FBI Disagrees with CIA on Russian Influence in the Presidential Election

These white wingers are hilarious. What is it they think Trump will do for them?

Like Trump said, he doesn't need your vote again until 2020.

Historically, the GOP base suffers the most when the GOP is in charge. Trump will be Bush on steroids.
These white wingers are hilarious. What is it they think Trump will do for them?

Like Trump said, he doesn't need your vote again until 2020.

Historically, the GOP base suffers the most when the GOP is in charge. Trump will be Bush on steroids.
I think dems need Viagra.
Liberals cant accept they got their asses kicked this year and are trying anything to discredit Trump even if it starts trouble with Russia. Liberalism has been defeated once again.....:eusa_clap:

Trump got his ass kicked by 2.7 million votes and counting, dumb fuck.
Talking about dumbfucks...huh...mega city welfare votes? That adds up while "rural" people work their asses off to support the "popular vote" people, huh?

Are you really that stupid or brainwashed to think all rural people are hard working pillars of society? There are tons of rural people on welfare, disability, unemployment, methheads, etc.
Are you really that stupid that you don't see the colors on the elections map who voted for whom? Your avi cracks me up and when we talk about wood peckers it is delight talking to you but when you are a partisan cocksucker I am not taking that shit you faggot.

Right, colors on the election map. That means the unemployed, welfare, disability, methheads that inhabit rural areas voted for Trump. Just like the same voted for Clinton in urban areas. So my point is that your characterization that only urban areas have welfare voters is ridiculous.

I simply don't like Trump, call me partisan all you want. The truth is you are just as partisan as me if not more so. I voted for a libertarian, two democrats, and a republican on my ballot. How about you?

PS Everything about the outdoors is awesome and I am lucky I have plenty of woods and pileated woodpeckers right in my backyard (state land). Going for snowshoe walks while it is snowing is amazing, the woods are so silent.
I've never seen the local Methheads at the voting area. I thought those druggies in the cities were how Dems got so many votes since them there drugged out Dem leaders run a lot of the drug biz........
FBI Disagrees With CIA On Russian Influence In The Presidential Election

Get over it you snowflakes...“There’s a lot of innuendo, lots of circumstantial evidence, that’s it.”

Read more: FBI Disagrees With CIA On Russian Influence In The Presidential Election
Has the CIA presented any evidence to support their allegation? If so, is it substantive?

Nothing, no evidence no proof, nothing at all.

The CIA under Obama just wants to invalidate the US presidential elections blaming Russia.
The left is willing to risk civil war in America & nuclear war with Russia because they're butt-hurt about losing.

Let that sink in.
FBI Disagrees With CIA On Russian Influence In The Presidential Election

Get over it you snowflakes...“There’s a lot of innuendo, lots of circumstantial evidence, that’s it.”

Read more: FBI Disagrees With CIA On Russian Influence In The Presidential Election

Truth is that we don't even know where the CIA stands because there has been no official statement given by a named source from the CIA. We only have the word of a liberal paper, which has the same value as a pile of dog shit.

Libs forgot Obama's hot mic moment just before his last election. They didn't think that was a big deal that he was going to be more flexible with Russia. Of course, it was supposed to be secret.

FLASHBACK--Obama Whispers Message for Putin in 2012: 'After My Election, I'll Have More Flexibility'
Liberals cant accept they got their asses kicked this year and are trying anything to discredit Trump even if it starts trouble with Russia. Liberalism has been defeated once again.....:eusa_clap:

Trump got his ass kicked by 2.7 million votes and counting, dumb fuck.
Talking about dumbfucks...huh...mega city welfare votes? That adds up while "rural" people work their asses off to support the "popular vote" people, huh?

Are you really that stupid or brainwashed to think all rural people are hard working pillars of society? There are tons of rural people on welfare, disability, unemployment, methheads, etc.
I came from a small southern town. The best and brightest certainly aren't there today. The unemployment has to be about 20%. If you count those on disability, it's probably twice that. There are small rural towns that are doing well, but they are the exception.
The left is willing to risk civil war in America & nuclear war with Russia because they're butt-hurt about losing.

Let that sink in.
Republicans see Thug and Murderer Putin as a new hero.

But what do you expect? They elevated child killer Zimmerman who shot an unarmed kid who was two weeks past 17 and who was only armed with Skittles and a can of soda into conservative sainthood. They even sent him money.

Putin has had dozens of journalists murdered. Republicans want to do that to gays here. They admire Putin for being a strongman and wish we had a president just like him.
The left is willing to risk civil war in America & nuclear war with Russia because they're butt-hurt about losing.

Let that sink in.
Republicans see Thug and Murderer Putin as a new hero.

But what do you expect? They elevated child killer Zimmerman who shot an unarmed kid who was two weeks past 17 and who was only armed with Skittles and a can of soda into conservative sainthood. They even sent him money.

Putin has had dozens of journalists murdered. Republicans want to do that to gays here. They admire Putin for being a strongman and wish we had a president just like him.

i have only one word to answer to all your incoherent rambling: MILO!
FBI Disagrees With CIA On Russian Influence In The Presidential Election

Get over it you snowflakes...“There’s a lot of innuendo, lots of circumstantial evidence, that’s it.”

Read more: FBI Disagrees With CIA On Russian Influence In The Presidential Election

Truth is that we don't even know where the CIA stands because there has been no official statement given by a named source from the CIA. We only have the word of a liberal paper, which has the same value as a pile of dog shit.

Libs forgot Obama's hot mic moment just before his last election. They didn't think that was a big deal that he was going to be more flexible with Russia. Of course, it was supposed to be secret.

FLASHBACK--Obama Whispers Message for Putin in 2012: 'After My Election, I'll Have More Flexibility'
The CIA does not usually release information to the press nor do they disclose details of their investigation. I have yet to read any official information released by the CIA. The lack of real information is creating spin off stories, "CIA Moves to Invalidate Presidential Elections".
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the op doesnt know the difference between the CIA and FBI.
From Your article:

Rather, he endorsed a continuation of an ongoing probe of “cyber threats posed by foreign governments and terrorist organizations to the security of the United States” — a probe Nunes has been working on all year.Rather, he endorsed a continuation of an ongoing probe of “cyber threats posed by foreign governments and terrorist organizations to the security of the United States” — a probe Nunes has been working on all year.

Got it!
the FBI almost disagrees with the CIA ... durrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

the CIA develops assessments based on a broad interpretation of available data, the FBI, as a law enforcement agency, requires a standard of proof that could sustain a possible criminal prosecution.

RW spin with an attempt at dramatic flair from the op, nothing more, nothing less.

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