FBI classifies Trump supporters as terrorists

It's interesting to see the libs justify and embrace the weaponization of government police. We knew they have no first principles, but this shit should automatically scare every American. It should be a strong reflex action regardless of political views, but the American left has been conditioned and purged of correct instincts.
You made my point, genius! :auiqs.jpg:
I am quite sure you think that
you wrote"the coarseness of political discourse" My actual point is it is based on you, and your ilks continued drum beat against an innocent man, so he doesn't expose the truth.
The FBI & the federal administration are gaslighting the American public.

Since the OKC bombing, and indeed, along with the Patriot Act passed after 911, the national security state has wanted domestic terror legislation, but the congress critters have not obliged them. There is no such, "crime," as domestic terrorism, only a definition so far, of such. Section 802 patriot act, is a definition, but there is no crime.

It is just an excuse for political hyperbole. What we have, are folks that are profiled for crime, that is all. They are now telling the public, the state believes, that MAGA supporters, like inner city black youths, are on the FBI's high profile list for crime.

". . . This absence is not limited to the January 6 insurrection. Though the person responsible for the murder of eleven people at a Pittsburgh synagogue shouted “All Jews must die,”11 his indictment included no terrorism charge.12 The same is true for the man who murdered nine Black churchgoers at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, seeking to increase racial tensions.13 So too for those responsible for the murder of Heather Heyer and for other violence committed at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, “despite then–Attorney General Jeff Sessions having initially described the . . . attack as meeting ‘the definition of domestic terrorism.’”14.. . "

Why Domestic Terrorism Is Not Specifically Designated a Crime in US​

Senate Republicans Filibuster Durbin's Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act​

It's not my definition of a terrorist. It's THE definition of a terrorist.
For domestic purposes, this is defined in Section 802.

How the USA PATRIOT Act redefines "Domestic Terrorism"​

". . . .Section 802 does not create a new crime of domestic terrorism. However, it does expand the type of conduct that the government can investigate when it is investigating “terrorism.” The USA PATRIOT Act expanded governmental powers to investigate terrorism, and some of these powers are applicable to domestic terrorism.

The definition of domestic terrorism is broad enough to encompass the activities of several prominent activist campaigns and organizations. Greenpeace, Operation Rescue, Vieques Island and WTO protesters and the Environmental Liberation Front have all recently engaged in activities that could subject them to being investigated as engaging in domestic terrorism. . . ."

The FBI can only watch you and target you for specific crimes. If you support Trump, just know, you might be watched for specific criminal activity, they might even try to bait you into it. . . but they can't just classify you as criminal for your political beliefs while America is still America, and we still have constitutional rights.

It's interesting to see the libs justify and embrace the weaponization of government police. We knew they have no first principles, but this shit should automatically scare every American. It should be a strong reflex action regardless of political views, but the American left has been conditioned and purged of correct instincts.
Trump said he, as President, would launch an investigation into HRC during a debate with her in 2016.

Did you think that was weaponizing government when he said that? Oh wait...he's your God...you can't speak ill of your lord and master. How foolish of me to ask.

Now say something snide and off topic and scurry away like a little bitch.
The FBI & the federal administration are gaslighting the American public.

Since the OKC bombing, and indeed, along with the Patriot Act passed after 911, the national security state has wanted domestic terror legislation, but the congress critters have not obliged them. There is no such, "crime," as domestic terrorism, only a definition so far, of such. Section 802 patriot act, is a definition, but there is no crime.

It is just an excuse for political hyperbole. What we have, are folks that are profiled for crime, that is all. They are now telling the public, the state believes, that MAGA supporters, like inner city black youths, are on the FBI's high profile list for crime.

". . . This absence is not limited to the January 6 insurrection. Though the person responsible for the murder of eleven people at a Pittsburgh synagogue shouted “All Jews must die,”11 his indictment included no terrorism charge.12 The same is true for the man who murdered nine Black churchgoers at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, seeking to increase racial tensions.13 So too for those responsible for the murder of Heather Heyer and for other violence committed at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, “despite then–Attorney General Jeff Sessions having initially described the . . . attack as meeting ‘the definition of domestic terrorism.’”14.. . "

Why Domestic Terrorism Is Not Specifically Designated a Crime in US​

Senate Republicans Filibuster Durbin's Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act​

How the USA PATRIOT Act redefines "Domestic Terrorism"​

". . . .Section 802 does not create a new crime of domestic terrorism. However, it does expand the type of conduct that the government can investigate when it is investigating “terrorism.” The USA PATRIOT Act expanded governmental powers to investigate terrorism, and some of these powers are applicable to domestic terrorism.

The definition of domestic terrorism is broad enough to encompass the activities of several prominent activist campaigns and organizations. Greenpeace, Operation Rescue, Vieques Island and WTO protesters and the Environmental Liberation Front have all recently engaged in activities that could subject them to being investigated as engaging in domestic terrorism. . . ."

The FBI can only watch you and target you for specific crimes. If you support Trump, just know, you might be watched for specific criminal activity, they might even try to bait you into it. . . but they can't just classify you as criminal for your political beliefs while America is still America, and we still have constitutional rights.

You're confusing them with facts.

Remember they were not paranoid until everyone started plotting against them.

Is the FBI turning Trump supporters into terrorist targets?​

". . . FBI whistleblower Steve Friend complained of current FBI leadership: “There is this belief that half the country are domestic terrorists and we can’t have a conversation with them. There is a fundamental belief that unless you are voicing what we agree . . . you are the enemy.”

Did the Biden administration secretly want Newsweek to vindicate the fears of legions of Trump supporters?

Perhaps those “assessments” are repeating a tactic used against Vietnam War protesters: FBI agents were encouraged to conduct frequent interviews with antiwar activists to “enhance the paranoia endemic in such circles” and “get the point across that there is an FBI agent behind every mailbox,” according to an FBI memo from that era.

The more paranoid Trump supporters become, the easier it will be for Team Biden to portray them as public menaces.

Biden’s war on extremism could become a self-fulfilling prophecy that destroys American political legitimacy. An official in the Office of Director of National Intelligence lamented: “So we have the president increasing his own inflammatory rhetoric which leads Donald Trump and the Republicans to do the same” — and the media follow suit. . . ."
Remember they were not paranoid until everyone started plotting against them.

Naomi Wolf - The End of America revisited - New Hampshire Liberty Forum 2014​


This thread is about the STATE coming right out and admitting to doing #5. It isn't anymore in your face than that. :rolleyes:
Trump said he, as President, would launch an investigation into HRC during a debate with her in 2016.

Did you think that was weaponizing government when he said that? Oh wait...he's your God...you can't speak ill of your lord and master. How foolish of me to ask.

Now say something snide and off topic and scurry away like a little bitch.
Off topic? Irony on full display as usual. Like most libs, misdirection is your most valuable tool, like with the post above. We're not talking about Trump telling Hillary she's a crook and should be in jail during a debate; we're talking about things the government is actually doing right now.

BTW HRC conspired to interfere with an election by having false evidence created to smear Trump and used the FBI to help. Yes, I think weaponizing the government when she did it was also extremely bad. She still needs to be investigated.

Are you against weaponizing government agencies for political purposes?
You're PROJECTING political opinions and values on people YOU DON'T KNOW!!!!
"There are no conservatives" is just that : PROJECTION!!!!
No, it isn't.
I guess you will remain a stupid SeaSwab.
Projection is accusing a person for what you are guilty of.
Like the wife accusing the husband of cheating, while she is the one cheating.

Projection | Definition, Theories, & Facts​

https://www.britannica.com › projection-psychology

Sep 11, 2023 — projection, the mental process by which people attribute to others what is in their own minds. For example, individuals who are in a ...
No, it isn't.

I guess you will remain a stupid SeaSwab.
Projection is accusing a person for what you are guilty of.
Like the wife accusing the husband of cheating, while she is the one cheating.

Projection | Definition, Theories, & Facts

View attachment 839115
https://www.britannica.com › projection-psychology
Sep 11, 2023 — projection, the mental process by which people attribute to others what is in their own minds. For example, individuals who are in a ...
You: There are no conservatives.

THAT'S in your pin-head mind.


Stick to what you are good at......smoking.
Well I don't agree with hate directed towards people just living their lives no matter from whence it comes
. . . and that?

Is who the real victims in all this always tend to be.


Hate, violence, poverty, hunger, unemployment, being unjustly locked up for silly shit, being sent to war. . .


Regardless of what side you are on, that never seems to happen to politicians in either party.

Speaking of weaponizing the government for political purposes - what happened to those 51 assclowns who signed the letter, commissioned by Biden’s campaign manager, saying the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation? Is the FBI categorizing them as treasonous citizens? As long as we're expanding the application of RICO laws, why isn't that mob being prosecuted?
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