FBI STILL hasn't looked at DNC server

and then there is this...
Were the hackers who broke into the DNC’s email really Russian?

"The CrowdStrike argument relies heavily on the fact that remnants of a piece of malware known as AGENT-X were found in the DNC computers. AGENT-X collects and transmits hacked files to rogue computers.

“AGENT-X has been around for ages and ages, and its use has always been attributed to the Russian government, a theory that’s known in the industry as ‘exclusive use,’” Carr said. “The problem with exclusive use is that it’s completely false. Unlike a bomb or an artillery shell, malware doesn’t detonate on impact and destroy itself.

“You can recover it, reverse-engineer it, and reuse it. The U.S. government learned a lesson about that when it created the Stuxnet computer worm to destroy Iran’s nuclear program. Stuxnet survived and now other people have it.”

Carr said he is aware of at least two working copies of AGENT-X outside Russian hands. One is in the possession of a group of Ukrainian hackers he has spoken with, and the other is with an American cybersecurity company. “And if an American security company has it, you can be certain other people do, too,” he said.

There’s growing doubt in the computer security industry about CrowdStrike’s theories about AGENT-X and Russian hackers, Carr said, including some critical responses to a CrowdStrike report on Russian use of the malware to disable Ukrainian artillery.

“This is a close-knit community and criticizing a member to the outside world is kind of like talking out of turn,” Carr said. “I’ve been repeatedly criticized for speaking out in public about whether the hacking was really done by the Russians. But this has to be made public, has to be addressed, and has to be acknowledged by the House and Senate Intelligence Committees.”"

NO THERES NOT THAT .. its totally irrelevant just like you are.

To delete 30,000 emails and still leave evidence of your crimes on your secret and illegal server.....means I have to agree with James Comey.

James Comey:

"Hillary Clinton is too phucking stupid to know she is commiting a crime and too phucking stupid to be president!"
Last edited:
and then there is this...
Were the hackers who broke into the DNC’s email really Russian?

"The CrowdStrike argument relies heavily on the fact that remnants of a piece of malware known as AGENT-X were found in the DNC computers. AGENT-X collects and transmits hacked files to rogue computers.

“AGENT-X has been around for ages and ages, and its use has always been attributed to the Russian government, a theory that’s known in the industry as ‘exclusive use,’” Carr said. “The problem with exclusive use is that it’s completely false. Unlike a bomb or an artillery shell, malware doesn’t detonate on impact and destroy itself.

“You can recover it, reverse-engineer it, and reuse it. The U.S. government learned a lesson about that when it created the Stuxnet computer worm to destroy Iran’s nuclear program. Stuxnet survived and now other people have it.”

Carr said he is aware of at least two working copies of AGENT-X outside Russian hands. One is in the possession of a group of Ukrainian hackers he has spoken with, and the other is with an American cybersecurity company. “And if an American security company has it, you can be certain other people do, too,” he said.

There’s growing doubt in the computer security industry about CrowdStrike’s theories about AGENT-X and Russian hackers, Carr said, including some critical responses to a CrowdStrike report on Russian use of the malware to disable Ukrainian artillery.

“This is a close-knit community and criticizing a member to the outside world is kind of like talking out of turn,” Carr said. “I’ve been repeatedly criticized for speaking out in public about whether the hacking was really done by the Russians. But this has to be made public, has to be addressed, and has to be acknowledged by the House and Senate Intelligence Committees.”"

NO THERES NOT THAT .. its totally irrelevant just like you are.
you got nothin bubba, not a damn thing. you cry and call me names until the sun goes down, the reality of the situation and why you haven't heard squat out of Mueller is cause there is nothing. Until he subpoenas that server, there is fking nothing.
I have to ask myself, if Clinton was allowed to BLEACH BIT 30,000 pieces of evidence on a server that had 2 court ordered preservation orders on it, and she knew about them, and yet committed crimes (30,000 of them) anyways and yet still got busted for being TOO STUPID TO PROSECUTE...exactly how much phucking illegal activities were actually documented on that server, but worse yet, the DNC SERVER has got to have some scary phucking stuff on it.

America Needs to SEE THAT
I have to ask myself, if Clinton was allowed to BLEACH BIT 30,000 pieces of evidence on a server that had 2 court ordered preservation orders on it, and she knew about them, and yet committed crimes (30,000 of them) anyways and yet still got busted for being TOO STUPID TO PROSECUTE...exactly how much phucking illegal activities were actually documented on that server, but worse yet, the DNC SERVER has got to have some scary phucking stuff on it.

America Needs to SEE THAT
Or, they can take back the russia thingy and say it was mistake.
and then there is this...
Were the hackers who broke into the DNC’s email really Russian?

"The CrowdStrike argument relies heavily on the fact that remnants of a piece of malware known as AGENT-X were found in the DNC computers. AGENT-X collects and transmits hacked files to rogue computers.

“AGENT-X has been around for ages and ages, and its use has always been attributed to the Russian government, a theory that’s known in the industry as ‘exclusive use,’” Carr said. “The problem with exclusive use is that it’s completely false. Unlike a bomb or an artillery shell, malware doesn’t detonate on impact and destroy itself.

“You can recover it, reverse-engineer it, and reuse it. The U.S. government learned a lesson about that when it created the Stuxnet computer worm to destroy Iran’s nuclear program. Stuxnet survived and now other people have it.”

Carr said he is aware of at least two working copies of AGENT-X outside Russian hands. One is in the possession of a group of Ukrainian hackers he has spoken with, and the other is with an American cybersecurity company. “And if an American security company has it, you can be certain other people do, too,” he said.

There’s growing doubt in the computer security industry about CrowdStrike’s theories about AGENT-X and Russian hackers, Carr said, including some critical responses to a CrowdStrike report on Russian use of the malware to disable Ukrainian artillery.

“This is a close-knit community and criticizing a member to the outside world is kind of like talking out of turn,” Carr said. “I’ve been repeatedly criticized for speaking out in public about whether the hacking was really done by the Russians. But this has to be made public, has to be addressed, and has to be acknowledged by the House and Senate Intelligence Committees.”"

NO THERES NOT THAT .. its totally irrelevant just like you are.
you got nothin bubba, not a damn thing. you cry and call me names until the sun goes down, the reality of the situation and why you haven't heard squat out of Mueller is cause there is nothing. Until he subpoenas that server, there is fking nothing.

post #137

deal with it peaches ...
I have to ask myself, if Clinton was allowed to BLEACH BIT 30,000 pieces of evidence on a server that had 2 court ordered preservation orders on it, and she knew about them, and yet committed crimes (30,000 of them) anyways and yet still got busted for being TOO STUPID TO PROSECUTE...exactly how much phucking illegal activities were actually documented on that server, but worse yet, the DNC SERVER has got to have some scary phucking stuff on it.

America Needs to SEE THAT
Or, they can take back the russia thingy and say it was mistake.
Good luck getting a Libtard to admit they lied.....err.....made a mistake....

Hell they will get in a knock down drag out fight over the meaning of "IS"

DNC just wants us to take their word for it that they were hacked. There is no way a Bernie supporter could have just leaked the information :rolleyes-41:

DNC email server most wanted evidence for Russia investigations
Mueller Refuses to look at THE DNC SERVER!
Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

“The FBI repeatedly stressed to DNC officials the necessity of obtaining direct access to servers and data, only to be rebuffed until well after the initial compromise had been mitigated,” the official said.

“This left the FBI no choice but to rely upon a third party for information. These actions caused significant delays and inhibited the FBI from addressing the intrusion earlier.”
"BURR: Do you have any doubt that Russia attempted to interfere in the 2016 elections?

COMEY: None.

Do you have any doubt that the Russian government was behind the intrusions in the D triple C systems and the subsequent leaks of that information?

No, no doubt.

Do you have any doubt the Russian government was behind the cyber intrusion in the state voter files?


BURR: Okay. When did you become aware of the cyber intrusion?

COMEY: The first cyber — there was all kinds of cyber intrusions going on all the time. The first
Russian-connected cyber intrusion I became aware of in the late summer of 2015.

And in that time frame, there were more than the DNC and the D triple C that were targets?

COMEY: Correct, a massive effort to target government and nongovernmental, near governmental agencies like nonprofits.

BURR: What would be the estimate of how many entities out there the Russians specifically targeted in that time frame?

COMEY: It's hundreds. I suppose it could be more than 1,000, but it's at least hundreds.

Full text: James Comey testimony transcript on Trump and Russia
and then there is this...
Were the hackers who broke into the DNC’s email really Russian?

"The CrowdStrike argument relies heavily on the fact that remnants of a piece of malware known as AGENT-X were found in the DNC computers. AGENT-X collects and transmits hacked files to rogue computers.

“AGENT-X has been around for ages and ages, and its use has always been attributed to the Russian government, a theory that’s known in the industry as ‘exclusive use,’” Carr said. “The problem with exclusive use is that it’s completely false. Unlike a bomb or an artillery shell, malware doesn’t detonate on impact and destroy itself.

“You can recover it, reverse-engineer it, and reuse it. The U.S. government learned a lesson about that when it created the Stuxnet computer worm to destroy Iran’s nuclear program. Stuxnet survived and now other people have it.”

Carr said he is aware of at least two working copies of AGENT-X outside Russian hands. One is in the possession of a group of Ukrainian hackers he has spoken with, and the other is with an American cybersecurity company. “And if an American security company has it, you can be certain other people do, too,” he said.

There’s growing doubt in the computer security industry about CrowdStrike’s theories about AGENT-X and Russian hackers, Carr said, including some critical responses to a CrowdStrike report on Russian use of the malware to disable Ukrainian artillery.

“This is a close-knit community and criticizing a member to the outside world is kind of like talking out of turn,” Carr said. “I’ve been repeatedly criticized for speaking out in public about whether the hacking was really done by the Russians. But this has to be made public, has to be addressed, and has to be acknowledged by the House and Senate Intelligence Committees.”"

NO THERES NOT THAT .. its totally irrelevant just like you are.
you got nothin bubba, not a damn thing. you cry and call me names until the sun goes down, the reality of the situation and why you haven't heard squat out of Mueller is cause there is nothing. Until he subpoenas that server, there is fking nothing.

post #137

deal with it peaches ...
nothing as I already claimed. thanks.
N o F U Z Z.

COMEY: Yes, sir. There should be no fuzz on this whatsoever. The Russians interfered in our election during the 2016 cycle. They did with purpose. They did it with sophistication. They did it with overwhelming technical efforts. It was an active measures campaign driven from the top of that government.

There is no fuzz on that. It is a high confidence judgment of the entire intelligence community and the members of this committee have seen the intelligence. It's not a close call. That happened. That's about as unfake as you can possibly get. It is very, very serious, which is why it's so refreshing to see a bipartisan focus on that. This is about America, not about a particular party.

HEINRICH: That is a hostile act by the Russian government against this country?

COMEY: Yes, sir.
"BURR: Do you have any doubt that Russia attempted to interfere in the 2016 elections?

COMEY: None.

Do you have any doubt that the Russian government was behind the intrusions in the D triple C systems and the subsequent leaks of that information?

No, no doubt.

Do you have any doubt the Russian government was behind the cyber intrusion in the state voter files?


BURR: Okay. When did you become aware of the cyber intrusion?

COMEY: The first cyber — there was all kinds of cyber intrusions going on all the time. The first
Russian-connected cyber intrusion I became aware of in the late summer of 2015.

And in that time frame, there were more than the DNC and the D triple C that were targets?

COMEY: Correct, a massive effort to target government and nongovernmental, near governmental agencies like nonprofits.

BURR: What would be the estimate of how many entities out there the Russians specifically targeted in that time frame?

COMEY: It's hundreds. I suppose it could be more than 1,000, but it's at least hundreds.

Full text: James Comey testimony transcript on Trump and Russia
funny not one question on how he knew that. why?
"BURR: Do you have any doubt that Russia attempted to interfere in the 2016 elections?

COMEY: None.

Do you have any doubt that the Russian government was behind the intrusions in the D triple C systems and the subsequent leaks of that information?

No, no doubt.

Do you have any doubt the Russian government was behind the cyber intrusion in the state voter files?


BURR: Okay. When did you become aware of the cyber intrusion?

COMEY: The first cyber — there was all kinds of cyber intrusions going on all the time. The first
Russian-connected cyber intrusion I became aware of in the late summer of 2015.

And in that time frame, there were more than the DNC and the D triple C that were targets?

COMEY: Correct, a massive effort to target government and nongovernmental, near governmental agencies like nonprofits.

BURR: What would be the estimate of how many entities out there the Russians specifically targeted in that time frame?

COMEY: It's hundreds. I suppose it could be more than 1,000, but it's at least hundreds.

Full text: James Comey testimony transcript on Trump and Russia

Who do you believe? the guy fired?
"BURR: Do you have any doubt that Russia attempted to interfere in the 2016 elections?

COMEY: None.

Do you have any doubt that the Russian government was behind the intrusions in the D triple C systems and the subsequent leaks of that information?

No, no doubt.

Do you have any doubt the Russian government was behind the cyber intrusion in the state voter files?


BURR: Okay. When did you become aware of the cyber intrusion?

COMEY: The first cyber — there was all kinds of cyber intrusions going on all the time. The first
Russian-connected cyber intrusion I became aware of in the late summer of 2015.

And in that time frame, there were more than the DNC and the D triple C that were targets?

COMEY: Correct, a massive effort to target government and nongovernmental, near governmental agencies like nonprofits.

BURR: What would be the estimate of how many entities out there the Russians specifically targeted in that time frame?

COMEY: It's hundreds. I suppose it could be more than 1,000, but it's at least hundreds.

Full text: James Comey testimony transcript on Trump and Russia

when Comey was beating Hillary with her douche bag, he was a RW god among gods .... replace Clinton with Trump and he's a lying sob who could NEVER be trusted.

Fuk the RW hypocrite bitches ,,,, let them stew in the 9 Trump/Russia investigations.
"BURR: Do you have any doubt that Russia attempted to interfere in the 2016 elections?

COMEY: None.

Do you have any doubt that the Russian government was behind the intrusions in the D triple C systems and the subsequent leaks of that information?

No, no doubt.

Do you have any doubt the Russian government was behind the cyber intrusion in the state voter files?


BURR: Okay. When did you become aware of the cyber intrusion?

COMEY: The first cyber — there was all kinds of cyber intrusions going on all the time. The first
Russian-connected cyber intrusion I became aware of in the late summer of 2015.

And in that time frame, there were more than the DNC and the D triple C that were targets?

COMEY: Correct, a massive effort to target government and nongovernmental, near governmental agencies like nonprofits.

BURR: What would be the estimate of how many entities out there the Russians specifically targeted in that time frame?

COMEY: It's hundreds. I suppose it could be more than 1,000, but it's at least hundreds.

Full text: James Comey testimony transcript on Trump and Russia

when Comey was beating Hillary with her douche bag, he was a RW god among gods .... replace Clinton with Trump and he's a lying sob who could NEVER be trusted.

Fuk the RW hypocrite bitches ,,,, let them stew in the 9 Trump/Russia investigations.
but you fail to realize there are zero trump/russia investigations. still haven't figured that out yet eh? don't go away mad muskrat, just go away.
"BURR: Do you have any doubt that Russia attempted to interfere in the 2016 elections?

COMEY: None.

Do you have any doubt that the Russian government was behind the intrusions in the D triple C systems and the subsequent leaks of that information?

No, no doubt.

Do you have any doubt the Russian government was behind the cyber intrusion in the state voter files?


BURR: Okay. When did you become aware of the cyber intrusion?

COMEY: The first cyber — there was all kinds of cyber intrusions going on all the time. The first
Russian-connected cyber intrusion I became aware of in the late summer of 2015.

And in that time frame, there were more than the DNC and the D triple C that were targets?

COMEY: Correct, a massive effort to target government and nongovernmental, near governmental agencies like nonprofits.

BURR: What would be the estimate of how many entities out there the Russians specifically targeted in that time frame?

COMEY: It's hundreds. I suppose it could be more than 1,000, but it's at least hundreds.

Full text: James Comey testimony transcript on Trump and Russia

when Comey was beating Hillary with her douche bag, he was a RW god among gods .... replace Clinton with Trump and he's a lying sob who could NEVER be trusted.

Fuk the RW hypocrite bitches ,,,, let them stew in the 9 Trump/Russia investigations.
but you fail to realize there are zero trump/russia investigations. still haven't figured that out yet eh? don't go away mad muskrat, just go away.

post #137 ... 9.. NINE.

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