Father of Oregon killer blames GUNS, not son, for massacre?

The federal background checks do exactly what you anti gun extremists want them to do....keep law abiding gun owners from getting guns due to clerical errors....they work like a charm for that....

Again, you have yet to demonstrate anyone didn't get a gun because of a clerical error.

If the media can find out that James Holmes was a psychopath AFTER he shot 12 people, then a gun store owner can find out if he was one BEFORE.
You aren't even making any sense! You are completely unglued about this matter and your "solutions" are ridiculous!!!

Who is the "gun industry?"

The manufacturers and the dealers.

Simple solution. You sell a gun to a maniac, you charge the seller criminally, and you hold the manufacturer civilly liable.

Betcha they will be a lot more careful who they sell to after that.
The federal background checks do exactly what you anti gun extremists want them to do....keep law abiding gun owners from getting guns due to clerical errors....they work like a charm for that....

Again, you have yet to demonstrate anyone didn't get a gun because of a clerical error.

If the media can find out that James Holmes was a psychopath AFTER he shot 12 people, then a gun store owner can find out if he was one BEFORE.
A deflection, and being on an nonissue.
Hopefully you are not really that stupid...
Four people are dead and over 40 are in the hospital, some in critical condition. And an "accident" like this is much more apt to happen than a mass shooting, yet Joe won't say anything when people use their cars like a weapon. I guess that's okay with Joe. The only "bad" deaths are ones related to a gun.

Except there's no evidence this woman went out with the intent to kill anyone that day. And I am sure that if it is found a bar served her until she was falling down sloppy drunk, someone is going to be held responsible.

But if you want to go there- I would be happy to have gun ownership treated like car ownership.

They have to be licensed, insured, tested, and if they are caught doing something they ain't supposed to be doing, they can be fined or have their privilages suspended.

What's really funny is he will call the police "racists" and accuse them of murder, yet wants THEM and criminals to be the ones who are armed. The rest of us are just left to be victims of either or.

so you really think there aren't any racist cops?

Frankly, I'd rather be like Japan, where ONLY the cops are armed, and they almost never have to draw their weapons.

As opposed to America, where they shoot 12 year olds playing with a toy and there's no accountability.

Good! That's what makes America so great! We have RIGHTS here. Just because some crazy people abuse their rights does not mean the rest of us have to pay for it. They are CRIMINALS.

The vast majority of gun deaths are caused by people with no criminal records. They are suicides, accidents and domestic violence.

No, having carnage caused by a bunch of nuts compensating for tiny peckers is not freedom. Having to walk through metal detectors at the airport, school, shopping centers, etc. is not "Freedom". Having twice as many police per capita is not "Freedom".

It's just bunch of scared people living in fear clinging to their guns and their bibles.

Lol. Yet here you are! Advocating for only the police to have weapons!

Look, you and a few others are the only ones who seem to correlate guns with peckers. That is not an argument against the second amendment.

You don't understand.

Liberals think they are fooling everybody with their phony reverse psychology. In their minds, it's supposed to work like this when they compare pecker size with guns.

"Gee, I won't defend my right to have a gun. Then these people will think I have a tiny penis. I don't want to be embarrassed."

See, that's how it's supposed to work in their minds. It doesn't of course. We just laugh at their obsession. But don't tell them that. It will make them suicidal.

I was with you right up until "don't tell them because it'll make them suicidal".

Sorry, why was that a bad thing?
Four people are dead and over 40 are in the hospital, some in critical condition. And an "accident" like this is much more apt to happen than a mass shooting, yet Joe won't say anything when people use their cars like a weapon. I guess that's okay with Joe. The only "bad" deaths are ones related to a gun.

Except there's no evidence this woman went out with the intent to kill anyone that day. And I am sure that if it is found a bar served her until she was falling down sloppy drunk, someone is going to be held responsible.

But if you want to go there- I would be happy to have gun ownership treated like car ownership.

They have to be licensed, insured, tested, and if they are caught doing something they ain't supposed to be doing, they can be fined or have their privilages suspended.


The story is that she is mentally ill and was not under the influence of any substances. They don't do a mental health background check for drivers licensing, Joe!
Four people are dead and over 40 are in the hospital, some in critical condition. And an "accident" like this is much more apt to happen than a mass shooting, yet Joe won't say anything when people use their cars like a weapon. I guess that's okay with Joe. The only "bad" deaths are ones related to a gun.

Except there's no evidence this woman went out with the intent to kill anyone that day. And I am sure that if it is found a bar served her until she was falling down sloppy drunk, someone is going to be held responsible.

But if you want to go there- I would be happy to have gun ownership treated like car ownership.

They have to be licensed, insured, tested, and if they are caught doing something they ain't supposed to be doing, they can be fined or have their privilages suspended.


The story is that she is mentally ill and was not under the influence of any substances. They don't do a mental health background check for drivers licensing, Joe!

Ahhhhh!!!!!! Now...according to left wing, anti gun extremist logic...this woman killed 4 people, and wounded over 50 at the latest news report....so now....

We need to arrest the heads of GM, Chryselor, Ford, Toyota.....

And we need to have criminal background checks on all car purchases......

If it saves one life.......
Four people are dead and over 40 are in the hospital, some in critical condition. And an "accident" like this is much more apt to happen than a mass shooting, yet Joe won't say anything when people use their cars like a weapon. I guess that's okay with Joe. The only "bad" deaths are ones related to a gun.

Except there's no evidence this woman went out with the intent to kill anyone that day. And I am sure that if it is found a bar served her until she was falling down sloppy drunk, someone is going to be held responsible.

But if you want to go there- I would be happy to have gun ownership treated like car ownership.

They have to be licensed, insured, tested, and if they are caught doing something they ain't supposed to be doing, they can be fined or have their privilages suspended.


The story is that she is mentally ill and was not under the influence of any substances. They don't do a mental health background check for drivers licensing, Joe!

Ahhhhh!!!!!! Now...according to left wing, anti gun extremist logic...this woman killed 4 people, and wounded over 50 at the latest news report....so now....

We need to arrest the heads of GM, Chryselor, Ford, Toyota.....

And we need to have criminal background checks on all car purchases......

If it saves one life.......

I guess they need mental health background checks too. Nothing like letting the mentally ill have control over a 2-ton killing machine. ;)
The story is that she is mentally ill and was not under the influence of any substances. They don't do a mental health background check for drivers licensing, Joe!

Cars aren't designed to kill people. Guns are. Not that the mentally ill have any problem getting guns.

Why do you want to present this as an either or argument. Yes, we should do a better job of identifying, treating and incarcerating the dangerously mentally ill.

But we also need to make it a lot harder to get guns than "Really fucking easy."
Ahhhhh!!!!!! Now...according to left wing, anti gun extremist logic...this woman killed 4 people, and wounded over 50 at the latest news report....so now....

We need to arrest the heads of GM, Chryselor, Ford, Toyota.....

And we need to have criminal background checks on all car purchases......

If it saves one life.......

Cars aren't designed to kill people. Guns are.
The story is that she is mentally ill and was not under the influence of any substances. They don't do a mental health background check for drivers licensing, Joe!

Cars aren't designed to kill people. Guns are. Not that the mentally ill have any problem getting guns.

Why do you want to present this as an either or argument. Yes, we should do a better job of identifying, treating and incarcerating the dangerously mentally ill.

But we also need to make it a lot harder to get guns than "Really fucking easy."

That is not the point either, Joe. Cars DO and CAN kill people, and yes some people do and will use them for killing.

No, it is not "really fucking easy" to get a gun.
Ahhhhh!!!!!! Now...according to left wing, anti gun extremist logic...this woman killed 4 people, and wounded over 50 at the latest news report....so now....

We need to arrest the heads of GM, Chryselor, Ford, Toyota.....

And we need to have criminal background checks on all car purchases......

If it saves one life.......

Cars aren't designed to kill people. Guns are.

That has nothing to do with anything. The fact is that cars are used to kill people sometimes. Almost anything can become a weapon, duh.
That has nothing to do with anything. The fact is that cars are used to kill people sometimes. Almost anything can become a weapon, duh.

Well, it has everything to do with it.

Guns are designed TO KILL PEOPLE!!! That's their purpose. That's why they were invented. ANd every year, the gun industry markets deadlier and deadlier guns.

now, if the Car Industry acted like the gun industry, this would be next years model...

It doesn't matter what you believe, the Constitution & the Supreme Court say its a right....an individual right at that. Don't like it, go through the Amendment process. It's settled law.

Uh, no, guy. We don't have to amend the constitution.

All we need if for that Fuckhead Scalia to take a dirt nap and get a justice that can read "A Well Regulated Militia" and realize "Hey! Adam Lanza is not Well-Regulated. "

But there are other steps the government can take. the first one would be to let gun companies know that those that irresponsibly market their weapons will be disqualified from ANY government contracts. Since 40% of gun and weapons sales are to government agencies, that's a major hit to the bad actors.

Criminally prosecute gun dealers who sell to straw buyers.

Allow the victims of gun violence to sue gun manufacturers and dealers.

What people like you, meaning those who say we shouldn't have them, have to do is grow a set and try to take what you say we shouldn't own. Since you won't, we know who has balls and who is a pussy.
That has nothing to do with anything. The fact is that cars are used to kill people sometimes. Almost anything can become a weapon, duh.

Well, it has everything to do with it.

Guns are designed TO KILL PEOPLE!!! That's their purpose. That's why they were invented. ANd every year, the gun industry markets deadlier and deadlier guns.

now, if the Car Industry acted like the gun industry, this would be next years model...


Perhaps you can explain how someone killed by a nut with a car is less dead than someone killed by a nut with a gun.
That has nothing to do with anything. The fact is that cars are used to kill people sometimes. Almost anything can become a weapon, duh.

Well, it has everything to do with it.

Guns are designed TO KILL PEOPLE!!! That's their purpose. That's why they were invented. ANd every year, the gun industry markets deadlier and deadlier guns.

now, if the Car Industry acted like the gun industry, this would be next years model...


It is irrelevant. The fact is that cars and other things are used to "kill people" too! Guns are for self defense.
That has nothing to do with anything. The fact is that cars are used to kill people sometimes. Almost anything can become a weapon, duh.

Well, it has everything to do with it.

Guns are designed TO KILL PEOPLE!!! That's their purpose. That's why they were invented. ANd every year, the gun industry markets deadlier and deadlier guns.

now, if the Car Industry acted like the gun industry, this would be next years model...


Honest law-abiding gun owners (who are the huge majority) never kill anyone with their weapons. Why are you so paranoid?
That has nothing to do with anything. The fact is that cars are used to kill people sometimes. Almost anything can become a weapon, duh.

Well, it has everything to do with it.

Guns are designed TO KILL PEOPLE!!! That's their purpose. That's why they were invented. ANd every year, the gun industry markets deadlier and deadlier guns.

now, if the Car Industry acted like the gun industry, this would be next years model...


When are you going to realize that it doesn't matter what YOU think about it? You don't have to hang out with anyone who owns a gun. That is your free choice. However, you have NO RIGHT to tell other people what they can and cannot have or do, as long as they are within the law. It's no one else's fault that you are paranoid and live in fear. That's YOUR problem.
That has nothing to do with anything. The fact is that cars are used to kill people sometimes. Almost anything can become a weapon, duh.

Well, it has everything to do with it.

Guns are designed TO KILL PEOPLE!!! That's their purpose. That's why they were invented. ANd every year, the gun industry markets deadlier and deadlier guns.

now, if the Car Industry acted like the gun industry, this would be next years model...


No…guns were designed to save the life of the user and only sometimes is it necessary to kill to do that……according to bill clinton guns are used 1.5 million times a year by Americans to stop violent criminal attack, but in only 238 off cases a year is a violent criminal killed by a victim with a gun…

So no….guns are designed to keep the owner safe and alive……and often they aren't even fired to do that…..most cops and soldiers never fire their guns, yet the mere precense of guns deters violence…..

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