Father of slain Muslim US soldier to Donald Trump: 'You have sacrificed nothing and no one'

....During my son's enlistment he warned me ----not to
go publically NUTS if he gets killed. I do not remember the name of the bereaved mother who-----way back then---about 12 years ago was raising a huge PUBLIC thing about her son
LOL. Good for him. I guess he didn't want to see his mom turned into a political pawn like Cindy Sheehan.

My grandfather served. My father, brother and I were all career military. We've all lost friends who served their country.
What, pray tell, does "the far left" not understand about the Constitution in this case? I know I'm going to regret asking you this, as you are a few fries short of a happy meal....but what the heck?
The #1 difference between Left and Right on the Constitution is that the Left wants to rewrite the Constitution in their own image while the Right wants to keep it the same.

That said, for most of the 20th, the Republicans were the organized political party. They stood together, had a clear agenda and the balloons always fell on time and on cue. The Democrats epitomized the famous comment by Will Rogers in the 1930s, "I don't belong to an organized political party. I'm a Democrat".

In 2016, we've seen a reversal. The Democrats are now the organized political party and standing together while the Republicans are busy imploding and eating each other alive. Sadly, the odds are in the Democrats favor this election. I just hope the Republicans can hang onto both the Senate and the House.
....During my son's enlistment he warned me ----not to
go publically NUTS if he gets killed. I do not remember the name of the bereaved mother who-----way back then---about 12 years ago was raising a huge PUBLIC thing about her son
LOL. Good for him. I guess he didn't want to see his mom turned into a political pawn like Cindy Sheehan.

My grandfather served. My father, brother and I were all career military. We've all lost friends who served their country.
"A political pawn like Cindy Sheehan"? You mean some politician looked her up and got her on stage? Or was it Sheehan herself protesting?
I wonder if Trump, quintessential scumbag, wanted to "hit" this man as well? I wonder if he wanted to "hit him so hard he would never recover?"

What would hurt more...Trump punching him....or hilary ignoring his requests for help if he or his son were guarding the Bhengazi embassy............?

Hmmm...getting punched by Trump....or killed by muslim terrorists after hilary refused to send you help........

I wonder which one hurts more....?
"Bhengazi embassy"....no such thing.
....During my son's enlistment he warned me ----not to
go publically NUTS if he gets killed. I do not remember the name of the bereaved mother who-----way back then---about 12 years ago was raising a huge PUBLIC thing about her son
LOL. Good for him. I guess he didn't want to see his mom turned into a political pawn like Cindy Sheehan.

My grandfather served. My father, brother and I were all career military. We've all lost friends who served their country.

thanks----yes CINDY SHEEHAN----my kid was horrified that I might turn into a Cindy and HUMILIATE him for all eternity. The bereaved father did make of himself-----a Cindy Sheehan.
Therefore I did not like his speech-------he got CHUTZPAH-----
speaking of chutzpah------the origin of that family is UAE----ie the United Arab Emirates which denies religious freedom to non-muslims-------allows conversion TO islam but no conversion of muslims to non muslim religions ---etc etc ---
I wonder if it ever occurred to Mr Khan to worry about the dirt in his own homeland? There are non muslim workers in UAE---I have no idea if there are any churches-----but all CITIZENS are muslims----ie the people with the benefit of all that OIL wealth. When my kid was in the Navy----the ship docked in several of the UAE countries-----he "observed" and said to me----"ma---if all the HINDU workers over there----one day sat down Gandhi style and refused to work------the arabs would starve to death"
He observed that all the work was being done by very oppressed Indians------so there, Mr Khan.-------it is possible that the Khans left UAE----because they were FOREIGN MUSLIM WORKERS----ALSO NOT A TERRIFIC SITUATION---BETTER THAN HINDU OR ZOROASTRIAN----BUT NOT AS GOOD AS ARAB.
"A political pawn like Cindy Sheehan"? You mean some politician looked her up and got her on stage? Or was it Sheehan herself protesting?
Yes. No. Yes, but she wouldn't have been so prominent without a lot of anti-war Democrats behind her.

Think of her as the mirror-image of Sarah Palin. Would Palin have gotten where she is without the backing of certain Republicans? Do you consider her to be a political pawn? I do. Trump certainly made good use of her before kicking her to the curb. Was Palin just a wind up toy or did she do a lot of the stuff herself like Sheehan? Herself, but like Sheehan, she couldn't have done it without the continued support of strong political interests.

And the far left proves they do not understand the Constitution!

But leave it to them to use the death of someone to prove their ignorance.

What, pray tell, does "the far left" not understand about the Constitution in this case? I know I'm going to regret asking you this, as you are a few fries short of a happy meal....but what the heck?

You drones have proven with your posts and comments that the far left does not understand the Constitution.

Since you do not understand anything beyond far left religious dogma, anything posted in reality and truth will be beyond your programming!

what is it about the constitution that YOU understand that "we" do not?
Well, the RW here has at least one poster who wants Drumpf to become a dictator.
thank God his son wasn't stationed as embassy security in Bhengazi...........

Hillary did not sacrifice 4 people.
She let them die b/c she lacks the basics of leadership.
If only Congress held investigation(s) to find that out......and have you testify.....
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And the far left proves they do not understand the Constitution!

But leave it to them to use the death of someone to prove their ignorance.

What, pray tell, does "the far left" not understand about the Constitution in this case? I know I'm going to regret asking you this, as you are a few fries short of a happy meal....but what the heck?

You drones have proven with your posts and comments that the far left does not understand the Constitution.

Since you do not understand anything beyond far left religious dogma, anything posted in reality and truth will be beyond your programming!

what is it about the constitution that YOU understand that "we" do not?
Well, the RW here has at least one poster who wants Drumpf to become a dictator.

Are you able to answer my very simple question?
Ironic since almost everyone in that hall has never served in the military. BLM and liberal media have stacked the bodies of dead cops high so Hillary can get elected. Does not surprise me that they would stoop this low to use a dead soldiers parents for an election year ploy.

do you think the KHANs were PUT UP TO IT?
Ironic since almost everyone in that hall has never served in the military. BLM and liberal media have stacked the bodies of dead cops high so Hillary can get elected. Does not surprise me that they would stoop this low to use a dead soldiers parents for an election year ploy.

Those anti America delegates couldn't even show respect for a Medal of Honor winner. What a bunch of useless turds.
Ironic since almost everyone in that hall has never served in the military. BLM and liberal media have stacked the bodies of dead cops high so Hillary can get elected. Does not surprise me that they would stoop this low to use a dead soldiers parents for an election year ploy.
You know this.....how?
Ironic since almost everyone in that hall has never served in the military. BLM and liberal media have stacked the bodies of dead cops high so Hillary can get elected. Does not surprise me that they would stoop this low to use a dead soldiers parents for an election year ploy.
You know this.....how?
Because Democrats are pussies.
And the far left proves they do not understand the Constitution!

But leave it to them to use the death of someone to prove their ignorance.

What, pray tell, does "the far left" not understand about the Constitution in this case? I know I'm going to regret asking you this, as you are a few fries short of a happy meal....but what the heck?

You drones have proven with your posts and comments that the far left does not understand the Constitution.

Since you do not understand anything beyond far left religious dogma, anything posted in reality and truth will be beyond your programming!

what is it about the constitution that YOU understand that "we" do not?
Well, the RW here has at least one poster who wants Drumpf to become a dictator.

Are you able to answer my very simple question?
Well, one of your fellow Con-servative travelers doesn't seem to understand that the U.S. Constitution prevents us from having dictators. Or didn't you get that part?

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