Fauci Emails

Yes this may come as a surprise to some but not me that in socialian “ Fauci” means maker of “ Sickle” Interestingly enough this Fauci or Sickle has foisted on the whole world not just the viruses by his actions but the vaccines as well. interestingly if you look up sickle in the conatation of the bible it is used in places like Joel 3 and others to reap the harvest as the earth is fully ripe... Interesting isn’t it or is it coincidental Never did buy coincidence personally.. Mr Sickle or Fauci fits the Bill along with Gates as in Bill.. Interesting
If Trump had listened to Fauci, he would still be President
Uh huh.... what if it was Trump who said "the research is worth the risk, even if it causes a pandemic".
You all would, rightfully, be going ballistic. The news would be repeating the quote 125 times a day.
But someone the left likes said it.... so.... nothing to see.
This kind of thinking is exactly what led to the virus happening in the first place.
The primary purpose and existence of it was to unseat Trump. From Mueller to Ferris Bueller, every other hoax had failed.
Fauci got a lotta explaining to do. There are mountains of deceptions, lies, and coverups in those document clouds.

DOC #2286 [Bioweapon Recipe]

LEOPOLD NIH FOIA Anthony Fauci Emails – DocumentCloud

Fauci Emails Reveal Damage Control Scramble After ZeroHedge Spotlights Man-Made COVID-19 Theory | ZeroHedge

ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

La de da

"British professor Angus Dalgleish - best known for creating the world's first 'HIV vaccine', and Norwegian virologist Dr. Birger Sørensen - chair of pharmaceutical company, Immunor, who has published 31 peer-reviewed papers and holds several patents, wrote that while analyzing virus samples last year, the pair discovered "unique fingerprints" in the form of "six inserts" created through gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China."
Fauxi lied to try and cover his skinny munchkin ass about weaponizing a virus that escaped.

He failed.

He belongs in prison, for what's left of his criminal life.

He needs to be arrested and indicted. There is plenty in the emails. Won't happen with this corrupt installed admin though.
name something that is indictable
Mass negligent homicide.
How so?
He funded gain of function research in the Wuhan lab after being ordered to stop it.

The blood of millions is on his hands.
If Trump had listened to Fauci, he would still be President
Uh huh.... what if it was Trump who said "the research is worth the risk, even if it causes a pandemic".
You all would, rightfully, be going ballistic. The news would be repeating the quote 125 times a day.
But someone the left likes said it.... so.... nothing to see.
This kind of thinking is exactly what led to the virus happening in the first place.
Fauxi was ordered by OBAMA to stop the funding for gain of function research....It was too spooky even for that knucklehead.
Last edited:
Fauci got a lotta explaining to do. There are mountains of deceptions, lies, and coverups in those document clouds.

DOC #2286 [Bioweapon Recipe]

LEOPOLD NIH FOIA Anthony Fauci Emails – DocumentCloud

Fauci Emails Reveal Damage Control Scramble After ZeroHedge Spotlights Man-Made COVID-19 Theory | ZeroHedge

ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

La de da

"British professor Angus Dalgleish - best known for creating the world's first 'HIV vaccine', and Norwegian virologist Dr. Birger Sørensen - chair of pharmaceutical company, Immunor, who has published 31 peer-reviewed papers and holds several patents, wrote that while analyzing virus samples last year, the pair discovered "unique fingerprints" in the form of "six inserts" created through gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China."
Fauxi lied to try and cover his skinny munchkin ass about weaponizing a virus that escaped.

He failed.

He belongs in prison, for what's left of his criminal life.

He needs to be arrested and indicted. There is plenty in the emails. Won't happen with this corrupt installed admin though.
name something that is indictable
Mass negligent homicide.
How so?
He funded gain of function research in the Wuhan lab after being ordered to stop it.

The blood of millions is on his hands.
No he didn’t
Fauci got a lotta explaining to do. There are mountains of deceptions, lies, and coverups in those document clouds.

DOC #2286 [Bioweapon Recipe]

LEOPOLD NIH FOIA Anthony Fauci Emails – DocumentCloud

Fauci Emails Reveal Damage Control Scramble After ZeroHedge Spotlights Man-Made COVID-19 Theory | ZeroHedge

ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

La de da

"British professor Angus Dalgleish - best known for creating the world's first 'HIV vaccine', and Norwegian virologist Dr. Birger Sørensen - chair of pharmaceutical company, Immunor, who has published 31 peer-reviewed papers and holds several patents, wrote that while analyzing virus samples last year, the pair discovered "unique fingerprints" in the form of "six inserts" created through gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China."
Fauxi lied to try and cover his skinny munchkin ass about weaponizing a virus that escaped.

He failed.

He belongs in prison, for what's left of his criminal life.

He needs to be arrested and indicted. There is plenty in the emails. Won't happen with this corrupt installed admin though.
name something that is indictable
Mass negligent homicide.
How so?
He funded gain of function research in the Wuhan lab after being ordered to stop it.

The blood of millions is on his hands.
No he didn’t
the emails tell a different story.
Fauxi was ordered by OBAMA to stop the funding for gain of function research....It was too spooky even for that knucklehead.

Except none of you had even heard about it until a couple of weeks ago.

Snopes?!?....Fucking seriously?!?....ROFLMFAO!!

Fauxi was ordered by OBAMA to stop the funding for gain of function research....It was too spooky even for that knucklehead.

Except none of you had even heard about it until a couple of weeks ago.

It has been known for over a year, the emails cemented it.
You are defending a man who said the research was worth the risk of a pandemic.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Fauxi was ordered by OBAMA to stop the funding for gain of function research....It was too spooky even for that knucklehead.

Except none of you had even heard about it until a couple of weeks ago.

It has been known for over a year, the emails cemented it.
You are defending a man who said the research was worth the risk of a pandemic.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Shame isn't in the emotional repertoire of the moonbats....They're fucking sociopaths.
It has been known for a long time that Dr. Anthony Fauci has supported the gain-of-function research conducted by the EcoHealth Alliance about bat coronaviruses in China. While Fauci has been attempting to distance himself from having any knowledge of EcoHealth Alliance’s projects, including those of Dr. Peter Daszak, the president of the organization, newly released emails detail the praise Daszak heaped upon Fauci for his dismissing of the lab-leak theory.

Daszak, who seems to have his thumb in all of the pies surrounding the origins of SARS-CoV-2 (more on that later), sent an email to Fauci on April 18th, 2020, just six weeks after the initial outbreak in the US, thanking Dr. Fauci for his comments dismissing the lab-leak theory...

The disturbing nature of this email is in the fact that Daszak was one of the lead investigators from the WHO into the origins of SARS-CoV-2 and again, his having funded undisputed gain-of-function research at the WIV. Daszak’s influence, in this case, has been seen throughout this investigation, even to the point of spreading misinformation to deflect from EcoHealth Alliance’s potential liability associated with the lab-release theory....

Daszak wasn’t just the compromised researcher on the origin here, he was long Fauci’s arm’s length distributor of funds to to places like Wuhan.

It seems rather apparent that Fauci, like so many others (including Biden), is bought and paid for by China. Why else would Fauci agree to send $100 million (or whatever it was) to fund bioweapons research in fucking China? It's too bad that the U.S. doesn't have an independent, investigational, agency to look into such things.
It has been known for a long time that Dr. Anthony Fauci has supported the gain-of-function research conducted by the EcoHealth Alliance about bat coronaviruses in China. While Fauci has been attempting to distance himself from having any knowledge of EcoHealth Alliance’s projects, including those of Dr. Peter Daszak, the president of the organization, newly released emails detail the praise Daszak heaped upon Fauci for his dismissing of the lab-leak theory.

Daszak, who seems to have his thumb in all of the pies surrounding the origins of SARS-CoV-2 (more on that later), sent an email to Fauci on April 18th, 2020, just six weeks after the initial outbreak in the US, thanking Dr. Fauci for his comments dismissing the lab-leak theory...

The disturbing nature of this email is in the fact that Daszak was one of the lead investigators from the WHO into the origins of SARS-CoV-2 and again, his having funded undisputed gain-of-function research at the WIV. Daszak’s influence, in this case, has been seen throughout this investigation, even to the point of spreading misinformation to deflect from EcoHealth Alliance’s potential liability associated with the lab-release theory....

Daszak wasn’t just the compromised researcher on the origin here, he was long Fauci’s arm’s length distributor of funds to to places like Wuhan.
Known fact that trump fluffers can't understand e-mails written with complete sentences and big words.
Toldja so.
Dr. Anthony Fauci wrote in February 2020 that store-bought face masks would not be very effective at protecting against the COVID-19 pandemic and advised a traveler not to wear one.

The Washington Post and BuzzFeed News have obtained hundreds of pages of Fauci’s emails through the Freedom of Information Act, revealing more about the early days of the pandemic.

In one message, Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, replies to an email from Sylvia Burwell, believed to be the Sylvia Burwell who was health and human services secretary for three years under President Barack Obama. Burwell had asked for advice about wearing face masks while traveling. Fauci’s reply is dated February 5, 2020, and is available in a document cloud provided by Buzzfeed.
I'm sorry.
I realize your tiny minds don't have the capacity to remember actual factual recent history but...
Feb 2020
People were hanging rubber bands on napkins and calling them N95 masks.
C'mon massage those temples, it's in there

Fauci wrote: "Masks are really for infected people to prevent them from spreading infection to people who are not infected rather than protecting uninfected people from acquiring infection.

"The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material. It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keep out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on you."

Fauci was giving CDC guidelines.

So let's all drink a cup of nutritious-delicious Trump brand bleach and stick those UV lights right up the old poop chute!
Trump-It'll make a body dead.
I bet your one of those idiots I see driving around alone wearing a mask.
I'm one of the smart people telling you morons to ignore and avoid that mask and all safety protocols.
That way when CNN does the story on you dying but clinging to your myths
I can get the big laugh you deserve.
It has been known for a long time that Dr. Anthony Fauci has supported the gain-of-function research conducted by the EcoHealth Alliance about bat coronaviruses in China. While Fauci has been attempting to distance himself from having any knowledge of EcoHealth Alliance’s projects, including those of Dr. Peter Daszak, the president of the organization, newly released emails detail the praise Daszak heaped upon Fauci for his dismissing of the lab-leak theory.

Daszak, who seems to have his thumb in all of the pies surrounding the origins of SARS-CoV-2 (more on that later), sent an email to Fauci on April 18th, 2020, just six weeks after the initial outbreak in the US, thanking Dr. Fauci for his comments dismissing the lab-leak theory...

The disturbing nature of this email is in the fact that Daszak was one of the lead investigators from the WHO into the origins of SARS-CoV-2 and again, his having funded undisputed gain-of-function research at the WIV. Daszak’s influence, in this case, has been seen throughout this investigation, even to the point of spreading misinformation to deflect from EcoHealth Alliance’s potential liability associated with the lab-release theory....

Daszak wasn’t just the compromised researcher on the origin here, he was long Fauci’s arm’s length distributor of funds to to places like Wuhan.
Known fact that trump fluffers can't understand e-mails written with complete sentences and big words.
Big words AND complete sentences?!?!?!?!

C'mon you might as well be asking Trump to tell the truth!
It has been known for a long time that Dr. Anthony Fauci has supported the gain-of-function research conducted by the EcoHealth Alliance about bat coronaviruses in China. While Fauci has been attempting to distance himself from having any knowledge of EcoHealth Alliance’s projects, including those of Dr. Peter Daszak, the president of the organization, newly released emails detail the praise Daszak heaped upon Fauci for his dismissing of the lab-leak theory.

Daszak, who seems to have his thumb in all of the pies surrounding the origins of SARS-CoV-2 (more on that later), sent an email to Fauci on April 18th, 2020, just six weeks after the initial outbreak in the US, thanking Dr. Fauci for his comments dismissing the lab-leak theory...

The disturbing nature of this email is in the fact that Daszak was one of the lead investigators from the WHO into the origins of SARS-CoV-2 and again, his having funded undisputed gain-of-function research at the WIV. Daszak’s influence, in this case, has been seen throughout this investigation, even to the point of spreading misinformation to deflect from EcoHealth Alliance’s potential liability associated with the lab-release theory....

Daszak wasn’t just the compromised researcher on the origin here, he was long Fauci’s arm’s length distributor of funds to to places like Wuhan.
CCP, DemNazi Party, Biden, Clinton Obama, Gates, and Fauci all conspired together to unleash a Bio Weapon on the US to rig the 2020 Election and push America in to Globalism.
Yes, you hear about it several weeks ago. CIA and media agents are likely studying the anti-China reactions of the American prisoners to Ohio State professor Song Guo Zheng’s prison sentence for trying to use NIH funds, reported on 20 May 2021.

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