Fauci going down maybe

This piece in an establishment left leaning publication may be a game changer. Fauci’s days may be numbered.

How Fauci Fooled America​

When the pandemic hit, America needed someone to turn to for advice. The media and public naturally looked to Dr. Anthony Fauci—the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, an esteemed laboratory immunologist and one of President Donald Trump's chosen COVID advisers. Unfortunately, Dr. Fauci got major epidemiology and public health questions wrong. Reality and scientific studies have now caught up with him.
How Fauci fooled America | Opinion
I give Fauci credit for carrying out the CCP directive to cause the panic and chaos needed to get Biden elected.

Like Barr, Comey, Krebs and the leadership of our Intel Agencies, Fauxi should have been removed by Trump, preferably in a Corleone Baptism Event.
You will never, ever reach folks like Crep.

". . . The Scientologists would label you a “suppressive person.” The New Normals call you a “conspiracy theorist,” an “anti-vaxxer,” or a “virus denier.” The specific epithets don’t really matter. They are just labels that cult members and totalitarians use to demonize those they perceive as “enemies” … anyone challenging the “reality” of the cult, or the “reality” of the totalitarian system.

The simple fact of the matter is, you can’t talk people out of a cult, and you can’t talk them out of totalitarianism. Usually, what you do, in the case of a cult, is, you get the person out of the cult. You kidnap them, take them to a safehouse or wherever, surround them with a lot of non-cult members, and deprogram them gradually over the course of several days. You do this because, while they are still inside the cult, you cannot get through to them. They cannot hear you. A cult is a collective, self-contained “reality.” Its power flows from the social organism composed of the cult leaders and the other cult members. You cannot “talk” this power away. You have to physically remove the person from it before you can begin to reason with them.

Unfortunately, we do not have this option. The New Normal is a global totalitarian system. There is no “outside” of the system to retreat to. We can’t kidnap everyone and take them to Sweden. As I noted in Part I of this series, the cult/society paradigm has been inverted. The cult has become the dominant society, and those of us who have not been converted have become a collection of isolated islands existing, not outside, but within the cult.. . . "
so.. get the 'shot' Right?
Cause to Save your Job.. LOL!!!!
Then why were you loons against it?
As I recall, no one was. And no one called him racist. People beat on him because Trump's MO is always to find a scapegoat (something Biden knocked him for). Had he been a real politician, he would have messaged the restriction differently. But that was always Trump's issue. He could never pivot into the job. But it's a moot point. He forgot about all the other people flocking out of China. Not even a two week shelter in place and test before you were allowed to come home. You didn't need to bar US citizens from returning home. You just needed to make sure they didn't flock back and spread the virus en masse...which is EXACTLY what happened. Again, that's not on Fauci. That's on the guy who didn't listen...to anyone at that point. Because it was more fun to golf, tweet, and hold pep rallies shadowing the Democratic primaries. It was just "one person coming from China".

Im still waiting on some leftist POS to call me a knuckle dragger to my face. Clown will need dental work if he does!!!

But the internet is a "safe space" for pussies.
Pretty sensitive to the way you appear to others. Maybe you should wear gloves, so you don't scratch them up.
Very highly discredited scientists in the COVID...

Both were advocating Herd Immunity from the start... We now know that is bullshit... If you can get reinfected every 6-9 months herd immunity is useless..

WHO response
"The World Health Organization (WHO) and many other academic and public-health bodies said the declaration's strategy lacked a sound scientific basis,[9][10] and warned that it could cause many unnecessary deaths and could result in recurrent epidemics.[11][12]"

These guys through ignorance want to let the virus win... Sorry if they got a hit piece in the Newsweek good luck to them but they re disgraced and thank God very few listened to them...

We understand that you don't like Fauci because he knew what he was doing having served from Reagan to Biden... Fauci just won't advocate bleach injections or UV torch up your ass..
Fauci is a tool of global oligarchs, and a believer in eugenics. He is no friend of the masses. Fauci helped engineer the virus in the first place. Fauci is rooting more for the virus than for the American public you dork. From the start it has been a tool of global oligarchs to re-engineer the world economy and society.

I bet you don't even know who some of these billionaires are. . .


Fauci is a tool of global oligarchs, and a believer in eugenics. He is no friend of the masses. Fauci helped engineer the virus in the first place. Fauci is rooting more for the virus than for the American public you dork. From the start it has been a tool of global oligarchs to re-engineer the world economy and society.

I bet you don't even know who some of these billionaires are. . .


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Please, PLEASE Keep on Telling the Fools the TRUTH!!!!
What’s not true? Newsweek is a left leaning establishment publication. In the past, no such type of publication would dare criticize Fauci. They published this piece did they not?
It's an opinion piece.
He might not see another pandemic as he is 80 year of age, unless one happens in the near future or if this one lasts long enough.
This piece in an establishment left leaning publication may be a game changer. Fauci’s days may be numbered.

How Fauci Fooled America​

When the pandemic hit, America needed someone to turn to for advice. The media and public naturally looked to Dr. Anthony Fauci—the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, an esteemed laboratory immunologist and one of President Donald Trump's chosen COVID advisers. Unfortunately, Dr. Fauci got major epidemiology and public health questions wrong. Reality and scientific studies have now caught up with him.
How Fauci fooled America | Opinion

Those 2 have been right all along.
Man it must be sad to have nothing better to do than to troll people on an internet message board. Get a hobby!
And its a good thing I don't give a fuck how I "appear" to a bunch of trolling losers on the internet!!
Just trying to help. I feel sorry for people like you, so easily triggered.
Just trying to help. I feel sorry for people like you, so easily triggered.
I feel sorry for people like you. With no life. On a message board all day just trying (and failing) to get under other peoples skin.
I feel sorry for people like you. With no life. On a message board all day just trying (and failing) to get under other peoples skin.
Some people are awfully thin-skinned and pretty flakey, so easy to get under their flakey skin.

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