FBI agent under oath: FBI met weekly with Big Tech to censor political information.

*Sigh*….In reading the thread here, I am utterly disappointed in both the liberals here, as well as my brothers and sisters on the right.

What President Biden, and his administration has done with the tech firms clearly violates our 1st amendment rights, and is actively pursuing violating the 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 14th amendments. In the same breath former President Trump has said he would like to suspend our Constitution. Something I can not support.

What gets me is that by reading the left posts here, it is clear they know what they are doing is damaging this country, and they don’t care. It is truly sad to think I wore the uniform of this country to defend our Constitution, took an oath to do so, and in such a short time it is being thrown in the trash.

If Republicans don’t get their shit together, and move this country back toward conservative principles, and put an immediate halt to the destructive path of the leftist march toward Communism we see today, I will withdraw my affiliation with the Republican party of spineless cretins who are enabling this shitshow.

It’s plain and simple…Follow the constitution or to hell with you.

Very well said, every word.

Thank you for serving.

*Sigh*….In reading the thread here, I am utterly disappointed in both the liberals here, as well as my brothers and sisters on the right.

What President Biden, and his administration has done with the tech firms clearly violates our 1st amendment rights, and is actively pursuing violating the 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 14th amendments. In the same breath former President Trump has said he would like to suspend our Constitution. Something I can not support.

What gets me is that by reading the left posts here, it is clear they know what they are doing is damaging this country, and they don’t care. It is truly sad to think I wore the uniform of this country to defend our Constitution, took an oath to do so, and in such a short time it is being thrown in the trash.

If Republicans don’t get their shit together, and move this country back toward conservative principles, and put an immediate halt to the destructive path of the leftist march toward Communism we see today, I will withdraw my affiliation with the Republican party of spineless cretins who are enabling this shitshow.

It’s plain and simple…Follow the constitution or to hell with you.

You have no rights to other people's private property you moron. Owners of tech companies can work with the FBI if they so choose. What world is this where you imagine someone else working with law enforcement is a violation of your constitutional rights? 😄
The demented LEFT "suspends the Constitution" and then accuse Trump of doing that very thing.
Typical PROJECTION from the communist retards.
My friend, former president trump can’t do anything at the moment, he’s a citizen like you, or I…But, he has said recently that he’d like to suspend our constitution. Every American should recoil from that rhetoric.
This is clearly illegal. The FBI needs to be dismantled.

Can't wait for the pathetic spin.

FBI met weekly with Big Tech ahead of the 2020 election, agent testifies

FBI Agent Elvis Chan testified Tuesday to Missouri and Louisiana attorneys general​

EXCLUSIVE – An FBI agent testified to Republican attorneys general this week that the FBI held weekly meetings with Big Tech companies in Silicon Valley ahead of the 2020 presidential election to discuss "disinformation" on social media and ask about efforts to censor that information.

On Tuesday, lawyers from the offices of Attorneys General Eric Schmitt of Missouri and Jeff Landry of Louisiana deposed FBI Supervisory Special Agent Elvis Chan as part of their lawsuit against the Biden administration. That suit accuses high-ranking government officials of working with giant social media companies "under the guise of combating misinformation" to achieve greater censorship.

Chan, who serves in the FBI’s San Francisco bureau, was questioned under oath by court order about his alleged "critical role" in "coordinating with social-media platforms relating to censorship and suppression of speech on their platforms."

The article said Foreign/Russian disinformation....
No professional soldier would follow Trump anywhere. Those fellas took an oath. Folks like you see above and those who post here from the right are easily persuaded to do things that are not in their best interest. The guy above is a poster child for all that is left of the MAGA movement.
How the fuck do you know anything about soldiers to start with ? Regardless not to long ago the Pentigon stated that the military was riddled with "rightwing" extremist and they had an entire witch hunt going on. It should have been easy for Trump to gather a battalion or so of troops. But for some reason according to you loons he sent in unarmed civilians and sideshow freaks. That makes no sense if Trump was trying to change the outcome of the election.

The more likely scenario is that Trump wanted people to protest and that shit got out of control because of a few morons kinda like the "mostly peaceful protests around the country that were burning city blocks to the ground. Of course we didn't get to see a dog and pony show provided by biased Republicans investigating those protests. Only biased Democrats and hand picked Republicans provided the entertainment.
You have no rights to other people's private property you moron. Owners of tech companies can work with the FBI if they so choose. What world is this where you imagine someone else working with law enforcement is a violation of your constitutional rights? 😄

I don’t go on Twitter, as it is a cesspool of leftist trash.
But, you clearly don’t comprehend what happened there, or what I clearly said….have a nice day.
My friend, former president trump can’t do anything at the moment, he’s a citizen like you, or I…But, he has said recently that he’d like to suspend our constitution. Every American should recoil from that rhetoric.
Trump says a lot of dumb shit off the cuff while the demented LEFT DOES the very things they accuse everyone else of!

I don’t go on Twitter, as it is a cesspool of leftist trash.
But, you clearly don’t comprehend what happened there, or what I clearly said….have a nice day.
I don't go on Twitter or Facebook either but those companies have not violated anyone's rights by working with law enforcement and you seem to be struggling to explain how that would even be possible.
FBI warning of Russian disinformation is what was reported.
We need confirmation that the meetings took place, and we need confirmation of exactly what was discussed.

Then we let the chips fall where they may. If some hairy shit took place, then we need to know NOW.
I don't go on Twitter or Facebook either but those companies have not violated anyone's rights by working with law enforcement and you seem to be struggling to explain how that would even be possible.
I can’t believe I have to explain this to a seemingly sentient individual.

The FBI is corrupted by politics, as well as a part of the executive branch. Working to silence damaging speech to a political party in an election is a violation right there, as well as the Biden WH, continuing to do this when they assumed office.

You support this because you’d like to see your political opposition silenced, and jailed….You’re an enemy to the Constitution.
We need confirmation that the meetings took place, and we need confirmation of exactly what was discussed.

Then we let the chips fall where they may. If some hairy shit took place, then we need to know NOW.
These were the internal communications of Twitter….you think they’re fake?
How the fuck do you know anything about soldiers to start with ?
This is why you had the motley group of thugs and half-wits at the Capitol on 1/6.
Regardless not to long ago the Pentigon stated that the military was riddled with "rightwing" extremist and they had an entire witch hunt going on. It should have been easy for Trump to gather a battalion or so of troops.
You clearly don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Professional soldiers recognize a dilettante when they see one. What you're talking about are mercenaries.
But for some reason according to you loons he sent in unarmed civilians and sideshow freaks.
He incited who he could find. And it reflects this board to a T...does it not? I mean...look at the rhetoric from your side and tell me it's not an example of brain damage.
That makes no sense if Trump was trying to change the outcome of the election.

The more likely scenario is that Trump wanted people to protest and that shit got out of control because of a few morons kinda like the "mostly peaceful protests around the country that were burning city blocks to the ground. Of course we didn't get to see a dog and pony show provided by biased Republicans investigating those protests. Only biased Democrats and hand picked Republicans provided the entertainment.
Well, 2 of your "patriots" just got popped for seditious conspiracy. More on the way.
We need confirmation that the meetings took place, and we need confirmation of exactly what was discussed.

Then we let the chips fall where they may. If some hairy shit took place, then we need to know NOW.
Don't you think this smoking gun--a memo from the Feds to Twitter about Hunter's Laptop (as if that was the key factor in deciding a presidential election)--would have been the first thing released by Elon?
I can’t believe I have to explain this to a seemingly sentient individual.

The FBI is corrupted by politics, as well as a part of the executive branch. Working to silence damaging speech to a political party in an election is a violation right there, as well as the Biden WH, continuing to do this when they assumed office.

You support this because you’d like to see your political opposition silenced, and jailed….You’re an enemy to the Constitution.
The first part of your explanation is an ad hominem against the FBI and the second part is ambiguous. Exactly how have they silenced your right to free speech when you don't have a right to free speech on other people's property to begin with?

I don’t go on Twitter, as it is a cesspool of leftist trash.
But, you clearly don’t comprehend what happened there, or what I clearly said….have a nice day.
If you don't go on Twitter, how do you know what is on Twitter?

Perhaps you're just....stupid?
You have no rights to other people's private property you moron. Owners of tech companies can work with the FBI if they so choose. What world is this where you imagine someone else working with law enforcement is a violation of your constitutional rights? 😄
private companies and individuals can become agents of rhe state and thus violate ones constitutional rights.

what we saw from the demafasict and facebook/tweeter…was a total fascist partnership designed to violate people’s first amendment rights and censor political speech that was harmful to their party agenda
Don't you think this smoking gun--a memo from the Feds to Twitter about Hunter's Laptop (as if that was the key factor in deciding a presidential election)--would have been the first thing released by Elon?
Probably, but I don't know what I don't know yet.

There's so much noise from the Trumpsters that all I'd like to do is get to specifically what we do know.

I have one of them furious at me because I evidently don't care that Hunter is a child molester. I can't say for sure, but I don't think we know that.

99% of this is noise. I sure wish there were a place I could go where is not.

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