FBI probe of Kavanaugh constrained by Trump WH, report finds

That had to have been among your more coherent posts. Just the usual, pointless waste of bandwidth.


I don't have to account for your bizarre behavior.

Read the material. If you still say that, then you are a delusional and/or dishonest cultist who doesn't have a place in any honest conversation about this.

I read the material, as you can see from my questions about exactly what would they be able to investigate beyond what already was looked at both in the background check and the hearings?
I read the material, as you can see from my questions about exactly what would they be able to investigate beyond what already was looked at both in the background check and the hearings?
You clearly did not and had to be corrected multiple times.

And if you had, then saying the investigation was not stonewalled was an embarrassing, dem9nstrable lie told by you in a thread where the material shows it's a lie.

This speaks to your intelligence and your character.
i believe the fact that the WH asked that all tips re: the college frat boy were routed to said WH & not followed up on, including actual identified witness' along with anonymous ones. we'll never know the truth, because of the sloppy - one sided investigation.

Those "tips" were random bullshit.

The thing was investigated by government and the press ad nauseum. Hearings were held, testimony given.
You clearly did not and had to be corrected multiple times.

And if you had, then saying the investigation was not stonewalled was an embarrassing, dem9nstrable lie told by you in a thread where the material shows it's a lie.

This speaks to your intelligence and your character.

You haven't corrected anything.

This is all you tards are doing.

& you know that for a fact?

of course not.

why didn't the FBI interview the two main parties?

frat boy & ford? you would think THEY would have been.

The tips have the burden of evidence, not the other way around.

Because they both made sworn testimony at a congressional hearing maybe?
Here's another story for The Following to throw down the hole of denial.

In September 2018, as allegations of sexual misconduct against Brett M. Kavanaugh threatened his confirmation to the Supreme Court, President Donald Trump vowed that the FBI would have “free rein” to vet the claims. Trump said the FBI was “talking to everybody” and added on social media: “I want them to interview whoever they deem appropriate, at their discretion.”

The president’s comments came as a surprise to the FBI, according to a new report from a Democratic senator based on previously undisclosed correspondence between the agency and the White House. FBI officials — directed to conduct a very limited inquiry in a week’s time — requested “additional guidance” from the White House, citing the public remarks by Trump and other officials describing a freewheeling investigation. But the White House never authorized the agency to independently probe the sexual misconduct allegations, which Kavanaugh staunchly denied.

The report, which was produced by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), a Judiciary Committee member and leading critic of the Kavanaugh confirmation, and provided to The Washington Post ahead of a public release on Tuesday, provides additional evidence of the tight control exercised by the White House over the FBI investigation — despite Trump’s claims to the contrary. The report found that messages to the FBI tip line regarding Kavanaugh were forwarded directly to the White House and never probed, and that the FBI had no written protocols for the supplemental background investigation ordered by the White House.


It has long been understood the WH tried to narrow the scope of the FBI investigation in to Schlitz Kavanaugh. Now we have some of the details as to how it was achieved. Details some folks will no doubt not want to hear.

Good grief

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