Father At School Board Gives Board Members A Reality Check

In my day and when my children were still in the public schools, the parents would be called in and advised that such students are not functioning well in the public school and are an unacceptable distraction to the other students. The parents would have to figure out some other way to educate their kids. And if they refused to do so they would lose their kids until they were able to parent competently.

But that was when people had common sense, cared about the children, and expected adults to be responsible and accountable, were expected to teach their kids to be socially acceptable, were expected to house, feed, properly clothe the children they brought into the world.

The public schools were not day care centers by another name and were not expected to parent the kids but rather educate them in core subjects that would serve them well as responsible, accountable adults.

I'm here to tell you that in many cases they are beyond day care centers. They are day TREATMENT centers for mental, emotional and behavioral disorders you can probably barely imagine. Parents don't know what to do with these kids, so they expect the schools to treat them.

And then, frankly, teachers get blamed when we can't. It's a circle the drain situation. It really is.
I'm here to tell you that in many cases they are beyond day care centers. They are day TREATMENT centers for mental, emotional and behavioral disorders you can probably barely imagine. Parents don't know what to do with these kids, so they expect the schools to treat them.

And then, frankly, teachers get blamed when we can't. It's a circle the drain situation. It really is.

More whining..... :icon_rolleyes:
It would almost certainly be the school that was responsible for filling the child's with that fucked-up bullshit in the first place.

Children do not identify as “gay” or “transgender” or any other fucked-yup sexual perversion, unless some abusive pedophile is grooming them in that direction.

You're arguing for the “right” of schools to do this, and to cover up for it.
Whole lot of retarded shitbag lies, but we expect nothing less from the party of rape
t have to know that something is seriously fucked-up about a culture that think is it is a bad thing for public schools to teach children about God, about Jesus;
Unless you're Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, or Eastern Orthodox in which case 'fuck you guys' amirite?
But then, I think most people here can agree that you are nobody.
Oh noes, I got dissed on the internetz!
In my day and when my children were still in the public schools, the parents would be called in and advised that such students are not functioning well in the public school and are an unacceptable distraction to the other students. The parents would have to figure out some other way to educate their kids. And if they refused to do so they would lose their kids until they were able to parent competently.

But that was when people had common sense, cared about the children, and expected adults to be responsible and accountable, were expected to teach their kids to be socially acceptable, were expected to house, feed, properly clothe the children they brought into the world.

The public schools were not day care centers by another name and were not expected to parent the kids but rather educate them in core subjects that would serve them well as responsible, accountable adults.
Ok Boomer.



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t have to know that something is seriously fucked-up about a culture that think is it is a bad thing for public schools to teach children about God, about Jesus; but a good thing to teach them about homosexuality, transsexuality, and other fucked-up sexual perversions.
Unless you're Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, or Eastern Orthodox in which case 'fuck you guys' amirite?

The point is that we have banned the teaching to children in public school of that which is good and wholesome, and in its place, we are teaching stuff that is evil and twisted and harmful.

You have to be pretty fucked up in your head and assuming you still have it your soul, not to see how wrong this is.
Once again, that child wouldn't even form the thought that he might be “gay” unless that fucked-up pedophile of a teacher was filling the child's head with that fucked-up shit.

And no surprise, you want to take the side of the pedophile against that of the parents that want to protect their child therefrom.
What makes you an expert on being gay?

Don’t you think that actual gay people have a better idea than you do?
Except for the mandatory prayers in a specific faith and denomination of course.

Except for the mandatory prayers in a specific faith and denomination of course. I am sure those of different views felt welcome.

Wait...you're a Boomer, so thats a lie.

Fair point. Same here. Its different now.

You had parent teacher conferences in high school? Sure. What if the teacher thought the student was gay?

So, no, the school is not making making them Trans or Gayz, then what are you blubbering about?

Again, how would you know? You said you don't have any kids or grandkids in school.
Correct on all counts.

Have you run across many so-called sages who are as intellectually lazy as she is?

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