FBI Justification for Mar A Lago invasion: Moving trucks spotted at MAL on Jan 18, 2021.

You idiots keep dancing around the fact that Trump was legally entitled to have those documents
He wasn’t. The PRA is perfectly clear. Presidential records are to be under control of the Archives. It’s especially true for classified information.
Why had the Loser absconded with them?
Trump bum kissers are at a loss to explain. They seem so averse to speculating.

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"Consider them tokens of my love!"
Why had the Loser absconded with them, ignore national security concerns, and lie about their having all been returned, before the U.S. government had to confiscate them and restore them to the National Archives and Records Administration where they properly belong and can be safely maintained?
You're choice of words is ridiculous...."Absconded".... Good grief....How is anyone supposed to have a conversation with you when the only thing you're trying to do is bait?

I would bet that every outgoing President for the past 50 years has been in possession of classified material after they left the WH....

We know that Obama kept quite a few classified documents, and before you scoff, and scream the MSM excuses "No he didn't" keep in mind, that "the NSC wouldn’t fulfill a request to turn over Susan Rice’s unmasking documents that were moved to Obama’s library.

The fact that they could not be easily obtained indicates they were classified.

The fact they were moved to Obama’s “library” and based on the above, indicates that the National Archives withheld information under their control during the Trump years which was likely a crime! "

Yet you probably agree, and applaud that illegality because it served the purpose of obstructing Trump....

"In regards to the FBI raid on President Donald Trump’s Florida home.

The best estimates (based on plummeted media ratings, the disgraceful Spygate operation, the January 6 Insurrection hoax, true voting tabulations, etc.) are that at least 72 percent of citizens no longer trust all three branches of federal government, the media and especially the Deep State three-letter departments (DOJ, FBI, CIA, CDC, FDA, EPA…).

The FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate is unprecedented and similar to previous attempts to cancel his power, patriotism, election victory and their disrespect for the U.S. Constitution."

This is what real Fascists actually do to their political opponents. You should be proud of your unabashed support for such Schmiddy....

Utter bullshit.

It doesn’t take month after month after month to return them. You go through the boxes, take out the classified material and hand it over. It took the FBI a day. Not months. He was obstructing. Plain and simple.
So, explain why it was if they were there in June, and knew that there was more, why they only requested that an additional lock be added to the door, and left without taking it with them? If it was SOOOOOO sensitive that is....

Then taking over a month to decide to do a high profile raid complete with alerting the media to what they were doing?

This is a show, and you are lapping it up.
You're choice of words is ridiculous...."Absconded"....
"leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to avoid detection of or arrest for an unlawful action such as theft" as in removing classified government documents from the White House and stashing them in the storeroom of a pleasure palace for fat cats.
I would bet that every outgoing President for the past 50 years has been in possession of classified material after they left the WH....
Your "Everybody does it!" defense is taken for what it is worth.
We know that Obama kept quite a few classified documents
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Trump Wrong About Obama Documents - FactCheck.org

Trump and his allies on Fox News delivered the whataboutism defense of Obama transferring records from the White House to Chicago for his presidential library.
Tens of thousands of Obama's documents were transported to Chicago. But these items were shipped to a federal government facility — which is what's supposed to happen with a president's records... In Obama's case, the National Archives took legal ownership of Obama's documents and then began the long process of sorting through the material before the public could request it years later. [Trump baselessly bashed Obama for transferring records from the White House to Chicago. Here's why Obama was allowed while Trump is under scrutiny by the FBI.]

The FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate is unprecedented
Absconding with classified government documents, stashing them in an unauthorized and unsecured storeroom, and lying about having returned them all is unprecedented.

The U.S. Government securing them in the interests of national security is entirely lawful and appropriate.
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So, explain why it was if they were there in June, and knew that there was more, why they only requested that an additional lock be added to the door, and left without taking it with them? If it was SOOOOOO sensitive that is....

Then taking over a month to decide to do a high profile raid complete with alerting the media to what they were doing?

This is a show, and you are lapping it up.
They were there in June and Trump’s lawyers said they went through everything and handed him a folder. Then they said that was it. The FBI wasn’t allowed to search through the boxes themselves. The FBI wasn’t allowed to search the premises.

The FBI didn’t really believe them so they said you better lock that up because you could harm national security if there’s more material in there.

So they took a month to get the proper search warrant which would have enough evidence to be unquestioned by any rational person because it was definitely going to be questioned.

The raid was not high profile. In fact, they tried to be low profile but Trump doesn’t keep his mouth shut so here we are.
"leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to avoid detection of or arrest for an unlawful action such as theft" as in removing classified government documents from the White House and stashing them in the storeroom of a pleasure palace for fat cats.
Oh, relying on dictionary definitions is a sure sign that you're losing an argument....That combined with your over the top partisan description of events shows that you aren't really interested in a true conversation about the events...

Your "Everybody does it!" defense is taken for what it is worth.
To a partisan like yourself it is dismissed unless it is in defense of your own politically preferred individuals...

Called it....You just couldn't help yourself from going straight to a partisan shill site to cover up for the real questions that surround this political theatre...

Absconding with classified government documents, stashing them in an unauthorized and unsecured storeroom, and lying about having returned them all is unprecedented.
Nobody "Absconded" with anything....Trump was in possession of documents that so far we don't really know what was in them...According to his filing of a 4th amendment pleading for a Special Master, the facts are laid out pretty clearly that he was completely cooperating with authorities, so why the show? Midterms? '24 announcement? Both?

Nothing about how the left has gone after the FPOTUS is precedented....But, what you people are doing, is horribly harmful to this nation....And, may bring about consequences you are sure not to like....

The U.S. Government securing them in the interests of national security is entirely lawful and appropriate.
Garland said in his statement concerning the raid for show...
"Where possible, it is standard practice to seek less intrusive means as an alternative to a search, and to narrowly scope any search that is undertaken."

He instructed his department, to do none of these....The less intrusive means would have been to issue another subpoena, and continue to work with the former President's people who were cooperating fully at every turn. Garland also approved a warrant that was way too broad in its scope. So, he stood there and lied to the American people. You probably support that too.

Trump sues to block DOJ from reviewing materials FBI seized at Mar-a-Lago until watchdog appointed
They were there in June and Trump’s lawyers said they went through everything and handed him a folder. Then they said that was it. The FBI wasn’t allowed to search through the boxes themselves. The FBI wasn’t allowed to search the premises.

The FBI didn’t really believe them so they said you better lock that up because you could harm national security if there’s more material in there.

So they took a month to get the proper search warrant which would have enough evidence to be unquestioned by any rational person because it was definitely going to be questioned.

The raid was not high profile. In fact, they tried to be low profile but Trump doesn’t keep his mouth shut so here we are.
Absurd....They tried to be so low profile as to show up with 30 armed agents, police cars surrounding the property with lights flashing, and media alerted....Yeah that's low profile....This was a show...

As for your other assertions.....https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/22/trump-sues-to-block-doj-from-reviewing-materials-seized-at-mar-a-lago-until-watchdog-appointed.html
Oh, relying on dictionary definitions is a sure sign that you're losing an argument
I'm sure that you have vastly superior sources than dictionaries for your meaning of words.

The reality is that the Cry Baby Loser is screwed, and the lies, distortions, and whataboutisms parroted by his lickspittles are about as effective in the judicial realm as the dozens of frivolous court appeals after he lost the 2020 election.

The law has higher standards than cheerleader bloviating.
I'm sure that you have vastly superior sources than dictionaries for your meaning of words.

The reality is that the Cry Baby Loser is screwed, and the lies, distortions, and whataboutisms parroted by his lickspittles are about as effective in the judicial realm as the dozens of frivolous court appeals after he lost the 2020 election.

The law has higher standards than cheerleader bloviating.
Oh, we got him now eh? How many times has that blown up in your face? hahahha!
Oh, we got him now eh? How many times has that blown up in your face? hahahha!
When did I ever declare "We got him!" I still have no confidence in convictions. Please maintain a tentative acknowledgement of reality.

The weird worshipers are clearly overwrought, but that does not justify the Trump goons spewing death threats.

Justice Department officials had raised concerns months before the search that closely held government secrets were being illegally stored. They returned in August with a court-approved warrant and located even more classified records at the property.

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Your contempt for the national security of the United States is apparent. Weird worshipers answer to a much lower authority.

Your desire to substitute a fat cat's playground as the repository of vital governmental secrets is far too crackpot a notion to attempt to foist onto the American public.

Death threats targeting public servants will not work either.

Citizen Trump absconded with and stashed classified documents.

He was put on notice by the U.S. Government that his possession of such sensitive materials, for which the blowhard has contrived no explanation, was reckless and illegal

He persisted in retaining the documents whilst lying about his having made total restitution, until the FBI finally executed a search warrant and recovered them.

His pissing and moaning will now go into overdrive, but his fantasy erection, his legendary "big, beautiful wall!" that he made Mexico pay for is about to be eclipsed by his lofty house of victim cards that is bout to collapse.

Where was your outrage when Hillary had dozens of top secret documents on her personal server at her house that was totally unsecured? Emailing them using unsecured private email accounts?

Your faux outrage is noted.

If "national security" was really at risk, why did it take 565 days to seize these documents?
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When did I ever declare "We got him!" I still have no confidence in convictions. Please maintain a tentative acknowledgement of reality.

The weird worshipers are clearly overwrought, but that does not justify the Trump goons spewing death threats.

Justice Department officials had raised concerns months before the search that closely held government secrets were being illegally stored. They returned in August with a court-approved warrant and located even more classified records at the property.

And, to you that's ALL Republicans isn't it? Yet, when leftist loons try to kill a SC Justice, well, can't lump them in with you right?
Where was your outrage when Hillary had dozens of top secret documents on her personal server at her house that was totally unsecured?
Your desperate attempt at diversion is noted. "Lock her up! Lock her up!"


"Oh, yeah!
Well, what about...?"

Where were you when Harding got away with that Teapot Dome scandal???

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