FBI Disagrees with CIA on Russian Influence in the Presidential Election

Liberals cant accept they got their asses kicked this year and are trying anything to discredit Trump even if it starts trouble with Russia. Liberalism has been defeated once again.....:eusa_clap:

Yes indeed.

Their butts hurt

and so they are looking for a bogeyman.

.. for a bogeyman and somebody to blame and to distract the public attention from their own faults.

Well, Libs, if You Didn’t Cheat Bernie, You May Have Been Celebrating Your Victory Now
Baba Yaga....Scary

Where have you been?
Just a little time off. We do that every once in a while, don't we? Thank you though.
Liberals cant accept they got their asses kicked this year and are trying anything to discredit Trump even if it starts trouble with Russia. Liberalism has been defeated once again.....:eusa_clap:

Trump got his ass kicked by 2.7 million votes and counting, dumb fuck.
Talking about dumbfucks...huh...mega city welfare votes? That adds up while "rural" people work their asses off to support the "popular vote" people, huh?
Liberals cant accept they got their asses kicked this year and are trying anything to discredit Trump even if it starts trouble with Russia. Liberalism has been defeated once again.....:eusa_clap:

Liberalism is what this country is made of, Sparkles. Go take a PoliSci class. :rolleyes:
The epithet of "liberal" has changed in meaning. Go take a class Pogster.

Oh no it has not. The fact that a couple of internet wags can't be bothered to use their own terms intelligently is on them --- not the term. Nor is it an "epithet".

Wasn't talking to you anyway --- DUH.
Liberals cant accept they got their asses kicked this year and are trying anything to discredit Trump even if it starts trouble with Russia. Liberalism has been defeated once again.....:eusa_clap:

Trump got his ass kicked by 2.7 million votes and counting, dumb fuck.

Is that right? 2.7 million votes?

I believes that entitles her to a free cup of coffee at Starbucks.


FBI Disagrees With CIA On Russian Influence In The Presidential Election

Get over it you snowflakes...“There’s a lot of innuendo, lots of circumstantial evidence, that’s it.”

Read more: FBI Disagrees With CIA On Russian Influence In The Presidential Election

Once again, as noted before --- all they "disagree" on is the intent Russian hackers had in what they did.
Who gives a shit what their intent was? Don't you GET it? This is a foreign entity hacking into and manipulating this country's election campaign. There IS NO sufficient answer as to *WHY* they did so. That's not the &$#@$! POINT.
Pogster, it is not a recent and sudden activity. It has been going on since the invention of computers. All entities are and have been doing it. What is the fake surprise? Are you spinning again? Nobody manipulated anything. Why don't you look at the CIA manipulation worldwide? Especially in Latin America. The U.S. interfered and influenced more elections over there than any Russians over here. Do not be hypocritical you anti-American shill.

Once again with the incessant need to butt in ascribing things that were never there. Won't anybody talk to you?

I said nothing about any "surprise", Butthead. I questioned the OP's (<< hint: that ain't you) direction in swallowing a headline the hood of which she didn't bother to look under.
Liberals cant accept they got their asses kicked this year and are trying anything to discredit Trump even if it starts trouble with Russia. Liberalism has been defeated once again.....:eusa_clap:

Liberalism is what this country is made of, Sparkles. Go take a PoliSci class. :rolleyes:
The epithet of "liberal" has changed in meaning. Go take a class Pogster.

Oh no it has not. The fact that a couple of internet wags can't be bothered to use their own terms intelligently is on them --- not the term.

Wasn't talking to you anyway --- DUH.
Uh..I apologize to intrude into and disrupt your bullshit Pogster. You are a known liar and an anti-American shill. A very well educated intellectual yet spinning for the communists. Have at it but you will be the 3rd or 4rt at the wall. First and second are going to be the patriots.

The FBI and CIA can't even get there stories straight.

It's a good thing the current administration is being replaced.

Those dang Russians have obviously infiltrated and subverted our intelligence agencies to where they can't even give us accurate information!

Next thing you know the Ruskies will be hacking personal servers that have sensitive information on them and releasing the information to the general public!


FBI Disagrees With CIA On Russian Influence In The Presidential Election

Get over it you snowflakes...“There’s a lot of innuendo, lots of circumstantial evidence, that’s it.”

Read more: FBI Disagrees With CIA On Russian Influence In The Presidential Election
Stretching the facts a bit, assuming they are facts. An unnamed, Senior Counterintelligence official in a secret meeting said the FBI did not corroborate the CIA claim. Maybe they did not corroborate because they did not do an in depth investigation. At the end of the article it says, The FBI official was much less convinced of the claims, providing “fuzzy” and “ambiguous” remarks.

This article comes from the Daily Caller, founded by Tucker Carlson, a conservative pundit who supported Trump and Neil Petel, former advisor to Dick Cheney.
Liberals cant accept they got their asses kicked this year and are trying anything to discredit Trump even if it starts trouble with Russia. Liberalism has been defeated once again.....:eusa_clap:

Trump got his ass kicked by 2.7 million votes and counting, dumb fuck.
Talking about dumbfucks...huh...mega city welfare votes? That adds up while "rural" people work their asses off to support the "popular vote" people, huh?

Are you really that stupid or brainwashed to think all rural people are hard working pillars of society? There are tons of rural people on welfare, disability, unemployment, methheads, etc.
Liberals cant accept they got their asses kicked this year and are trying anything to discredit Trump even if it starts trouble with Russia. Liberalism has been defeated once again.....:eusa_clap:

Trump got his ass kicked by 2.7 million votes and counting, dumb fuck.
Talking about dumbfucks...huh...mega city welfare votes? That adds up while "rural" people work their asses off to support the "popular vote" people, huh?

Are you really that stupid or brainwashed to think all rural people are hard working pillars of society? There are tons of rural people on welfare, disability, unemployment, methheads, etc.
Are you really that stupid that you don't see the colors on the elections map who voted for whom? Your avi cracks me up and when we talk about wood peckers it is delight talking to you but when you are a partisan cocksucker I am not taking that shit you faggot.
Russia may have very well been involved in the hacking and if it was the most it accomplished was to reenforce views and opinions of the Clintons that were already out there.

To get their lapdog in the White House, so he will lift sanctions. Lapdog, that these revelations will put on very short leash by the congress as far as Russia goes.

THAT is the point of all this, not election results.
FBI Disagrees With CIA On Russian Influence In The Presidential Election

Get over it you snowflakes...“There’s a lot of innuendo, lots of circumstantial evidence, that’s it.”

Read more: FBI Disagrees With CIA On Russian Influence In The Presidential Election

That's quite interesting since it was FBI Director, James Comey that violated long standing DOJ protocol, (was told not to release information to congress) and did it anyway within 11 days of an election. That THEY would now come out and disagree with the CIA, and 17 other intelligence agencies, along with the Senate intelligence committee, regarding Russia's interference into this election.

Huma, Clinton's aid still states she has no idea how duplicates of her emails ended up on her x-husbands laptop, who was being investigated out the FBI office in New York City.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’

This may get very interesting.

Liberals cant accept they got their asses kicked this year and are trying anything to discredit Trump even if it starts trouble with Russia. Liberalism has been defeated once again.....:eusa_clap:

Trump got his ass kicked by 2.7 million votes and counting, dumb fuck.
Talking about dumbfucks...huh...mega city welfare votes? That adds up while "rural" people work their asses off to support the "popular vote" people, huh?

Are you really that stupid or brainwashed to think all rural people are hard working pillars of society? There are tons of rural people on welfare, disability, unemployment, methheads, etc.
Are you really that stupid that you don't see the colors on the elections map who voted for whom? Your avi cracks me up and when we talk about wood peckers it is delight talking to you but when you are a partisan cocksucker I am not taking that shit you faggot.

Right, colors on the election map. That means the unemployed, welfare, disability, methheads that inhabit rural areas voted for Trump. Just like the same voted for Clinton in urban areas. So my point is that your characterization that only urban areas have welfare voters is ridiculous.

I simply don't like Trump, call me partisan all you want. The truth is you are just as partisan as me if not more so. I voted for a libertarian, two democrats, and a republican on my ballot. How about you?

PS Everything about the outdoors is awesome and I am lucky I have plenty of woods and pileated woodpeckers right in my backyard (state land). Going for snowshoe walks while it is snowing is amazing, the woods are so silent.
Liberals cant accept they got their asses kicked this year and are trying anything to discredit Trump even if it starts trouble with Russia. Liberalism has been defeated once again.....:eusa_clap:

Trump got his ass kicked by 2.7 million votes and counting, dumb fuck.
Talking about dumbfucks...huh...mega city welfare votes? That adds up while "rural" people work their asses off to support the "popular vote" people, huh?

Are you really that stupid or brainwashed to think all rural people are hard working pillars of society? There are tons of rural people on welfare, disability, unemployment, methheads, etc.
Are you really that stupid that you don't see the colors on the elections map who voted for whom? Your avi cracks me up and when we talk about wood peckers it is delight talking to you but when you are a partisan cocksucker I am not taking that shit you faggot.

Right, colors on the election map. That means the unemployed, welfare, disability, methheads that inhabit rural areas voted for Trump. Just like the same voted for Clinton in urban areas. So my point is that your characterization that only urban areas have welfare voters is ridiculous.

I simply don't like Trump, call me partisan all you want. The truth is you are just as partisan as me if not more so. I voted for a libertarian, two democrats, and a republican on my ballot. How about you?

PS Everything about the outdoors is awesome and I am lucky I have plenty of woods and pileated woodpeckers right in my backyard (state land). Going for snowshoe walks while it is snowing is amazing, the woods are so silent.
Woodpeckers are cool. You have a huge motherfucker though. I see different sizes over here but not a huge one like you pictured. Fuck, I am not partisan, I did not vote for libertarians because I was afraid if democrats win we would be in a bigger pile of shit since Libertarians had no chance with the two party system what is also a pile of shit.
Donna Brazil and other corrupt democrats actually claimed the emails Wikileaks posted were fake. :p Plus the fake news like MSNBC and CNN did not give the emails posted on Wikileaks any coverage. Only Hannity on FOX gave the emails posted on Wikileaks coverage and he probably lost a number of people as he explained the relevant emails in each batch and how they relate to the corruption of the democrat party and the fake news media such as CNN and MSNBC.
oreo is confusing DNC emails on Wikileaks with Crooked Hillary's private server scandal. :p

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