Father kills gay son

Nothing dear, go about your own business.

Gays have no right to love, acceptance, equal treatment or fair treatment from family.
So far marrying hasn't been part of the discussion about these people. Are you saying that the son wanted to marry and the father refused to pay for the wedding?

Then where do businesses come in?
So far, businesses have not entered into the discussion about a father rejecting his son for being gay. What business was involved?

Then what was with all your babble about gays 'threaten business people'?
Because they can. Gays can threaten business people to accommodate their perversions. Somehow some if not all gays believe that this also means they can demand the same treatment from everyone and they can't.

This family has been reported to have arguments over the son's homosexuality. Why? There never was any right to father's approval. There was nothing to argue about, unless the son felt that he was treated unfairly.

So businesses haven't entered into the discussion...except when you started babbling about businesses.

What does businesses have to do with this incident?

Just like "Muslim" had nothing to do with this except Tipsy wanted to appeal to anti-Muslim bigotry.
Nothing dear, go about your own business.

Gays have no right to love, acceptance, equal treatment or fair treatment from family.

Neither do you.

But we do have the right to call you on your lies- and your calls for bigotry.
The inappropriate need for family validation and acceptance might be more manifestation of the mental illness.

So you are saying you think you are mentally ill.
Did you assume I need validation and acceptance from my FAMILY! You should verify that I have a family first. If I had a family, I really wouldn't care what they thought one way or another. I don't believe in ties of blood.
There's nothing 'unacceptable' about homosexuality. Its just a sexual orientation. And murdering these children isn't helping them.

Thankfully, your perspective is becoming less prevalent as your generation shuffles off.

Homosexuals are freaks. They are a very small minority of deranged and depraved members of the underbelly of mankind.

Those are human beings......... You do not have the honor to be called human being. You deserve to be in the pig pen.

They are perverts. They are freaks. If you are one of them then you are a pervert and a freak. All are created either male or female.

You are a hater. You hate Americans because of who they are. A hundred years ago you would have been saying the same thing about the Jews or the Irish. 50 years ago about African Americans.

Same bigots. Different bigotries.

I am an American. I am also a 10 point veteran. You freaks are such an insignificant minority yet you hate Christians, claim there is no God, hate the traditional institution of marriage and the family unit all because of your own sexual perversions which are no one's choice but your own.

As I said- same bigots- different bigotries. You think you claiming to be a veteran excuses you for your bigotry?

I don't hate Christians- why would I hate so many of my friends?
I don't believe there is any God- and therefore I disagree with all of you freaks who believe in Christ and Yaweh and Krishna and the Flying Spaghetti Monster- yet I am okay with you freaks believing that crap.
I don't hate traditional marriage- how could I since I am part of a traditional marriage.
My own 'sexual' perversions are my own business- as are yours so long as you don't insist on having your perverted masturbations in front of me.

You are a hater- one who hates Americans because you don't like certain Americans.

This decade it is gays- before that it was blacks, Chinese, Jews, Catholics, Mexicans, Irish.....
The inappropriate need for family validation and acceptance might be more manifestation of the mental illness.

So you are saying you think you are mentally ill.
Did you assume I need validation and acceptance from my FAMILY! You should verify that I have a family first. If I had a family, I really wouldn't care what they thought one way or another. I don't believe in ties of blood.

No I assume this entire thread is just one continuous cry for mental help from you.
Then where do businesses come in?
So far, businesses have not entered into the discussion about a father rejecting his son for being gay. What business was involved?

Then what was with all your babble about gays 'threaten business people'?
Because they can. Gays can threaten business people to accommodate their perversions. Somehow some if not all gays believe that this also means they can demand the same treatment from everyone and they can't.

This family has been reported to have arguments over the son's homosexuality. Why? There never was any right to father's approval. There was nothing to argue about, unless the son felt that he was treated unfairly.

So businesses haven't entered into the discussion...except when you started babbling about businesses.

What does businesses have to do with this incident?

Just like "Muslim" had nothing to do with this except Tipsy wanted to appeal to anti-Muslim bigotry.

Which is all the more amusing considering the family is Christian.
The inappropriate need for family validation and acceptance might be more manifestation of the mental illness.

So you are saying you think you are mentally ill.
Did you assume I need validation and acceptance from my FAMILY! You should verify that I have a family first. If I had a family, I really wouldn't care what they thought one way or another. I don't believe in ties of blood.

No I assume this entire thread is just one continuous cry for mental help from you.
Why, because you believe the gay son should not be rejected by his family when they have a perfect right to do just that.
Nothing dear, go about your own business.

Gays have no right to love, acceptance, equal treatment or fair treatment from family.

Neither do you.

But we do have the right to call you on your lies- and your calls for bigotry.
The homosexual is still dead.

Lots of homosexuals are dead. And lots of heterosexuals.

Meanwhile I can point out your lies and bigotry.
I didn't lie and calling me a bigot is ineffective.

It's a simple question. Do you believe that this dead guy had a right to love and acceptance from his father?
The inappropriate need for family validation and acceptance might be more manifestation of the mental illness.

So you are saying you think you are mentally ill.
Did you assume I need validation and acceptance from my FAMILY! You should verify that I have a family first. If I had a family, I really wouldn't care what they thought one way or another. I don't believe in ties of blood.

No I assume this entire thread is just one continuous cry for mental help from you.
Why, because you believe the gay son should not be rejected by his family when they have a perfect right to do just that.

Killing someone isn't merely a 'rejection'. Its a brutal, hideous crime. And no, the father didn't have a 'perfect right' to murder his son.
Homosexuals are freaks. They are a very small minority of deranged and depraved members of the underbelly of mankind.

Those are human beings......... You do not have the honor to be called human being. You deserve to be in the pig pen.

They are perverts. They are freaks. If you are one of them then you are a pervert and a freak. All are created either male or female.

You are a hater. You hate Americans because of who they are. A hundred years ago you would have been saying the same thing about the Jews or the Irish. 50 years ago about African Americans.

Same bigots. Different bigotries.

I am an American. I am also a 10 point veteran. You freaks are such an insignificant minority yet you hate Christians, claim there is no God, hate the traditional institution of marriage and the family unit all because of your own sexual perversions which are no one's choice but your own.

As I said- same bigots- different bigotries. You think you claiming to be a veteran excuses you for your bigotry?

I don't hate Christians- why would I hate so many of my friends?
I don't believe there is any God- and therefore I disagree with all of you freaks who believe in Christ and Yaweh and Krishna and the Flying Spaghetti Monster- yet I am okay with you freaks believing that crap.
I don't hate traditional marriage- how could I since I am part of a traditional marriage.
My own 'sexual' perversions are my own business- as are yours so long as you don't insist on having your perverted masturbations in front of me.

You are a hater- one who hates Americans because you don't like certain Americans.

This decade it is gays- before that it was blacks, Chinese, Jews, Catholics, Mexicans, Irish.....

Sounds like you are simply eaten up with problems. Yes indeed, most depraved gays do deny the existence of God as you do simply because God condemns their lifestyle. You hate Christians because they do not embrace your perversions. Most churches will not even allow you freaks to become members of their churches. Most of you freaks claim to be agnostics and claim to love science even though most of you are not employed in any scientific field yourself. It's all self denial because you refuse to recognize a lifestyle that is against your own natural creation. I'm not attempting to push my heterosexual lifestyle upon anyone since 93% of people are heterosexual anyways. Only about 7% of you immoral misfits are freaks.
The inappropriate need for family validation and acceptance might be more manifestation of the mental illness.

So you are saying you think you are mentally ill.
Did you assume I need validation and acceptance from my FAMILY! You should verify that I have a family first. If I had a family, I really wouldn't care what they thought one way or another. I don't believe in ties of blood.

No I assume this entire thread is just one continuous cry for mental help from you.
Why, because you believe the gay son should not be rejected by his family when they have a perfect right to do just that.

Killing someone isn't merely a 'rejection'. Its a brutal, hideous crime. And no, the father didn't have a 'perfect right' to murder his son.
Father had a qualified right to kill his son based on his son's attack with a knife.

They were arguing over father's rejection of son. Son didn't even have a right to argue.

Do you personally believe that any gay, lesbian or transgender has a right to love and acceptance from their family? Is this something they can even argue about?

Put it another way, should public accommodation laws be applied to personal relationships?
Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, or atheist it does not matter to me because if a parent kill their kid because of their kid sexuality, well they're wrong ( the parent ) and anyone that find it alright to kill another person because of their sexuality are also wrong and demented in the head just like that father.

I do not care what religion you are, and when someone tell me about how their God will smite me, well take it best shot because any God that condone the killing of a innocent child ( yes the child was innocent even though some of you will disagree ) is not a God I would worship.

You dislike or hate Gays, Lesbians and transgenders then do not associate with any, but where your right stop is when you demand they have no rights, and should subjected to mistreatment or even death.

Islamist radicals are savages, but do not read into my words that I believe Christians or any other religion does not have it radicals.

You have Christian preachers here in the States calling for the killing of gays, and if given the chance I believe those preachers would carry out their barbaric wish and kill innocent people because of someone sexuality.

So as I finish my response the reality is gays are humans, and should not be killed because of their sexuality and if you disagree with that, well then you are no better than that father, and have so much in common with radicals, and ISIL would be proud of you!

Pastor calls for killing gays to end AIDS
The inappropriate need for family validation and acceptance might be more manifestation of the mental illness.

So you are saying you think you are mentally ill.
Did you assume I need validation and acceptance from my FAMILY! You should verify that I have a family first. If I had a family, I really wouldn't care what they thought one way or another. I don't believe in ties of blood.

No I assume this entire thread is just one continuous cry for mental help from you.
Why, because you believe the gay son should not be rejected by his family when they have a perfect right to do just that.

What made you so mentally disturbed?
Nothing dear, go about your own business.

Gays have no right to love, acceptance, equal treatment or fair treatment from family.

Neither do you.

But we do have the right to call you on your lies- and your calls for bigotry.
The homosexual is still dead.

Lots of homosexuals are dead. And lots of heterosexuals.

Meanwhile I can point out your lies and bigotry.
I didn't lie and calling me a bigot is ineffective.

You did lie- I pointed it out.

Not the first time either.

You suggested the family was Muslim in the OP.
And then you later claimed you had never claimed that they were Muslim.

This entire thread has been a tribute to bigotry towards gays and Muslims.
Those are human beings......... You do not have the honor to be called human being. You deserve to be in the pig pen.

They are perverts. They are freaks. If you are one of them then you are a pervert and a freak. All are created either male or female.

You are a hater. You hate Americans because of who they are. A hundred years ago you would have been saying the same thing about the Jews or the Irish. 50 years ago about African Americans.

Same bigots. Different bigotries.

I am an American. I am also a 10 point veteran. You freaks are such an insignificant minority yet you hate Christians, claim there is no God, hate the traditional institution of marriage and the family unit all because of your own sexual perversions which are no one's choice but your own.

As I said- same bigots- different bigotries. You think you claiming to be a veteran excuses you for your bigotry?

I don't hate Christians- why would I hate so many of my friends?
I don't believe there is any God- and therefore I disagree with all of you freaks who believe in Christ and Yaweh and Krishna and the Flying Spaghetti Monster- yet I am okay with you freaks believing that crap.
I don't hate traditional marriage- how could I since I am part of a traditional marriage.
My own 'sexual' perversions are my own business- as are yours so long as you don't insist on having your perverted masturbations in front of me.

You are a hater- one who hates Americans because you don't like certain Americans.

This decade it is gays- before that it was blacks, Chinese, Jews, Catholics, Mexicans, Irish.....

Sounds like you are simply eaten up with problems..

No- really it is no problem for me to point out bigots like you.

I am employed, married to a wonderful woman, love being a father, love my friends and my family and hate no one.
I am not the one coming here like you are attacking Americans for who they are attracted.

Your life is consumed with hate- and that is very sad.
The inappropriate need for family validation and acceptance might be more manifestation of the mental illness.

So you are saying you think you are mentally ill.
Did you assume I need validation and acceptance from my FAMILY! You should verify that I have a family first. If I had a family, I really wouldn't care what they thought one way or another. I don't believe in ties of blood.

No I assume this entire thread is just one continuous cry for mental help from you.
Why, because you believe the gay son should not be rejected by his family when they have a perfect right to do just that.

What made you so mentally disturbed?
People like you.

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