Fauci Emails

It has been known for a long time that Dr. Anthony Fauci has supported the gain-of-function research conducted by the EcoHealth Alliance about bat coronaviruses in China. While Fauci has been attempting to distance himself from having any knowledge of EcoHealth Alliance’s projects, including those of Dr. Peter Daszak, the president of the organization, newly released emails detail the praise Daszak heaped upon Fauci for his dismissing of the lab-leak theory.

Daszak, who seems to have his thumb in all of the pies surrounding the origins of SARS-CoV-2 (more on that later), sent an email to Fauci on April 18th, 2020, just six weeks after the initial outbreak in the US, thanking Dr. Fauci for his comments dismissing the lab-leak theory...

The disturbing nature of this email is in the fact that Daszak was one of the lead investigators from the WHO into the origins of SARS-CoV-2 and again, his having funded undisputed gain-of-function research at the WIV. Daszak’s influence, in this case, has been seen throughout this investigation, even to the point of spreading misinformation to deflect from EcoHealth Alliance’s potential liability associated with the lab-release theory....

Daszak wasn’t just the compromised researcher on the origin here, he was long Fauci’s arm’s length distributor of funds to to places like Wuhan.
You've gotta stop.letting these RWNJ infotainment sites give you your opinion. A reading of the emails doesn't show what they claim at all. They are selectively showing you only what supports their agenda.
Fauci has always admitted that his views on Covid were changing as more information became available.

His honesty in providing unfiltered information as soon as it became available was what America loved about him

Trumps dishonesty on the same information cost him the election

No, fauci was completely dishonest as he was working with gain of function with the lab. He needs to be arrested and charged. This is criminal and hundreds of thousands have died.

Complete nonsense

You listen too much to Rand Paul

Didn't listen to that. Its all in his emails though.
You mean the carefully selected ones that Breitbart showed you.
So when is Fauci going to jail?

Or is it only Trump supporters the only ones who go to jail under this Cretin in the White House?
Fauci is a hero!

Anybody who thinks otherwise is just an Asian hating racist that is trying to blame China for Covid.

We all know it’s the Trump virus!


Tell us why US tax dollars ended up in that Chinese bio weapons lab. Fauci knew at least by 2017. The money was given to China by the homO administration. Fauci predicted in 2017 that trump would experience a pandemic.

Fauci is a traitor to the tune of at least five counts and counting...
So when is Fauci going to jail?

Or is it only Trump supporters the only ones who go to jail under this Cretin in the White House?

With Zionist traitor Chris Wray and homo garland in charge, never.
Diabolical...he worked for decades just waiting for Trump to be elected so he could sabotage his administration...all while remaining in the employee of Trump at the same time.
Diabolical...he worked for decades just waiting for Trump to be elected so he could sabotage his administration...all while remaining in the employee of Trump at the same time.

And the Mossad arrives to defend Fauci...
Diabolical...he worked for decades just waiting for Trump to be elected so he could sabotage his administration...all while remaining in the employee of Trump at the same time.
He's been there decades...lolol

Why would Trump get rid of him?
Are you kidding me? Do you understand that these present completely different

The COVID vaccine; more genetic thunder

Children’s Health Defense: “VAERS [US] data released today showed 227,805 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 4,201 deaths and 18,528 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and May 14, 2021.” [1]

Depending on which study you read, you can multiply reported adverse-effect numbers by 10 or 100, to arrive at a truer estimate of the human damage.

I’ve been warning readers about the inherent dangers of any genetic treatment. [2] The RNA COVID vaccines are just such a treatment—the first of its kind to be unleashed on the global population.

In this article, I’m using a mainstream piece from the BBC as a source for what can go wrong when genes are deployed “to work miracles.”

BBC, “The genetic mistakes that could shape our species,” 4/12/21 [3]:
It has been known for a long time that Dr. Anthony Fauci has supported the gain-of-function research conducted by the EcoHealth Alliance about bat coronaviruses in China. While Fauci has been attempting to distance himself from having any knowledge of EcoHealth Alliance’s projects, including those of Dr. Peter Daszak, the president of the organization, newly released emails detail the praise Daszak heaped upon Fauci for his dismissing of the lab-leak theory.

Daszak, who seems to have his thumb in all of the pies surrounding the origins of SARS-CoV-2 (more on that later), sent an email to Fauci on April 18th, 2020, just six weeks after the initial outbreak in the US, thanking Dr. Fauci for his comments dismissing the lab-leak theory...

The disturbing nature of this email is in the fact that Daszak was one of the lead investigators from the WHO into the origins of SARS-CoV-2 and again, his having funded undisputed gain-of-function research at the WIV. Daszak’s influence, in this case, has been seen throughout this investigation, even to the point of spreading misinformation to deflect from EcoHealth Alliance’s potential liability associated with the lab-release theory....

Daszak wasn’t just the compromised researcher on the origin here, he was long Fauci’s arm’s length distributor of funds to to places like Wuhan.
Josef Falsey Mengele comes to mind right about now. 3 million dead.
If we are any relevant nation anymore, there would be a huge call for a special bipartisan commission to move forward on investigating this Fauci, and the U.S. governments role in the funding of the lab, and the possibility of it aiding and abetting this "gain of function" science.

Then the military needs to call for an immediate awareness that China possibly is not to be trusted, and that sanctions need to be imposed on them for attempting to cover up a possible release of a deadly virus that had been toyed with in the Wuhan lab.

How much more serious does our breaching of national security have to be before we wake up finally ???

Now we have ole slow Joe Biden trying to play president, and using every divisive tool in the political tool box in trying to cause the downfall of this nation, and why is that ??? Is it in order to keep the heat off of his bullcrap ???
It has been known for a long time that Dr. Anthony Fauci has supported the gain-of-function research conducted by the EcoHealth Alliance about bat coronaviruses in China. While Fauci has been attempting to distance himself from having any knowledge of EcoHealth Alliance’s projects, including those of Dr. Peter Daszak, the president of the organization, newly released emails detail the praise Daszak heaped upon Fauci for his dismissing of the lab-leak theory.

Daszak, who seems to have his thumb in all of the pies surrounding the origins of SARS-CoV-2 (more on that later), sent an email to Fauci on April 18th, 2020, just six weeks after the initial outbreak in the US, thanking Dr. Fauci for his comments dismissing the lab-leak theory...

The disturbing nature of this email is in the fact that Daszak was one of the lead investigators from the WHO into the origins of SARS-CoV-2 and again, his having funded undisputed gain-of-function research at the WIV. Daszak’s influence, in this case, has been seen throughout this investigation, even to the point of spreading misinformation to deflect from EcoHealth Alliance’s potential liability associated with the lab-release theory....

Daszak wasn’t just the compromised researcher on the origin here, he was long Fauci’s arm’s length distributor of funds to to places like Wuhan.

This means that Dr. Mengele is partially responsible for the creation of the Covid-19 bioweapon China used. He and Obama are responsible for 600,000 American deaths.

He and Obama should be executed.
It has been known for a long time that Dr. Anthony Fauci has supported the gain-of-function research conducted by the EcoHealth Alliance about bat coronaviruses in China. While Fauci has been attempting to distance himself from having any knowledge of EcoHealth Alliance’s projects, including those of Dr. Peter Daszak, the president of the organization, newly released emails detail the praise Daszak heaped upon Fauci for his dismissing of the lab-leak theory.

Daszak, who seems to have his thumb in all of the pies surrounding the origins of SARS-CoV-2 (more on that later), sent an email to Fauci on April 18th, 2020, just six weeks after the initial outbreak in the US, thanking Dr. Fauci for his comments dismissing the lab-leak theory...

The disturbing nature of this email is in the fact that Daszak was one of the lead investigators from the WHO into the origins of SARS-CoV-2 and again, his having funded undisputed gain-of-function research at the WIV. Daszak’s influence, in this case, has been seen throughout this investigation, even to the point of spreading misinformation to deflect from EcoHealth Alliance’s potential liability associated with the lab-release theory....

Daszak wasn’t just the compromised researcher on the origin here, he was long Fauci’s arm’s length distributor of funds to to places like Wuhan.
You've gotta stop.letting these RWNJ infotainment sites give you your opinion. A reading of the emails doesn't show what they claim at all. They are selectively showing you only what supports their agenda.
Fauci has always admitted that his views on Covid were changing as more information became available.

His honesty in providing unfiltered information as soon as it became available was what America loved about him

Trumps dishonesty on the same information cost him the election

No, fauci was completely dishonest as he was working with gain of function with the lab. He needs to be arrested and charged. This is criminal and hundreds of thousands have died.

Complete nonsense

You listen too much to Rand Paul

Didn't listen to that. Its all in his emails though.
You mean the carefully selected ones that Breitbart showed you.

No, the actual source, document cloud foia.
I was going to start a thread with the following- but, why bother- idiots have their minds made up for them already- their guy is innocent!

Was There a Wuhan Lab Leak? An Inquiry Won’t Dig Out the Truth. It Will Deepen the Deception

snippets for y'all to argue about

A year ago, the idea that Covid-19 leaked from a lab in Wuhan – a short distance from the wet market that is usually claimed to be the source of the virus – was dismissed as a crackpot theory, supported only by Donald Trump, QAnon and hawks on the right looking to escalate tensions dangerously with China.

Now, after what has been effectively a year-long blackout of the lab-leak theory by the corporate media and the scientific establishment, President Joe Biden has announced an investigation to assess its credibility. And as a consequence, what was treated until a few weeks ago as an unhinged, rightwing conspiracy is suddenly being widely aired and seriously considered by liberals.

Every media outlet is running prominent stories wondering whether a pandemic that has killed so many people and destroyed the lives of so many more can be blamed on human hubris and meddling rather than on a natural cause.

For many years, scientists at labs like Wuhan’s have conducted Frankenstein-type experiments on viruses. They have modified naturally occurring infective agents – often found in animals such as bats – to try to predict the worst-case scenarios for how viruses, especially coronaviruses, might evolve. The claimed purpose has been to ensure humankind gets a head start on any new pandemic, preparing strategies and vaccines in advance to cope.

No interest in truth

Here we get to the tricky bit. Because nobody in a position to answer that question appears to have any interest in finding out the truth – or at least, they have no interest in the rest of us learning the truth. Not China. Not US policy-makers. Not the World Health Organisation. And not the corporate media.

The only thing we can state with certainty is this: our understanding of the origins of Covid has been narratively managed over the past 15 months and is still being narratively managed. We are being told only what suits powerful political, scientific and commercial interests.

We now know that we were misdirected a year ago into believing that a lab leak was either fanciful nonsense or evidence of Sinophobia – when it was very obviously neither. And we should understand now, even though the story has switched 180 degrees, that we are still being misdirected. Nothing that the US administration or the corporate media have told us, or are now telling us, about the origins of the virus can be trusted.

No one in power truly wants to get to the bottom of this story. In fact, quite the reverse. Were we to truly understand its implications, this story might have the potential not only to hugely discredit western political, media and scientific elites but even to challenge the whole ideological basis on which their power rests.

Which is why what we are seeing is not an effort to grapple with the truth of the past year, but a desperate bid by those same elites to continue controlling our understanding of it. Western publics are being subjected to a continuous psy-op by their own officials.

There's a video in the link

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