FBI agent arrested; and the Russia investigation

What? This can't be true. DIdn't you guys call them Biden's Gestapo? How is it the Gestapo is arresting one on their own? Either ya'll are full of shit now or full of shit then? Never mind, both can be true.

he retired in 2018, before xiden took office
Damn, you’re slow. Throwing one agent under the bus — for the sake of getting dolts like you to “buy” the notion that they are “therefore” legit — is obvious.

You’d have to be as dumb as dirt to buy that façade.
Nah, I'm still bettin on the Neo-GOP fake talkers were full of shit then and are full of shit now.
You have to remember how small the bubble the cult lives in actually is. It's TINY.
It's standard behavior for brainwashed cultists to claim that all outsiders are the real cultists.

And since they never leave their various SafeSpaces, they never encounter normal people, so they have no idea of how tiny their cult bubble is. When they do find out, it shocks them badly, and it sends them back into their SafeSpaces.
It's standard behavior for brainwashed cultists to claim that all outsiders are the real cultists.

And since they never leave their various SafeSpaces, they never encounter normal people, so they have no idea of how tiny their cult bubble is. When they do find out, it shocks them badly, and it sends them back into their SafeSpaces.

You have described The Democrat Media Bubble Cult perfectly.
To summarize ...

The FBI agent who shut down the Russia/Trump investigation was caught taking Russian money. No, no, nothing suspicious about that.

So, Trump cultists witnessed the corrupt NY FBI office helping Trump at the behest of Russia ... and declared it somehow means the FBI was against Trump. That is, they went full opposite-world.

How? They faked a story that Weiner's emails weren't reviewed by the FBI until after the election, despite Comey releasing a story about it prior to the election, in order to swing the election and put Trump in office.
They were the ones investigating Dem Anthony Weiner for his child sexual predator crimes, and discovered a bunch of Clinton's classified material on his computer. They reported it to the folks in Washington, including McCabe, and they set on the information for months to try and protect Clinton...only for it to later be discovered, and Comey realizing he was in a world of hurt if he didn't report ot Congress as he said he would, made it public.

Had McCabe not tried to cover it up at first, the damage would of been less, but then again ultimately it's Clinton's own fault for having the illegal server and classified material
Weiner's wife, Huma, who literally was Hillary's aide de camp had every fucking email Hillary ever got or sent as Secretary of State. She never ever even set up a .gov account.
It's logical to assume the FBI is deeply compromised by Russia. This is the tip of the iceberg.
Why did this particular guy get arrested tho?

You sort of left that part out...

I guarantee you by the end of the day, right-wingers will praise this guy as a martyr and that he was set up to take the fall by the Deep State, if they haven't started it already.....
It's standard behavior for brainwashed cultists to claim that all outsiders are the real cultists.

And since they never leave their various SafeSpaces, they never encounter normal people, so they have no idea of how tiny their cult bubble is. When they do find out, it shocks them badly, and it sends them back into their SafeSpaces.

Bro, you're the dipshit who never heard of the Anthony Weiner case, because you're in a cult that doesn't let you visit the outside world. Now, get back in the compound and shut the fuck up.
Bro, you're the dipshit who never heard of the Anthony Weiner case. Get back in the compound and shut the fuck up, cultist.
Why did he get arrested?

Why are you folks avoiding that?
Did he get arrested for being Anti-Trump? Did he fabricate evidence to make trump look bad?

Looks to me he got arrested for doing the opposite....he got arrested for being paid by the Russians to do everything in his power to protect Trump...

And him leaving in 2018 isn't a coincidence....that was part of the deal....
And yet we're mainstream, while you have to hide in SafeSpaces, where you declare the whole world is conspiring against you.

We have no safe spaces, nor do we require them.

You think your mainstream because your cult has ingrained that in your head.

The Democrat Media Bubble cult is large, no doubt.

The Catholic Church is large, mainstream and worldwide.
Still a cult.

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