FBI apprehends Christian terror group on US soil

Look dumb ass, the DIFFERENCE is that ISLAM TEACHES murder and slaughter and calls on its members to do so. Christians are NOT taught by the religion to kill and maim. You see dumb ass Christians about 700 years ago started to change the bent of the religion and began putting a stop to such activities. Remind me when Islam did so? Ohh wait, they HAVEN'T.

So STUPID the difference is one religion glorifies and encourages its members to murder none members while the other condemns and ostracizes anyone that does so in its name.

Doesn't it now?
This is conveniently lifted from a recent unrelated thread:

Deuteronomy 21:18-21
“If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and, though they discipline him, will not listen to them, then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gate of the place where he lives, and they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This our son is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.’ Then all the men of the city shall stone him to death with stones. So you shall purge the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

Leviticus 24:16
Whoever blasphemes the name of the Lord shall surely be put to death. All the congregation shall stone him. The sojourner as well as the native, when he blasphemes the Name, shall be put to death.

Acts 7:59-60
And as they were stoning Stephen, he called out, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” And falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep.

Numbers 15:32-36
While the people of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day. And those who found him gathering sticks brought him to Moses and Aaron and to all the congregation. They put him in custody, because it had not been made clear what should be done to him. And the Lord said to Moses, “The man shall be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” And all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him to death with stones, as the Lord commanded Moses.

Leviticus 20:27
“A man or a woman who is a medium or a necromancer shall surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones; their blood shall be upon them.”

Deuteronomy 13:10
You shall stone him to death with stones
, because he sought to draw you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.

(all listed here)

--- and that was only specifically stonings, not the bits about bashing babies' heads. All that's in the Holey Babble -- right now.

As is plainly laid out in the post you quoted, sitting right above:

Comes down to this:
A terrorist claims to be acting on behalf of Jesus (Rudolph, McVeigh, the litany list in post 35), you wags go "he's a liar, he's an imposter, he's not a Christian!"
- Another terrorist claims to act on behalf of Allah, suddenly his word is absolute truth, pure as the driven snow because he's NEVER misrepresent that.

Double standard. QED.

Apparently y 'all would have us believe that Christians are liars and Muslims are always truthful.

That is, if you want to keep leaning on the blanket generalization crutch. No other conclusion is possible.

Wiggle out of that one, Fallacists.
The interpretation of those verses is not now what it once was. Since the enlightenment the Churches have worked to encourage love and acceptance. Which you know or should know. meanwhile there has been no enlightenment for Islam. Where Christian main stream churches ostracize and condemn violence from those claiming Religious favor the Islamic religion ENCOURAGES it.

oooooh, the INTERPRETATION now is it? Funny, right above you said, and I quote,

"ISLAM TEACHES murder and slaughter and calls on its members to do so. Christians are NOT taught by the religion to kill and maim"

--- and as I demonstrated that's blatantly false. Now you wanna beg off to a special pleading of "interpretation".

Poster please. You're busted from here to Tanganyika.
So YOU admit you do not know what Christians are taught, yet you claim to know what they think? Once again you retard since the enlightenment violence has been banned. Anyone that professes Christian support and advocates violence is ostracized and not supported by the religion. You are beyond stupid for not knowing that and for claiming that practices from HUNDREDS of years ago are still done today. meanwhile you deny that until the 60's the Democrats created enforced and supported Jim Crow laws. Tell ya what buck wheat, if you can cite an incident from 100 years ago and claim it is current then I surely can cite incidents from 60 years ago right?

Remind us when Islam had its enlightenment?

Apart from Acts he is quoting the Old Testament which was for the people of Israel, Christians didn't even exist yet and neither did Jesus. Christians follow Christ and obviously the original 10 commandments, but are not obliged to follow much of the OT in my understanding. Unlike the Quran with its timeless exhortations to act, most of the bible is reporting who did what and not instructing others to indulge in such behaviour against any particular people, certainly not in the NT.

I do however own a Babble, and grew up Christian, so I already know they're inseparable. While some of the cited passages are in past tense as accounts of events, others are instructions in the future tense, e.g. "you shall stone him to death with stones" in the book of Redundancy.... uh, I mean Deuteronomy and Leviticus, to name two. And I have yet to have anyone point me to that passage in the NEW Testament where Jesus be all like:

"Amen amen I say to you, all that wacko crap in that other Testament, that's like totally wack, nomsayin'?
So chill on the stone pill, peeps, and lay back, git y'all's groove on and slide on the swingin' sustenance of serenity, can I git a a -men!"

-- Far as I know that never took place, so all that OTistic carnage --- still on the books.

Whether anyone in the religion actually practices it, and actually goes out and stones their neighbor to death for gathering sticks on the sabbath, is another matter --- but that same question applies equally to those who might follow Islam.

The poster above wants to maintain (a) that these exhortations to death and destruction do not exist in the Babble, yet clearly they do. He protests the Qu'ran unlike the Babble "encourages it" -- yet here's the Babble encouraging smashing babies' heads against the rocks and disembowling pregnant women. And when he's called on that he wants to go to (b) the old canard that Christians don't pay attention to that yet somehow Muslims do. Which is the same double standard fallacy they've been trying to milk all day.

He's trapped in a fallacy and he can't get up.
Doesn't it now?
This is conveniently lifted from a recent unrelated thread:

Deuteronomy 21:18-21
“If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and, though they discipline him, will not listen to them, then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gate of the place where he lives, and they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This our son is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.’ Then all the men of the city shall stone him to death with stones. So you shall purge the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

Leviticus 24:16
Whoever blasphemes the name of the Lord shall surely be put to death. All the congregation shall stone him. The sojourner as well as the native, when he blasphemes the Name, shall be put to death.

Acts 7:59-60
And as they were stoning Stephen, he called out, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” And falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep.

Numbers 15:32-36
While the people of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day. And those who found him gathering sticks brought him to Moses and Aaron and to all the congregation. They put him in custody, because it had not been made clear what should be done to him. And the Lord said to Moses, “The man shall be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” And all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him to death with stones, as the Lord commanded Moses.

Leviticus 20:27
“A man or a woman who is a medium or a necromancer shall surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones; their blood shall be upon them.”

Deuteronomy 13:10
You shall stone him to death with stones
, because he sought to draw you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.

(all listed here)

--- and that was only specifically stonings, not the bits about bashing babies' heads. All that's in the Holey Babble -- right now.

As is plainly laid out in the post you quoted, sitting right above:

Comes down to this:
A terrorist claims to be acting on behalf of Jesus (Rudolph, McVeigh, the litany list in post 35), you wags go "he's a liar, he's an imposter, he's not a Christian!"
- Another terrorist claims to act on behalf of Allah, suddenly his word is absolute truth, pure as the driven snow because he's NEVER misrepresent that.

Double standard. QED.

Apparently y 'all would have us believe that Christians are liars and Muslims are always truthful.

That is, if you want to keep leaning on the blanket generalization crutch. No other conclusion is possible.

Wiggle out of that one, Fallacists.
The interpretation of those verses is not now what it once was. Since the enlightenment the Churches have worked to encourage love and acceptance. Which you know or should know. meanwhile there has been no enlightenment for Islam. Where Christian main stream churches ostracize and condemn violence from those claiming Religious favor the Islamic religion ENCOURAGES it.

oooooh, the INTERPRETATION now is it? Funny, right above you said, and I quote,

"ISLAM TEACHES murder and slaughter and calls on its members to do so. Christians are NOT taught by the religion to kill and maim"

--- and as I demonstrated that's blatantly false. Now you wanna beg off to a special pleading of "interpretation".

Poster please. You're busted from here to Tanganyika.
So YOU admit you do not know what Christians are taught, yet you claim to know what they think? Once again you retard since the enlightenment violence has been banned. Anyone that professes Christian support and advocates violence is ostracized and not supported by the religion. You are beyond stupid for not knowing that and for claiming that practices from HUNDREDS of years ago are still done today. meanwhile you deny that until the 60's the Democrats created enforced and supported Jim Crow laws. Tell ya what buck wheat, if you can cite an incident from 100 years ago and claim it is current then I surely can cite incidents from 60 years ago right?

Remind us when Islam had its enlightenment?

Apart from Acts he is quoting the Old Testament which was for the people of Israel, Christians didn't even exist yet and neither did Jesus. Christians follow Christ and obviously the original 10 commandments, but are not obliged to follow much of the OT in my understanding. Unlike the Quran with its timeless exhortations to act, most of the bible is reporting who did what and not instructing others to indulge in such behaviour against any particular people, certainly not in the NT.

I do however own a Babble, and grew up Christian, so I already know they're inseparable. While some of the cited passages are in past tense as accounts of events, others are instructions in the future tense, e.g. "you shall stone him to death with stones" in the book of Redundancy.... uh, I mean Deuteronomy and Leviticus, to name two. And I have yet to have anyone point me to that passage in the NEW Testament where Jesus be all like:

"Amen amen I say to you, all that wacko crap in that other Testament, that's like totally wack, nomsayin'?
So chill on the stone pill, peeps, and lay back, git y'all's groove on and slide on the swingin' sustenance of serenity, can I git a a -men!"

-- Far as I know that never took place, so all that OTistic carnage --- still on the books.

Whether anyone in the religion actually practices it, and actually goes out and stones their neighbor to death for gathering sticks on the sabbath, is another matter --- but that same question applies equally to those who might follow Islam.

The poster above wants to maintain (a) that these exhortations to death and destruction do not exist in the Babble, yet clearly they do. He protests the Qu'ran unlike the Babble "encourages it" -- yet here's the Babble encouraging smashing babies' heads against the rocks and disembowling pregnant women. And when he's called on that he wants to go to (b) the old canard that Christians don't pay attention to that yet somehow Muslims do. Which is the same double standard fallacy they've been trying to milk all day.

He's trapped in a fallacy and he can't get up.
Keep proving just how STUPID you are.

Sgt. Richard Valdemar | Fairly Civil

"Police have arrested three alleged members of the Latino gang MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha) in connection with the murder. The “alleged” perpetrators are — but of course, leave us not rush to judgment — “innocent until proven guilty” under law. But the incident is a depressing echo of story after story of Latino gang violence that I document in my forthcoming book — No Boundaries: Transnational Latino Gangs and American Law Enforcement (University of Michigan Press, Spring 2009).

The two most violent transnational youth gangs — MS-13 and the 18th Street gang — are present today in almost every state in the union. Their virulent spread within the United States is a casebook study of “blowback,” the unintended bad consequence of what seems at the time like a good idea."

Should deny immigration to Christians, close churches, and label Christianity a terrorist religion.


The Left already does that.

Sgt. Richard Valdemar | Fairly Civil

"Police have arrested three alleged members of the Latino gang MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha) in connection with the murder. The “alleged” perpetrators are — but of course, leave us not rush to judgment — “innocent until proven guilty” under law. But the incident is a depressing echo of story after story of Latino gang violence that I document in my forthcoming book — No Boundaries: Transnational Latino Gangs and American Law Enforcement (University of Michigan Press, Spring 2009).

The two most violent transnational youth gangs — MS-13 and the 18th Street gang — are present today in almost every state in the union. Their virulent spread within the United States is a casebook study of “blowback,” the unintended bad consequence of what seems at the time like a good idea."

Should deny immigration to Christians, close churches, and label Christianity a terrorist religion.


Good grief, what a dishonest and downright sick OP.

So you're counting Latin American gangs in this country as "Christian terrorist groups"?

You are truly pathetic. You should be ashamed of yourself.

The only shame liberals know is the shame their parents must have.
After the American Civil War of 1861–1865, members of the Protestant-led[12] Ku Klux Klan (KKK) organization began engaging in arson, beatings, destruction of property, lynching, murder, rape, tar-and-feathering, whipping and intimidation via such means as cross burning. They targeted African Americans, Jews, Catholics, and other social or ethnic minorities.

Klan members had an explicitly Christian terrorist ideology, basing their beliefs in part on a "religious foundation" in Christianity.[13] The goals of the KKK included, from an early time onward, an intent to "reestablish Protestant Christian values in America by any means possible", and they believed that "Jesus was the first Klansman."[14] From 1915 onward, Klansmen conducted cross-burnings not only to intimidate targets, but also to demonstrate their respect and reverence for Jesus Christ, and the ritual of lighting crosses was steeped in Christian symbolism, including prayer and singing hymns.[15] Within Christianity the Klan directed hostilities against Catholics. Modern Klan organizations remain associated with acts of domestic terrorism in the US.[16] -- Wiki

The KKK (second iteration, 1915) targeted not only blacks, Jews, Catholics and communists but drinkers (it was pro-Prohibition) adulterers and "loose women", in at least one case pulling a (white) woman out of her house and whipping her for the "crime" of "not going to church". It's why I call 'em the American Taliban. And as far as the "base of support" Special Pleading Fallacy somebody's bound to trot out as if it's an argument, at its peak an estimated one-third of the entire male population of Indiana was Klan.

But by all means, deniers, regale us with still yet more of yon pretentious platitudinal piffle of how terrorism is an "Islam" thing.
Shitforbrains now brings up what Democrats did in 1861.
What a pathetic worm.

That he is.

Tell me. Just what does all his bullshit have to do with Muslim terrorists??

I'm sure everyone would all like to know.

Shall we bring it home in a convenient capsule? Good, let's do that.

Comes down to this:
A terrorist claims to be acting on behalf of Jesus (Rudolph, McVeigh, the litany list in post 35), you wags go "he's a liar, he's an imposter, he's not a Christian!"
- Another terrorist claims to act on behalf of Allah, suddenly his word is absolute truth, pure as the driven snow because he's NEVER misrepresent that.

Double standard. QED.

Apparently y 'all would have us believe that Christians are liars and Muslims are always truthful.

That is, if you want to keep leaning on the blanket generalization crutch. No other conclusion is possible.

Wiggle out of that one, Fallacists.
Look dumb ass, the DIFFERENCE is that ISLAM TEACHES murder and slaughter and calls on its members to do so. Christians are NOT taught by the religion to kill and maim. You see dumb ass Christians about 700 years ago started to change the bent of the religion and began putting a stop to such activities. Remind me when Islam did so? Ohh wait, they HAVEN'T.

So STUPID the difference is one religion glorifies and encourages its members to murder none members while the other condemns and ostracizes anyone that does so in its name.

Doesn't it now?
This is conveniently lifted from a recent unrelated thread:

Deuteronomy 21:18-21
“If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and, though they discipline him, will not listen to them, then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gate of the place where he lives, and they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This our son is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.’ Then all the men of the city shall stone him to death with stones. So you shall purge the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

Leviticus 24:16
Whoever blasphemes the name of the Lord shall surely be put to death. All the congregation shall stone him. The sojourner as well as the native, when he blasphemes the Name, shall be put to death.

Acts 7:59-60
And as they were stoning Stephen, he called out, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” And falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep.

Numbers 15:32-36
While the people of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day. And those who found him gathering sticks brought him to Moses and Aaron and to all the congregation. They put him in custody, because it had not been made clear what should be done to him. And the Lord said to Moses, “The man shall be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” And all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him to death with stones, as the Lord commanded Moses.

Leviticus 20:27
“A man or a woman who is a medium or a necromancer shall surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones; their blood shall be upon them.”

Deuteronomy 13:10
You shall stone him to death with stones
, because he sought to draw you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.

(all listed here)

--- and that was only specifically stonings, not the bits about bashing babies' heads. All that's in the Holey Babble -- right now.

As is plainly laid out in the post you quoted, sitting right above:

Comes down to this:
A terrorist claims to be acting on behalf of Jesus (Rudolph, McVeigh, the litany list in post 35), you wags go "he's a liar, he's an imposter, he's not a Christian!"
- Another terrorist claims to act on behalf of Allah, suddenly his word is absolute truth, pure as the driven snow because he's NEVER misrepresent that.

Double standard. QED.

Apparently y 'all would have us believe that Christians are liars and Muslims are always truthful.

That is, if you want to keep leaning on the blanket generalization crutch. No other conclusion is possible.

Wiggle out of that one, Fallacists.
See my answer on #124 ripping your first to shreds. If you want, I can go thru each and make you look like a total fool instead of just a confused person filled with hate.

I suggest when you go to your hate websites for ammo you do a little research at other websites to see if your ammo is going to backfire on you first.

Sgt. Richard Valdemar | Fairly Civil

"Police have arrested three alleged members of the Latino gang MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha) in connection with the murder. The “alleged” perpetrators are — but of course, leave us not rush to judgment — “innocent until proven guilty” under law. But the incident is a depressing echo of story after story of Latino gang violence that I document in my forthcoming book — No Boundaries: Transnational Latino Gangs and American Law Enforcement (University of Michigan Press, Spring 2009).

The two most violent transnational youth gangs — MS-13 and the 18th Street gang — are present today in almost every state in the union. Their virulent spread within the United States is a casebook study of “blowback,” the unintended bad consequence of what seems at the time like a good idea."

Should deny immigration to Christians, close churches, and label Christianity a terrorist religion.


To be fair, the same people who don't want Syrian refugees into the US are the same ones that want to seal the US border with Mexico.

Secondly, you call Mexican gangs Christians? I guess anyone not yelling Allah Akbar when they kill are now labelled Christians.

As I showed in the other thread, MS13 have Christian themed tattoos and use Catholic imagery. But we don't call them Christian terrorists hence the hypocritical double standard.

It's only a double standard if you are some progressive apologist trying to create moral equivalence.

These are drug gangs, economic criminals of the lowest order, their concern is money and local economic power. All the tats and other superficial things are meaningless.

ISIS desires the creation of a Islamic State, built on Islamic principles, and recruits people with Islamic beliefs.

Conservative christians in America want to establish a christian state. Most conservative christians say that our nation was founded on christian values and we need to return to that to save our nation.

Those same conservative christians want an America built on christian principles and they recruit people with christian beliefs.

Conservative christians have absolutely no problem with a theocratic state as long as it's their form of theocracy.

Both are just as dangerous.

Real Americans know that America wasn't founded on christian principles and know that we have freedom of religion here in America which means that no religion can force it's beliefs on any American or our government.

Here's a thought, how about we follow the founders of our nation and the constitution? Keep all religion separate and everyone free to choose what faith they want to follow.

Sgt. Richard Valdemar | Fairly Civil

"Police have arrested three alleged members of the Latino gang MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha) in connection with the murder. The “alleged” perpetrators are — but of course, leave us not rush to judgment — “innocent until proven guilty” under law. But the incident is a depressing echo of story after story of Latino gang violence that I document in my forthcoming book — No Boundaries: Transnational Latino Gangs and American Law Enforcement (University of Michigan Press, Spring 2009).

The two most violent transnational youth gangs — MS-13 and the 18th Street gang — are present today in almost every state in the union. Their virulent spread within the United States is a casebook study of “blowback,” the unintended bad consequence of what seems at the time like a good idea."

Should deny immigration to Christians, close churches, and label Christianity a terrorist religion.


To be fair, the same people who don't want Syrian refugees into the US are the same ones that want to seal the US border with Mexico.

Secondly, you call Mexican gangs Christians? I guess anyone not yelling Allah Akbar when they kill are now labelled Christians.

As I showed in the other thread, MS13 have Christian themed tattoos and use Catholic imagery. But we don't call them Christian terrorists hence the hypocritical double standard.

Border patrol should be gunning down ms 13 gangs whenever they have the opportunity.

Sgt. Richard Valdemar | Fairly Civil

"Police have arrested three alleged members of the Latino gang MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha) in connection with the murder. The “alleged” perpetrators are — but of course, leave us not rush to judgment — “innocent until proven guilty” under law. But the incident is a depressing echo of story after story of Latino gang violence that I document in my forthcoming book — No Boundaries: Transnational Latino Gangs and American Law Enforcement (University of Michigan Press, Spring 2009).

The two most violent transnational youth gangs — MS-13 and the 18th Street gang — are present today in almost every state in the union. Their virulent spread within the United States is a casebook study of “blowback,” the unintended bad consequence of what seems at the time like a good idea."

Should deny immigration to Christians, close churches, and label Christianity a terrorist religion.


To be fair, the same people who don't want Syrian refugees into the US are the same ones that want to seal the US border with Mexico.

Secondly, you call Mexican gangs Christians? I guess anyone not yelling Allah Akbar when they kill are now labelled Christians.

As I showed in the other thread, MS13 have Christian themed tattoos and use Catholic imagery. But we don't call them Christian terrorists hence the hypocritical double standard.

It's only a double standard if you are some progressive apologist trying to create moral equivalence.

These are drug gangs, economic criminals of the lowest order, their concern is money and local economic power. All the tats and other superficial things are meaningless.

ISIS desires the creation of a Islamic State, built on Islamic principles, and recruits people with Islamic beliefs.

Conservative christians in America want to establish a christian state. Most conservative christians say that our nation was founded on christian values and we need to return to that to save our nation.

Those same conservative christians want an America built on christian principles and they recruit people with christian beliefs.

Conservative christians have absolutely no problem with a theocratic state as long as it's their form of theocracy.

Both are just as dangerous.

Real Americans know that America wasn't founded on christian principles and know that we have freedom of religion here in America which means that no religion can force it's beliefs on any American or our government.

Here's a thought, how about we follow the founders of our nation and the constitution? Keep all religion separate and everyone free to choose what faith they want to follow.

You are so full of crap it ain't funny. Did you cut and paste this from the dailykos?

1. No one is trying to form a state religion, at least not Christians. But if someone will or is it is two groups. The secular humanists and, when their numbers increase, the Muslims. We have whole countries proving this to be true. It is coming we need only wait.

2. The country was formed in accordance with some standard, that standard was Christianity. Does not mean that religion was being forced onto people or that it is written into the COTUS, but just like you might think that using relativism as a means to make decisions the Bible was used by the founders for them to make theirs. Washington didn't pray to Allah at Valley Forge.

3. As we see the country and the world disintegrating into termoil and moving away from Christian belief the two can not be separated. Your side basing all decisions on secular humanism is bring the down fall. Let it come it was predicted.

Sgt. Richard Valdemar | Fairly Civil

"Police have arrested three alleged members of the Latino gang MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha) in connection with the murder. The “alleged” perpetrators are — but of course, leave us not rush to judgment — “innocent until proven guilty” under law. But the incident is a depressing echo of story after story of Latino gang violence that I document in my forthcoming book — No Boundaries: Transnational Latino Gangs and American Law Enforcement (University of Michigan Press, Spring 2009).

The two most violent transnational youth gangs — MS-13 and the 18th Street gang — are present today in almost every state in the union. Their virulent spread within the United States is a casebook study of “blowback,” the unintended bad consequence of what seems at the time like a good idea."

Should deny immigration to Christians, close churches, and label Christianity a terrorist religion.


To be fair, the same people who don't want Syrian refugees into the US are the same ones that want to seal the US border with Mexico.

Secondly, you call Mexican gangs Christians? I guess anyone not yelling Allah Akbar when they kill are now labelled Christians.

As I showed in the other thread, MS13 have Christian themed tattoos and use Catholic imagery. But we don't call them Christian terrorists hence the hypocritical double standard.

Border patrol should be gunning down ms 13 gangs whenever they have the opportunity.

Oh my, a war on Christians? :^D

Sgt. Richard Valdemar | Fairly Civil

"Police have arrested three alleged members of the Latino gang MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha) in connection with the murder. The “alleged” perpetrators are — but of course, leave us not rush to judgment — “innocent until proven guilty” under law. But the incident is a depressing echo of story after story of Latino gang violence that I document in my forthcoming book — No Boundaries: Transnational Latino Gangs and American Law Enforcement (University of Michigan Press, Spring 2009).

The two most violent transnational youth gangs — MS-13 and the 18th Street gang — are present today in almost every state in the union. Their virulent spread within the United States is a casebook study of “blowback,” the unintended bad consequence of what seems at the time like a good idea."

Should deny immigration to Christians, close churches, and label Christianity a terrorist religion.


To be fair, the same people who don't want Syrian refugees into the US are the same ones that want to seal the US border with Mexico.

Secondly, you call Mexican gangs Christians? I guess anyone not yelling Allah Akbar when they kill are now labelled Christians.

As I showed in the other thread, MS13 have Christian themed tattoos and use Catholic imagery. But we don't call them Christian terrorists hence the hypocritical double standard.

It's only a double standard if you are some progressive apologist trying to create moral equivalence.

These are drug gangs, economic criminals of the lowest order, their concern is money and local economic power. All the tats and other superficial things are meaningless.

ISIS desires the creation of a Islamic State, built on Islamic principles, and recruits people with Islamic beliefs.

Conservative christians in America want to establish a christian state. Most conservative christians say that our nation was founded on christian values and we need to return to that to save our nation.

Those same conservative christians want an America built on christian principles and they recruit people with christian beliefs.

Conservative christians have absolutely no problem with a theocratic state as long as it's their form of theocracy.

Both are just as dangerous.

Real Americans know that America wasn't founded on christian principles and know that we have freedom of religion here in America which means that no religion can force it's beliefs on any American or our government.

Here's a thought, how about we follow the founders of our nation and the constitution? Keep all religion separate and everyone free to choose what faith they want to follow.

Returning to Christian values is not advocating for a Theocracy. One again a progressive runs to argumentum ad absurdum, the warm happy home for feeble little minds.

And even if they did, I don't see any calls for revolution out there, any Theocracy would first have to garner enough support to change the Constitution in several locations, and if it was that popular, Secularists have far bigger worries.

And again, the principles this country were founded on have root in Judeo-Christian morality and thought, just like everything else that came from European ideals.
Shitforbrains now brings up what Democrats did in 1861.
What a pathetic worm.

That he is.

Tell me. Just what does all his bullshit have to do with Muslim terrorists??

I'm sure everyone would all like to know.

Shall we bring it home in a convenient capsule? Good, let's do that.

Comes down to this:
A terrorist claims to be acting on behalf of Jesus (Rudolph, McVeigh, the litany list in post 35), you wags go "he's a liar, he's an imposter, he's not a Christian!"
- Another terrorist claims to act on behalf of Allah, suddenly his word is absolute truth, pure as the driven snow because he's NEVER misrepresent that.

Double standard. QED.

Apparently y 'all would have us believe that Christians are liars and Muslims are always truthful.

That is, if you want to keep leaning on the blanket generalization crutch. No other conclusion is possible.

Wiggle out of that one, Fallacists.
Look dumb ass, the DIFFERENCE is that ISLAM TEACHES murder and slaughter and calls on its members to do so. Christians are NOT taught by the religion to kill and maim. You see dumb ass Christians about 700 years ago started to change the bent of the religion and began putting a stop to such activities. Remind me when Islam did so? Ohh wait, they HAVEN'T.

So STUPID the difference is one religion glorifies and encourages its members to murder none members while the other condemns and ostracizes anyone that does so in its name.

Doesn't it now?
This is conveniently lifted from a recent unrelated thread:

Deuteronomy 21:18-21
“If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and, though they discipline him, will not listen to them, then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gate of the place where he lives, and they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This our son is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.’ Then all the men of the city shall stone him to death with stones. So you shall purge the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

Leviticus 24:16
Whoever blasphemes the name of the Lord shall surely be put to death. All the congregation shall stone him. The sojourner as well as the native, when he blasphemes the Name, shall be put to death.

Acts 7:59-60
And as they were stoning Stephen, he called out, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” And falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep.

Numbers 15:32-36
While the people of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day. And those who found him gathering sticks brought him to Moses and Aaron and to all the congregation. They put him in custody, because it had not been made clear what should be done to him. And the Lord said to Moses, “The man shall be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” And all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him to death with stones, as the Lord commanded Moses.

Leviticus 20:27
“A man or a woman who is a medium or a necromancer shall surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones; their blood shall be upon them.”

Deuteronomy 13:10
You shall stone him to death with stones
, because he sought to draw you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.

(all listed here)

--- and that was only specifically stonings, not the bits about bashing babies' heads. All that's in the Holey Babble -- right now.

As is plainly laid out in the post you quoted, sitting right above:

Comes down to this:
A terrorist claims to be acting on behalf of Jesus (Rudolph, McVeigh, the litany list in post 35), you wags go "he's a liar, he's an imposter, he's not a Christian!"
- Another terrorist claims to act on behalf of Allah, suddenly his word is absolute truth, pure as the driven snow because he's NEVER misrepresent that.

Double standard. QED.

Apparently y 'all would have us believe that Christians are liars and Muslims are always truthful.

That is, if you want to keep leaning on the blanket generalization crutch. No other conclusion is possible.

Wiggle out of that one, Fallacists.
See my answer on #124 ripping your first to shreds. If you want, I can go thru each and make you look like a total fool instead of just a confused person filled with hate.

I suggest when you go to your hate websites for ammo you do a little research at other websites to see if your ammo is going to backfire on you first.

Actually this seems to be the only hate site I get to, and thanks for that. I just lead you to the antidote, can't make you drink.

I don't think you "ripped anything to shreds" here. That was prolly the wad of toilet paper sticking to your shoe. :eusa_hand:

Sgt. Richard Valdemar | Fairly Civil

"Police have arrested three alleged members of the Latino gang MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha) in connection with the murder. The “alleged” perpetrators are — but of course, leave us not rush to judgment — “innocent until proven guilty” under law. But the incident is a depressing echo of story after story of Latino gang violence that I document in my forthcoming book — No Boundaries: Transnational Latino Gangs and American Law Enforcement (University of Michigan Press, Spring 2009).

The two most violent transnational youth gangs — MS-13 and the 18th Street gang — are present today in almost every state in the union. Their virulent spread within the United States is a casebook study of “blowback,” the unintended bad consequence of what seems at the time like a good idea."

Should deny immigration to Christians, close churches, and label Christianity a terrorist religion.


To be fair, the same people who don't want Syrian refugees into the US are the same ones that want to seal the US border with Mexico.

Secondly, you call Mexican gangs Christians? I guess anyone not yelling Allah Akbar when they kill are now labelled Christians.

As I showed in the other thread, MS13 have Christian themed tattoos and use Catholic imagery. But we don't call them Christian terrorists hence the hypocritical double standard.

It's only a double standard if you are some progressive apologist trying to create moral equivalence.

These are drug gangs, economic criminals of the lowest order, their concern is money and local economic power. All the tats and other superficial things are meaningless.

ISIS desires the creation of a Islamic State, built on Islamic principles, and recruits people with Islamic beliefs.

Conservative christians in America want to establish a christian state. Most conservative christians say that our nation was founded on christian values and we need to return to that to save our nation.

Those same conservative christians want an America built on christian principles and they recruit people with christian beliefs.

Conservative christians have absolutely no problem with a theocratic state as long as it's their form of theocracy.

Both are just as dangerous.

Real Americans know that America wasn't founded on christian principles and know that we have freedom of religion here in America which means that no religion can force it's beliefs on any American or our government.

Here's a thought, how about we follow the founders of our nation and the constitution? Keep all religion separate and everyone free to choose what faith they want to follow.

You are so full of crap it ain't funny. Did you cut and paste this from the dailykos?

1. No one is trying to form a state religion, at least not Christians. But if someone will or is it is two groups. The secular humanists and, when their numbers increase, the Muslims. We have whole countries proving this to be true. It is coming we need only wait.

2. The country was formed in accordance with some standard, that standard was Christianity. Does not mean that religion was being forced onto people or that it is written into the COTUS, but just like you might think that using relativism as a means to make decisions the Bible was used by the founders for them to make theirs. Washington didn't pray to Allah at Valley Forge.

3. As we see the country and the world disintegrating into termoil and moving away from Christian belief the two can not be separated. Your side basing all decisions on secular humanism is bring the down fall. Let it come it was predicted.
Dominionism and Dominion Theology And Ted Cruz's dad is a leader in the Dominionist movement.
After the American Civil War of 1861–1865, members of the Protestant-led[12] Ku Klux Klan (KKK) organization began engaging in arson, beatings, destruction of property, lynching, murder, rape, tar-and-feathering, whipping and intimidation via such means as cross burning. They targeted African Americans, Jews, Catholics, and other social or ethnic minorities.

Klan members had an explicitly Christian terrorist ideology, basing their beliefs in part on a "religious foundation" in Christianity.[13] The goals of the KKK included, from an early time onward, an intent to "reestablish Protestant Christian values in America by any means possible", and they believed that "Jesus was the first Klansman."[14] From 1915 onward, Klansmen conducted cross-burnings not only to intimidate targets, but also to demonstrate their respect and reverence for Jesus Christ, and the ritual of lighting crosses was steeped in Christian symbolism, including prayer and singing hymns.[15] Within Christianity the Klan directed hostilities against Catholics. Modern Klan organizations remain associated with acts of domestic terrorism in the US.[16] -- Wiki

The KKK (second iteration, 1915) targeted not only blacks, Jews, Catholics and communists but drinkers (it was pro-Prohibition) adulterers and "loose women", in at least one case pulling a (white) woman out of her house and whipping her for the "crime" of "not going to church". It's why I call 'em the American Taliban. And as far as the "base of support" Special Pleading Fallacy somebody's bound to trot out as if it's an argument, at its peak an estimated one-third of the entire male population of Indiana was Klan.

But by all means, deniers, regale us with still yet more of yon pretentious platitudinal piffle of how terrorism is an "Islam" thing.
Shitforbrains now brings up what Democrats did in 1861.
What a pathetic worm.

The Klan wasn't founded until 1865 -- AFTER the War. And it was founded by Confederate veteran soldiers (young ones) -- not "Democrats" or any other political party. That one didn't last 15 years; the second (Simmons) iteration was founded by a salesman acting out a history fantasy -- again not a political party.

Might wanna break open the piggy bank and buy a history book. You can't just make it up here.

The point you're desperately trying to deflect is the religious basis. Deflection fails.
Yup from 1876 to 1964 the Democrats did NOT create Jim Crow laws, ban blacks from voting or any other Racist thing, right? The KKK was not card carrying members of the Democratic party right?
the libs hate those facts, but one can't change history unless one is a liberal. Ask them.

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