FBI classifies Trump supporters as terrorists

I believe there are members of your tribe that would do that in a heartbeat. But, only if your orange bag O' shit told them to, of course.

If Trump wins....Trump voters will burn the cities?

No, dearheart. We know how this will go. YOUR people will burn the cities, but of course, your crimes are always perfect.

You're losing. Enjoy that. we are.
If Trump wins
Trump won't win. :dunno:
Trump voters will burn the cities?
If he loses (again), perhaps they would. :dunno: I'm not a fucking Nostradamus, nor ever claimed to be.
No, dearheart. We know how this will go. YOUR people will burn the cities, but of course, your crimes are always perfect.
I don't even know WTF you're talking about. My people don't burn cities. We burn fireplaces and campfires at best. You're seriously fucked up, lady.
You're losing. Enjoy that. we are.
Magaturds lost the '20 election. Magaturds lost the Senate. The slim as shit magaturd House majority is slim.

So who is really losing here, genius? :dunno:
If you go outside your media bubble, you'd realize that what you posted is #FakeNews.

Is the mayor included in those that were charged? He was there providing aid and comfort to the rioters. At a very minimum he should be charged with conspiracy.

Are you willingly trying to self-pwn?

Hell, I saw videos of that many looting one freaking store. 300 ain't shit. They've prosecuted more than 1,100 just for J6.


Hmmmm…this is why the Democrats will continue to win elections. Resistance is futile and won’t be tolerated.

Guess I am a “terrorist” because of my political views. 🤷‍♂️
The FBI, and the DOJ, and the Democrats behind them, are the al Qaeda of 2023. Enemies of America.
I could be undercover FBI, keeping an eye on potential terrorists
They can call me antigovernment all they want, because:
I'm antigovernment massive spending from both parties;
I'm antigovernment open borders;
I'm antigovernment dividing the people into preferred and non-preferred groups;
I'm antigovernment putting the interest of illegal aliens over the interest of citizens;
I'm antigovernment failure to prosecute companies/people who hire illegal aliens;
I'm antigovernment two tiered justice;
I'm antigovernment labeling ordinary citizens as extremists or terrorist;
I'm antigovernment failure to require proof of citizenship to register to vote.
In short I'm antigovernment failure to do their fucking constitutional job.

Ok. Let me get this straight. You idiot Trump Fanboys can’t go a day without threatening to slaughter folks on the left, murder Democrats, overthrow the Government, flood the streets with blood, start Civil War 2.0, and a host of other violent things. Then you rant and rave that the authorities consider your terroristic threats to be terrorist threats and rhetoric.

I swear you can’t make this idiocy up.

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