FBI classifies Trump supporters as terrorists

You said it. I didn’t. Don’t blame me because you can’t backup your rhetoric
Your request was answered and it was clear. MAGA Republicans extremist are a subset of the GOP and not every Republican who supports the Trumpyberra is a MAGA extremist. Further clarification is unnecessary.
That's not what they said at all. They investigate someone when they have reasonable suspicion to believe they are or may become violent.

You're delusional.
Define “reasonable suspicion”

It means anyone who voted for Trump. You’re either stupid or naive.
When did Hillary Clinton talk about shooting people?
If you suggest that a group be forced to change their thinking how can you do that without the threat of violence?

She is taunting trump supporters
Libs sre just begging for a shooting war eith trump voters
Nah libs are just making fun of rampant paranoia on the right.
Fortunately MAGAs are not taking the bait
The only reason this thread still has legs is because you guys actually believe you’re being victimized. I’m just having fun with you idiots.

Watch out for the black helicopters--and our drones.
I'm not sure he would appreciate that.

You could try it with these tRump supporters though. His cult seems to have adopted it.

Trump DOJ never classified Biden supporters as terrorists or try to set up a one party state like Biden is trying to do.
Gonna call bullshit in several ways.

Joe Biden has tried to work with republicans, not set up a "one party state"

MAGAts OTOH, staged an insurrection and tried to install a dictator.

Reality sucks sometimes, deal with it.

Is the FBI turning Trump supporters into terrorist targets?​

5 Oct 2023 ~~ By James Bovard

Federal bureaucrats heaved together a bunch of letters to contrive an ominous new acronym for the latest peril to domestic tranquility.
The result: AGAAVE — “anti-government, anti-authority violent extremism” — which looks like a typo for a sugar substitute.
The great majority of the FBI’s “current ‘anti-government’ investigations are of Trump supporters,” William Arkin, a highly respected investigative journalist, reported in Newsweek.
The House Weaponization of the Federal Government Subcommittee warns that “the FBI appears to be complicit in artificially supporting the Administration’s political narrative” that domestic violent extremism is “the ‘greatest threat’ facing the United States.”
FBI whistleblower Steve Friend complained of current FBI leadership: “There is this belief that half the country are domestic terrorists and we can’t have a conversation with them. There is a fundamental belief that unless you are voicing what we agree . . . you are the enemy.”
Did the Biden administration secretly want Newsweek to vindicate the fears of legions of Trump supporters?
Biden’s war on extremism could become a self-fulfilling prophecy that destroys American political legitimacy. An official in the Office of Director of National Intelligence lamented: “So we have the president increasing his own inflammatory rhetoric which leads Donald Trump and the Republicans to do the same” — and the media follow suit.
Biden is exempt from official suspicion even when he denounced Republicans as fascists who want to destroy democracy. Yet if Republicans sound equally overheated, Biden’s FBI has pretexts to target them.
Will the FBI’s interventions in the 2024 presidential election be even more brazen than its 2016 and 2020 stunts? Will the agency exploit its “assessments” to recruit knuckleheads to engage in another pre-election Keystone Kops plot to kidnap a governor, as it did in Michigan in 2020?
New crackdowns on purported extremists are especially perilous when FBI seems to stand for “Following Biden’s Instructions.”
A 1976 Senate report on FBI abuses warned: “The American people need to be assured that never again will an agency of the government be permitted to conduct a secret war against those citizens it considers threats to the established order.”
Unfortunately, Americans may not learn the damning details of another FBI “secret war” until long after the next election.

If the FBI is branding everyday citizens as "AGAAVE" (anti-government, anti-authority violent extremism) than the FBI are acting as "ACPAVE" (Anti-Citizen Pro-Authoritarian Violent Enforcers).
That means all American citizens are on the FBI/STASI watch list... Anti- abortionists, parents against transgender, Catholics, MAGA participants, anyone that doesn't follow the establishment line will be targeted by the FBI/STASI. The FBI serves the ruling, one world, octogenarian establishment not political party’s. If they can target people on the right they can target the left too. It is clearly a secret police/thug organization. Stalinists and Maoists are proud of them. Why do we continue to tolerate them?

Is the FBI turning Trump supporters into terrorist targets?​

5 Oct 2023 ~~ By James Bovard

Federal bureaucrats heaved together a bunch of letters to contrive an ominous new acronym for the latest peril to domestic tranquility.
The result: AGAAVE — “anti-government, anti-authority violent extremism” — which looks like a typo for a sugar substitute.
The great majority of the FBI’s “current ‘anti-government’ investigations are of Trump supporters,” William Arkin, a highly respected investigative journalist, reported in Newsweek.
The House Weaponization of the Federal Government Subcommittee warns that “the FBI appears to be complicit in artificially supporting the Administration’s political narrative” that domestic violent extremism is “the ‘greatest threat’ facing the United States.”
FBI whistleblower Steve Friend complained of current FBI leadership: “There is this belief that half the country are domestic terrorists and we can’t have a conversation with them. There is a fundamental belief that unless you are voicing what we agree . . . you are the enemy.”
Did the Biden administration secretly want Newsweek to vindicate the fears of legions of Trump supporters?
Biden’s war on extremism could become a self-fulfilling prophecy that destroys American political legitimacy. An official in the Office of Director of National Intelligence lamented: “So we have the president increasing his own inflammatory rhetoric which leads Donald Trump and the Republicans to do the same” — and the media follow suit.
Biden is exempt from official suspicion even when he denounced Republicans as fascists who want to destroy democracy. Yet if Republicans sound equally overheated, Biden’s FBI has pretexts to target them.
Will the FBI’s interventions in the 2024 presidential election be even more brazen than its 2016 and 2020 stunts? Will the agency exploit its “assessments” to recruit knuckleheads to engage in another pre-election Keystone Kops plot to kidnap a governor, as it did in Michigan in 2020?
New crackdowns on purported extremists are especially perilous when FBI seems to stand for “Following Biden’s Instructions.”
A 1976 Senate report on FBI abuses warned: “The American people need to be assured that never again will an agency of the government be permitted to conduct a secret war against those citizens it considers threats to the established order.”
Unfortunately, Americans may not learn the damning details of another FBI “secret war” until long after the next election.

If the FBI is branding everyday citizens as "AGAAVE" (anti-government, anti-authority violent extremism) than the FBI are acting as "ACPAVE" (Anti-Citizen Pro-Authoritarian Violent Enforcers).
That means all American citizens are on the FBI/STASI watch list... Anti- abortionists, parents against transgender, Catholics, MAGA participants, anyone that doesn't follow the establishment line will be targeted by the FBI/STASI. The FBI serves the ruling, one world, octogenarian establishment not political party’s. If they can target people on the right they can target the left too. It is clearly a secret police/thug organization. Stalinists and Maoists are proud of them. Why do we continue to tolerate them?
The Trump cult aren't "Everyday" citizens.


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