FBI informant charged with lying about Biden

Hum, an anonymous source? Sounds a lot like Schiff's never ending bullshit about Russian collusion. In fact, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Schiff was responsible for this jive ass story. MAGA
It seems that this administration has dialed in with using the federal justice system to eliminate not only the competition
(Trump and Robt. Kennedy Jr.) but, anyone who steps forward and speaks out against the Biden's.
Seems the only way the dems will feel comfortable this fall is if Biden is the only candidate on the ballot.

"The person spoke on the condition of anonymity....." :laughing0301:
DOJ protecting their boy and nothing more.

Attacking a whistle blower probably with fake ass BS like normal.

Bottom line. The BIG GUY got his cut from Hunter Biden still around.

Oh yeah. Gas companies need drug addicts to run their business too.

You rubes still choose to bleev the hoax.

Comer knows exactly what he is doing.
Biden wants to dump the entire scandal on an "informant"? What about the FBI agents who set up the treasonous attempt to undermine the administration of a sitting president not to mention the bosses who approved the attempt?


Trump made the whole thing up, and Putin supplied the fake evidence and lying witnesses.

The FBI has made no attempt to undermine the Biden Administration. Only the Republican Party and Trump loyalists at the IRS are trying to do that.

If you're suggesting that the FBI had anything to do with "undermining the administration" of the Trump Presidency, I would remind you that both of Donald Trump's impeachments came as a result of the reports by Republican members of Trump's White House Staff and National Security and Defence Department staff and NOT as a result of any FBI Investigation whatsoever.

The First Impeachment came as a result of multiple whistleblowers reports made to White House Counsel in connection with the cover-up of Trump's attempt to extort phony investigations of his political rivals, which multiple staffers partcipated in and tried to make happen at the behest of Donald Trump.

The Second Impeachment came as a result of dozens of White House staffers, including President Trump's own family members who came forward and testified against him about the events leading up to and taking place on January 6th.

You may choose to deny reality and continue to believe the right wing media lies and propaganda coming out of China, Iran and Russia, but being willfully blind doesn't make you smart or right.
They arrested him in Las Vegas as a flight risk.

There will be no flying into Putin's loving arms for this lying criminal.

Former FBI informant charged with lying about Biden business​

So typical of leftist fuckwogs---- For THREE YEARS all we have heard from the left is how they support and defend the police and law enforcement (that is: after spending all of the year before trying to DEFUND them!) now here they are, first chance they get, right back to gleefully celebrating the charging of an FBI agent without knowing the first thing about the case!!!
It seems that this administration has dialed in with using the federal justice system to eliminate not only the competition
(Trump and Robt. Kennedy Jr.) but, anyone who steps forward and speaks out against the Biden's.
Seems the only way the dems will feel comfortable this fall is if Biden is the only candidate on the ballot.

"The person spoke on the condition of anonymity....." :laughing0301:

The deep state protects him because he protects them.
There will be no flying into Putin's loving arms for this lying criminal.

Didn't you hear, Bobo? Putin is YOUR friend! You and he are of the same russian blood. Because he is certainly Biden's friend. Putin has announced that he endorses Joe Biden over Trump as the candidate he can most easily predict so most easily not worry about nor fear!

It seems that this administration has dialed in with using the federal justice system to eliminate not only the competition
(Trump and Robt. Kennedy Jr.) but, anyone who steps forward and speaks out against the Biden's.
Seems the only way the dems will feel comfortable this fall is if Biden is the only candidate on the ballot.

"The person spoke on the condition of anonymity....." :laughing0301:
Great precedent they are setting.

FBI: "Do the right thing and become an informant for us"

Meister: "Are you fucking kidding me, so you can arrest me if you don't like what I tell you?"
So typical of leftist fuckwogs---- For THREE YEARS all we have heard from the left is how they support and defend the police and law enforcement (that is: after spending all of the year before trying to DEFUND them!) now here they are, first chance they get, right back to gleefully celebrating the charging of an FBI agent without knowing the first thing about the case!!!
FBI informant.

Not an FBI agent.

There‘s a massive difference.

I read the indictment so I learned a lot about the case. You should too
Because the FBI would never lie?
Because our governments are not corrupt to their core?

Some of you people are really fucking dense.
Read the indictment. He claimed to have had in person meetings. The whole story is so suspect. He came up with the story years after he told the FBI he talked with Burisna in 2017.

Yeah, I seem to remember another Trump guy that was prosecuted because he got some dates wrong, another commie tactic.

Yeah, I seem to remember another Trump guy that was prosecuted because he got some dates wrong, another commie tactic.

This is definitely not simply a matter of “getting some dates wrong”. These are intentional lies with false dates specifically to deceive the DoJ.

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