FBI searched for nuclear documents in Mar-A-Lago

Where is dick head Donnie? He was running his trap a while ago, and now the coward pos is silent. Do you idiots want to see the warrant now? What happened to bigmouth?
If he was up your ass you'd know where he was.

Yeah, I'm violating rules tonight. We'll see the damage of the infractions tomorrow.
The walls are closing in! Bombshell!
I tell ya wut, Klaus Fuchs Trump is NOT. :nono:
Do you or do you not want to see the warrant? Trump and his lynch mob were gung ho for it a few hours ago. WTF happened? :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
I left them for you. I mean, what else can you do that's useful with your time right?
Enjoy watching you choking on your bag of dicks. Always good for a laugh. Plus it explains the stink of dick on your breath.
If so then the FIB planted it.

they needed a lie to cover this raid, and this is the lie....

It's not...You moonbats are creaming your pants again over the same stale old porn video.
Oddball 2aguy Hossfly ....... the collective IQ of 180.
Wow, nuclear documents........what could go wrong.
Demented Joe has the nuclear launch codes
Your point......... never mind, it's CF.
You're really fucking stupid enough to believe the the nuke codes don't get changed when the WH changes hands
Oh, so that ^^^^^ makes it OK.
Fucking anti-American.
If Trump had something like the locations or true capabilities of our boomers he should be in jail yesterday. Even the president is on a need to know basis concerning our nuclear arsenal. Another thing that is worrisome is why he had hard-copy documents. It has been a long term project to get our top secrets on air-gapped computer databases and away from more easily stolen paper documents. Someone printed out this stuff for him.
He's letting lunatic nutbags like you run your mouths and discredit your deranged pearl clutching lunacy.
Yea? And the warrant? Don't you want to know what became of the nuclear documents there egg head?
But he's not is he? He's biting his pillow with piss all over the bed right?
If Trump had something like the locations or true capabilities of our boomers he should be in jail yesterday. Even the president is on a need to know basis concerning our nuclear arsenal. Another thing that is worrisome is why he had hard-copy documents. It has been a long term project to get our top secrets on air-gapped computer databases and away from more easily stolen paper documents. Someone printed out this stuff for him.
He did a ton of fucked up shit when he left. There is no doubt about that.
Things are getting interesting.
What was Trump trying to do with this material?

This is a pathetic bullshit headline. “FBI Searched For Nuclear Documents”. Clearly, none were found.

All of you liberals on this board mock when someone quotes Fox or the Gateway Pundit. Look at this trash from a so-called “stalwart” of journalism.
If Trump had something like the locations or true capabilities of our boomers he should be in jail yesterday. Even the president is on a need to know basis concerning our nuclear arsenal. Another thing that is worrisome is why he had hard-copy documents. It has been a long term project to get our top secrets on air-gapped computer databases and away from more easily stolen paper documents. Someone printed out this stuff for him.
STFU welfare bitch
This is a pathetic bullshit headline. “FBI Searched For Nuclear Documents”. Clearly, none were found.

All of you liberals on this board mock when someone quotes Fox or the Gateway Pundit. Look at this trash from a so-called “stalwart” of journalism.
Are you going to deny what the search is all about?
Enjoy watching you choking on your bag of dicks. Always good for a laugh. Plus it explains the stink of dick on your breath.
SO much homosexual thoughts coming from this clown ^^^^^^^
Biden sniffs hair, BackAgain dreams of and constantly writes about dicks.

Looks like both biden and BackAgain are pedos.

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