FBI shoots and kills Utah man wanted for threats against Biden, Manhattan DA

I never said what you CLAIMED I said about English composition. I was responding to something completely different far into the thread.

But we can see, and know, that you're a dishonest "liberal" so dig in rather than say, dang, I was wrong.
I did not claim you said anything about English composition..although comprehension may well be an issue~
He was also 5’4” and 300 pounds. Couldn’t walk without a cane. Still, if he had a gun and refused to drop it, the outcome is all on him. But, if he had no weapon on him at all, this incident deserves some very serious and real investigation.
You want a serious and real investigation, sounds like your buddy Flash has all the information he needs.
The FBI assholes came to the guy's house. He told the shitheads to go away and come back with a warrant if they wanted to talk to him, which is his Constitutional right.

The guy weighted 300lbs, never have been charged with any crime and took care of his blind son. His neighbors said he a good guy that never would harm anyone.

The FBI shitheads came to home at 6:00 AM and demanded that he come outside and surrender himself. When he didn't do it the assholes came into his house shooting.

That is what the government thugs do in a Banana Republic.

In this Banana Republic the only people that have protection against government oppression are the Negros. They don't have to worry about bail or prosecution and if they have an Insurrection the Democrat leaders tell the police to stand down.
Let me ask you stupid Moon Bats a valid question.

It is outrageous that this White man was murdered by government thugs. A great injustice.

We White people should do like the goddamn Negroes and spend the next six months rioting, burning, murdering and looting. Burning down police building and other government buildings.

The question; If we did that would the filthy ass Democrat leaders tell the police to stand down and let us exercise our free speech right like they did for the goddamn Negro Insurrection or would they tell the police to shoot us?

It is not a trick question.
Please cite evidence. I know thats like garlic to a vampire for you people.
There's more info here than in this entire thread:

Why wasn't the Secret Service involved if it was about the president?

His posts seem extremely hyperbolic.

I doubt he was about to bust a grape. He probably thought it was OK to talk shit online.

Well, those days are over. Maybe he didn't get the memo.
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All we ever heard from the goddamn Negroes and pukey White Guilt Moon Bats was how Georgie Floyd was a Black man that was harmed by the police.

This White man was unnecessarily murdered by the FBI thugs. If he had been a Negro threatening Trump they never would have done jackshit. That is a fact.

If we Whites rioted over it like the goddamn Negroes did in their six month insurrection I guarantee you the Democrats controlling the cities would not tell the police to stand down. That is also a fact.
Wow you're really letting your racism hang out today.
You really need to understand what happened.

They shot his wife in cold blood WHILE HOLDING HER BABY.

They shot the dog to stop it from barking.

They shot his son IN THE BACK while he was trying to run from them.

They paid in court because the fact is, IT WAS A COLD BLOODED MURDER
They shot our WHITE PEOPLE!
Odd how they post all this guy's social media, but not the tranny that killed children or

LV shooter, or Uvalde shooter. They must not have been wearing MAGA hats. :rolleyes-41:

They say what kind of hat of had on, but not that he had a gun in his hand. That's odd....

You know, if cops see you pointing a gun at them, expect them to draw and fire.
Focus on this case Boomer.
they for sure wouldnt do that against any of the hundreds of people that threatened trumps life,, or the ones that actually attacked the whitehouse on may 29th,,

FFS they like you wont even protect children from child molesters,,
That's what you call putting it all into perspective.

Threat's or violence should never be the go too by either side, otherwise the people just need to focus on the facts in order to bring about justice as soon as we the people get righteous representation back in government, otherwise it has to come back again, otherwise so that this nation can bring about the proper result's against those who commit crimes of a serious nature (against even our most vulnerable citizens - the children), and this all due to some American citizen's, their representatives, and their donors being big time corrupt and just plain evil now.
Rise up. Be a hero. What terrorism are you going to personally do Failzero?
Come on be a hero. You keep saying your guys are. They look like fat pussies who get smoked when real shooters appear. Like pussies.

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