Father At School Board Gives Board Members A Reality Check

You go to the doctor. You have a brain tumor that has grown so massive that you can barely speak or walk. Your loved ones would like the doctor to address the brain tumor, but the dr instead obsesses over the paper cut on your index finger. "Right now this visit is about the paper cut. Is that wrong?"

Thanks, doc, we're dying out here. But by all means, please perseverate on the paper cut.

That's what all this garbage is.

Let me rephrase that. Is he wrong about children being their parents' responsibility and that if they say that they're a T-Rex that they just can't go starting to cut their arms to make them shorter now can they?
Let me rephrase that. Is he wrong about children being their parents' responsibility and that if they say that they're a T-Rex that they just can't go starting to cut their arms to make them shorter now can they?
Are you saying the school is cutting their arms off? When I went to school we just got D Hall...
There is a lot to be said for setting realistic expectations and holding a child accountable for them.
In the case of school systems when I was a kid, the expectation was that the kid had to learn a reasonable amount to pass on to the next grade and/or graduate high school. A reasonable amount of healthy protocol and respect for others was part of that. The teachers by and large shared the basic values of the community they served. They kept their personal religious and sociopolitical views to themselves and focused on making sure the students got a well rounded education that prepared them to be responsible, productive adults.

Certainly the values, customs and traditions of the students/community were reflected in school life including recognizing the symbols of all the national holidays and such. Also there was an American flag in every classroom, student led prayer at assemblies and times of stress for the students, recitation of the Pledge, singing of the National Anthem, a generic prayer at sporting events, a moment of silence to start the school day were all part of it because those were values of the community.

Social engineering was no part of that in any respect in the public schools and college.

And while guns were a normal presence in virtually every home including those in pickup gun racks in the school parking lot, school shootings, student suicides, truancy, bullying or other school violence was not part of our school experience.

There were regular parent teacher conferences to discuss the student's academic record, difficulties, deportment, any unusual behaviors. I do not recall a single incidence in which any student identified as a different gender, but I'm 100% certain the teachers would have advised the parents of that had it happened.
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No dumb-dumb I was being sarcastic. 🙄
I still wonder if it's in the water they drink or something that creates such reading dysfunction, inability to comprehend any nuanced content, among the left? It seems to be a universal condition among the vast majority of them?

Maybe it is because the schools spend so much time on social engineering and 'woke-ism' that there isn't time to teach students how to evaluate what they are reading, how to see the metaphor, nuances, deeper meanings, encourage critical thinking about it?

Maybe it is because the state is now actively indoctrinating kids and doing as much as it dares to keep the parents out of the process?
Social engineering was no part of that in any respect in the public schools and college.
Except for the mandatory prayers in a specific faith and denomination of course.
They kept their personal religious and sociopolitical views to themselves
Except for the mandatory prayers in a specific faith and denomination of course. I am sure those of different views felt welcome.
Social engineering was no part of that in any respect in the public schools and college.
Wait...you're a Boomer, so thats a lie.
And while guns were a normal presence in virtually every home including those in pickup gun racks in the school parking lot, school shootings, student suicides, truancy, bullying or other school violence was not part of our school experience.
Fair point. Same here. Its different now.
I do not recall a single incidence in which any student identified as a different gender, but I'm 100% certain the teachers would have advised the parents of that had it happened.
You had parent teacher conferences in high school? Sure. What if the teacher thought the student was gay?
No dumb-dumb I was being sarcastic. 🙄
So, no, the school is not making making them Trans or Gayz, then what are you blubbering about?

Maybe it is because the schools spend so much time on social engineering and 'woke-ism' that there isn't time to teach students how to evaluate what they are reading, how to see the metaphor, nuances, deeper meanings, encourage critical thinking about it?
Again, how would you know? You said you don't have any kids or grandkids in school.
Zincwarrior Forget it. I'm through trying to explain this to you. A single brain cell of mine is a whole lot more intelligent than you are.
So you give up and admit that the schools are not doing what you say the are doing. Excellent.

I could try explaining it to you until the cows come home, but that lightbulb of yours will never turn on so what's the use?
Except for the mandatory prayers in a specific faith and denomination of course.

Except for the mandatory prayers in a specific faith and denomination of course. I am sure those of different views felt welcome.

Wait...you're a Boomer, so thats a lie.

Fair point. Same here. Its different now.

You had parent teacher conferences in high school? Sure. What if the teacher thought the student was gay?

So, no, the school is not making making them Trans or Gayz, then what are you blubbering about?

Again, how would you know? You said you don't have any kids or grandkids in school.
Nobody said anything about mandatory prayers. Still a problem with reading comprehension I see.

And nothing like somebody going ad hominem who has no clue who the other person is or his/her experience. (I am not a boomer.)

It is only different now because the culture is different. Not better. Different. Not more supportive and helpful to the children. Different.
Not what is best for all the citizens. Different.
Different is not to be anything admired or coveted when it is more harmful than helpful to most. A lot of very good people are working to make it a lot less different.

Parent teacher conferences were held at least twice a year and sometimes more often. Only the worst sort of parents did not attend. And whether a child was gay or not had absolutely nothing to do with it.

I did not say the school was making them trans or gay. More evidence of your reading disfunction and inability to comprehend what is said. You must have had a really pitiful education.

I do not have children or grandchildren in school now. But I do attend school board meetings. I do have friends with and kin with children in school. I do tutor and on occasion substitute teach. So of course I have absolutely no knowledge of or interest in the school system according to you.

Have you ever thought about getting help for your really off putting self righteousness and judgmentalism or your really poor reading comprehension and/or dysfunction?
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Nobody said anything about mandatory prayers. Still a problem with reading comprehension I see.

They were mandated to be there yes? Only certain prayers permitted I am sure.
Except for the mandatory prayers in a specific faith and denomination of course.
Except for the mandatory prayers in a specific faith and denomination of course. I am sure those of different views felt welcome.
Nobody said anything about mandatory prayers. Still a problem with reading comprehension I see.

I find it ironic that prayer is driven out of school, all legitimate religion is driven out of school, and in its place, we have depraved sexual perversions being taught to children which is an important part of Satan's religion.

t have to know that something is seriously fucked-up about a culture that think is it is a bad thing for public schools to teach children about God, about Jesus; but a good thing to teach them about homosexuality, transsexuality, and other fucked-up sexual perversions.

Something is severely fucked-up about this. Severely fucked up.

Isaiah 5:20 is apropos.
Let me rephrase that. Is he wrong about children being their parents' responsibility and that if they say that they're a T-Rex that they just can't go starting to cut their arms to make them shorter now can they?
Then why isn't he home schooling or finding a private school he likes? Public School is the default position and has to be something for everyone.
I still wonder if it's in the water they drink or something that creates such reading dysfunction, inability to comprehend any nuanced content, among the left? It seems to be a universal condition among the vast majority of them?

Maybe it is because the schools spend so much time on social engineering and 'woke-ism' that there isn't time to teach students how to evaluate what they are reading, how to see the metaphor, nuances, deeper meanings, encourage critical thinking about it?

Maybe it is because the state is now actively indoctrinating kids and doing as much as it dares to keep the parents out of the process?

We have children coming in to school who cannot attend, cannot even function as students. Cannot function in society in any reasonable capacity. THIS is the big problem, not indoctrination. But we have lost our minds, as a society, so we keep chasing the wrong moral outrages.
We have children coming in to school who cannot attend, cannot even function as students. Cannot function in society in any reasonable capacity. THIS is the big problem, not indoctrination. But we have lost our minds, as a society, so we keep chasing the wrong moral outrages.
Here we go again...
We have children coming in to school who cannot attend, cannot even function as students. Cannot function in society in any reasonable capacity. THIS is the big problem, not indoctrination. But we have lost our minds, as a society, so we keep chasing the wrong moral outrages.
In my day and when my children were still in the public schools, the parents would be called in and advised that such students are not functioning well in the public school and are an unacceptable distraction to the other students. The parents would have to figure out some other way to educate their kids. And if they refused to do so they would lose their kids until they were able to parent competently.

But that was when people had common sense, cared about the children, and expected adults to be responsible and accountable, were expected to teach their kids to be socially acceptable, were expected to house, feed, properly clothe the children they brought into the world.

The public schools were not day care centers by another name and were not expected to parent the kids but rather educate them in core subjects that would serve them well as responsible, accountable adults.

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