FBI classifies Trump supporters as terrorists

Just like anybody who opposed hitler. We are living in nazi germany all over again.
It is instructive to remember that this country was FOUNDED by "insurrectionists", "terrorists", and all-around people who refused to accept the authority of the British government. Today, they would be roundly derided on this board and the usual suspects would be howling for their blood.
Yeah it does. Learn to read. You’re willfully ignorant and blind. But but but but but who is the victim?
It doesn't. You're totally delusional.

Must be because you're addicted to victimhood.

No one (especially the FBI) labeled you a terrorist.
Run across a conservative?
That will never happen, because there aren't any conservatives.
Just liars CLAIMING to be conservative.
Thise are your posters. See Conservative from GA. And Rightwinger.

So ashamed of their own party they pretend to be conservatives.
If you guys wouldn't use such violent rhetoric and making threats, you wouldn't be treated like people using violent rhetoric and making threats.

I mean, it's kind of common sense.
All hear is rewl threats from your side

You want to incide a shooting warn with trump votets
It says they’re targeting people who have or may become violent.
Which is anyone MAGA in their view. How would they know who may or may not be violent if they don’t investigate everyone? You are literally one of the dumbest people on this board.
Which is anyone MAGA in their view. How would they know who may or may not be violent if they don’t investigate everyone? You are literally one of the dumbest people on this board.
That's not what they said at all. They investigate someone when they have reasonable suspicion to believe they are or may become violent.

You're delusional.
So climate change is a hoax. Excellent.
I don't believe the small amount of warming we've added has changed the climate.

"The scientific study of the climate is not very old. Compilations of global temperature data started in the 1870s, and not until 1963 did J. Murray Mitchell bring together information from hundreds of weather stations around the world to build a modern representation of Earth’s temperature. His work suggested a steady increase in global temperatures from around 1880, followed by a cooling of the planet from about 1940. In addition, satellites of the early 1970s spotted more snow and ice across the Northern Hemisphere, and people were well aware of unusually harsh winters in North America during 1972-73.

Consequently the suspicion of a cooling world spread among a small number of researchers, but a close look at the data revealed flaws in such a conclusion. The cooling was regional, confined mainly to the Northern Hemisphere, whose chilly temperatures tugged down the world averages. In other parts of the world, temperatures continued to climb. Air pollution and the use of aerosols, reduced by legislation to come in the 1970s and ‘80s, may also have been a factor.

Some years before, scientist Charles David Keeling, measuring the atmosphere from posts atop Mauna Loa and in Antarctica, launched an investigation of changes in the levels of carbon dioxide. By 1965 he had found that CO2 was rapidly increasing. A presidential scientific advisory committee that same year advised that a calamitous rise in temperatures worldwide, from CO2-related emissions, could result.

How prevalent then were worries about global warming? An examination of peer-reviewed scientific literature conducted by a group of researchers in 2008, covering the mid-1960s through the 1970s, revealed that papers warning of global warming outnumbered those projecting cooling by a factor of six. So climate change in the form of global warming was a widespread topic of concern during this era, and there was no consensus that the Earth would cool in the immediate future.
I agree

I should have reviewed and corrected my post
Honestly I have no idea what conservatives keep talking like they’re going to stat a “shooting war” but you understand that people who make violent threats are treated like they could become violent, right?
Honestly I have no idea what conservatives keep talking like they’re going to stat a “shooting war” but you understand that people who make violent threats are treated like they could become violent, right?
Thats what I have been telling libs who use fighting words such as Hillary did

But you never listen

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