FBI classifies Trump supporters as terrorists


Naomi Wolf - The End of America revisited - New Hampshire Liberty Forum 2014​

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This thread is about the STATE coming right out and admitting to doing #5. It isn't anymore in your face than that. :rolleyes:

The FBI has had informants in every organization since the 60's at some point or another. The Weathermen, KKK, etc... Its hardly something new.

Is the FBI turning Trump supporters into terrorist targets?​

". . . FBI whistleblower Steve Friend complained of current FBI leadership: “There is this belief that half the country are domestic terrorists and we can’t have a conversation with them. There is a fundamental belief that unless you are voicing what we agree . . . you are the enemy.”

Did the Biden administration secretly want Newsweek to vindicate the fears of legions of Trump supporters?

Perhaps those “assessments” are repeating a tactic used against Vietnam War protesters: FBI agents were encouraged to conduct frequent interviews with antiwar activists to “enhance the paranoia endemic in such circles” and “get the point across that there is an FBI agent behind every mailbox,” according to an FBI memo from that era.

The more paranoid Trump supporters become, the easier it will be for Team Biden to portray them as public menaces.

Biden’s war on extremism could become a self-fulfilling prophecy that destroys American political legitimacy. An official in the Office of Director of National Intelligence lamented: “So we have the president increasing his own inflammatory rhetoric which leads Donald Trump and the Republicans to do the same” — and the media follow suit. . . ."
So who do the FBI focus on, Catholics or Trump supporters?

We know they don't care about the drug cartels...
Off topic? Irony on full display as usual. Like most libs, misdirection is your most valuable tool, like with the post above. We're not talking about Trump telling Hillary she's a crook and should be in jail during a debate; we're talking about things the government is actually doing right now.
It is a prime example of your blob weaponizing government. You were fine with it.
BTW HRC conspired to interfere with an election by having false evidence created to smear Trump and used the FBI to help. Yes, I think weaponizing the government when she did it was also extremely bad. She still needs to be investigated.
Absolutely false.
Are you against weaponizing government agencies for political purposes?
Yes I am. Trump apparently violated the law numerous times and he's charged accordingly. Being a politician or ex president doesn't give you a free pass; nor should it.
So who do the FBI focus on, Catholics or Trump supporters?

We know they don't care about the drug cartels...

The FBI has had informants in every organization since the 60's at some point or another. The Weathermen, KKK, etc... Its hardly something new.
Yeah, but recently the FBI has become much more partisan.
Hiding Hunter's laptop, and not investigating Joe Biden's suspicious money transfers.
Censoring MSM stories about the laptop. (see the Twitter Files)
Instigating J6, planting pipe bombs, etc.
Offering Christopher Steele $1,000,000 to prove the Steele Dossier (that's our money!!)
How about Strzok, Page, Comey, McCabe interfering in the 2016 election with operations Xfire-Hurricane & Razor, falsifying evidence to get a FISA warrant to spy on Trump...'

I could keep going, the FBI needs to be defunded and built over from scratch to be non-partisan.
The main difference is that the Nazis scraped away the social rot and economic insanity of the Weimars. We are the worst of both.
Um no they didn't. Deutschland was in a substantial recovery when the Nazis literally took control. They rebankrupted the country and the economy would have collapsed had they not gone to war in when they did. Plus that whole Nazi murder murder murder thing.
The FBI has had informants in every organization since the 60's at some point or another. The Weathermen, KKK, etc... Its hardly something new.
Except the one organization that is committing more theft, fraud, illegal insider trading, illegal coordinated scheming, conspiracy, and traitorous acts, than any other in America. . . :eusa_think:


Hmmmm…this is why the Democrats will continue to win elections. Resistance is futile and won’t be tolerated.

Guess I am a “terrorist” because of my political views. 🤷‍♂️
Sort of frees 'em up to act as they will, now that they are outside of the system.
Um no they didn't. Deutschland was in a substantial recovery when the Nazis literally took control. They rebankrupted the country and the economy would have collapsed had they not gone to war in when they did. Plus that whole Nazi murder murder murder thing.
Your knowledge of history is woefully inadequate. Hitler completely restructured the Mark and made prewar Germany a very attractive investment.
American investors like Prescott Bush whose confidence in Hitler helped his rise to power.

In addition to making Germany attractive financially, the Nazis relieved ordinary Germans of the burden of sexual depravity that was a Weimar hallmark.
Sex and the Weimar Republic examines the rise of sexual tolerance through the debates which surrounded "immoral" sexuality: obscenity, male homosexuality, lesbianism, transgender identity, heterosexual promiscuity, and prostitution. It follows the sexual politics of a swath of Weimar society ranging from sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld to Nazi stormtrooper Ernst Röhm. Sex and the Weimar Republic: German Homosexual Emancipation and the Rise of the Nazis | Department of History | University of Washington
Yeah until they start threatening elected officials, plotting kidnappings, harrassing election workers, etc... Then the State has a responsibility to investigate.

We're not quite yet America 2.0, the Progressive One Party Utopia.
What does it say in your opinion?
It says the FBI had to open lots of investigations into violent and potentially violent Trump supporters and didn't have a classification for their particular brand of extremism so they created a new classification which describes their particular motivation for their extremism.

It's a story about technicalities and recordkeeping in the FBI. Not persecution.
Yeah, but recently the FBI has become much more partisan.
Hiding Hunter's laptop, and not investigating Joe Biden's suspicious money transfers.
And you know this how?
Censoring MSM stories about the laptop. (see the Twitter Files)
Strange...there were multiple stories about the laptop. So thats bullshit.

Why nobody believed it was because you guys made all of these cartoonish allegations about what was on it after it ended up in the hands of Rudy. It was rather comical. Fox News even turned it down as did the NY Post.

Instigating J6, planting pipe bombs, etc.
I knew we’d get to the conspiracy theories eventually. You guys never disappoint.
Offering Christopher Steele $1,000,000 to prove the Steele Dossier (that's our money!!)
How about Strzok, Page, Comey, McCabe interfering in the 2016 election with operations Xfire-Hurricane & Razor, falsifying evidence to get a FISA warrant to spy on Trump...'
If anything Comes helped your blob win.
I could keep going, the FBI needs to be defunded and built over from scratch to be non-partisan.
Yeah, thats not going to happen. What needs to happen is that your blob needs to stop violating the law.
In order to meet your criteria, Antifa would have to have an organization with a leader, dues, meetings, rules, etc.. It doesn't.
It's an international terrorist organization that's been around since WW2, you idiot.

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