Fauci going down maybe

who did I threaten? dont bother. We both know the answer.

You don't have the balls to threaten anyone, boy.

Perhaps you'd be best served by just shutting the fuck up.

My point is that you accused people of being asses only because they can be in their "safe space" on the internet, while you were doing that exact thing by saying that about the people you were criticizing.

You're no less a pussy than anyone you rail against.

You're cloaked in hypocrisy...
Haha, look at your little baby hissy fits.

I could despise Fauci, and every word I said would still be true. And you know it. And the best response you can muster is a baby fit. Sad.
Yeah he’s a liberal icon. Lol.

To Protect Fauci, The Washington Post is Preparing a Hit Piece on the Group Denouncing Gruesome Dog Experimentations​

For years, the White Coat Waste Project was heralded by The Post as what they are: an activist success story uniting right and left. But now its work imperils a liberal icon.​

To Protect Fauci, The Washington Post is Preparing a Hit Piece on the Group Denouncing Gruesome Dog Experimentations
Facebook? Seriously?

You're dismissed. Stop bothering me.
Its not my page or anything like that...

And you still have yet to prove that you have ever apologized to anyone at anytime about anything...

So obviously you are a liar.
Its not my page or anything like that...

And you still have yet to prove that you have ever apologized to anyone at anytime about anything...

So obviously you are a liar.
Thats nice, kid. Run along now.
Thats nice, kid. Run along now.
Poor baby got caught lying and can't stand the heat of the truth...

You got caught lying...red handed.

You are a liar. And now that I've caught you you call me names....just admit you are a poor loser at the same time....

Go ahead....I've got no feelings about anything lying poor losers say.

It's just that what I've said is true and you got caught lying.
This thread exposes the the corporate media’s ability to divide Americans.

How can we be divided on a well known lying corrupt psychopath like Fauci? Yet we are. If we can’t agree on something so obvious, we never will.

Here are a few posts from supporters of Fauci made in this thread.

Fauci isn't going anywhere. He is a global hero and possibly the most respected person in his field on the entire planet. Opinion blogs roll off him like water off a duck.

The fact that you are picking on a public servant trying to stay ahead of an ever evolving virus while all the
people who are supposed to be listening to him are too worried about making a political point...is just not even worthy
of giving the time of day to.

Every lie you tell about Fauci could be true. Every paranoid fantasy you have about Fauci could be true. Yet he would still be a global hero and one of the most respected doctors and scientists on the planet.

what he was doing having served from Reagan to Biden... Fauci just won't advocate bleach injections or UV torch up your ass..

(On Fauci’s many lies)…..No, nothing even remotely resembling that happened in the real world.
Regeneron makes the pharmaceutical companies much more per dose than the vaccines do. It also makes the hospitals more since it has to administered in a clinical setting by infusion. It's also still only an emergency use authorization and not fully approved.

You kids aren't thinking this through.
You are ignorant of some facts. Hospitals are not allowed to give Regeneron under the emergency use authorization if you are checked into the hospital. You have to NOT be hospitalized and go to an infusion center to get the treatment within 10 days of the onset of symptoms.
Poor baby got caught lying and can't stand the heat of the truth...

You got caught lying...red handed.

You are a liar. And now that I've caught you you call me names....just admit you are a poor loser at the same time....

Go ahead....I've got no feelings about anything lying poor losers say.

It's just that what I've said is true and you got caught lying.
Wow. What are you like 5?

Beat it kid, nobody cares.
You are ignorant of some facts. Hospitals are not allowed to give Regeneron under the emergency use authorization if you are checked into the hospital. You have to NOT be hospitalized and go to an infusion center to get the treatment within 10 days of the onset of symptoms.
Of course hospitals are administering regeneration, and most infusion centers are part of hospitals anyway.
Wow. What are you like 5?

Beat it kid, nobody cares.
You got OWNED !!!!!

You been trolling everyone but got OWNED...

And I'm not a political hack in the slightest...

Yes the vaccines are good...better than expected. But they have their limitations too.

And then Fauci had to go and lie...what an idiot!!!! He knew better but didn't do better. He lied in his testimony before Congress about two separate things AND he lied about vaccine efficacy in published statements because he wanted people to get vaccinated in the face of antivaxxers propaganda. He knows that the only thing scientists do is provide the absolute truth... because of the situation he finds himself in now....facing charges and losing his job in disgrace.
You got OWNED !!!!!

You been trolling everyone but got OWNED...

And I'm not a political hack in the slightest...

Yes the vaccines are good...better than expected. But they have their limitations too.

And then Fauci had to go and lie...what an idiot!!!! He knew better but didn't do better. He lied in his testimony before Congress about two separate things AND he lied about vaccine efficacy in published statements because he wanted people to get vaccinated in the face of antivaxxers propaganda. He knows that the only thing scientists do is provide the absolute truth... because of the situation he finds himself in now....facing charges and losing his job in disgrace.
You're an idiot. You failed to provide links to your assertions two or three times but I'm the one who got owned? You're a fuckin' idiot. Sit down and shut up
If Fauci kissed the ass of your super hero, the orange blob you'd be lining up to polish his knob.
And because Fauci is seen as opposing dumb Don, those on the left worship him.

It’s all so stupid. Partisans of the two criminal gangs are such idiots.
You're an idiot. You failed to provide links to your assertions two or three times but I'm the one who got owned? You're a fuckin' idiot. Sit down and shut up
No I provided a link with YOUR specifications ..

You lied!!!!
Now you resort to ad hominem attacks because you are a trolling liar and sore loser. (The only logical and reasonable deduction from your exhibited behavior)

So what you got now troll?
No I provided a link with YOUR specifications ..

You lied!!!!
Now you resort to ad hominem attacks because you are a trolling liar and sore loser. (The only logical and reasonable deduction from your exhibited behavior)

So what you got now troll?
That's a lie. Don't lie. Liars go to hell.

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