Father, 23, 'punched three-year-old son in the face so hard he went flying to the ground'

What a piece of shit. I have 4 kids and I have NEVER touched my kids like that. They can be loud,obnoxious,irritating etc When mine act like that in a store I take their hand or carry them and we go to the car and wait for everyone else to get done. I do not hit them so hard they go flying! My god....
I'd have to beat the shit out of the bastard too. How can anybody be that much of a dick?
Sadly, it's not the slapping (looks like a slap not a punch to me) that /really/ hurts kids in that situation, it's the words that usually come with the parent's temper and lack of self-control that do the lasting damage. Regardless, hitting in the heat of the moment like that is /never/ a proper deterrent nor punishment for a child even if one believes in spanking, and certainly not for one that young. Poor kiddo... Hopefully they will teach that father, if he was the father, patience, because there's at least, at least, another 15 years of patience needed for that little one, if he's already losing it over the kiddo merely running around in a store, he's in for a world of anger later.
This is just what we saw. Just imagine the punishment of this boy inside his home. Bail is set at 1 million$.
What a fucking coward. If I witnessed something like this I would beat the fuck out of that guy right then and there.

Justin Whittington who punched son in the face in a store pictured Daily Mail Online

Sure ya would. That's why you mod a discussion site, you're such a badass in real life.
What does his job as a mod have to do with what he said? Half the time I can't open a jar with my RA wrists, but it wouldn't stop me from finding the broom, frying pans, cutlery sets in the store and giving that asshole my best shot in the nuts. And yeah. I AM a bad ass.
Maybe you should rethink your remarks since here you are, acting all bad ass on a message board, perv.
This is just what we saw. Just imagine the punishment of this boy inside his home. Bail is set at 1 million$.
Because there was a camera inside the store, society can now intervene on behalf of this toddler. I don't buy the "surveillance society" bullshit. I think cameras everywhere in public is a good thing and only the wicked shun them.
If I ever saw something like this, I would not think twice about intervention. It would not be pretty for this man!! Bully put him in the ring with me.
If I ever saw something like this, I would not think twice about intervention. It would not be pretty for this man!! Bully put him in the ring with me.
this is comes from children raised by children, raised by children with no adult role models...they react to every situation like a child would....they are children in adult bodies......
More than likely...a white savage teaper.
I blame liberalism for turning out thugs like this.
I can agree with that,..teapers can't handle losing and hate democracy, so they resort to violence and terrorism. Yeah... liberal ideals are wacky....but teaper savagery is no excuse.

Yeah...you wanna bet which political party he supports genius......

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