FBI Justification for Mar A Lago invasion: Moving trucks spotted at MAL on Jan 18, 2021.

Your object of veneration is screwed.
"The Presidential Records Act is clear. A president does not have the right to leave the White House and pick and choose what documents he wants to take with them...Why he was holding on to these materials when he had no legal authority to do so under the Presidential Records Act is beyond me." Karl Rove on Fox News
Courts have ruled the President can unilaterally deem any document his personal document, Simp.

Did you fall on your noggin again?
Your desperate attempt at diversion is noted. "Lock her up! Lock her up!"

View attachment 687882
"Oh, yeah!
Well, what about...?"

Where were you when Harding got away with that Teapot Dome scandal???
You people use "whatabout" anytime Democrat malfeasance is brought up.....So, your criticism in comparing similar situations is laughable....

One thing it shows, is that you really know that your arguments here are baseless, and therefore don't want any real discussion on the topic with an open mind...That's why you continually try to bait with insult, and criticize anything that may point to your hypocrisy on the matter.

Citizen Trump absconded with and stashed classified documents at his fat cat playground.​
He was put on notice by the U.S. Government that his possession of such sensitive materials, for which the blowhard has contrived no explanation, was reckless and illegal​
He persisted in retaining the documents whilst lying about his having made total restitution, until the FBI finally executed a search warrant and recovered them.​
The PRA has no criminal consequences, Simp. It is entirely a civil matter.
Absurd....They tried to be so low profile as to show up with 30 armed agents, police cars surrounding the property with lights flashing, and media alerted....Yeah that's low profile....This was a show...

As for your other assertions.....https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/22/trump-sues-to-block-doj-from-reviewing-materials-seized-at-mar-a-lago-until-watchdog-appointed.html
Basically everything you complained about the raid is false. They didn’t surround the property with flashing lights. They didn’t alert the media. Trump did. You can barely find a photo of the search happening.

I dont know what you think your article proves. If Trump were competent he would have sued for a special master weeks ago. By the time he gets the lawsuit actually filed (this one isn’t even in the right venue, they chose it because it has a far right Trump appointed judge because they’re pathetic like that) there won’t be a need for a special master.

Trump files lots of lawsuits with bogus claims. Just see the lawsuits around the election for more examples. Pretty much fact free.
You people use "whatabout" anytime Democrat malfeasance is brought up.....
I have no idea who "you people" are in your mind. Please provide a few pithy examples of what you're talking about.
I have no idea who "you people" are in your mind. Please provide a few pithy examples of what you're talking about.

Why bother? You're just going to continue to deny and move goalposts. It's all liberals do.

If you want to find examples go look them up. They are everywhere.
The PRA has no criminal consequences, Simp. It is entirely a civil matter.
I'm pleased to see the truth being exposed, and respect all the Republicans of integrity who provided sworn testimony before the January Congressional Committee, as well as the public servants who retrieved the commandeered classified documents.

Of course, the evidence may dictate that litigation ensues, but that is a disparate matter.
I'm pleased to see the truth being exposed, and respect all the Republicans of integrity who provided sworn testimony before the January Congressional Committee, as well as the public servants who retrieved the commandeered classified documents.

Of course, the evidence may dictate that litigation ensues, but that is a disparate matter.

Were you glad that they "commandeered the classified documents" from Hillarys server?
Where was your outrage when Hillary had dozens of top secret documents on her personal server at her house that was totally unsecured? Emailing them using unsecured private email accounts?

Your faux outrage is noted.

If "national security" was really at risk, why did it take 565 days to seize these documents?
For starters, Trump had clearly marked classified documents. Clinton didn’t.

The statutes require that they knowingly mishandle the information. It’s hard to claim Trump didn’t know it was classified.

Second, Clinton cooperated with the investigation. Trump didn’t. That’s why there was a raid on his compound. When subpoenaed, Clinton complied.
Too bad for you Trump was cooperating, Simp.
If that were true, there wouldn't have been classified top secret documents in his closet after they said there were no more documents at the residence.
For starters, Trump had clearly marked classified documents. Clinton didn’t.

The statutes require that they knowingly mishandle the information. It’s hard to claim Trump didn’t know it was classified.

Second, Clinton cooperated with the investigation. Trump didn’t. That’s why there was a raid on his compound. When subpoenaed, Clinton complied.


When subpoenaed Clinton destroyed 33,000 emails and 11 cell phones and bleachbit her server! She did ANYTHING but comply!! And yes the documents were marked top secret!!!! Even crooked Comey said the same thing!!!

What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server Not that you would understand what you are reading, but this explains why Hillary was never prosecuted.

She was never prosecuted because shes a Clinton and part of the deep state, I don't give a damn what politico says.

I've asked at least a dozen times and no liberal can come up with an answer to this simple question:

If Trump was risking our national security to such a high degree that his private home can be invaded at gunpoint and EVERYTHING seized, even stuff not related to anything, how come it took 565 days to do this?
Courts have ruled the President can unilaterally deem any document his personal document, Simp.

Did you fall on your noggin again?
the President Do you know what that means? That's right screwball, it means Trump is not.

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