FBI STILL hasn't looked at DNC server

So basically we are back to did Russia even do anything?

so basically the investigations are ongoing...

get it?
based on what? the DNC server. that's in the garbage and there is no evidence of anything. so ground zero of the entire russia hoax is dead. Conclusion, russia thingy dead. Mueller can be fired now. I just created a thread, go read it.
so basically the investigations are ongoing...

get it?

Shouldn't they be looking into if the DNC server was even hacked before they do anything else?
Comey had no ISSUES and neither did Clinton and THE DNC with rushing to look at CLINTON's Server to ASSURE VOTERS (To save her campaign) that NO ONE HAD HACKED Hillary's unsecured server.

But both COMEY and MUELLER refuse to do the same with THE DNC SERVER to prove it WAS HACKED....

Why has Comey and Meuller refused to subpoena THE DNC SERVER?

The fish is rotten at the head.
So basically we are back to did Russia even do anything?

so basically the investigations are ongoing...

get it?
based on what? the DNC server. that's in the garbage and there is no evidence of anything. so ground zero of the entire russia hoax is dead. Conclusion, russia thingy dead. Mueller can be fired now. I just created a thread, go read it.

rant about DNC/FBI until youre purple, Trump/Russia investigations will still continue.
DNC just wants us to take their word for it that they were hacked. There is no way a Bernie supporter could have just leaked the information :rolleyes-41:

DNC email server most wanted evidence for Russia investigations
That's because you are fucking clueless winger grasping at straws to maintain a losing position.
then why did they need crowdstrike? please I'll wait.

...because crowdstrike are the foremost security experts - DUH?

Do you want to know what they found? :rolleyes:
well you said you didn't need to look at the server. they did. how is it they found something? I know it wasn't russian, they later admitted it. but still they looked at the server and so far, no agency of our government has. Crowdstrike is not in our country,.

Yes FBI's security experts did not need to go on DNC's server, Crowdstrike did that and provided them all relevant data from the server. It was good enough the fucking FBI, why is it not good enough for YOU? Because you are exactly what I described you to be.

Comey and McCabe are two huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge D hacks. Political all the way.

Any sane individual would never ever believe CrowdStrike because gee they are employees of the DNC. AND CrowdStrikes co founder is anti Russian pro Ukrainian and as I've put up before he's also a member of the Atlantic Council that is loaded with all Dems, and funded in part by Victor Pinchuk a Ukrainian oligarch who has donated untold millions to the Clinton Foundation.

Oh nnnnoooooooooooooooooooooo freaking bias there.


Exactly, and my opinion is that the reason NO ONE is allowed to look at THE DNC server is because is was a hoax, and so many DEM OPERATIVES Perjured themselves, were colluding and Obama himself was involved CRIMINALLY, and there are so many conflicts of interest here that if THE HOAX was fully uncovered, there would be a MASSIVE DRAINING OF THE DNC SWAMP, and a few CORRUPT GOP'ers would also deservedly go down the drain with these Traitorous Bastards from HELL!
The Senate Investigation .. SIC
The House Investigation ... HIC
The DOJ investigation ... SPECIAL COUNCEL


  • The Senate Judiciary Committee announced it will conduct a probe into the obstruction of justice questions raised by Trump's decision to fire Comey. That investigation will also examine whether or not former Attorney General Loretta Lynch improperly interfered with the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server.
  • The Senate Armed Services Committee, led by Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., has been tasked with looking for ways to improve cybersecurity and protect against future hacking by foreign actors.
  • The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism, led by Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., held the hearing at which former acting Attorney General Sally Yates testified that she had warned the Trump White House that she believed Flynn was "compromised."
  • The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has been looking at Flynn's payments from Russia and Turkey. Ranking Democrat Elijah Cummings of Maryland has largely driven the narrative on that angle, releasing evidence at various times. The committee also joined the Senate Judiciary Committee, with oversight of the FBI, and the Senate Intelligence Committee in requesting copies of Comey's memos detailing private interactions with Trump.
  • The Department of Defense Inspector General is also investigating Flynn's payments from Russia and Turkey to determine whether those payments broke laws against former officers receiving foreign payments without advance approval.
  • The House Financial Services Committee's Democratic members have been requesting documents from Deutsche Bank to investigate whether Trump has been given any loans backed by Russian interests.

all here to stay ...

dumbass Trump drones crack me up
and then there is this...
Were the hackers who broke into the DNC’s email really Russian?

"The CrowdStrike argument relies heavily on the fact that remnants of a piece of malware known as AGENT-X were found in the DNC computers. AGENT-X collects and transmits hacked files to rogue computers.

“AGENT-X has been around for ages and ages, and its use has always been attributed to the Russian government, a theory that’s known in the industry as ‘exclusive use,’” Carr said. “The problem with exclusive use is that it’s completely false. Unlike a bomb or an artillery shell, malware doesn’t detonate on impact and destroy itself.

“You can recover it, reverse-engineer it, and reuse it. The U.S. government learned a lesson about that when it created the Stuxnet computer worm to destroy Iran’s nuclear program. Stuxnet survived and now other people have it.”

Carr said he is aware of at least two working copies of AGENT-X outside Russian hands. One is in the possession of a group of Ukrainian hackers he has spoken with, and the other is with an American cybersecurity company. “And if an American security company has it, you can be certain other people do, too,” he said.

There’s growing doubt in the computer security industry about CrowdStrike’s theories about AGENT-X and Russian hackers, Carr said, including some critical responses to a CrowdStrike report on Russian use of the malware to disable Ukrainian artillery.

“This is a close-knit community and criticizing a member to the outside world is kind of like talking out of turn,” Carr said. “I’ve been repeatedly criticized for speaking out in public about whether the hacking was really done by the Russians. But this has to be made public, has to be addressed, and has to be acknowledged by the House and Senate Intelligence Committees.”"

Thats right, they wouldn't. Comey was in the middle of investigating Hilary and DNC had much suspicion about agency's motivations.
Wrong again, COMEY WAS FORCED TO INVESTIGATE HILLARY because the evidence available to the Public was overwhelming, but his function was to COVER UP for Clinton and Obama. And he performed marvelously over and over again, in fast and furious, the va scandal, benghazi, irs scandal etc. etc., only the EVIDENCE WAS SO DAMNING against her....




So that's your presidential candidate?
then why did they need crowdstrike? please I'll wait.

...because crowdstrike are the foremost security experts - DUH?

Do you want to know what they found? :rolleyes:
well you said you didn't need to look at the server. they did. how is it they found something? I know it wasn't russian, they later admitted it. but still they looked at the server and so far, no agency of our government has. Crowdstrike is not in our country,.

Yes FBI's security experts did not need to go on DNC's server, Crowdstrike did that and provided them all relevant data from the server. It was good enough the fucking FBI, why is it not good enough for YOU? Because you are exactly what I described you to be.

Comey and McCabe are two huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge D hacks. Political all the way.

Any sane individual would never ever believe CrowdStrike because gee they are employees of the DNC. AND CrowdStrikes co founder is anti Russian pro Ukrainian and as I've put up before he's also a member of the Atlantic Council that is loaded with all Dems, and funded in part by Victor Pinchuk a Ukrainian oligarch who has donated untold millions to the Clinton Foundation.

Oh nnnnoooooooooooooooooooooo freaking bias there.


Exactly, and my opinion is that the reason NO ONE is allowed to look at THE DNC server is because is was a hoax, and so many DEM OPERATIVES Perjured themselves, were colluding and Obama himself was involved CRIMINALLY, and there are so many conflicts of interest here that if THE HOAX was fully uncovered, there would be a MASSIVE DRAINING OF THE DNC SWAMP, and a few CORRUPT GOP'ers would also deservedly go down the drain with these Traitorous Bastards from HELL!
yep, they are all in the 'no win zone."

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