FBI Justification for Mar A Lago invasion: Moving trucks spotted at MAL on Jan 18, 2021.

Your contempt for the national security of the United States is apparent. Weird worshipers answer to a much lower authority.

Your desire to substitute a fat cat's playground as the repository of vital governmental secrets is far too crackpot a notion to attempt to foist onto the American public.

Death threats targeting public servants will not work either.

Citizen Trump absconded with and stashed classified documents.

He was put on notice by the U.S. Government that his possession of such sensitive materials, for which the blowhard has contrived no explanation, was reckless and illegal

He persisted in retaining the documents whilst lying about his having made total restitution, until the FBI finally executed a search warrant and recovered them.

His pissing and moaning will now go into overdrive, but his fantasy erection, his legendary "big, beautiful wall!" that he made Mexico pay for is about to be eclipsed by his lofty house of victim cards that is bout to collapse.
Lie, lie, lie.
I "cling" to facts.

Citizen Trump absconded with and stashed classified documents at his fat cat playground.​
He was put on notice by the U.S. Government that his possession of such sensitive materials, for which the blowhard has contrived no explanation, was reckless and illegal​
He persisted in retaining the documents whilst lying about his having made total restitution, until the FBI finally executed a search warrant and recovered them.​
Your object of veneration is screwed.
"The Presidential Records Act is clear. A president does not have the right to leave the White House and pick and choose what documents he wants to take with them...Why he was holding on to these materials when he had no legal authority to do so under the Presidential Records Act is beyond me." Karl Rove on Fox News
Karl Rove? You mean the same guy up Bush’s ass? Yeah, Bush and Trump are such close friends right?

Citizen Trump absconded with and stashed classified documents at his fat cat playground.​
He was put on notice by the U.S. Government that his possession of such sensitive materials, for which the blowhard has contrived no explanation, was reckless and illegal​
He persisted in retaining the documents whilst lying about his having made total restitution, until the FBI finally executed a search warrant and recovered them.​
Raid for show ordered by Biden.
Raid for show ordered by Biden.
Your evidence-free hyper-partisan fanaticism is noted.

Let us return to the substance.

On August 8, FBI agents removed 11 additional sets of classified documents, including some labeled secret and top secret as enumerated on the property receipt of items that were recovered. There were also papers described as “SCI” documents, which stands for highly classified “sensitive compartmented information.” The Cry Baby Loser had falsely claimed that all he had absconded with had been returned.
Liar... the FBI and the archives people told him to lock the closet with a better lock and Trump left the meeting by saying whatever you need just ask....
They asked for the documents back.
Looks like Trump Fucked up Bigly
Your evidence-free hyper-partisan fanaticism is noted.

Let us return to the substance.

On August 8, FBI agents removed 11 additional sets of classified documents, including some labeled secret and top secret as enumerated on the property receipt of items that were recovered. There were also papers described as “SCI” documents, which stands for highly classified “sensitive compartmented information.” The Cry Baby Loser had falsely claimed that all he had absconded with had been returned.
Ok, and Trump was working with them to return them...Not sure the Raid for show was needed. It may have given you haters some gratification but, it was un necessary...

Now, why would you suppose that an armed raid was the only way the rat faced Garland thought they could settle things? Upcoming midterms maybe? Hmmmm...
Ok, and Trump was working with them to return them...Not sure the Raid for show was needed. It may have given you haters some gratification but, it was un necessary...

Now, why would you suppose that an armed raid was the only way the rat faced Garland thought they could settle things? Upcoming midterms maybe? Hmmmm...
Why had the Loser absconded with them, ignore national security concerns, and lie about their having all been returned, before the U.S. government had to confiscate them and restore them to the National Archives and Records Administration where they properly belong and can be safely maintained?

Citizen Trump absconded with and stashed classified documents at his fat cat playground.​
Not a fact.
He was put on notice by the U.S. Government that his possession of such sensitive materials, for which the blowhard has contrived no explanation, was reckless and illegal​
Trump was commander and chief when he took the documents. He isn't required to explain anything, moron.

He persisted in retaining the documents whilst lying about his having made total restitution, until the FBI finally executed a search warrant and recovered them.​

That's like saying he persisted in retaining his private jet. You idiots keep dancing around the fact that Trump was legally entitled to have those documents.
Why had the Loser absconded with them, ignore national security concerns, and lie about their having all been returned, before the U.S. government had to confiscate them and restore them to the National Archives and Records Administration where they properly belong and can be safely maintained?
Simply assuming that that Comandante Garland narrative is correct is not an argument, douchebag.
Ok, and Trump was working with them to return them
Utter bullshit.

It doesn’t take month after month after month to return them. You go through the boxes, take out the classified material and hand it over. It took the FBI a day. Not months. He was obstructing. Plain and simple.

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