People are sick of the abuses.

Hell, police "officer" isn't even one of the top 10 most dangerous jobs.

Ranchers, fishermen, iron workers, truck drivers have more dangerous jobs....and they don't get to arrest people, beat them or kill them if they have a "bad day".

A person in america is 8 times more likely to be killed by a cop than by a "terrorist".

On average.....500 innocent, unarmed people are killed by the police every year.

Think about that.

Before a LEO is put on the street s/he has had an extensive background check, including psychological evaluations and several interviews; s/he is generally on probation for one year under the mentorship of a field training officer who assists the trainees supervisor in monthly written evaluations. During such time the trainee can be terminated with no right of appeal.

Today, when any drunk or lunatic can easily obtain a gun and a couple of hundred thousands fools claim sovereign citizenship, its no wonder our streets are more violent and some innocents die. But executions don't occur in our country, every officer involved shooting is vetted by an outside agency and officers are pulled from the street during such investigations.

Who ya gonna call when shit hits the fan, Vigilante? People who do end up in cages exactly where they belong, or in coffins.

Bonus.......the individual can't verify the number of people killed a year because nobody keeps stats. The number was originally listed as coming from the DOJ but, they don't have that.
It might have been ambiguous when it was written (at least to our perception), but DC v. Heller cleared it up rather nicely. Here's the reality regarding that ruling: since it has been clarified by the Supreme Court to be a constitutional right, the only way to change it is to amend the Constitution.

You don't know much about the Supreme Court and its history of reversing prior rulings. As for its ambiguity I'd argue it was clear in the 18th Century and seriously seriously outdated in the 21st Century.

The closest thing we have to a legal militia today is the National Guard; the middle aged fat guys dressed in camouflage running around the woods are no different than a gang of crips running around the hood - dangerous, ill trained and socially deviant.

It is, nonetheless, the law and changing it will not change our world. I agree with you on the "militias", but they are a tiny minority and pretty much harmless. The gangs are a different story, but we create them with poor schools, poor economic practices and insange drug laws. Removing guns from people who don't commit crimes will not remove them from the hands of people who do. The solution is not stricter gun laws and I see no reason to support laws that will do no good.

I agree with much of your post; there is no effort (nor intent on my part) to take guns from law abiding citizens. I believe a sober, law abiding and sane citizen ought to be able to own, possess and have in his home or business a gun.

I don't believe anyone needs to parade around town with a gun and laws ought to prevent such activities, sans a license be issued for cause. If someone is too scared to go out in public unarmed they need to stay home and seek counseling.

Anyone who has been convicted of alcohol abuse, drug abuse, domestic violence, battery and all violent felonies ought to be denied the right to own, possess or have in his or her custody or control a firearm. Those whose Second Amendment rights have been revoked and are arrested or found to be armed with a gun should be charged with a felony and sent to prison.
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Before a LEO is put on the street s/he has had an extensive background check, including psychological evaluations and several interviews; s/he is generally on probation for one year under the mentorship of a field training officer who assists the trainees supervisor in monthly written evaluations. During such time the trainee can be terminated with no right of appeal.

Today, when any drunk or lunatic can easily obtain a gun and a couple of hundred thousands fools claim sovereign citizenship, its no wonder our streets are more violent and some innocents die. But executions don't occur in our country, every officer involved shooting is vetted by an outside agency and officers are pulled from the street during such investigations.

Occupations more dangerous than being a police officer:

Number of deaths per 100,000 employed Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics-Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries - 2012

Logging workers: 127.8
Fishermen: 117.0
Aircraft pilots: 53.4
Roofers: 40.5
Garbage collectors: 36.8
Electrical power line installation/repair: 29.8
Truck drivers: 22.8
Oil and gas extraction: 21.9
Farmers and ranchers: 21.3
Construction workers: 17.4
Police officers and Deputies: 14.9*
Taxi drivers: 14.9
Grounds maintenance: 13.9
Drinking establishment employees: 13.0
Welders: 10.5
Electricians: 8.3
Gas station attendant: 6.8
Auto mechanics: 5.0
Newspaper publishers: 4.8
Carpenters: 4.7
Janitors: 3.1
Retail sales: 1.5
All workers - 3.2

* A high percentage of police officers deaths are contributed to the police office not wearing a "seat belt" when involved in a traffic accident.

Brutality Archives - Cop Block

PoliceMisconduct.net | The Cato Institute's National Police Misconduct Reporting Project

Why cops shoot your dog

The Smell of Fear
By William Norman Grigg

October 24, 2013

Either as a result of their hyper-acute sense of smell, or an instinctive ability to decipher behavioral cues, dogs have an uncanny ability to detect fear. Owing to the relentless indoctrination they undergo regarding the primacy of “officer safety” and the supposedly all-encompassing threat environment in which they operate, cops exude a dense musk of fear that dogs can probably detect. This might help explain why casual encounters between dogs and cops frequently end with the dog being shot and left to die.

Why Do Cops Shoot Your Dog? ? LewRockwell.com

Google police brutality..or police corruption...see for yourself.

Who ya gonna call when shit hits the fan, Vigilante? People who do end up in cages exactly where they belong, or in coffins.

If I need a report written up of a burglary or property crime for insurance purposes,I'll have to call a cop.

Other than that there's no need.

When seconds count, the cops are MINUTES away.

I'll handle my own business.
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You don't know much about the Supreme Court and its history of reversing prior rulings. As for its ambiguity I'd argue it was clear in the 18th Century and seriously seriously outdated in the 21st Century.

The closest thing we have to a legal militia today is the National Guard; the middle aged fat guys dressed in camouflage running around the woods are no different than a gang of crips running around the hood - dangerous, ill trained and socially deviant.

It is, nonetheless, the law and changing it will not change our world. I agree with you on the "militias", but they are a tiny minority and pretty much harmless. The gangs are a different story, but we create them with poor schools, poor economic practices and insange drug laws. Removing guns from people who don't commit crimes will not remove them from the hands of people who do. The solution is not stricter gun laws and I see no reason to support laws that will do no good.

I agree with much of your post; there is no effort (nor intent on my part) to take guns from law abiding citizens. I believe a sober, law abiding and sane citizen ought to be able to own, possess and have in his home or business a gun.

I don't believe anyone needs to parade around town with a gun and laws ought to prevent such activities, sans a license be issued for cause. If someone is too scared to go out in public unarmed they need to stay home and seek counseling.

Anyone who has been convicted of alcohol abuse, drug abuse, domestic violence, battery and all violent felonies ought to be denied the right to own, possess or have in his or her custody or control a firearm. Those whose Second Amendment rights have been revoked and are arrested or found to be armed with a gun should be charged with a felony and sent to prison.

Parading around with a gun is illegal in most states. Texas has a pretty stringent law against open carry. Concealed carry permits do require training (though very few states require any actual firearms training for it). I have no problems with background checks or gun registration. I think restrictions on magazine size are ridiculous, but I don't see that as a violation of the 2nd amendment. I often carry a concealed weapon, not because I am afraid but because I have reached an age where defending myself with my fists is no longer realistic. I don't expect to be attacked, but if I am I have no desire to be a helpless victim. You may not agree with that and that is your right, but it is my decision to make. Because I make that decision I spend several hours a month at a range practicing.

But all of that will have no impact upon the problem. All of the limitations you are talking about will change absolutely nothing. If you want to deal with the problem of violence, you address the source of the violence. You don't get bogged down in a debate over tools.
The (shooters) couple sounds like a couple of crazy-assed Left-Winged Bat Shot crazy Libberhoids to me...

Underlined areas are proof of that...

Brandon Monroe, 22, has lived in the complex for about two weeks. He said the man who lived in the apartment that was being searched often rambled about conspiracy theories. He often wore camouflage or dressed as Peter Pan to work as a Fremont Street Experience street performer. A woman lived with him, Monroe said, but he didn’t see her as often.

They were weird people, Monroe said, adding that he thought the couple used methamphetamine.

You ditzy dingbat.

You just described yourself.

It is, nonetheless, the law and changing it will not change our world. I agree with you on the "militias", but they are a tiny minority and pretty much harmless. The gangs are a different story, but we create them with poor schools, poor economic practices and insange drug laws. Removing guns from people who don't commit crimes will not remove them from the hands of people who do. The solution is not stricter gun laws and I see no reason to support laws that will do no good.

I agree with much of your post; there is no effort (nor intent on my part) to take guns from law abiding citizens. I believe a sober, law abiding and sane citizen ought to be able to own, possess and have in his home or business a gun.

I don't believe anyone needs to parade around town with a gun and laws ought to prevent such activities, sans a license be issued for cause. If someone is too scared to go out in public unarmed they need to stay home and seek counseling.

Anyone who has been convicted of alcohol abuse, drug abuse, domestic violence, battery and all violent felonies ought to be denied the right to own, possess or have in his or her custody or control a firearm. Those whose Second Amendment rights have been revoked and are arrested or found to be armed with a gun should be charged with a felony and sent to prison.

Parading around with a gun is illegal in most states. Texas has a pretty stringent law against open carry. Concealed carry permits do require training (though very few states require any actual firearms training for it). I have no problems with background checks or gun registration. I think restrictions on magazine size are ridiculous, but I don't see that as a violation of the 2nd amendment. I often carry a concealed weapon, not because I am afraid but because I have reached an age where defending myself with my fists is no longer realistic. I don't expect to be attacked, but if I am I have no desire to be a helpless victim. You may not agree with that and that is your right, but it is my decision to make. Because I make that decision I spend several hours a month at a range practicing.

But all of that will have no impact upon the problem. All of the limitations you are talking about will change absolutely nothing. If you want to deal with the problem of violence, you address the source of the violence. You don't get bogged down in a debate over tools.

Maps | OpenCarry.org

I often carry a concealed weapon, not because I am afraid but because I have reached an age where defending myself with my fists is no longer realistic.

Oh great. Another old crackpot nutter, looking to blow someone away.
And yet the Second Amendment is quite ambiguous. The District of Columbia v. Heller was decided on a partisan 5-4 vote. We might be living in a saner society had one vote changed.

The irony on the issue of guns in our society is quite striking, many on the same side argue for strict construction of the language in the Constitution, and even oppose Marbury v. Madison, yet cite Heller and other decisions that fit their agenda.

It might have been ambiguous when it was written (at least to our perception), but DC v. Heller cleared it up rather nicely. Here's the reality regarding that ruling: since it has been clarified by the Supreme Court to be a constitutional right, the only way to change it is to amend the Constitution.

You don't know much about the Supreme Court and its history of reversing prior rulings. As for its ambiguity I'd argue it was clear in the 18th Century and seriously seriously outdated in the 21st Century.

The closest thing we have to a legal militia today is the National Guard; the middle aged fat guys dressed in camouflage running around the woods are no different than a gang of crips running around the hood - dangerous, ill trained and socially deviant.

And you clearly do not understand that the Constitution is not a social media campaign. The Supreme Court ruled that it was an individual right not tied to service in a militia. The Court was rather clear on this. So I will repeat: It is a right NOT TIED to service in a militia. It is an individual right, so if you want to change it, get a Constitutional Amendment. I don't care about fat middle aged guys running around in camos on the weekend. The Court affirmed that I, as an individual American citizen, have a right to own weapons. It's really that simple....

Once again for the slow and stupid....including justifiable homicide AND suicides we have about 32000 people are year killed with firearms. Do the math. 320 million people 32000 killed, what is the percent again? And you want to take my weapons?

Let me correct your first sentence: "Once again, from the slow and stupid..."

That obvious correction aside, in the DoI Jefferson wrote, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"; note he did not write about your right to own a gun, he wrote about a citizens right to live. Something morons like you never seem to understand, thus, my right to live supersedes your right to a gun.

Quite right.

They can talk about the second amendment all they want but their right to replace their tiny penises with big guns takes second place to my right to be safe from them.

I'll say it again that I am against concealed carry and in favor of open carry because I have the right to know where the nutters are.

I live in a very backward red state and I hope to see assholes carrying guns so I can call the police on them.
Quite wrong in fact.

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