FBI Raid On Trump's Mar-A-Lago Had No Valid Legal Basis

NYT, Wash Post, NY post, AP, WJ... for starters... others are now following.. Even FOX is in this..

When the liberal NYTimes and the AP flies the coup, you have real problems with the narrative.
It will do nothing to stop her from parroting the insipid drivel she has swallowed from the daily kos.
All paperwork of his administration are HIS to control. You're reaching again. Read the PRA.
Yu must be reading it backwards because it specifically states that all records belong to the people not the ex President
The letter is dated in April, Simp. They were at MAL in June and collected boxes then. So WTF does this have to do with the raid in August?

It's timed to distract the public from other issues.
The article is hogwash!

The presidential records are REQUIRED under law to be kept by the National Archives.

The former president has free access for the 5 years, before the public has access.

But the current president, and congress, and doj can access them during that 5 years, if there is a need. They can't get access, when in need, if Trump has them.

And under no condition, none, zip, zero....can a former president store TOP SECRET SCI national security compartmental documents at Mara Lago Resort, or anywhere outside of their secure place in the government safe.

The presidential records were never his records to take with him.

The presidential records act is CLEAR on that.....
What does it say about copies of presidential records?
You know this how?

Did Rachel Madcow tell you?

Figured she was still combing through Trump's ILLEGALLY leaked 1995 Tax Return looking for donations to the klan or some more dumb shit.


Don't you know who and what Trump is by now? He's an arrogant glutton and not very bright. I don't know who his role models were growing up, but he has no concept of the common good or patriotism. No concept of fair play or sportsmanship. No concept of allegiance to American ideals or the US Constitution. He's said that veterans and Gold Star Families are suckers.
Nope... You got it screwed up by listening to MadCow. The President may possess all administrations documents but must allow national archives access to them. All of which was happening.

Nope. Trump is ignorant. All the documents belong to the National Archives for all presidents.
Nope... You got it screwed up by listening to MadCow. The President may possess all administrations documents but must allow national archives access to them. All of which was happening.
But must allow… which he failed to do
Obama records were always in the national archives possession, even when in illinois.
It is widely known that the NA had no idea where those documents are and still have no idea to this day. Obama digitized those documents and NEVER RETURNED THEM.

SHall we raid Obama's home and other bulidings too?

This reeks of cross dressing faggots just wanting to try on Melania's panties and heels.... although a few of them were probably looking to sniff Barron's underwear.

Wow. Get the popcorn or the weed, whatever your preference.... fucking can't wait for the internal surveillance videos.
Haven't you figured it out yet? Trump has a poor education and he's dumb as a stump. He claims to know more than his generals, epidemiologists, lawyers, diplomats and US intelligence services.
Trump is not a stupid man. People that say that are the stupid ones. You represent those people very well. Stupid.
It is widely known that the NA had no idea where those documents are and still have no idea to this day. Obama digitized those documents and NEVER RETURNED THEM.

SHall we raid Obama's home and other bulidings too?

You’re an idiot. The NARA has stated that the bulk of them are in a warehouse that THEY control in Chicago and any classified docs are under their control in DC.

Who told you that lie?

Never listen to them again

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