Fauci vs. Fauci : A Pandemic Of Contradictions

Has Fauci lied throughout Covid

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While standing at Trump's side, Fauci compromised with Trump for the better of political expediency.

Accuse Fauci of acceding to Trump's nonsense, then we will have a starting position for a debate.

And not to suggest your claims are completely correct. They contain some exaggerations.
Trump trusted, unfortunately, what a so-called long time "expert" told him on this. Fauci has a 40 year career as an expert yet he is so wrong with all of his demands.

trump "acceded" to Fauci demands, much to his shame. You don't want actual debate, you want everyone to agree with your false claims and like sheep (such as you) follow blindly anything declared by this fool.
Accuse Fauci of acceding to Trump's nonsense, then we will have a starting position for a debate.
If he acceded to Trump's nonsense, WTF is he doing in a job that has so much power that he funded a CCP gain of function study. You talk out of both sides of your bill duck. For crying out loud he is claiming to be the foremost expert on viral diseases. You just aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

What are we getting for the money? Listen to him speak for himself.

Fauci told Newsmax. on Jan. 21, 2020, “This ‘COVID-19’ is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States should be worried about right now.” A little over a month later, the NBA indefinitely suspended all basketball games due to COVID outbreaks and the nation was beginning to shut down.

On 60 Minutes in March 2020, Fauci said, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is.” He said, “masks sold at drugstores aren’t even good enough to truly protect anyone.”

On the Today Show in January 2021, Fauci told Americans to wear two masks.

“If you have a physical covering with one layer, you put another layer on,” he flipped-flopped, “it just makes common sense that it likely would be more effective.”

Business Insider reported on April 1, 2020, that Fauci said it will take 12 to 18 months to get a coronavirus vaccine in the US and experts said a quick approval could be risky. Eight months later, according to ABC News, Fauci received his first dose of vaccine and said he was extremely confident it’s safe and effective.

In a 2020 video on CSPAN from George Washington University Fauci said, “You don’t want to mandate and try and force anyone to take a vaccine. We’ve never done that. It would be unenforceable and not appropriate.”

People Magazine reported in December 2021, that Fauci recommended vaccine mandates for domestic air travel.

“When you make vaccinations a requirement,” he said, “that’s another incentive to get more people vaccinated.”

On Nov. 21, 2021, CNN reported that Fauci said fully vaccinated people could celebrate the holidays without masks. Less than a month later, Fauci scolded no hugging and kissing or wishing people a Happy New Year.

“If your plans are to go to a 40- to 50-person New Year’s Eve party with all the bells and whistles and everybody’s hugging and kissing and wishing each other a happy new year,” he said, “I would strongly recommend that this year we do not do that.”
My favorite Fauci-ism is his quote from Oct 2019, when he said mRNA vaccines would be a decade away even if perfect, because that’s how long it takes to do safety studies.
Science changes as new things are discovered.
Scientific standards should not change because of an election.

Suddenly experimental mRNA vaccines that were a “decade away” (according to Fauci) became “safe and effective” without any long term studies to prove as such.

If you aren’t allowed to question science, then it isn’t science, it’s propaganda.
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Scientific standards should not change because of an election.
Science shouldn't be decided on political expediency. That claim would lead one to ask whether Fauci was wrong about the vaccines or was he right?
And another pretinent question could be: Should Fauci have disagreed with Trump's nonsense pseudo-scinece claims or should he have agreed and saved his reputation with the political right supporting Trump?
We do know now that Fauci has beeen quite successfully demonized by Trump for his refusal to compromise his extensive background in modern medicine.
Indeed, are there not thousands upon thousands of Americans who have compromised their knowledge and better judgment for Trump's demands?
Suddenly experimental mRNA vaccines that were a “decade away” (according to Fauci) became “safe and effective” without any long term studies to prove as such.
Was Fauci wrong or was he right. If he's declared to be wrong then you will need to accept all the baggage that comes with the claim.
I personally suggest that Fauci was wrong on that claim.
If you aren’t allowed to question science, then it isn’t science, it’s propaganda.
Yes, undoubtedly true!

But look how Fauci was demonized for questioning Trump's nonsense pseudo-science, that didn't even come close to modern science.
IMO it was implied, due to so many indications that Trump didn't take the pandemic seriously. And now it's my opinion that Trump's supporters who are refusing to be vaccinated are doing so for political reasons.
I would offer as proof the fact that Trump needed to make his position clear on the efficacy and safety of the vaccines. There's never been any need for Fauci to clarify his position on any of it, right from the beginning when he was speaking beside Trump on a stage.

I offer that as my position to be debated if anyone cares or is interested, but I don't see where it would require me to expand upon it.

Spam, rudeness, and profanity won't be entertained.
haha what was implied? he couldn’t of been more direct about the importance of the vaccine had he created it himself…wait oh he was the one that created the policies to create it in warp speed!

you need to lay off the propaganda
haha what was implied? he couldn’t of been more direct about the importance of the vaccine had he created it himself…wait oh he was the one that created the policies to create it in warp speed!

you need to lay off the propaganda
I hesitate to respond to your comments due to your track record of intent to insult others. For that reason I'll not, until you can clean up your act and address me in an appropriate manner.
I hesitate to respond to your comments due to your track record of intent to insult others. For that reason I'll not, until you can clean up your act and address me in an appropriate manner.
And yet here you are again, dumb fuck. You are a bit slow on the uptake--Americans don't want your unsolicited opinion on our domestic matters. Mind your own fucking business, duck.
I hesitate to respond to your comments due to your track record of intent to insult others. For that reason I'll not, until you can clean up your act and address me in an appropriate manner.
haha you literally just completely made something up…and hesitate to respond? you should. You got caught lying.
What “pseudoscience”?
I was referring to Trump's kneejerk attempts on suggestions for cures of Covid.

For a possible defense of Trump, there could be an explanation of him only intending anecdotal suggestions based on political expediency.

But there's no possibility of excusing his supporters for taking his suggestions seriously and literally!
I was referring to Trump's kneejerk attempts on suggestions for cures of Covid.

For a possible defense of Trump, there could be an explanation of him only intending anecdotal suggestions based on political expediency.

But there's no possibility of excusing his supporters for taking his suggestions seriously and literally!
This thread is not about your love of Trump. It is about Fauci being a Liar. Please get back on topic.
Like the left suggesting that he said to drink bleach? You morons lie so much, you can't keep them straight. You should have had your mouth washed out with soap when you were young and you lied. Parenting failure.
Oy vey, the mental anguish!
Nobody's interested in what a duck has to say.

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