Father of Oregon killer blames GUNS, not son, for massacre?

This is a load of bullshit, and you know it. You are just a government lackey. That much is very obvious. Guns have been a part of American culture since there was an America. The problem isn't the guns. It's that there are some people that would abuse their rights. Some people will murder other people too. That's not going to change if you take away the tool, fool.

Blantant racism has been part of America since there's been an America. that doesn't make it a good idea.

And, yes, you take away a tool, it happens a lot less often. It's why we have 16,000 Murders and Japan only has 600. (11,000 with guns vs. 11 with guns.)

tey to become a citizen of Japan...see what hapens...have a kid with a Japanese citizen....see how that kid is treated in Japan.....Japan is one of the most racist countries on the planet and they embrace their racism without apology.....
What gun control laws would stop the killing at OSU??

The dumb a$$ progressives will probably find a way to blame a gun, making that women to kill and wound those in the parade with a car...
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You understand that the people in those studies....can't own or carry a gun already...right? it is already against the law......and yet they are the ones using guns to murder people...and all you care about is John Q. Citizen with his gun used to protect his family, to go hunting or to collect or compete with it......

given they are the ones who give guns to the crooks, yeah, pretty much.

You've said you can't keep guns out of the hands of crimnals without taking them away from the law abiding.

So pretty much- everyone out of the pool.

Pretty much like any other privilege that gets abused.
Your too stupid too breath!!! Owning and driving a car is privilege dumb fu#%.
Firearm ownership is a right!! You pussy whipped POS.
So? Why should we give up any of our rights? You are fear mongering. Your chances of getting shot in this country (unless you are a criminal or involved with criminals) is pretty much nil, so stop being dishonest.

we have 33,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries a year. It's hardly "nil".

I should also point out that your chance of being killed by a terrorist is pretty much "nil". Only 14 Americans were killed by Terrorists last year. We still spend hundreds of billions of dollars fighting "Terrorism".

I don't buy gun ownership is a "right" because a bunch of Slave Rapists who shit in chamberpots 200 years ago couldn't word a militia amendment properly.

Was government enforcement successful at all in making drugs illegal as a means to keep them out of the hands of our kids? Yet how many deaths do we still find as a result to drug oberdoses every year? Care to put a statistical comparison between "illegal" narcotics with that of gun deaths to show us how much more effective government enforcement has been in keeping people safe? What do we see happening with our drug laws, now that our poisons are overloaded with those who have broken the law? Care to make an excuse for that one as well? I seriously doubt you will b able to provide us an answer how the history of government bans (through prohibition and a government enforcement of drugs) has been proven to be effective in keeping people (and our kids) safe. You just can't provide us with any facts as to how it will be any more effective than all our other government failure attempts we have seen so far in our nation's history.
Japanese kids don't commit crime..the entire culture is crime free because their culture doesn't create thugs......

You mean they don't have grinding poverty because they have a social safety net and income inequality? Or that they don't have any of those damned dirty darkies?

you are right, they don't have any of the fucked up things in their culture we have in ours.

Like the notion that even crazy people and people with crimnal records have a "right" to a gun.

Yeah...show how the gun stores knew adam lanza was a nut...considering he never bought a gun. And if he had tried to buy a gun he would have passed the background check, even a universal background check, and would have gotten his gun license and registered his gun.....and then still gone out and murdered those children.....because you guys created gun free zones where killers can go and murder without anyone to stop them.

Then the gun checks are inadequate.

Hey, here's the thing. Whenever one of your Second Amendment Heroes goes on a shooting spree, the two things we ALWAYS find out about them was 1) Everyone in their lives knew they were crazy and 2) They were still able to get a gun pretty easily.

Simple enough solution. If you provide a gun to a crazy person, who shoots something up- YOU GO THE FUCK TO PRISON.

You are an accomplice. You OWN that murder.

I will bet the gun industry will start looking really closely into who they sell guns to. I bet they will even stop selling to nuts like Nancy Lanza who raise crazy kids.

Instead of looking at them like premium customers.
tey to become a citizen of Japan...see what hapens...have a kid with a Japanese citizen....see how that kid is treated in Japan.....Japan is one of the most racist countries on the planet and they embrace their racism without apology.....

One of my dearest friends is a Japanese woman married to an American man, so not so much.
Japanese kids don't commit crime..the entire culture is crime free because their culture doesn't create thugs......

You mean they don't have grinding poverty because they have a social safety net and income inequality? Or that they don't have any of those damned dirty darkies?

you are right, they don't have any of the fucked up things in their culture we have in ours.

Like the notion that even crazy people and people with crimnal records have a "right" to a gun.

Yeah...show how the gun stores knew adam lanza was a nut...considering he never bought a gun. And if he had tried to buy a gun he would have passed the background check, even a universal background check, and would have gotten his gun license and registered his gun.....and then still gone out and murdered those children.....because you guys created gun free zones where killers can go and murder without anyone to stop them.

Then the gun checks are inadequate.

Hey, here's the thing. Whenever one of your Second Amendment Heroes goes on a shooting spree, the two things we ALWAYS find out about them was 1) Everyone in their lives knew they were crazy and 2) They were still able to get a gun pretty easily.

Simple enough solution. If you provide a gun to a crazy person, who shoots something up- YOU GO THE FUCK TO PRISON.

You are an accomplice. You OWN that murder.

I will bet the gun industry will start looking really closely into who they sell guns to. I bet they will even stop selling to nuts like Nancy Lanza who raise crazy kids.

Instead of looking at them like premium customers.

No...their lives are so pressured to conform to the group they commit suicide at 2 times the rate we do....and they don't use guns to do it....

They have no freedom of the press and the police their have vast powers to harrass and control their people.....

Yes.....punish everyone but the shooter.....
tey to become a citizen of Japan...see what hapens...have a kid with a Japanese citizen....see how that kid is treated in Japan.....Japan is one of the most racist countries on the planet and they embrace their racism without apology.....

One of my dearest friends is a Japanese woman married to an American man, so not so much.

Yeah...I know of a guy married to a Japanese woman....subservient to the point of embarassment......
Japanese kids don't commit crime..the entire culture is crime free because their culture doesn't create thugs......

You mean they don't have grinding poverty because they have a social safety net and income inequality? Or that they don't have any of those damned dirty darkies?

you are right, they don't have any of the fucked up things in their culture we have in ours.

Like the notion that even crazy people and people with crimnal records have a "right" to a gun.

Yeah...show how the gun stores knew adam lanza was a nut...considering he never bought a gun. And if he had tried to buy a gun he would have passed the background check, even a universal background check, and would have gotten his gun license and registered his gun.....and then still gone out and murdered those children.....because you guys created gun free zones where killers can go and murder without anyone to stop them.

Then the gun checks are inadequate.

Hey, here's the thing. Whenever one of your Second Amendment Heroes goes on a shooting spree, the two things we ALWAYS find out about them was 1) Everyone in their lives knew they were crazy and 2) They were still able to get a gun pretty easily.

Simple enough solution. If you provide a gun to a crazy person, who shoots something up- YOU GO THE FUCK TO PRISON.

You are an accomplice. You OWN that murder.

I will bet the gun industry will start looking really closely into who they sell guns to. I bet they will even stop selling to nuts like Nancy Lanza who raise crazy kids.

Instead of looking at them like premium customers.

And we need to punish Best Buy and Apple when their computers are used for child porn...they own that, they are an accomplice.....and they own the cyber bullying...send them to prison....and Ford, GM, Chevy......when that drunk driver takes their product and kills a family...they own that...send them to prison.....
No...their lives are so pressured to conform to the group they commit suicide at 2 times the rate we do....and they don't use guns to do it....

They have no freedom of the press and the police their have vast powers to harrass and control their people.....

Oh, yes, the horror. Those dirty nips won't let you compensate for your tiny dick.

My guess is you don't actually know any Japanese people.

Yes.....punish everyone but the shooter.....

Where did I say NOT to punish the shooter? The problem is, mass shooters usually die during their rampages, so really, it's not like you can threaten them with anything. You throw the dickhead gun store owner who sold the guy dressed like The Joker a machine gun and a 100 round clip, and you can be sure the rest of the gun sellers are going to do more of a background check than "none at all."
And we need to punish Best Buy and Apple when their computers are used for child porn...they own that, they are an accomplice.....and they own the cyber bullying...send them to prison....and Ford, GM, Chevy......when that drunk driver takes their product and kills a family...they own that...send them to prison.....

If Apple was marketing to the kiddie porn market and producing the kiddy porn, you might, MIGHT have a point here. Of course, there were several other agencies involved here, agencies we DO actually go after.

Now, here's the thing. ON the drunk driving thing. Bars ARE held liable if they overserve a person and they go out and run over a family.

Can Your Bartender Be Arrested for Your DUI? | DrivingLaws.org

Now, we don't go after these guys enough, but there is a precedence.

The thing is, if the gun industry was being a responsible corporate citizen (see, we CAN make that "Corporations are People" thing bite you in the ass!) we'd probably have less of an issue with them.

A company that puts out THIS AD is not being a good corporate citizen.

No...their lives are so pressured to conform to the group they commit suicide at 2 times the rate we do....and they don't use guns to do it....

They have no freedom of the press and the police their have vast powers to harrass and control their people.....

Oh, yes, the horror. Those dirty nips won't let you compensate for your tiny dick.

My guess is you don't actually know any Japanese people.

Yes.....punish everyone but the shooter.....

Where did I say NOT to punish the shooter? The problem is, mass shooters usually die during their rampages, so really, it's not like you can threaten them with anything. You throw the dickhead gun store owner who sold the guy dressed like The Joker a machine gun and a 100 round clip, and you can be sure the rest of the gun sellers are going to do more of a background check than "none at all."

he didn't have a machine gun. He purchased his guns at a gun store...legally, which means for morons like you that he passed a federally mandated background check and passed. He had no record of mental illness or criminal convictions.....so all of your gun laws failed. The one gun law that worked...was the one that created the gun free zone that disarmed all the normal people in the theater, leaving them helpless when he started shooting...

Your gun free zone law worked like a charm.......
And we need to punish Best Buy and Apple when their computers are used for child porn...they own that, they are an accomplice.....and they own the cyber bullying...send them to prison....and Ford, GM, Chevy......when that drunk driver takes their product and kills a family...they own that...send them to prison.....

If Apple was marketing to the kiddie porn market and producing the kiddy porn, you might, MIGHT have a point here. Of course, there were several other agencies involved here, agencies we DO actually go after.

Now, here's the thing. ON the drunk driving thing. Bars ARE held liable if they overserve a person and they go out and run over a family.

Can Your Bartender Be Arrested for Your DUI? | DrivingLaws.org

Now, we don't go after these guys enough, but there is a precedence.

The thing is, if the gun industry was being a responsible corporate citizen (see, we CAN make that "Corporations are People" thing bite you in the ass!) we'd probably have less of an issue with them.

A company that puts out THIS AD is not being a good corporate citizen.


Nope.....using what you call logic you would have to throw the heads of GM, Chevy, Ford and Toyota in jail if there cars are used by known drunk drivers to injure or kill people on the road.....

That is your logic, not mine....

And for your info. dipstick...gun stores make those calls all the time, just like bar tenders do....at the gun store I go to they have denied selling guns to people all the time.....dittos the other gun stores.....so again, you are wrong, as usual.
Child porn, cyber bullying, identity theft, stealing state secrets.....every time a computer is used for any of those things.....according to your logic....Bill Gates should go to prison.
Child porn, cyber bullying, identity theft, stealing state secrets.....every time a computer is used for any of those things.....according to your logic....Bill Gates should go to prison.

If Bill Gates wrote the programming to do those things AND marketed his computer specifically for that purpose, you might have a point.

Instead, Bill Gates actually does the opposite, He helps companies develop programs to thwart th ose things.

to take your analogy to the logical conclusion, the gun industry would have to create a real background check system that would identify people like Lanza before they ever get a gun, and then provide every school child with a bullet proof vest in his vicinity.

he didn't have a machine gun. He purchased his guns at a gun store...legally, which means for morons like you that he passed a federally mandated background check and passed. He had no record of mental illness or criminal convictions.....so all of your gun laws failed. The one gun law that worked...was the one that created the gun free zone that disarmed all the normal people in the theater, leaving them helpless when he started shooting...

Guy, he had an AR-15, which is a semi-automatic gun designed for the military. He had a CLEAR record of mental illness, which came out within hours of the shooting. The fact you guys have watered down the background check system is not an excuse.

So here's my solution. The gun industry runs background checks. They then OWN anyone who slips through. The gun dealer goes to prison, the gun industry is open to lawsuits from anyone who dies or is injured. I bet you when that happens, the GUN industry will start looking at the crazy shit their customers do.

"Hey, that guy posts 100 post a day about how he needs his guns to shoot government officials!"

Yeah, you'd be cut off.
Child porn, cyber bullying, identity theft, stealing state secrets.....every time a computer is used for any of those things.....according to your logic....Bill Gates should go to prison.

If Bill Gates wrote the programming to do those things AND marketed his computer specifically for that purpose, you might have a point.

Instead, Bill Gates actually does the opposite, He helps companies develop programs to thwart th ose things.

to take your analogy to the logical conclusion, the gun industry would have to create a real background check system that would identify people like Lanza before they ever get a gun, and then provide every school child with a bullet proof vest in his vicinity.

he didn't have a machine gun. He purchased his guns at a gun store...legally, which means for morons like you that he passed a federally mandated background check and passed. He had no record of mental illness or criminal convictions.....so all of your gun laws failed. The one gun law that worked...was the one that created the gun free zone that disarmed all the normal people in the theater, leaving them helpless when he started shooting...

Guy, he had an AR-15, which is a semi-automatic gun designed for the military. He had a CLEAR record of mental illness, which came out within hours of the shooting. The fact you guys have watered down the background check system is not an excuse.

So here's my solution. The gun industry runs background checks. They then OWN anyone who slips through. The gun dealer goes to prison, the gun industry is open to lawsuits from anyone who dies or is injured. I bet you when that happens, the GUN industry will start looking at the crazy shit their customers do.

"Hey, that guy posts 100 post a day about how he needs his guns to shoot government officials!"

Yeah, you'd be cut off.

Nope...you say if their product is used to commit a crime to which they had no part.....they are still and accomplice and need to go to jail.....you said that, not me...so it applies to computers, cars, knife makers too...your logic not mine....

The AR-15 is not a military weapon...the military weapon is a select fire weapon, the civilian model is not select fire...and he could have killed just as many people with pistols or other rifles....because no one else was able to stop him because you disarmed them with the only gun control law that worked....gun free zone laws.....

That is on you buddy....

So here's my solution. The gun industry runs background checks. They then OWN anyone who slips through. The gun dealer goes to prison, the gun industry is open to lawsuits from anyone who dies or is injured. I bet you when that happens, the GUN industry will start looking at the crazy shit their customers do.

Every gun store has to run federally mandated background checks right now.....criminals break the law and ignore them......and you blame the people not breaking the law for the criminal actions of others.....

Let me adjust your statement so that it agrees with your logic....

So here's my solution. The COMPUTER industry runs background checks. They then OWN anyone who slips through. The COMPUTER dealer goes to prison, the COMPUTER industry is open to lawsuits from anyone who dies or is injured. I bet you when that happens, the COMPUTER industry will start looking at the crazy shit their customers do.
And we need to punish Best Buy and Apple when their computers are used for child porn...they own that, they are an accomplice.....and they own the cyber bullying...send them to prison....and Ford, GM, Chevy......when that drunk driver takes their product and kills a family...they own that...send them to prison.....

If Apple was marketing to the kiddie porn market and producing the kiddy porn, you might, MIGHT have a point here. Of course, there were several other agencies involved here, agencies we DO actually go after.

Now, here's the thing. ON the drunk driving thing. Bars ARE held liable if they overserve a person and they go out and run over a family.

Can Your Bartender Be Arrested for Your DUI? | DrivingLaws.org

Now, we don't go after these guys enough, but there is a precedence.

The thing is, if the gun industry was being a responsible corporate citizen (see, we CAN make that "Corporations are People" thing bite you in the ass!) we'd probably have less of an issue with them.

A company that puts out THIS AD is not being a good corporate citizen.

First of all your bleeding heart has you pussy whipped, candy a$$.

Second, that is NOT a picture of an assault weapon you posted... Know what your talking about before talking.

You have yet to prove where more gun control laws would work.

Buy more guns and ammo...
Nope...you say if their product is used to commit a crime to which they had no part.....they are still and accomplice and need to go to jail.....you said that, not me...so it applies to computers, cars, knife makers too...your logic not mine....

But the gun industry DOES have a part. The gun industry markets these guns, fights every attempt at regulating guns or strengthening background checks or limiting private sales. That makes them liable.

Computer makers actually work with the government to prevent computer crimes. They develop software to prevent them.

The AR-15 is not a military weapon...the military weapon is a select fire weapon, the civilian model is not select fire...and he could have killed just as many people with pistols or other rifles....because no one else was able to stop him because you disarmed them with the only gun control law that worked....gun free zone laws.....

That is on you buddy....

Uh, no, not really. Lots of mass shootings happen in places that aren't 'gun free zones", and you 2nd Amendment COWARDS never seem to be there. In fact, there has been no cases where a Second AMendment COWARD has ever stopped a mass shooting. Cops and soldiers, the real heroes, do, but you COWARDS never stop anything.

Every gun store has to run federally mandated background checks right now.....criminals break the law and ignore them......and you blame the people not breaking the law for the criminal actions of others.....

The federal background checks are designed to be weak because the NRA lobbied for that.

The gun industry intentionally markets to the gun freaks. THen everyone else wants guns because there are so many of you out there.

It would be like if Apple deliberately marketed a software to find kids on line for the freaks, and then marketted a software for parents to block the software they created.

that actually WOULD be unethical.
Nope...you say if their product is used to commit a crime to which they had no part.....they are still and accomplice and need to go to jail.....you said that, not me...so it applies to computers, cars, knife makers too...your logic not mine....

But the gun industry DOES have a part. The gun industry markets these guns, fights every attempt at regulating guns or strengthening background checks or limiting private sales. That makes them liable.

Computer makers actually work with the government to prevent computer crimes. They develop software to prevent them.

The AR-15 is not a military weapon...the military weapon is a select fire weapon, the civilian model is not select fire...and he could have killed just as many people with pistols or other rifles....because no one else was able to stop him because you disarmed them with the only gun control law that worked....gun free zone laws.....

That is on you buddy....

Uh, no, not really. Lots of mass shootings happen in places that aren't 'gun free zones", and you 2nd Amendment COWARDS never seem to be there. In fact, there has been no cases where a Second AMendment COWARD has ever stopped a mass shooting. Cops and soldiers, the real heroes, do, but you COWARDS never stop anything.

Every gun store has to run federally mandated background checks right now.....criminals break the law and ignore them......and you blame the people not breaking the law for the criminal actions of others.....

The federal background checks are designed to be weak because the NRA lobbied for that.

The gun industry intentionally markets to the gun freaks. THen everyone else wants guns because there are so many of you out there.

It would be like if Apple deliberately marketed a software to find kids on line for the freaks, and then marketted a software for parents to block the software they created.

that actually WOULD be unethical.

Name a mass shooting that wasn't a gun free zone....and I know, you will say Fort Hood....he attacked a gun free zone, and it took armed police to get him......so...try to name some others....

There are more than a few mass shootings stopped by armed citizens......and you know that...liar.

The federal background checks do exactly what you anti gun extremists want them to do....keep law abiding gun owners from getting guns due to clerical errors....they work like a charm for that....

You don't care if they stop criminals since criminals don't use background checks. And if you put background checks on private sales..which are about 1% of all illegal crime sales...they will simply use straw buyers for private sales...the exact same way they currently get around your current federally mandated background checks...making those just as useless....
Nope...you say if their product is used to commit a crime to which they had no part.....they are still and accomplice and need to go to jail.....you said that, not me...so it applies to computers, cars, knife makers too...your logic not mine....

But the gun industry DOES have a part. The gun industry markets these guns, fights every attempt at regulating guns or strengthening background checks or limiting private sales. That makes them liable.

Computer makers actually work with the government to prevent computer crimes. They develop software to prevent them.

The AR-15 is not a military weapon...the military weapon is a select fire weapon, the civilian model is not select fire...and he could have killed just as many people with pistols or other rifles....because no one else was able to stop him because you disarmed them with the only gun control law that worked....gun free zone laws.....

That is on you buddy....

Uh, no, not really. Lots of mass shootings happen in places that aren't 'gun free zones", and you 2nd Amendment COWARDS never seem to be there. In fact, there has been no cases where a Second AMendment COWARD has ever stopped a mass shooting. Cops and soldiers, the real heroes, do, but you COWARDS never stop anything.

Every gun store has to run federally mandated background checks right now.....criminals break the law and ignore them......and you blame the people not breaking the law for the criminal actions of others.....

The federal background checks are designed to be weak because the NRA lobbied for that.

The gun industry intentionally markets to the gun freaks. THen everyone else wants guns because there are so many of you out there.

It would be like if Apple deliberately marketed a software to find kids on line for the freaks, and then marketted a software for parents to block the software they created.

that actually WOULD be unethical.

Nope....computers are used for crime just like guns...and according to your logic....those who sell computers to people who use them to commit crimes need to go to prison..to teach them a lesson....that is your logic...live with it....

And all of these mass shooters.....played violent video games...........all of them....so that means those guys need to go to jail too...right?

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