FBI: Saudis linked to 911.

Yep. My husband and I organized the first young Republicans in our county in 1965. Over the years I am far less partisan. I would have voted Republican in 2016 if not for Trump. I have known what an ignorant creep he is since the 1980s.

So no, you still can't name either issues you agreed with Republicans on or disagreed with Democrats on ... FOR 35 YEARS ...

I didn't ask for your resume, that's easy. You fell flat on your skank face yet again on content. That is the question that always trips you faux ex Republicans, which is why I ask it. You still have zero
I have hundreds of relatives and friends who have and as long as you have money to spend they love you.
Otherwise, the Arabs spent 70 years on the verge of bombing Israel.
Keep telling each other that. It's the glue that keeps Zionism in tact and keeps US foreign aid flowing. Promoting hatred and ignorance doesn't help the Jews.
Keep telling each other that. It's the glue that keeps Zionism in tact and keeps US foreign aid flowing. Promoting hatred and ignorance doesn't help the Jews.
By Israel's 70th birthday, the Muslim world realized that God was on Israel's side and pretty much gave up.
Unlike you, most Muslims actually believe in God.
They also concluded the Saudi Arabia had nothing to do with it... according to your article.
The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with the militant Islamist group al-Qaeda.They hailed from four countries; 15 of them were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates, one was from Lebanon, and one from Egypt.
The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with the militant Islamist group al-Qaeda.They hailed from four countries; 15 of them were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates, one was from Lebanon, and one from Egypt.
Maybe. 6 we're using fake identification. They may or may not have been Saudis.
Try again. First it was "No Saudis" now you're saying that "maybe 9" were. Just STFU.
One of those named died a year earlier in a solo plane crash in Pompano. It's always been easy for Saudi students to get US visas since the 1950s. It's very difficult for other countries in the Middle East. So fake identification would make sense. We'll probably never know.
One of those named died a year earlier in a solo plane crash in Pompano. It's always been easy for Saudi students to get US visas since the 1950s. It's very difficult for other countries in the Middle East. So fake identification would make sense. We'll probably never know.
I'm sure the FBI and CIA don't know which is why they were told by GW and Cheney to never release the truth.
I'm sure the FBI and CIA don't know which is why they were told by GW and Cheney to never release the truth.
The Saudis had no reason to attack the US. They had a trillion dollars in investments in the US in 2000. Bush/Cheney wanted to attack Iraq per Clean Break Strategy. The Saudis are very decent .. funny that's not really a Zionist thing.
The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with the militant Islamist group al-Qaeda.They hailed from four countries; 15 of them were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates, one was from Lebanon, and one from Egypt.
But we also now know that they flew in Martian space ships. And they obviously hit the Pentagon with a lazer generated bomber missile after scattering airplane wreckage all over the site.
Keep telling each other that. It's the glue that keeps Zionism in tact and keeps US foreign aid flowing. Promoting hatred and ignorance doesn't help the Jews.
proof read your literary output "IN TACT"? Promoting hatred and
ignorance is the message of the KHARAHAN and the content of every
"Khutbah Jumaat" and the curriculum of every madrassah. The result
is dead kurds, shiites, christians, hindus, yazidis, zoroastrians, jews
in the millions every decade
proof read your literary output "IN TACT"? Promoting hatred and
ignorance is the message of the KHARAHAN and the content of every
"Khutbah Jumaat" and the curriculum of every madrassah. The result
is dead kurds, shiites, christians, hindus, yazidis, zoroastrians, jews
in the millions every decade
If there's any chance of getting past the childish spam, maybe a useful direction for this thread to take would be some attempts to determine what information is being held back?

The only possibility I can imagine right now is that it has to relate to Saudi.

Any other ideas on the concealed evidence?
The only involvement of Bush2 and his admin is after the fact. It's been pretty firmly established that Bush2 used the attack as justification of his criminal war on Iraq, but that's another issue.
If there's any chance of getting past the childish spam, maybe a useful direction for this thread to take would be some attempts to determine what information is being held back?

The only possibility I can imagine right now is that it has to relate to Saudi.

Any other ideas on the concealed evidence?
The only involvement of Bush2 and his admin is after the fact. It's been pretty firmly established that Bush2 used the attack as justification of his criminal war on Iraq, but that's another issue.
IMVO---the BACK TO SAUDI ARABIA is a red herring. The allegation
that Bush USED the 9/11 event for propaganda purposes is----
idiotic. The reality is that a whole lot of people in the USA are
stupid enough to draw such connections ON THEIR OWN
IMVO---the BACK TO SAUDI ARABIA is a red herring.
i don't know what the BACK TO SAUDI ARABIA is even supposed to mean.
The allegation
that Bush USED the 9/11 event for propaganda purposes is----
There's a lot of background to support that claim. There could even be words spoken by Bush2 and his admin mouthpieces, saying that Iraq/Saddam was responsible. I think so but I can't remember exactly now. I don't consider it important enough to chase down.

Just the mention of the allegation could motivate somebody else to chase it down?
The reality is that a whole lot of people in the USA are
stupid enough to draw such connections ON THEIR OWN
Undoubtedly true and a lot worse nonsense than that! At least the allegation could be true and not of the quality of the Martian attack and lazer generated airplanes, melted steel beams, and on and on.
But we also now know that they flew in Martian space ships. And they obviously hit the Pentagon with a lazer generated bomber missile after scattering airplane wreckage all over the site.
STFU duck. It didn't take long for you to start spouting your moronic Canadian bullshit about things that you have no standing in. Stands to reason you would bring up a 21 year old event. That's about as current as you get.
One of those named died a year earlier in a solo plane crash in Pompano. It's always been easy for Saudi students to get US visas since the 1950s. It's very difficult for other countries in the Middle East. So fake identification would make sense.
For 6 of the 15 hijackers reported to be from Saudi Arabia. That still leaves 9 out the 19 that you have yet to explain. Still nearly half. Arguing that 6 remain of questionable origin changes nothing of significance. Also, funding-wise (from the 911 Commission Report):
When Bin Ladin arrived in Afghanistan, he relied on the Taliban until he was able to reinvigorate his fund-raising efforts by drawing on ties to wealthy Saudi individuals that he had established during the Afghan war in the 1980s. Al Qaeda appears to have relied on a core group of financial facilitators who raised money from a variety of donors and other fund-raisers, primarily in the Gulf countries and particularly in Saudi Arabia. Some individual donors surely knew, and others did not, the ultimate destination of their donations. Al Qaeda and its friends took advantage of Islam’s strong calls for charitable giving, zakat. These financial facilitators also appeared to rely heavily on certain imams at mosques who were willing to divert zakat donations to al Qaeda’s cause.
STFU duck. It didn't take long for you to start spouting your moronic Canadian bullshit about things that you have no standing in. Stands to reason you would bring up a 21 year old event. That's about as current as you get.
But it's all Tru -doh!

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