FBI informant charged with lying about Biden

This is definitely not simply a matter of “getting some dates wrong”. These are intentional lies with false dates specifically to deceive the DoJ.

Yeah, that's what they said about the other guy, if memory serves he went to jail for a short time.

How old are you??? Do you even know what you are, do you even possess the honesty to admit that much??? Lets play a fucking game, answer a few questions and discover for retarded self that you, and the other cretins in this thread are stone fucking cold Nazi's, stone cold mind you!

Freedom of speech?

Equal justice under the law?

Freedom of Religion or freedom from religion?

Right to keep and bear arms or not???

Tell us tard, tells us how you fervently support the above and why, and what they mean??? :slap:

!Fuck Romans, fuck the whole fucking myth book!
George Papadopolous lied to protect Trump. It was intentional deception.

Alexander Smirnov just fabricated entire conversations, meetings and content to get Biden.

Papadopoulos just got some dates wrong, he didn't lie about anything of substance. The Mueller commies just wanted to make an example of him. It's not nearly as bad as lying a gun purchase form.

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Charges were announced against FBI informant Alexander Smirnov, accused of making false statements that were central to the Biden impeachment inquiry.

WASHINGTON ― A central piece of evidence in the impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden may have just evaporated.

The Justice Department on Thursday announced that an FBI informant was lying when he said a Ukrainian oligarch told him he’d bribed Biden.

Special counsel David Weiss, the U.S. attorney prosecuting the president’s son Hunter Biden on gun purchase and tax delinquency crimes, announced that FBI informant Alexander Smirnov has been charged with making a false statement and creating a false record related to the bribery allegation.

Republicans brought Smirnov’s claims to light last summer as part of their investigation into alleged corruption in the Biden family.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) obtained and published an FBI file recording Smirnov’s claim that Mykola Zlochevsky, owner of a Ukrainian gas company, Burisma, which employed the president’s son, had paid Hunter and Joe Biden $5 million in bribes.

For months, Republicans have claimed the bribery allegation had come from a credible source. According to the Justice Department, the allegation had been made up.

Smirnov could face up to 25 years in prison if convicted.

More at the link below...

I'm glad the truth is finally coming out. What do you think?
Didn't you hear, Bobo? Putin is YOUR friend! You and he are of the same russian blood. Because he is certainly Biden's friend. Putin has announced that he endorses Joe Biden over Trump as the candidate he can most easily predict so most easily not worry about nor fear!

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Putin said it?

Dang. It must be true. Putin wouldn't lie.
What 'scandal'? Remember, despite y'all's layers upon useless layers of empty promises, you don't have any payments to Joe Biden. You can't demonstrate bribery. You can't demonstrate a policy change that was paid for. You can't demonstrate a single crime by Joe Biden.

So by 'scandal', you mean whatever you can make up.
Biden is toast, moron.
They arrested him in Las Vegas as a flight risk.

There will be no flying into Putin's loving arms for this lying criminal.
And the Trumpsters are still in full attack mode, ignoring what this means, because they have not been taught to do anything else.

These people are becoming more feral by the day.
Let's recap. The source for Burisma is charged with lying to the FBI, a felony.

The whistle who afraid for his life was an agent for the PRC Ministry for State Security.

This shit is unbelieveable.
More than likely DNC corrupt FBI who are nothing more than bought off Con Artists.

Like Comeys sorry ass. Many of them should be in jail.

Oh...here they come now.
They can't prove Biden is corrupt.

They can't prove the election was rigged.

They can't prove their political foes are communists.

That doesn't stop the delusion.

This is a sickness. A group pathology. The world has seen it before.
You fuckers are corrupt as fuck. Most in this country know it. Which is why every time this shit happens Trump poll numbers go up.

You are a Cancer on this nation chump.
So typical of leftist fuckwogs---- For THREE YEARS all we have heard from the left is how they support and defend the police and law enforcement (that is: after spending all of the year before trying to DEFUND them!) now here they are, first chance they get, right back to gleefully celebrating the charging of an FBI agent without knowing the first thing about the case!!!

No FBI agent was charged. An FBI INFORMANT was charged.
Papadopoulos just got some dates wrong, he didn't lie about anything of substance. The Mueller commies just wanted to make an example of him. It's not nearly as bad as lying a gun purchase form.

He lied very intentionally. He tried telling the FBI that his contacts with Russians and their agents occurred only before he joined the campaign, which was a lie. He knew full well the only reason the Russians were making contact with him was to get through to Trump. He said that to protect Trump. It wasn’t a memory lapse. It was a lie to defend Trump’s false narrative that no one in his campaign was talking to Russians.
MAGA spent months talking about this guy’s accusation and bare acknowledge it all falling apart.

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