FBI classifies Trump supporters as terrorists

Ok. Let me get this straight. You idiot Trump Fanboys can’t go a day without threatening to slaughter folks on the left, murder Democrats, overthrow the Government, flood the streets with blood, start Civil War 2.0, and a host of other violent things. Then you rant and rave that the authorities consider your terroristic threats to be terrorist threats and rhetoric.

I swear you can’t make this idiocy up.
Ther is a WAR in progress, Democrats started it, and are maintaining it every day. They are the ENEMY of the USA. So you can now stop trying to look like the good guy.
Now you have it "straight". 😐
Ok. Let me get this straight. You idiot Trump Fanboys can’t go a day without threatening to slaughter folks on the left, murder Democrats, overthrow the Government, flood the streets with blood, start Civil War 2.0, and a host of other violent things. Then you rant and rave that the authorities consider your terroristic threats to be terrorist threats and rhetoric.

I swear you can’t make this idiocy up.
This is not about threats. It is about people who are so stupid that they are destroying what is as close as the Garden of Eden you can get in a tough world of survival. When improvements came, elitists corrupted the system with many snakes, and they enriched themselves while pushing all of our views of non-trust and preconceived teachings on every group and ways of living. The problem is that most of them who are pushing it are not adherents to what they demand of the peasants.
You rubes worshiping your Orange Jesus made it a banana republic.
No, Joe Biden did that - with election fraud (which he openly admitted on video), with opening the border and wrecking US cities, with warring against the oil companies, thereby creating record inflation, by creating hundreds of political prisoners, and using his DOJ against all his political enemies. Banana Republic Joe.
Ther is a WAR in progress, Democrats started it, and are maintaining it every day. They are the ENEMY of the USA. So you can now stop trying to look like the good guy.
Now you have it "straight". 😐

There is no war. You idiots with your persecution complexes need serious psychiatric help.
This is not about threats. It is about people who are so stupid that they are destroying what is as close as the Garden of Eden you can get in a tough world of survival. When improvements came, elitists corrupted the system with many snakes, and they enriched themselves while pushing all of our views of non-trust and preconceived teachings on every group and ways of living. The problem is that most of them who are pushing it are not adherents to what they demand of the peasants.

The interest of the FBI is absolutely attracted by threats. And that is the issue we are talking about. Threats and extremism go hand in hand. As does extremism and violence. History clearly shows that and the world has learned to pay attention to those who make such threats.

In fact. Making threats against the elected and appointed officials is a crime under Federal Law.

So it isn’t a surprise that idiot extremists who constantly threaten to use violence on the “enemies” are being watched. I’d be surprised if they were not being watched.
There is no war. You idiots with your persecution complexes need serious psychiatric help.
Shut up scum-moron. You are the ENEMY. You're lucky we're not shooting at you, after all the filth & crap you lunatics have been dumping on us.

You loons are worse than China, North Korea, Russia, and Iran all combined.
The interest of the FBI is absolutely attracted by threats. And that is the issue we are talking about. Threats and extremism go hand in hand. As does extremism and violence. History clearly shows that and the world has learned to pay attention to those who make such threats.

In fact. Making threats against the elected and appointed officials is a crime under Federal Law.

So it isn’t a surprise that idiot extremists who constantly threaten to use violence on the “enemies” are being watched. I’d be surprised if they were not being watched.
You are INSANE.
Ok. Let me get this straight. You idiot Trump Fanboys can’t go a day without threatening to slaughter folks on the left, murder Democrats, overthrow the Government, flood the streets with blood, start Civil War 2.0, and a host of other violent things. Then you rant and rave that the authorities consider your terroristic threats to be terrorist threats and rhetoric.

I swear you can’t make this idiocy up.
Shut up scum-moron. You are the ENEMY. You're lucky we're not shooting at you, after all the filth & crap you lunatics have been dumping on us.

Oh good. More empty threats from another blowhard.

What makes you think I’m afraid? What makes you think anyone on the left is afraid?

Are you gonna pull a Rittenhouse? Running scared from a crowd of unarmed people? Running for the cops as though the Devil himself was chasing poor Kyle? Kyle who ran all the way home?

Or are you going to be one of Kyle’s buddies? The ones who scattered like cockroaches when the shooting started? The ones who showed up to teach those fucking maggots a lesson. You remember them don’t you? If they were honest why was the street not carpeted with Leftist Enemies?

Even now. You froth at the mouth making empty threats. You say you are a fellow Veteran. Maybe you are. But scooter. I’m not scared.
Oh good. More empty threats from another blowhard.

What makes you think I’m afraid? What makes you think anyone on the left is afraid?

Are you gonna pull a Rittenhouse? Running scared from a crowd of unarmed people? Running for the cops as though the Devil himself was chasing poor Kyle? Kyle who ran all the way home?

Or are you going to be one of Kyle’s buddies? The ones who scattered like cockroaches when the shooting started? The ones who showed up to teach those fucking maggots a lesson. You remember them don’t you? If they were honest why was the street not carpeted with Leftist Enemies?

Even now. You froth at the mouth making empty threats. You say you are a fellow Veteran. Maybe you are. But scooter. I’m not scared.
LIAR - I didn't threaten. But that is your tactic. Creating a false scenario, and then attacking with it. Just like your fascist leader Joe Biden.

I also didn't say anything about anybody being afraid. Nobody cares what you are, We just wish you lunatics would GO AWAY (far), and form your own scatterbrained country, separate from us normal people.

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