FBI needs to release the Hillary indictment so Sanders can continue

Wow. What a comeback. Whats the matter, couldn't spell nya-nya-nya? OK, back to topic. FBI needs to issue indictment so perhaps a decent candidate can enter the race at the convention and keep Hillary and Bernie off the ticket like the wastes of time they are.
There is still time before the FBI Convention lol

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Dot, it is pretty clear that Hillary has already been given assurances by the FBI that she is not a criminal target. Otherwise she wouldn't have agreed to yesterday's very short sitdown yesterday.

Now, I know you like Bernie, but it's pretty clear the country isn't ready for European Socialism yet.

If you don't like Hillary, you can always vote for Johnson or Stein. I'm personally going to vote for Johnson
There is still time before the FBI Convention lol

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Dot, it is pretty clear that Hillary has already been given assurances by the FBI that she is not a criminal target. Otherwise she wouldn't have agreed to yesterday's very short sitdown yesterday.

Now, I know you like Bernie, but it's pretty clear the country isn't ready for European Socialism yet.

If you don't like Hillary, you can always vote for Johnson or Stein. I'm personally going to vote for Johnson
I know that. She isn't above the law no matter who her paymasters are.
Lazy Crazy Bernie had his chance in many "debates". He could have researched and hammered these hrc violations non-stop. He did not, he stole all donor money. He is phony plant.
Dotcom don't bitch when you have to drive over shitty roads, can't get unemployment money after some rich fucker lays you off, you can't send your kid to public school, or show them a national park and you're breathing dirty air. Because, that is what you will get if you don't vote for clinton.
Ohhhhhhhhhh, please Hillary save us from doom...ohhhhhhhhhhh. Lol.
there will be no indictment.

and i have to wonder - why would anyone want sanders? sure, i like some of what he says, but he's been in congress for more than 30 years. what has he been doing?
Preparing to be the he natural leader of today's democrat party.
Perhaps Obama wants the indictment to hold off till after the convention. Then he could try an executive order to claim a lack of a viable candidates and stay on another 4 years.
given the two presumptive candidates, one can ol=nly hope. However, I'm sure our two-term, President is in a hurry to leave given 7+ years of obstruction, rw ankle-biting, and expensive manufactured rw witch hunts.
GOP never obstructed anything and they are still called racists.

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