Father of Slain Navy SEAL says "Don't Trust Trump"

Would a competent president overwhelmingly give a tax break that favored the rich and gave some to the middle class which created a 1.5 trillion tax cut. Then increase the military budget. How was he going to get the money. He cut spending in CDC and public health programs.
CDC funding was cut and the job of help preventing global outbreaks was drastically reduced. Jobs were lost because of the cuts especially in the Public Health Service.

The US was ill prepared for any pandemic. The progress done by Obama were overturned by Trump. Everyone was warning about the next outbreak but with Trump it fell on deaf ears. He made cuts to pay for the tax breaks. At the same time bragging that the economy was great from day one.

The results are clear what happen next. The Pandemic hit.

Jam 22 Trump says we have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. its going to be fine.

A travel ban to check citizens returning from China. yet there was no ban when they came from Europe and the east Coast paid a heavy price.
Trump being a competent President
Be that as it may, soldiers are adults, they have to make their own decisions in the battlefield, and military commanders cannot always "be there" at all times and at all places to save every soldier from every hazard of war.

Parents need to let their kids grow up, and let them go when they are of age, too, much for all of the same reasons as they prepare to face the daily battles and struggles of life.
Normally I see these ads and don't pay a lot of attention, the evidence against Trump being a competent President is too overwhelming to ignore, but this one is about the needless death of William Owens, a Navy SEAL who grew up not far from where I did.

Wow, what a great collection of commie lies. Good job propagandists.


Didn't take long for one of you to begin attacking a Gold Star Father.
Our response to the pandemic was frankly pathetic. But it wasn't Trump's fault. All the medical equipment should have been stockpiled years ago. america in general has FAILED to be ready. We should have been ready years and years ago. Ready for this? Epic fail. We're now paying the price.
Normally I see these ads and don't pay a lot of attention, the evidence against Trump being a competent President is too overwhelming to ignore, but this one is about the needless death of William Owens, a Navy SEAL who grew up not far from where I did.

Wow, what a great collection of commie lies. Good job propagandists.


Didn't take long for one of you to begin attacking a Gold Star Father.

His son is the one that volunteered and made the sacrifice, the father is just allowing himself to be used. Generalized claims with zero context or evidence is about as worthless as you wasting bandwidth here. Deal with it commie.

Don't trust Trump???he has been the president for nearly four years...I think we can trust him....
How can you trust the #1 POTUS liar in American history?
Because none of you TDSers can point to one lie even close to being as bad as "You Can Keep Your Health plan and Your Doctor"....that's why...white lies misspeak and braggadocio do not affect my life...but lie about my healthcare and you have crossed the line...can't you see where that line is?....
Top Trump lies are here (pre coronavirus)
such as biggest inauguration crowd, or tax cuts font benefit himself.

the thing about keep your health plan or doctor: anyone who had plans up to standard didnt see a change. Those who had sub-standard insurance needed new plans.
ROFL! So Obama simply labels all the insurance plans he's going to outlaw as "substandard," and you swallow his lies hook, line and sinker.
Normally I see these ads and don't pay a lot of attention, the evidence against Trump being a competent President is too overwhelming to ignore, but this one is about the needless death of William Owens, a Navy SEAL who grew up not far from where I did.

Wow, what a great collection of commie lies. Good job propagandists.


Didn't take long for one of you to begin attacking a Gold Star Father.

His son is the one that volunteered and made the sacrifice, the father is just allowing himself to be used. Generalized claims with zero context or evidence is about as worthless as you wasting bandwidth here. Deal with it commie.


His son gave his life protecting his father's voice and right to free speech just like he did so you and other creeps could disparage his dad.
Normally I see these ads and don't pay a lot of attention, the evidence against Trump being a competent President is too overwhelming to ignore, but this one is about the needless death of William Owens, a Navy SEAL who grew up not far from where I did.

Wow, what a great collection of commie lies. Good job propagandists.


Didn't take long for one of you to begin attacking a Gold Star Father.

His son is the one that volunteered and made the sacrifice, the father is just allowing himself to be used. Generalized claims with zero context or evidence is about as worthless as you wasting bandwidth here. Deal with it commie.


His son gave his life protecting his father's voice and right to free speech just like he did so you and other creeps could disparage his dad.

And that alters the fact that the dad is being used by a commie organization pretending to be Vets, HOW?

Normally I see these ads and don't pay a lot of attention, the evidence against Trump being a competent President is too overwhelming to ignore, but this one is about the needless death of William Owens, a Navy SEAL who grew up not far from where I did.

Wow, what a great collection of commie lies. Good job propagandists.


Didn't take long for one of you to begin attacking a Gold Star Father.

His son is the one that volunteered and made the sacrifice, the father is just allowing himself to be used. Generalized claims with zero context or evidence is about as worthless as you wasting bandwidth here. Deal with it commie.


Lots of fathers have lost a beloved son whilst in the Armed Forces.....and their grief is very deep yet most do not let that grief lead them astray.

I am sure his son would not agree with what his father is doing. Very sad
We can trust President Trump and you're so full of shit that it drips out of your ears.:fu:
Normally I see these ads and don't pay a lot of attention, the evidence against Trump being a competent President is too overwhelming to ignore, but this one is about the needless death of William Owens, a Navy SEAL who grew up not far from where I did.

What about the fathers of children whom were maimed, raped and murdered by wetbacks....what do they say about Biden? Just curious.
The democrats have no shame....want to play politics using the grief of a father who lost his son.

Funny you'd say that, considering it was Trump himself who played politics with this mans death. Here, read for yourself:

Bill Owens challenged the government to do a full-fledged investigation into whether the mission was properly planned.

“Don’t hide behind my son’s death to prevent an investigation,” he said at the time.

Trump would turn the tables on his critics.

Quietly, the White House invited Owens’ widow to attend the president’s address to a joint session of Congress on Feb. 28, 2017.

In an electrifying moment, Trump asked Carryn Owens to stand, and he offered a dramatic tribute to the slain SEAL.

“Ryan’s legacy is etched into eternity,” the president said as lawmakers from both parties gave her a standing ovation lasting several minutes. ” ... Ryan laid down his life for his friends, for his country, and for our freedom.”

Ryan’s father wasn’t present.

Funny you'd say that, considering it was Trump himself who played politics with this mans death.

“Playing politics”?
You mean like when the Dems beg wetbacks to invade our nation with the hopes they’ll plant criminal minded, Dem voting anchor babies on our soil?
Whats with democrats using the death of white guys...is it white lives matter week or something?
No telling why the Seal father's grief turned into hatred for the President. Maybe it was in him all along. The fact of the matter is that the President tried to recall American Troops from ridiculous foreign military adventures and entanglements but the democrat majority in congress (together with their minions in the media ) fight the administration every step of the way.
Don't trust Trump???he has been the president for nearly four years...I think we can trust him....

His years in the office have proven we can't trust him.

Yet you trusted Obama.......even though unlike Trump, there is definitive proof Obama lied and lied and lied

When asked on national television if there was corruption at the IRS....
Obama: "Not even a smidgen of corruption"

A few months later it was exposed that the Obama Administration had indeed weaponized the IRS in refusing Tax Free status to Conservative organizations.

No proof Trump lied.
PLENTY proof democrats do
Normally I see these ads and don't pay a lot of attention, the evidence against Trump being a competent President is too overwhelming to ignore, but this one is about the needless death of William Owens, a Navy SEAL who grew up not far from where I did.

Wow, what a great collection of commie lies. Good job propagandists.


Didn't take long for one of you to begin attacking a Gold Star Father.

His son is the one that volunteered and made the sacrifice, the father is just allowing himself to be used. Generalized claims with zero context or evidence is about as worthless as you wasting bandwidth here. Deal with it commie.


Lots of fathers have lost a beloved son whilst in the Armed Forces.....and their grief is very deep yet most do not let that grief lead them astray.

I am sure his son would not agree with what his father is doing. Very sad

Yep, I was tasked to notify families, not a fun job. None blamed the CIC, that Seal was doing a job he loved or he wouldn't have been there. His father should take solace in that fact.


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