FBI classifies Trump supporters as terrorists

Off topic? Irony on full display as usual. Like most libs, misdirection is your most valuable tool, like with the post above. We're not talking about Trump telling Hillary she's a crook and should be in jail during a debate; we're talking about things the government is actually doing right now.

BTW HRC conspired to interfere with an election by having false evidence created to smear Trump and used the FBI to help. Yes, I think weaponizing the government when she did it was also extremely bad. She still needs to be investigated.

Are you against weaponizing government agencies for political purposes?
Again...here is the quote:

“If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation,”

That was from a 2016 debate between candidates Trump and Clinton.

Isn’t that weaponizing government to attack your political opponent?

A simple yes or yes will suffice.
If you go outside your media bubble, you'd realize that what you posted is #FakeNews.

74 people "facing charges" out of their whole orginzation somehow makes his comment fake news? And antifa still isn't classified as a terrorist group which is the point of this thread

So what exactly is fake news?
Your knowledge of history is woefully inadequate. Hitler completely restructured the Mark and made prewar Germany a very attractive investment.
American investors like Prescott Bush whose confidence in Hitler helped his rise to power.

In addition to making Germany attractive financially, the Nazis relieved ordinary Germans of the burden of sexual depravity that was a Weimar hallmark.
Sex and the Weimar Republic examines the rise of sexual tolerance through the debates which surrounded "immoral" sexuality: obscenity, male homosexuality, lesbianism, transgender identity, heterosexual promiscuity, and prostitution. It follows the sexual politics of a swath of Weimar society ranging from sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld to Nazi stormtrooper Ernst Röhm. Sex and the Weimar Republic: German Homosexual Emancipation and the Rise of the Nazis | Department of History | University of Washington
Your praise of Nazis is...not surprising.
It says the FBI had to open lots of investigations into violent and potentially violent Trump supporters and didn't have a classification for their particular brand of extremism so they created a new classification which describes their particular motivation for their extremism.

It's a story about technicalities and recordkeeping in the FBI. Not persecution.
Not remotely what the article stated but thanks for sharing.
Not remotely what the article stated but thanks for sharing.
That's funny you say it, because obviously you didn't read it. They definitely didn't categorize Trump voters as terrorists.

Though Trump and MAGA are never mentioned in the official description of AGAAVE-Other, government insiders acknowledge that it applies to political violence ascribed to the former president's supporters.

"What other name could we use?" asks one FBI officer who spoke with Newsweek, and who defends what he says is merely a record-keeping change in response to Congressional pressure to track things better. "Obviously if Democratic Party supporters resort to violence, it [AGAAVE-Other] would apply to them as well. It doesn't matter that there is a low likelihood of that. So yes, in practical terms, it refers to MAGA, though the carefully constructed language is wholly nonpartisan."
Your fellow Confederates seem to think that we are there already since the Speaker actually did the right thing and performed a basic act of government.

Dafuq you talking about? How is bankrupting 90% of America doing the "right thing"?

The Right Thing is to cancel all the new spending bills and slash the military by 50%, seal the border, have armed militia monitor the next election
Dafuq you talking about? How is bankrupting 90% of America doing the "right thing"?
90% of America is bankrupt? Dafuq you talking about.
The Right Thing is to cancel all the new spending bills and slash the military by 50%, seal the border, have armed militia monitor the next election
When you get a clue you may get a good idea. Right now; you have neither.
90% of America is bankrupt? Dafuq you talking about.

When you get a clue you may get a good idea. Right now; you have neither.

Are you not paying attention Bidenomics? You think massive inflation is a good thing for poor, middle class and seniors?
So what's the point of hits?

It's a standard fascist tactic to attack the rule of law.

Therefore, the Trump cult is attacking the rule of law. They literally think that they should be immune from the laws that apply to regular people.
That's funny you say it, because obviously you didn't read it. They definitely didn't categorize Trump voters as terrorists.
Yes they did. Hence the article has garnered such headlines. You obviously didn’t read it. But but but who is the victim?
Yes they did. Hence the article has garnered such headlines. You obviously didn’t read it. But but but who is the victim?
The headline is sensationalized to grab attention. That’s pretty common. Newsweek doesn’t have the highest standards, but certainly not the worst either.

The body of the story isn’t bad though.

Nowhere does it say they categorized all Trump voters as terrorists.

You’re pretending to be a victim because you guys are addicted to the emotions. I guess you didn’t get hugged enough as kids or something.
Given the sorry state of the nation's affairs, if you're not on a government watch list by now, you should be ashamed of yourself.
You’re pretending to be a victim because you guys are addicted to the emotions.
"Faux Not News" had um hooked like junkies. Now Faux Not News realizes they must covey the same level of emotions or their cash cows will just go to RT,OAN, or NewsMaxi.
Wear it as a badge of honor, would be more upset if they we calling us Democrats

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