Father Of Benghazi Victim Challenges Hillary To Lie Detector Test


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
It wouldn't do any good, I think she would pass. I doubt she remembers being SOS let alone what she might have said to the grieving families.

The father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, one of the four Americans killed by terrorists in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, is challenging Hillary Clinton to a lie detector test to prove that she did not blame an anti-Muslim video for the attacks during private conversations with the victims’ families.

“I would love to sit down with Hillary Clinton, if she’d agree to do it as well, and at the same table by the same operator, have a lie detector test,” Charles Woods told One America News Network’s Neil W. McCabe during an interview this week.

Besides Woods, three relatives of two of the other men killed during the onslaught have claimed that Clinton blamed the video, “Innocence of Muslims,” during a memorial service held on Sept. 14, 2012. She also allegedly promised to have the maker of the controversial film arrested.

Read more: Father Of Benghazi Victim Challenges Hillary To Lie Detector Test [VIDEO]
It wouldn't do any good, I think she would pass. I doubt she remembers being SOS let alone what she might have said to the grieving families.

The father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, one of the four Americans killed by terrorists in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, is challenging Hillary Clinton to a lie detector test to prove that she did not blame an anti-Muslim video for the attacks during private conversations with the victims’ families.

“I would love to sit down with Hillary Clinton, if she’d agree to do it as well, and at the same table by the same operator, have a lie detector test,” Charles Woods told One America News Network’s Neil W. McCabe during an interview this week.

Besides Woods, three relatives of two of the other men killed during the onslaught have claimed that Clinton blamed the video, “Innocence of Muslims,” during a memorial service held on Sept. 14, 2012. She also allegedly promised to have the maker of the controversial film arrested.

Read more: Father Of Benghazi Victim Challenges Hillary To Lie Detector Test [VIDEO]
The Hildabeast is too much of a cowardly kunt...
When will be enough of the Clinton crime family? How long will America tolerate their BS?
Its just a shame that the relatives of those four dead men can't sue the ever loving shit out of the State Department for its gross negligence.
Lie Detector test results are inadmissible in Court so why would ANYONE take one?

Agreed, I would never take one unless I did it for fun and knew exactly what questions were to be asked. If she took it and it came back she was telling the truth all that means is she doesn't remember telling the families that.

Although a bit tasteless to tell the grieving families something not true in those times it is really hard to know what to say. So I can see her trying to give them some hope and blaming a video. If she would now fess up I would agree that "at this point what difference does it make?" But since she either doesn't remember, or is lying that makes her look the fool, in my opinion.
The machine would catch fire the minute it touched her

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It wouldn't do any good, I think she would pass. I doubt she remembers being SOS let alone what she might have said to the grieving families.

The father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, one of the four Americans killed by terrorists in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, is challenging Hillary Clinton to a lie detector test to prove that she did not blame an anti-Muslim video for the attacks during private conversations with the victims’ families.

“I would love to sit down with Hillary Clinton, if she’d agree to do it as well, and at the same table by the same operator, have a lie detector test,” Charles Woods told One America News Network’s Neil W. McCabe during an interview this week.

Besides Woods, three relatives of two of the other men killed during the onslaught have claimed that Clinton blamed the video, “Innocence of Muslims,” during a memorial service held on Sept. 14, 2012. She also allegedly promised to have the maker of the controversial film arrested.

Read more: Father Of Benghazi Victim Challenges Hillary To Lie Detector Test [VIDEO]

Still making up shit. Funny...
It wouldn't do any good, I think she would pass. I doubt she remembers being SOS let alone what she might have said to the grieving families.

The father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, one of the four Americans killed by terrorists in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, is challenging Hillary Clinton to a lie detector test to prove that she did not blame an anti-Muslim video for the attacks during private conversations with the victims’ families.

“I would love to sit down with Hillary Clinton, if she’d agree to do it as well, and at the same table by the same operator, have a lie detector test,” Charles Woods told One America News Network’s Neil W. McCabe during an interview this week.

Besides Woods, three relatives of two of the other men killed during the onslaught have claimed that Clinton blamed the video, “Innocence of Muslims,” during a memorial service held on Sept. 14, 2012. She also allegedly promised to have the maker of the controversial film arrested.

Read more: Father Of Benghazi Victim Challenges Hillary To Lie Detector Test [VIDEO]

ROFL! The incoming is raining down fast and furios!
It wouldn't do any good, I think she would pass. I doubt she remembers being SOS let alone what she might have said to the grieving families.

The father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, one of the four Americans killed by terrorists in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, is challenging Hillary Clinton to a lie detector test to prove that she did not blame an anti-Muslim video for the attacks during private conversations with the victims’ families.

“I would love to sit down with Hillary Clinton, if she’d agree to do it as well, and at the same table by the same operator, have a lie detector test,” Charles Woods told One America News Network’s Neil W. McCabe during an interview this week.

Besides Woods, three relatives of two of the other men killed during the onslaught have claimed that Clinton blamed the video, “Innocence of Muslims,” during a memorial service held on Sept. 14, 2012. She also allegedly promised to have the maker of the controversial film arrested.

Read more: Father Of Benghazi Victim Challenges Hillary To Lie Detector Test [VIDEO]

Still making up shit. Funny...
The hildabeast would melt... Lol
Republicans spent more time on this than investigating 9/11. I wonder why?
Republicans spent more time on this than why we went into Iraq. I wonder why?
Let's start writing some truths.

1. The security forces that were killed in Benghazi were CIA operatives.

2. Howdy Gowdy already stated the reason for the committees was purely political. ie, without substance or fact.
So this man had this information since 2012, and never offered it as evidence before? No congressional investigation, no congressional hearing? no press release? Maybe the lie detector test should start with Mr Woods, because I'm doubting the veracity of this if it is just coming out now.
Father Of Benghazi Victim Challenges Hillary To Lie Detector Test

oh god that would be fun

she would burn out the machine

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