FBI releases new video of Capitol attack criminals

Snitches get stitches is the slogan around here.
Criminal slime get hard time--our slogan around HERE!

Like how the FBI went after the cats who terrorized the country last year? Oh, wait...lol

Well..I missed the cat epidemic--but thousands were arrested for bad acts during various protests relating to BLM--I assume that's what you're referring to?

Snitches get stitches is the slogan around here.
Criminal slime get hard time--our slogan around HERE!

Like how the FBI went after the cats who terrorized the country last year? Oh, wait...lol

Well..I missed the cat epidemic--but thousands were arrested for bad acts during various protests relating to BLM--I assume that's what you're referring to?

The charges were dropped by the thousands...

The Fat Man told them to "FIGHT LIKE HELL!" So they did. He incited the attack.
After the President spoke about the stolen election, some people got carried away.
People make their own choices...... but 99.999999% of the crowd was peaceful.
FBI releases new video footage of officers being assaulted at the US Capitol

These people are not Patriots. They are criminals at large. Help bring them to Justice. Contact the FBI if you recognize them.
Wow. I don’t think most people realize how big this was.

I think cops need to make it clear that the next time people do this violent shit there gonna get shot.

And republicans did bring guns to the Michigan capitol. It was a test run to see how the government would react.

One of my republican buddies was saying biden and pelosi should let the national guard go home. I wasn’t aware they were defending the capitol. All I know is these trump supporters exposed the fact our politicians are not properly protected. Capitol cops need better weapons. And no bringing guns to the capitol. You’ll get shot or arrested.
So Michigan was a "test run" for bringing weapons...and then they didn't bring them to the Capital protest? Do you have any idea how stupid some of your posts are when they're subjected to even the SLIGHTEST scrutiny?
The Fat Man told them to "FIGHT LIKE HELL!" So they did. He incited the attack.
After the President spoke about the stolen election, some people got carried away.
People make their own choices...... but 99.999999% of the crowd was peaceful.
View attachment 470520
The Fat Man told them to "Fight like Hell." He was the instigator of the January 6th attack. His son had bragged beforehand that it was going to be "wild." The Fat Man is responsible for the attack on the Capitol. It was textbook Mafia tactics. But he failed and all the mob did was show what a souless POS that he is.

Your 99.9% percentis about as accurate as the Fat Man's statement over and over that said COVID was going to just disappear one day. That was another one of his lies.

Traitors attacked the US Capitol twice:


The 99.9% is the number that joined in the attack. But you MAGA GOPQ scum tend to Lie a lot.
And don't forget this sweet picture:


But you MAGA GOPQ scum tend to Lie a lot.
View attachment 470649
Typical distraction from a MAGA GOPQ cult member.


The day that a group of MAGA GOPQ Fat Man supporters

attacked the US Capitol in an effort to destroy the Country. Now the cult members of the MAGA GOPQ movement are defending the Criminal Insurrectionist.
LOL...they'll all turn out to be dems.
You mean the ones wearing MAGA hats and waving Fat Man flags. NOPE, the FBI has confirmed that there were only Fat Man cult members at the insurrection.

Voters only need to be reminded of January 6th, the remember that the GOPQ cannot be trusted to Govern ever again. They are determined to bring down our country. You even have a GOPQ Congressman who is defending Putin the Murderer over our President. How can the GOPQ ever be given authority again?

Your pantifa buddies were videod changing into MAGA gear before the protest....try again.
If you want video proof I'll be glad to post it.
Did Fat Man Junior edit that video also?

LMAO...remember the Hillary one??? Even funnier!!!

Snitches get stitches is the slogan around here.
Criminal slime get hard time--our slogan around HERE!
Same for Antifa and BLM rioters??? Hypocrite much??

And yes; if they were violent or destructive off to jail with the...WHATEVER THEIR POLITICAL ATTACHMENTS!!!!

When did BLM or ANTIFA attack and enter the US Capitol? Please give me a link. ANYONE who commits acts of atrocities...regardless of political affiliation...need to be prosecuted. That goes for BLM, ANTIFA, MAGA, PROUD BOYS, OR 3%ERS....

What makes me sick is the elected officials that are now dismissing the January 6th attack...because it was a couple thousand of right wing nuts. It was thousands....not hundreds that attacked the US Capitol....all because of the BIG LIE that the Fat Man repeated over and over. And he is still repeating it today....the dried up, smelly, POS that he is.
LOL...they'll all turn out to be dems.
You mean the ones wearing MAGA hats and waving Fat Man flags. NOPE, the FBI has confirmed that there were only Fat Man cult members at the insurrection.

Voters only need to be reminded of January 6th, the remember that the GOPQ cannot be trusted to Govern ever again. They are determined to bring down our country. You even have a GOPQ Congressman who is defending Putin the Murderer over our President. How can the GOPQ ever be given authority again?

Your pantifa buddies were videod changing into MAGA gear before the protest....try again.
If you want video proof I'll be glad to post it.
Did Fat Man Junior edit that video also?

LMAO...remember the Hillary one??? Even funnier!!!

You still want to go back to 2016? You are as desperate as the Fat Man in Florida. I know you are miserable.....(funny!)
Snitches get stitches is the slogan around here.
Criminal slime get hard time--our slogan around HERE!
Same for Antifa and BLM rioters??? Hypocrite much??

And yes; if they were violent or destructive off to jail with the...WHATEVER THEIR POLITICAL ATTACHMENTS!!!!

You will defend the January 6th group of traitors. They were nearly all white and far right. Had they been black or Muslim...they would be dead.
Snitches get stitches is the slogan around here.
Criminal slime get hard time--our slogan around HERE!
Same for Antifa and BLM rioters??? Hypocrite much??

And yes; if they were violent or destructive off to jail with the...WHATEVER THEIR POLITICAL ATTACHMENTS!!!!

When did BLM or ANTIFA attack and enter the US Capitol? Please give me a link. ANYONE who commits acts of atrocities...regardless of political affiliation...need to be prosecuted. That goes for BLM, ANTIFA, MAGA, PROUD BOYS, OR 3%ERS....

What makes me sick is the elected officials that are now dismissing the January 6th attack...because it was a couple thousand of right wing nuts. It was thousands....not hundreds that attacked the US Capitol....all because of the BIG LIE that the Fat Man repeated over and over. And he is still repeating it today....the dried up, smelly, POS that he is.
WRONG!!!! But I agree that ANYONE who assaulted a cop or did damage should be jailed. I was saying that ALL OF LAST YEAR AS WELL!!!

Yep; jail for offenders.

LOL...they'll all turn out to be dems.
You mean the ones wearing MAGA hats and waving Fat Man flags. NOPE, the FBI has confirmed that there were only Fat Man cult members at the insurrection.

Voters only need to be reminded of January 6th, the remember that the GOPQ cannot be trusted to Govern ever again. They are determined to bring down our country. You even have a GOPQ Congressman who is defending Putin the Murderer over our President. How can the GOPQ ever be given authority again?

Your pantifa buddies were videod changing into MAGA gear before the protest....try again.
If you want video proof I'll be glad to post it.
Did Fat Man Junior edit that video also?

LMAO...remember the Hillary one??? Even funnier!!!

You still want to go back to 2016? You are as desperate as the Fat Man in Florida. I know you are miserable.....(funny!)
Huh?? You want to explain the logic that led you to that??

Snitches get stitches is the slogan around here.
Criminal slime get hard time--our slogan around HERE!
Same for Antifa and BLM rioters??? Hypocrite much??

And yes; if they were violent or destructive off to jail with the...WHATEVER THEIR POLITICAL ATTACHMENTS!!!!

You will defend the January 6th group of traitors. They were nearly all white and far right. Had they been black or Muslim...they would be dead.
How many rioters were killed by Police ALL THE SUMMER OF LOVE????


And don't forget this sweet picture:

View attachment 470650
But you MAGA GOPQ scum tend to Lie a lot.
View attachment 470649
Typical distraction from a MAGA GOPQ cult member.


The day that a group of MAGA GOPQ Fat Man supporters
attacked the US Capitol in an effort to destroy the Country. Now the cult members of the MAGA GOPQ movement are defending the Criminal Insurrectionist.
LOL...yeah, an "INSURRECTION" that lasted a few hours! How exactly did THAT almost destroy the country?
And don't forget this sweet picture:

View attachment 470650
But you MAGA GOPQ scum tend to Lie a lot.
View attachment 470649
Typical distraction from a MAGA GOPQ cult member.


The day that a group of MAGA GOPQ Fat Man supporters
attacked the US Capitol in an effort to destroy the Country. Now the cult members of the MAGA GOPQ movement are defending the Criminal Insurrectionist.

Yeah....the hangmans noose that had zero functionality.

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