Father kills gay son

Have to wait for trial. We don't know that Dad absent the threat of being killed would have chosen to kill his son. The parents had the house up for sale intending to run, not kill their son.
The answer is that homosexual children should not be inflicted on normal families. They need to be taken and put somewhere that they can deal with their mental illness. They are no different than anyone else with an unacceptable compulsion. They could be child molesters, animal rapists, any kind of destructive aberrant behavior. Accommodating them isn't helping them.

There's nothing 'unacceptable' about homosexuality. Its just a sexual orientation. And murdering these children isn't helping them.

Thankfully, your perspective is becoming less prevalent as your generation shuffles off.

Homosexuals are freaks. They are a very small minority of deranged and depraved members of the underbelly of mankind.

Those are human beings......... You do not have the honor to be called human being. You deserve to be in the pig pen.

They are perverts. They are freaks. If you are one of them then you are a pervert and a freak. All are created either male or female.

You are a hater. You hate Americans because of who they are. A hundred years ago you would have been saying the same thing about the Jews or the Irish. 50 years ago about African Americans.

Same bigots. Different bigotries.

I am an American. I am also a 10 point veteran. You freaks are such an insignificant minority yet you hate Christians, claim there is no God, hate the traditional institution of marriage and the family unit all because of your own sexual perversions which are no one's choice but your own.
The answer is that homosexual children should not be inflicted on normal families. They need to be taken and put somewhere that they can deal with their mental illness. They are no different than anyone else with an unacceptable compulsion. They could be child molesters, animal rapists, any kind of destructive aberrant behavior. Accommodating them isn't helping them.

There's nothing 'unacceptable' about homosexuality. Its just a sexual orientation. And murdering these children isn't helping them.

Thankfully, your perspective is becoming less prevalent as your generation shuffles off.

Homosexuals are freaks. They are a very small minority of deranged and depraved members of the underbelly of mankind.

Those are human beings......... You do not have the honor to be called human being. You deserve to be in the pig pen.

They are perverts. They are freaks. If you are one of them then you are a pervert and a freak. All are created either male or female.
I get it now. Your nic is an attempt at Irony. You are not really a human being.

Indeed I am. I'm part of the 93% of the population while you misfits make up only about 7% of the population. You are the ones out of step.
Gays seem to believe that because they can threaten business people and strong arm them into getting what they want, the can demand the same from everyone.

Gays seem to believe that because they can threaten business people and strong arm them into getting what they want, the can demand the same from everyone.


Gays seem to think that they have the same rights as everyone else. What's with straight people trying to use the power of government to force folks to abide their religious beliefs?
Gays seem to believe that because they can threaten business people and strong arm them into getting what they want, the can demand the same from everyone.


Gays seem to think that they have the same rights as everyone else. What's with straight people trying to use the power of government to force folks to abide their religious beliefs?
Are you actually trying to say that there is some right to love and acceptance? There's no right to parental love or even like, There is no right to individual acceptsnce. Is that where all this nonsense is coming from?
Gays seem to believe that because they can threaten business people and strong arm them into getting what they want, the can demand the same from everyone.


Gays seem to think that they have the same rights as everyone else. What's with straight people trying to use the power of government to force folks to abide their religious beliefs?
Are you actually trying to say that there is some right to love and acceptance? There's no right to parental love or even like, There is no right to individual acceptsnce. Is that where all this nonsense is coming from?

The right to marry would be one. But straights tried to use government power to establish their religion and prevent it.

Odd that.
So far marrying hasn't been part of the discussion about these people. Are you saying that the son wanted to marry and the father refused to pay for the wedding?
If two men wanted to marry, the family has an absolute right to refuse to attend and even a right to not consider their child married at all. Do you think there is some law that mandates thst?
If two men wanted to marry, the family has an absolute right to refuse to attend and even a right to not consider their child married at all. Do you think there is some law that mandates thst?

Have I ever said that there is a law that mandates that family attend a wedding?

If so, please quote me.
If two men wanted to marry, the family has an absolute right to refuse to attend and even a right to not consider their child married at all. Do you think there is some law that mandates thst?

Have I ever said that there is a law that mandates that family attend a wedding?

If so, please quote me.
You got all confused like bringing businesses in and some right that was denied to the gay son. No rights were denied, except when he came at his father with a knife he lost his right to life.
So far marrying hasn't been part of the discussion about these people. Are you saying that the son wanted to marry and the father refused to pay for the wedding?

Then where do businesses come in?
So far, businesses have not entered into the discussion about a father rejecting his son for being gay. What business was involved?

Then what was with all your babble about gays 'threaten business people'?
So far marrying hasn't been part of the discussion about these people. Are you saying that the son wanted to marry and the father refused to pay for the wedding?

Then where do businesses come in?
So far, businesses have not entered into the discussion about a father rejecting his son for being gay. What business was involved?

Then what was with all your babble about gays 'threaten business people'?
Because they can. Gays can threaten business people to accommodate their perversions. Somehow some if not all gays believe that this also means they can demand the same treatment from everyone and they can't.

This family has been reported to have arguments over the son's homosexuality. Why? There never was any right to father's approval. There was nothing to argue about, unless the son felt that he was treated unfairly.
So far marrying hasn't been part of the discussion about these people. Are you saying that the son wanted to marry and the father refused to pay for the wedding?

Then where do businesses come in?
So far, businesses have not entered into the discussion about a father rejecting his son for being gay. What business was involved?

Then what was with all your babble about gays 'threaten business people'?
Because they can. Gays can threaten business people to accommodate their perversions. Somehow some if not all gays believe that this also means they can demand the same treatment from everyone and they can't.

This family has been reported to have arguments over the son's homosexuality. Why? There never was any right to father's approval. There was nothing to argue about, unless the son felt that he was treated unfairly.

So businesses haven't entered into the discussion...except when you started babbling about businesses.

What does businesses have to do with this incident?
It was taken off the list for political reasons.

If by 'political' you mean because there was- and is- no evidence that homosexuality is a mental illness

But there is objective evidence that homosexuals are no more mentally ill than heterosexuals.

This study in particular was and is instructive- for those who wanted to base diagnosis of mental illness on something other than bias against homosexuals

Homosexuality and Mental Health

Hooker's (1957) study was innovative in several important respects. First, rather than simply accepting the predominant view of homosexuality as pathology, she posed the question of whether homosexuals and heterosexuals differed in their psychological adjustment. Second, rather than studying psychiatric patients, she recruited a sample of homosexual men who were functioning normally in society. Third, she employed a procedure that asked experts to rate the adjustment of men without prior knowledge of their sexual orientation. This method addressed an important source of bias that had vitiated so many previous studies of homosexuality.

Hooker administered three projective tests (the Rorschach, Thematic Apperception Test [TAT], and Make-A-Picture-Story [MAPS] Test) to 30 homosexual males and 30 heterosexual males recruited through community organizations. The two groups were matched for age, IQ, and education. None of the men were in therapy at the time of the study.
Unaware of each subject's sexual orientation, two independent Rorschach experts evaluated the men's overall adjustment using a 5-point scale. They classified two-thirds of the heterosexuals and two-thirds of the homosexuals in the three highest categories of adjustment. When asked to identify which Rorschach protocols were obtained from homosexuals, the experts could not distinguish respondents' sexual orientation at a level better than chance.

A third expert used the TAT and MAPS protocols to evaluate the psychological adjustment of the men. As with the Rorschach responses, the adjustment ratings of the homosexuals and heterosexuals did not differ significantly.

Hooker concluded from her data that homosexuality is not a clinical entity and that homosexuality is not inherently associated with psychopathology.
Why can't adult homosexual children not leave when told? Why do they continue to demand acceptance when it is clear they aren't going to get it. Why fight with parents? What do they imagine they will get.

What adult homosexual children?

Why exactly did you try to blame this murder on Islam?

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