Father kills gay son

So you are saying you think you are mentally ill.
Did you assume I need validation and acceptance from my FAMILY! You should verify that I have a family first. If I had a family, I really wouldn't care what they thought one way or another. I don't believe in ties of blood.

No I assume this entire thread is just one continuous cry for mental help from you.
Why, because you believe the gay son should not be rejected by his family when they have a perfect right to do just that.

Killing someone isn't merely a 'rejection'. Its a brutal, hideous crime. And no, the father didn't have a 'perfect right' to murder his son.
Father had a qualified right to kill his son based on his son's attack with a knife.

Says who?

Not a jury- no jury has decided this case yet. The father was arrested for murder - whether or not he committed murder- or whether his actions were legitimate self defense none of us actually know- except you assume you do- since to you- all the father did was kill a homosexual.
Nothing dear, go about your own business.

Gays have no right to love, acceptance, equal treatment or fair treatment from family.

Neither do you.

But we do have the right to call you on your lies- and your calls for bigotry.
The homosexual is still dead.

Lots of homosexuals are dead. And lots of heterosexuals.

Meanwhile I can point out your lies and bigotry.
I didn't lie and calling me a bigot is ineffective.

You did lie- I pointed it out.

Not the first time either.

You suggested the family was Muslim in the OP.
And then you later claimed you had never claimed that they were Muslim.

This entire thread has been a tribute to bigotry towards gays and Muslims.
The family isn't muslim despite that I said the names sounded muslim.

I always thought you were a lipstick lesbian because you come across so swishy.

So if the son attacked the father with a knife...

................... and the father shot the son

............................. Where is the knife?

They are perverts. They are freaks. If you are one of them then you are a pervert and a freak. All are created either male or female.

You are a hater. You hate Americans because of who they are. A hundred years ago you would have been saying the same thing about the Jews or the Irish. 50 years ago about African Americans.

Same bigots. Different bigotries.

I am an American. I am also a 10 point veteran. You freaks are such an insignificant minority yet you hate Christians, claim there is no God, hate the traditional institution of marriage and the family unit all because of your own sexual perversions which are no one's choice but your own.

As I said- same bigots- different bigotries. You think you claiming to be a veteran excuses you for your bigotry?

I don't hate Christians- why would I hate so many of my friends?
I don't believe there is any God- and therefore I disagree with all of you freaks who believe in Christ and Yaweh and Krishna and the Flying Spaghetti Monster- yet I am okay with you freaks believing that crap.
I don't hate traditional marriage- how could I since I am part of a traditional marriage.
My own 'sexual' perversions are my own business- as are yours so long as you don't insist on having your perverted masturbations in front of me.

You are a hater- one who hates Americans because you don't like certain Americans.

This decade it is gays- before that it was blacks, Chinese, Jews, Catholics, Mexicans, Irish.....

Sounds like you are simply eaten up with problems..

No- really it is no problem for me to point out bigots like you.

I am employed, married to a wonderful woman, love being a father, love my friends and my family and hate no one.
I am not the one coming here like you are attacking Americans for who they are attracted.

Your life is consumed with hate- and that is very sad.

Well let's see. I've been married to my bride for 52 years now. We have three children and seven grandchildren. My three children are now running the business I built and ran for thirty-five years. You keep throwing out the word "American" like it is really something. Well, I am a full-blood Seminole and as I stated previously, I am a ten point veteran as well. I would claim that makes me about as American as you are. The difference is that I am not now nor have I ever been a "victim" of anything or anyone.
Did you assume I need validation and acceptance from my FAMILY! You should verify that I have a family first. If I had a family, I really wouldn't care what they thought one way or another. I don't believe in ties of blood.

No I assume this entire thread is just one continuous cry for mental help from you.
Why, because you believe the gay son should not be rejected by his family when they have a perfect right to do just that.

Killing someone isn't merely a 'rejection'. Its a brutal, hideous crime. And no, the father didn't have a 'perfect right' to murder his son.
Father had a qualified right to kill his son based on his son's attack with a knife.

Says who?

Not a jury- no jury has decided this case yet. The father was arrested for murder - whether or not he committed murder- or whether his actions were legitimate self defense none of us actually know- except you assume you do- since to you- all the father did was kill a homosexual.

No. If father was not attacked with a knife that was first used to kill mom he should be punished for taking the life of an innocent person.

The son should never have been arguing with his father at all. There was a lot more going on here than just gayness. The son was allowed to live in the guest house and destroyed it so there was some serious goings on.

Everyone of you knows that not a single person has any right to love, acceptance or even common courtesy from their family. You just don't want to come out and admit it. Hundreds of adult gay children are thrown out and disowned by their families every day. Nothing can be done. There's no right to kootchy kootchy from mom and dad.

So if the son attacked the father with a knife...

................... and the father shot the son

............................. Where is the knife?

I believe they have the knife. They are analyzing it to see if it was the knife that stabbed the mother. The question is, did the son use that knife to threaten the father. Don't forget, there are two dead bodies at this crime scene.

So if the son attacked the father with a knife...

................... and the father shot the son

............................. Where is the knife?


I believe they have the knife. They are analyzing it to see if it was the knife that stabbed the mother. The question is, did the son use that knife to threaten the father. Don't forget, there are two dead bodies at this crime scene.

So you believe they have a knife like you believe the names were Muslim?


“The suspect made incriminating statements implicating himself in the death of (the son) and was arrested for murder,” Operations Valley Bureau homicide Detective John Doerbecker told the Daily News. “He claimed (the son) was armed with a knife, and there was no knife to be found (there).

So what knife that wasn't there are the police examining? And if the knife was in a different location, who moved it since the son was killed by the shotgun blast(s)?

North Hills man suspected of killing son because he was gay
So you are saying you think you are mentally ill.
Did you assume I need validation and acceptance from my FAMILY! You should verify that I have a family first. If I had a family, I really wouldn't care what they thought one way or another. I don't believe in ties of blood.

No I assume this entire thread is just one continuous cry for mental help from you.
Why, because you believe the gay son should not be rejected by his family when they have a perfect right to do just that.

Killing someone isn't merely a 'rejection'. Its a brutal, hideous crime. And no, the father didn't have a 'perfect right' to murder his son.
Father had a qualified right to kill his son based on his son's attack with a knife.
What knife?

See, the son was shot with a shotgun in the face. Generally speaking, after taking a shot gun blast to the face you don't have the forethought to hide the knife you had just attacked someone with.

And no knife was found.

They were arguing over father's rejection of son. Son didn't even have a right to argue.

Everyone has the right to argue. For example, the father is on video telling his son that the son should be castrated. The son has every right to argue the point.

So if the son attacked the father with a knife...

................... and the father shot the son

............................. Where is the knife?

I believe they have the knife. They are analyzing it to see if it was the knife that stabbed the mother. The question is, did the son use that knife to threaten the father. Don't forget, there are two dead bodies at this crime scene.

Every news report I've seen indicates that the police found no knife.

Detective John Doerbecker told the Los Angeles Daily News that the elder Issa had claimed his son had a knife, though no such weapon was found at the house.

LA father accused of killing his son because he is gay

And here's the detective directly:

“The suspect made incriminating statements implicating himself in the death of (the son) and was arrested for murder,” Operations-Valley Bureau Homicide Detective John Doerbecker said. “He claimed (the son) was armed with a knife, and there was no knife to be found (there). It was a horrible family tragedy.”

North Hills woman, son dead; husband under arrest

So what knife?

So if the son attacked the father with a knife...

................... and the father shot the son

............................. Where is the knife?


I believe they have the knife. They are analyzing it to see if it was the knife that stabbed the mother. The question is, did the son use that knife to threaten the father. Don't forget, there are two dead bodies at this crime scene.

So you believe they have a knife like you believe the names were Muslim?


“The suspect made incriminating statements implicating himself in the death of (the son) and was arrested for murder,” Operations Valley Bureau homicide Detective John Doerbecker told the Daily News. “He claimed (the son) was armed with a knife, and there was no knife to be found (there).

So what knife that wasn't there are the police examining? And if the knife was in a different location, who moved it since the son was killed by the shotgun blast(s)?

North Hills man suspected of killing son because he was gay
I don't really know what this gobbledygook means. No knife was found. On the son? Under the son's body? In the garden with OJ's knife? Mom was stabbed to death. There was a knife. Simple.

So if the son attacked the father with a knife...

................... and the father shot the son

............................. Where is the knife?

I believe they have the knife. They are analyzing it to see if it was the knife that stabbed the mother. The question is, did the son use that knife to threaten the father. Don't forget, there are two dead bodies at this crime scene.

Every news report I've seen indicates that the police found no knife.

Detective John Doerbecker told the Los Angeles Daily News that the elder Issa had claimed his son had a knife, though no such weapon was found at the house.

LA father accused of killing his son because he is gay

And here's the detective directly:

“The suspect made incriminating statements implicating himself in the death of (the son) and was arrested for murder,” Operations-Valley Bureau Homicide Detective John Doerbecker said. “He claimed (the son) was armed with a knife, and there was no knife to be found (there). It was a horrible family tragedy.”

North Hills woman, son dead; husband under arrest

So what knife?

Exactly. Who killed Mom? Did someone break in and kill her?

It's not like the police give accurate information to the police all the time. They withhold a lot.

I have been trying to read as many different teports as I can find. I found one that said that a knife was being analyzed to see if it was consistent with the wounds on the mother.

Even if it was, that doesn't put that knife in the son's hand for an attack on Dad either.

So if the son attacked the father with a knife...

................... and the father shot the son

............................. Where is the knife?

I believe they have the knife. They are analyzing it to see if it was the knife that stabbed the mother. The question is, did the son use that knife to threaten the father. Don't forget, there are two dead bodies at this crime scene.

Every news report I've seen indicates that the police found no knife.

Detective John Doerbecker told the Los Angeles Daily News that the elder Issa had claimed his son had a knife, though no such weapon was found at the house.

LA father accused of killing his son because he is gay

And here's the detective directly:

“The suspect made incriminating statements implicating himself in the death of (the son) and was arrested for murder,” Operations-Valley Bureau Homicide Detective John Doerbecker said. “He claimed (the son) was armed with a knife, and there was no knife to be found (there). It was a horrible family tragedy.”

North Hills woman, son dead; husband under arrest

So what knife?

Exactly. Who killed Mom? Did someone break in and kill her?

It's not like the police give accurate information to the police all the time. They withhold a lot.

So you're claiming its a police conspiracy? Have we reached that part in our conversation where you just start making shit up again?

I have been trying to read as many different teports as I can find. I found one that said that a knife was being analyzed to see if it was consistent with the wounds on the mother.

Can you show us this other report?

So if the son attacked the father with a knife...

................... and the father shot the son

............................. Where is the knife?

I believe they have the knife. They are analyzing it to see if it was the knife that stabbed the mother. The question is, did the son use that knife to threaten the father. Don't forget, there are two dead bodies at this crime scene.

Every news report I've seen indicates that the police found no knife.

Detective John Doerbecker told the Los Angeles Daily News that the elder Issa had claimed his son had a knife, though no such weapon was found at the house.

LA father accused of killing his son because he is gay

And here's the detective directly:

“The suspect made incriminating statements implicating himself in the death of (the son) and was arrested for murder,” Operations-Valley Bureau Homicide Detective John Doerbecker said. “He claimed (the son) was armed with a knife, and there was no knife to be found (there). It was a horrible family tragedy.”

North Hills woman, son dead; husband under arrest

So what knife?

Exactly. Who killed Mom? Did someone break in and kill her?

It's not like the police give accurate information to the police all the time. They withhold a lot.

So you're claiming its a police conspiracy? Have we reached that part in our conversation where you just start making shit up again?

I have been trying to read as many different teports as I can find. I found one that said that a knife was being analyzed to see if it was consistent with the wounds on the mother.

Can you show us this other report?
No it's no conspiracy. It is well known that the police withhold information in ongoing investigations.

I'll try to find the other report. I didn't save it.
This report is a bit more comprehensive. It doesn't even mention a knife at all. Son was mentally ill, had slashed his boyfriend, no stranger to knives.

The neighbor said that the son was a bad guy.

Son was mentally ill.

The mother had been dead for awhile. Living with a dead body in the bathroom has got to mean someone is dotty.

What report?
This report is a bit more comprehensive. It doesn't even mention a knife at all. Son was mentally ill, had slashed his boyfriend, no stranger to knives.

The neighbor said that the son was a bad guy.

Son was mentally ill.

The mother had been dead for awhile. Living with a dead body in the bathroom has got to mean someone is dotty.

What report?
The link I posted.
Neither do you.

But we do have the right to call you on your lies- and your calls for bigotry.
The homosexual is still dead.

Lots of homosexuals are dead. And lots of heterosexuals.

Meanwhile I can point out your lies and bigotry.
I didn't lie and calling me a bigot is ineffective.

You did lie- I pointed it out.

Not the first time either.

You suggested the family was Muslim in the OP.
And then you later claimed you had never claimed that they were Muslim.

This entire thread has been a tribute to bigotry towards gays and Muslims.
The family isn't muslim despite that I said the names sounded muslim.

I always thought you were a lipstick lesbian because you come across so swishy.

You did lie- I pointed it out.

Not the first time either.

You suggested the family was Muslim in the OP.
And then you later claimed you had never claimed that they were Muslim.

This entire thread has been a tribute to bigotry towards gays and Muslims

So if the son attacked the father with a knife...

................... and the father shot the son

............................. Where is the knife?

I believe they have the knife. They are analyzing it to see if it was the knife that stabbed the mother. The question is, did the son use that knife to threaten the father. Don't forget, there are two dead bodies at this crime scene.

Every news report I've seen indicates that the police found no knife.

Detective John Doerbecker told the Los Angeles Daily News that the elder Issa had claimed his son had a knife, though no such weapon was found at the house.

LA father accused of killing his son because he is gay

And here's the detective directly:

“The suspect made incriminating statements implicating himself in the death of (the son) and was arrested for murder,” Operations-Valley Bureau Homicide Detective John Doerbecker said. “He claimed (the son) was armed with a knife, and there was no knife to be found (there). It was a horrible family tragedy.”

North Hills woman, son dead; husband under arrest

So what knife?

Exactly. Who killed Mom? Did someone break in and kill her?

We don't know- you don't know.

All you want to do is speculate about this case.


Originally it was to blame Muslims.

Now you want to blame gays.

It is part of your mental instability.
I'm not blaming gays, just the mentally ill gay son. Being gay was one of the manifestations of his mental illness. There is something wrong with gays who demand acceptance from their families when there is no right to acceptance at all.

Now you know the son was a nutcase and on drugs.
I'm not blaming gays, just the mentally ill gay son..

Yet you have indeed been blaming gays- providing your own kooky theory that all gays are mentally ill- a theory that was discredited 42 years ago.

You have assigned your self judge and jury and have exonerated the father and blamed the person who was killed based upon your "in depth investigative analysis" that lead you to suggest incorrectly that the family was Muslim.

This was indeed a tragedy. Two people are dead. A father is in jail.

And you want to use the incident to spin your tales for whatever nefarious purpose you have.

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