FBI being blamed cause Fla has crappy gun laws.


Gold Member
Oct 2, 2015
the latest spin from the Florida shooting is the fbi catching crap because they didn’t follow up on some leads . Huh? Shouldn’t the question be why the local PD Wasn’t all over this guy ?

They knew he was a nut , but Florida laws let these nuts buy guns wh no problem .

Massachusetts law would’ve prevented this . Teens are limited on firearm purchases. And local police ok gun licenses . Local Pd know the trouble makers even if they don’t have a rap sheet .

But go on and believe that gun laws wouldn’t prevent this .
Well I think that many actions failed and this shooter slipped through the cracks..

One time there was a dead cat cut up in my front yard cut up, my neighbor is a fireman and felt that it was cut open with a knife ..
I called the sheriff, he came and threw the cat in his trunk blew me off and drove off..

Ha, no.

Gun laws have nothing to do with this. It has more to do with failure to execute (no pun intended) the law. Must you turn everything into politics?
the latest spin from the Florida shooting is the fbi catching crap because they didn’t follow up on some leads . Huh? Shouldn’t the question be why the local PD Wasn’t all over this guy ?

They knew he was a nut , but Florida laws let these nuts buy guns wh no problem .

Massachusetts law would’ve prevented this . Teens are limited on firearm purchases. And local police ok gun licenses . Local Pd know the trouble makers even if they don’t have a rap sheet .

But go on and believe that gun laws wouldn’t prevent this .

Laws don’t prevent shootings, otherwise Chicago, Detroit, and Baltimore would have the least amount of gun violence.
How about once, just one GOD damned time, everyone blame the fucker who pulled the trigger?

Not in this situation. He pulled the trigger because the FBI didn't act.
He pulled the trigger because the FBI doesn't share info with locals.

Broward County Sherriff's Dept had responded to numerous complaints on
this kid. If the FBI had passed along the info, instead of sitting on it like
they always do...The BCSD could have informed them of the other complaints
and the kid may have been stopped.

We all know who pulled the trigger. The issue in this case is if the
FBI would have done their job we wouldn't be burying teenagers.

The head of the Miami office...Must resign immediately. And probably a
couple with him.

100% unacceptable.
The police had all kinds of interactions wh this kid .
the latest spin from the Florida shooting is the fbi catching crap because they didn’t follow up on some leads . Huh? Shouldn’t the question be why the local PD Wasn’t all over this guy ?

They knew he was a nut , but Florida laws let these nuts buy guns wh no problem .

Massachusetts law would’ve prevented this . Teens are limited on firearm purchases. And local police ok gun licenses . Local Pd know the trouble makers even if they don’t have a rap sheet .

But go on and believe that gun laws wouldn’t prevent this .

Laws don’t prevent shootings, otherwise Chicago, Detroit, and Baltimore would have the least amount of gun violence.

Would you make the same argument about illegal immigrants ? “ laws don’t stop them from coming . Why bother trying to stop them.”
the latest spin from the Florida shooting is the fbi catching crap because they didn’t follow up on some leads . Huh? Shouldn’t the question be why the local PD Wasn’t all over this guy ?

They knew he was a nut , but Florida laws let these nuts buy guns wh no problem .

Massachusetts law would’ve prevented this . Teens are limited on firearm purchases. And local police ok gun licenses . Local Pd know the trouble makers even if they don’t have a rap sheet .

But go on and believe that gun laws wouldn’t prevent this .

Laws don’t prevent shootings, otherwise Chicago, Detroit, and Baltimore would have the least amount of gun violence.

Would you make the same argument about illegal immigrants ? “ laws don’t stop them from coming . Why bother trying to stop them.”

I’d try different laws
the latest spin from the Florida shooting is the fbi catching crap because they didn’t follow up on some leads . Huh? Shouldn’t the question be why the local PD Wasn’t all over this guy ?

They knew he was a nut , but Florida laws let these nuts buy guns wh no problem .

Massachusetts law would’ve prevented this . Teens are limited on firearm purchases. And local police ok gun licenses . Local Pd know the trouble makers even if they don’t have a rap sheet .

But go on and believe that gun laws wouldn’t prevent this .

From what I read the FBI was alerted however local authorities were not. The FBI at the very least should have warned the local authorities. They screwed up, that is the bottom line.
The FBI could not be as incompetent as the news about their failings with the Florida shooter suggest...
Their inaction must have been intentional...

the latest spin from the Florida shooting is the fbi catching crap because they didn’t follow up on some leads . Huh? Shouldn’t the question be why the local PD Wasn’t all over this guy ?

They knew he was a nut , but Florida laws let these nuts buy guns wh no problem .

Massachusetts law would’ve prevented this . Teens are limited on firearm purchases. And local police ok gun licenses . Local Pd know the trouble makers even if they don’t have a rap sheet .

But go on and believe that gun laws wouldn’t prevent this .

Laws don’t prevent shootings, otherwise Chicago, Detroit, and Baltimore would have the least amount of gun violence.

Would you make the same argument about illegal immigrants ? “ laws don’t stop them from coming . Why bother trying to stop them.”

Actually laws do stop illegals from coming, it's the idiot politicians like Obama and Moonbeam Brown that can't seem to follow the law.
A person described as someone close to accused gunman Nikolas Cruz, 19, contacted an FBI tip line on Jan. 5, weeks before the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, to report concerns about him, the FBI said in a statement.

What the fuck is going on at the FBI?
the latest spin from the Florida shooting is the fbi catching crap because they didn’t follow up on some leads . Huh? Shouldn’t the question be why the local PD Wasn’t all over this guy ?

They knew he was a nut , but Florida laws let these nuts buy guns wh no problem .

Massachusetts law would’ve prevented this . Teens are limited on firearm purchases. And local police ok gun licenses . Local Pd know the trouble makers even if they don’t have a rap sheet .

But go on and believe that gun laws wouldn’t prevent this .


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