Fauci going down maybe

Nobody... Lib-Progs included... wanted the damned Covid-19 virus to exist, spread, kill, whatever... nobody...
You do know that the virus in question was engineered by man, right? SOMEBODY obviously wanted it to exist...
No, nothing even remotely resembling that happened in the real world.
Yes....he did...he got busted for reporting false numbers because he wanted people to get vaccinated. So he admitted he lied "but had a really good reason" *said in a whiney voice*
Sure. Whatever. You just rationalize away.
1) Not just gay people get HIV. And it's normally not an acute condition. You can't spread it through the air. Covid is/can be. And there is proven vaxx against it. This is just alt-right gay bashing.
2) Which I could say about a lot of white, middle America Trump humpers I've seen at this pep rallies and even wearing their MAGA gear on the streets. Again, no dice there. Lots of right wingers are fat.
3) If you OD, you're likely not picking yourself up and coming to the hospital. They have field remedies for that...assuming someone finds you and can help you.

Nope. Sorry. You have the power (along with the rest of Alt-Right Nation) to bring this virus to an end..but you can't be bothered to do the right thing.
But you'll gladly put doctors and nurses at risk because of your fucking ignorance.
But hey, if it's any consolation to you, I'm not for mandates or brow beating you knuckledraggers any further.
I don't do memes normally, but this one fits.
View attachment 559429
It still takes up hospital beds on something that could've been prevented. Anyway the vaccine is turning out to being a failure.
Yes....he did...he got busted for reporting false numbers because he wanted people to get vaccinated. So he admitted he lied "but had a really good reason" *said in a whiney voice*
LINK? Not some rwnj fake news bullshit, a real media organization.
He was against Trump's China travel ban. While knowing it came from there and Fauci hasn't been right yet. He needs to be executed. In the 80's he was wrong on the aids scare and he is wrong about the covid epidemic. And what they did to those beagles was horrible.
There was no travel "ban". It was a restriction on Chinese nationals traveling to the US. He forgot about the 40K or so American citizens who flew home in a panic through blue city airports with no plans in place for testing, verification, and quarantining if necessary. That's not on Fauci. That's on the guy who approached every problem he faced with a sledgehammer. Trump didn't think. He reacted. It was ultimately his downfall.
There was no travel "ban". It was a restriction on Chinese nationals traveling to the US. He forgot about the 40K or so American citizens who flew home in a panic through blue city airports with no plans in place for testing, verification, and quarantining if necessary. That's not on Fauci. That's on the guy who approached every problem he faced with a sledgehammer. Trump didn't think. He reacted. It was ultimately his downfall.
Then why were you loons against it?
God almighty... spin, spin, spin... you people are full of $hit clean up to your ears... :blahblah:

Nobody... Lib-Progs included... wanted the damned Covid-19 virus to exist, spread, kill, whatever... nobody...

Leave it to you Rumpian window-lickers to try to sell your fellow knuckle-draggers on that particulrar bumper-sticker concept...
Joe's Diaper was full of shit up to his ears. Talk about a large carbon footprint.

Half his staff had to gag at the sight of that, the other half fled, and the rest fought over who had to change shitty Joe.

Even the Poop, err The Pope gagged.
LINK? Not some rwnj fake news bullshit, a real media organization.
Number one
I'm not politically driven. I'm A-political.

Number Two
Facts don't change anyone's mind about anything...Fauci fudging the numbers is fairly common knowledge at this point. So putting them up AGAIN is kinda pointless at this point.
Lol. You just admitted being a total dupe.
You will never, ever reach folks like Crep.

". . . The Scientologists would label you a “suppressive person.” The New Normals call you a “conspiracy theorist,” an “anti-vaxxer,” or a “virus denier.” The specific epithets don’t really matter. They are just labels that cult members and totalitarians use to demonize those they perceive as “enemies” … anyone challenging the “reality” of the cult, or the “reality” of the totalitarian system.

The simple fact of the matter is, you can’t talk people out of a cult, and you can’t talk them out of totalitarianism. Usually, what you do, in the case of a cult, is, you get the person out of the cult. You kidnap them, take them to a safehouse or wherever, surround them with a lot of non-cult members, and deprogram them gradually over the course of several days. You do this because, while they are still inside the cult, you cannot get through to them. They cannot hear you. A cult is a collective, self-contained “reality.” Its power flows from the social organism composed of the cult leaders and the other cult members. You cannot “talk” this power away. You have to physically remove the person from it before you can begin to reason with them.

Unfortunately, we do not have this option. The New Normal is a global totalitarian system. There is no “outside” of the system to retreat to. We can’t kidnap everyone and take them to Sweden. As I noted in Part I of this series, the cult/society paradigm has been inverted. The cult has become the dominant society, and those of us who have not been converted have become a collection of isolated islands existing, not outside, but within the cult.. . . "
Very highly discredited scientists in the COVID...

Both were advocating Herd Immunity from the start... We now know that is bullshit... If you can get reinfected every 6-9 months herd immunity is useless..

WHO response
"The World Health Organization (WHO) and many other academic and public-health bodies said the declaration's strategy lacked a sound scientific basis,[9][10] and warned that it could cause many unnecessary deaths and could result in recurrent epidemics.[11][12]"

Fauci just won't advocate bleach injections or UV torch up your ass..
"I'll take Things Liberals Do on a Friday Night, Alex for $1,000"
You must be talking about Trump since you certainly have described him to a "T", but you misspelled "cult".
Aren't all Liberals admitted habitual liars?

Seriously....none of you recognize any moral authority unless it is divined from one of Joe's shitty diapers from a DemNazi sanctioned soothsayer.
I believe Fauci needs fired and I've said so over and over but...........as far as this article goes.

In a study from Israel, the vaccinated were 27 times more likely to get symptomatic COVID than the unvaccinated who had recovered from a prior infection.

The idea behind vaccines is so you don't get the virus. Yes you still can but it does seem it's not as bad and it's still better to not get it at all.

Nobody wanted Polio in the hopes they wouldn't get it again.

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