FBI agent arrested; and the Russia investigation


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.
What? This can't be true. DIdn't you guys call them Biden's Gestapo? How is it the Gestapo is arresting one on their own? Either ya'll are full of shit now or full of shit then? Never mind, both can be true.

The New York branch is where the Hillary-haters gathered, the ones who deliberately threw the election to Trump.
They were the ones investigating Dem Anthony Weiner for his child sexual predator crimes, and discovered a bunch of Clinton's classified material on his computer. They reported it to the folks in Washington, including McCabe, and they set on the information for months to try and protect Clinton...only for it to later be discovered, and Comey realizing he was in a world of hurt if he didn't report ot Congress as he said he would, made it public.

Had McCabe not tried to cover it up at first, the damage would of been less, but then again ultimately it's Clinton's own fault for having the illegal server and classified material
Deripaska's name is like a rash all over the Trump administration. No collusion?
They were the ones investigating Dem Anthony Weiner for his child sexual predator crimes, and discovered a bunch of Clinton's classified material on his computer. They reported it to the folks in Washington, including McCabe, and they set on the information for months to try and protect Clinton...only for it to later be discovered, and Comey realizing he was in a world of hurt if he didn't report ot Congress as he said he would, made it public.
What a fascinating alternate reality you live in.

I'd ask who told you such things, but you no doubt have many sources constantly brainwashing you.
What? This can't be true. DIdn't you guys call them Biden's Gestapo? How is it the Gestapo is arresting one on their own? Either ya'll are full of shit now or full of shit then? Never mind, both can be true.


Or neither.
They were the ones investigating Dem Anthony Weiner for his child sexual predator crimes, and discovered a bunch of Clinton's classified material on his computer. They reported it to the folks in Washington, including McCabe, and they set on the information for months to try and protect Clinton...only for it to later be discovered, and Comey realizing he was in a world of hurt if he didn't report ot Congress as he said he would, made it public.

Had McCabe not tried to cover it up at first, the damage would of been less, but then again ultimately it's Clinton's own fault for having the illegal server and classified material

Her crimes are exponentially greater than Biden and Trump combined will ever be.
She is immune from US law.
She saved the rapist during his impeachment.
She is golden.
What a fascinating alternate reality you live in.

I'd ask who told you such things, but you no doubt have many sources constantly brainwashing you.

What you are commenting on are facts.
None of that is even in despute.
Being thrown overboard, in order to claim the mantle of "See?....We can police ourselves!"

Don't fall for it.
I once did a paper in undergrad relative to our American notion of checks and balances. I stole the title from an old Roman question which translates roughly into, “who will guard the guards themselves?”

Bottom line. I don’t usually trust self policing. I certainly don’t trust the current FBI to fairly and legitimately “investigate “ matters of their own transgressions.

Who will cover up for the cover up artists, themselves?
What? This can't be true. DIdn't you guys call them Biden's Gestapo? How is it the Gestapo is arresting one on their own? Either ya'll are full of shit now or full of shit then? Never mind, both can be true.

Damn, you’re slow. Throwing one agent under the bus — for the sake of getting dolts like you to “buy” the notion that they are “therefore” legit — is obvious.

You’d have to be as dumb as dirt to buy that façade.

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