FBI stops militia plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer

Put some reality fright into these draconian lock down politicians and good will be achieved
You think Trump and his entire crew getting corona would cause them to take it more seriously but I think even if one of them died, except for Don, they'd still be downplaying the virus.
If you have to take a test to even know you're sick, then you're not that sick, are you?

We don't know the long term affects of this virus. It attacks different people in different ways.

Do I want a president who takes this virus seriously or one who downplays it and dropped the ball on handling this crisis?

You Republicans are done in November. Believe that.
I think you guys just get off on being scared. I think you're scared all the time, of just about everything, and you want everyone else to be scared too.
Because if everyone else is scared, then you don't feel like such a little bitch.
Really? I think that is what Trump is running on. Blue collar. Why are you struggling? It's not the rich who are richer than ever no, it's the illegal workers the rich employ. You're scared this country isn't going to be right anymore. You're scared fags are going to fuck. You're scared they're going to take away your guns or make you wear a fucking mask.
Put some reality fright into these draconian lock down politicians and good will be achieved
You think Trump and his entire crew getting corona would cause them to take it more seriously but I think even if one of them died, except for Don, they'd still be downplaying the virus.
If you have to take a test to even know you're sick, then you're not that sick, are you?

We don't know the long term affects of this virus. It attacks different people in different ways.

Do I want a president who takes this virus seriously or one who downplays it and dropped the ball on handling this crisis?

You Republicans are done in November. Believe that.

No, we know all about covid-19 because it is a hybrid of viruses millions of years old. It does not do much of anything. There are only a few people who are permanently harmed, and they are all people with a compromised immune system, and it is only their own immune system that causes real harm.

The reality is that covid-19 is only a tenth as lethal as they first thought. We discovered that when testing was expanded, and it turned out 90% of those infected were asymptomatic. That means it is no more lethal or infectious than flu, and we should never have locked down at all. It also means the majority are already inherently immune, and we started off very close to herd immunity already.
My nephew had it months ago and still doesn't have his sense of taste back. You know nothing, yet. When the scientists you don't trust figure it out, then you'll know something. Until then, you know shit.

What we know is Trump got a treatment you wouldn't get and without that treatment he'd be in a ICU.
Put some reality fright into these draconian lock down politicians and good will be achieved
You think Trump and his entire crew getting corona would cause them to take it more seriously but I think even if one of them died, except for Don, they'd still be downplaying the virus.
If you have to take a test to even know you're sick, then you're not that sick, are you?

We don't know the long term affects of this virus. It attacks different people in different ways.

Do I want a president who takes this virus seriously or one who downplays it and dropped the ball on handling this crisis?

You Republicans are done in November. Believe that.
You mean shut down America more so more business permanently close, more American families struggle and break apart? So you democrats can tell us how you will fix it? lol HHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHABAHAHAHAHAHAHH
No. Social distance. Wear masks. Come up with a cure.

Certainly don't do what Trump did and mislead/lie to us.
I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Their excuse is that all the violence at leftwing riots is caused by rightwing infiltrators

as long as they can cling to that lie life is good for the libs posting here
Do those two guys look like they belong in a BLM rally? Those guys would go to any rally in hopes that trouble would brew and they'd be in the middle of it.

That's what klansmen do. They go to liberal rallies.
Put some reality fright into these draconian lock down politicians and good will be achieved
You think Trump and his entire crew getting corona would cause them to take it more seriously but I think even if one of them died, except for Don, they'd still be downplaying the virus.
If you have to take a test to even know you're sick, then you're not that sick, are you?

We don't know the long term affects of this virus. It attacks different people in different ways.

Do I want a president who takes this virus seriously or one who downplays it and dropped the ball on handling this crisis?

You Republicans are done in November. Believe that.
You mean shut down America more so more business permanently close, more American families struggle and break apart? So you democrats can tell us how you will fix it? lol HHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHABAHAHAHAHAHAHH
No. Social distance. Wear masks. Come up with a cure.

Certainly don't do what Trump did and mislead/lie to us.
Do you wanna isolate our society shut people off it’s not gonna happen get over yourself move out of America if you don’t like freedom slowing over do you lefties don’t like freedom go to another country we’re not gonna get rid of our constitution
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
What civil rights are you referring to?

And she's not a piece of shit. She's a good woman. National Republicans have demonized her. That's how you know she's good. She scares them.

You know these guys. You see them at your meetings.

No, if she was a "good woman". then she would not have created such needless hardship by closing all the businesses. What she should have done is read up on herd immunity, isolated the elderly, and ended the epidemic as quickly as possible. The lock down strategy ends nothing, and it useful only to slow things down in order to buy time. But if there is nothing you need to get done, then there is no point in buying time. That just kills more people, as the spread continues over time. The longer you let an epidemic run, the more deaths.

In my unsophisticated knowledge “herd immunity” meant “you let the weak cows die, and the rest of the herd will be fine.” And in fact in April a Tennessee protestor held up a sign saying “Sacrifice the Weak – Reopen TN.” (It’s not clear whether the sign was mocking or real (Snopes), but it illustrates the point.)

But it turns out there’s a lot more to the concept than just “sacrifice the weak.” There’s a specific way herd immunity works – and it does work for things like measles and mumps and polio, via vaccines. But in the absence of a vaccine, it’s an absolute disaster.

The explosion of infections among the unprotected is exactly what happened before vaccines. Epidemics were rampant and unstoppable.

Of course there are a zillion variables that change the speed: how contagious is it? (Each mumps patient infects 10-12 others; each polio patient infects 5-6 others, etc. This is what’s called the “R” number.) How tightly packed is the population? (It’s believed that New York’s crammed subway system was a major factor in the early explosion.) Etc.

Regardless of the variables, that’s the basic concept. (For coronavirus the R number is around 3, and the herd immunity threshold is tentatively believed to be somewhere around 60%.)

But here’s the problem:

We ain’t got no vaccines.
Put some reality fright into these draconian lock down politicians and good will be achieved
You think Trump and his entire crew getting corona would cause them to take it more seriously but I think even if one of them died, except for Don, they'd still be downplaying the virus.
If you have to take a test to even know you're sick, then you're not that sick, are you?

We don't know the long term affects of this virus. It attacks different people in different ways.

Do I want a president who takes this virus seriously or one who downplays it and dropped the ball on handling this crisis?

You Republicans are done in November. Believe that.
You mean shut down America more so more business permanently close, more American families struggle and break apart? So you democrats can tell us how you will fix it? lol HHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHABAHAHAHAHAHAHH
No. Social distance. Wear masks. Come up with a cure.

Certainly don't do what Trump did and mislead/lie to us.
Do you wanna isolate our society shut people off it’s not gonna happen get over yourself move out of America if you don’t like freedom slowing over do you lefties don’t like freedom go to another country we’re not gonna get rid of our constitution
Huh? I thought Trump was an isolationist?

Put some reality fright into these draconian lock down politicians and good will be achieved
You think Trump and his entire crew getting corona would cause them to take it more seriously but I think even if one of them died, except for Don, they'd still be downplaying the virus.
If you have to take a test to even know you're sick, then you're not that sick, are you?

We don't know the long term affects of this virus. It attacks different people in different ways.

Do I want a president who takes this virus seriously or one who downplays it and dropped the ball on handling this crisis?

You Republicans are done in November. Believe that.
You mean shut down America more so more business permanently close, more American families struggle and break apart? So you democrats can tell us how you will fix it? lol HHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHABAHAHAHAHAHAHH
No. Social distance. Wear masks. Come up with a cure.

Certainly don't do what Trump did and mislead/lie to us.
Do you wanna isolate our society shut people off it’s not gonna happen get over yourself move out of America if you don’t like freedom slowing over do you lefties don’t like freedom go to another country we’re not gonna get rid of our constitution
Huh? I thought Trump was an isolationist?

What’s your iq-8 lol
What civil rights are you referring to?
That depends

why are you pestering trump supporters with this story about radicals plotting to kidnap the gov of michigan?

do you think I should be held accountable for their actions because I voted for trump?

I seem to recall a week ago you cons suggested that only lefties get unhinged.

At least you are admitting they are one of yours.
I cant speak for everyone but for many months through the Black Lies Matter violence I have been warning that insanity breeds more insanity

it is liberals who denied that burning and looting and killing was an activity that needs to be stopped
Do those two guys look like they belong in a BLM rally?
They do look more manly than the typical leftwing Pajama Boy

but they are not being rejected by the other people around them with rings in their eyebrows so looks can be deceiving
What civil rights are you referring to?
That depends

why are you pestering trump supporters with this story about radicals plotting to kidnap the gov of michigan?

do you think I should be held accountable for their actions because I voted for trump?

I seem to recall a week ago you cons suggested that only lefties get unhinged.

At least you are admitting they are one of yours.
I cant speak for everyone but for many months through the Black Lies Matter violence I have been warning that insanity breeds more insanity

it is liberals who denied that burning and looting and killing was an activity that needs to be stopped
There is a percentage of people who will avoid cities now. The percentage I do not know. But it does not help.
In my unsophisticated knowledge “herd immunity” meant “you let the weak cows die, and the rest of the herd will be fine.”
The concept does work

after centuries of exposure to common viruses Euros were immune to diseases that wiped out native Americans who did not have immunity
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.

Do ya get why we call you idiots now

Its cause yas are just plain ol goobers ...the lot of ya left wingers

This guy was in a black church
Doesn't make him a member of that flock.
Put some reality fright into these draconian lock down politicians and good will be achieved
You think Trump and his entire crew getting corona would cause them to take it more seriously but I think even if one of them died, except for Don, they'd still be downplaying the virus.
If you have to take a test to even know you're sick, then you're not that sick, are you?

We don't know the long term affects of this virus. It attacks different people in different ways.

Do I want a president who takes this virus seriously or one who downplays it and dropped the ball on handling this crisis?

You Republicans are done in November. Believe that.
I think you guys just get off on being scared. I think you're scared all the time, of just about everything, and you want everyone else to be scared too.
Because if everyone else is scared, then you don't feel like such a little bitch.
Really? I think that is what Trump is running on. Blue collar. Why are you struggling? It's not the rich who are richer than ever no, it's the illegal workers the rich employ. You're scared this country isn't going to be right anymore. You're scared fags are going to fuck. You're scared they're going to take away your guns or make you wear a fucking mask.
I'm scared of retards in large groups. I'm not scared of a virus that has a survival rate of over 99%.
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
If you looked into the plotters public profiles (social media) they were proud Anarchists and ANTIFA... I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Did you also know these plotters also considered kidnapping Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam?

Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters. In other words crazies. That's what you guys are. You will see come November all you have is your base and you'll need more than that.
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
If you looked into the plotters public profiles (social media) they were proud Anarchists and ANTIFA... I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Did you also know these plotters also considered kidnapping Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam?

Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters. In other words crazies. That's what you guys are. You will see come November all you have is your base and you'll need more than that.
Question; say your guy does win, fair and square (I think that's unlikely, but say it does)..... what do you think that means for us? What are you expecting to become of us?

Because it sounds like you expect that to somehow mean the end of us and everyone like us, and I'm wondering how you think that is going to happen. Do you think we're all going to spontaneously combust after election day, or something?
This just smells of the same "fake news" the Dems keep peddling....

Putting paid Hillary campaign workers at Trump events to start fights so that CNN can report "Trump inciting violence" THAT was 2016 and part of what Wiki exposed.

Dems are desperate liars. Their theme this year is fear of CV19 and racism. What a great agenda. To push the "racism" part, they've planted people at Trump events to shout "white power" when CNN is there to film it.

We'll see if this actually results in anything other than another fake news story aimed at race baiting....

Meanwhile, Low IQ Joe is busted for his family owning slaves, on top of his decade long friendship/worship of Ku Klux Klan Enchanted Cyclops Robert Byrd....

McCabe in May 2017 denied that he was the source of the leak — but later fessed up, angering bureau investigators who had been spinning their wheels trying to identify the source of the leak.

The documents, which the FBI released in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by the government watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, include transcripts of McCabe’s conversations with investigators, who were frustrated after wasting their time on the probe.

On Aug. 18, 2017, FBI officials grilled McCabe again to try to unravel what they said was “conflicting information” they had gathered about the possible leak to the Journal, The Daily Beast reported.

“I need to know from you, did you authorize this article? Were you aware of it? Did you authorize it?” an agent asked McCabe,

The agent then described his response: “And as nice as could be, he said, ‘Yep. Yep I did.’”

The investigator then said that “things had suddenly changed 180 degrees with this” after McCabe’s admission, which turned his initial denials into a potential crime.

“In our business, we stop and say, look, now we’re getting into an area for due process,” the agent said.

So you are upset that McCabe gave the okay for agents to leak harmful information on Candidate Clinton, by allowing them to leak to the press, that the Clinton Foundation, was STILL under investigation?

Really? :lol:

That not how the Clinton Crime Syndicate works. The Clintons figured out long ago that if you corrupt law enforcement that you can commit what ever crimes and it wont' matter. The FBI would never really investigate the clintons---they would atmost look for all evidence that they then would destroy/hide and likely even kill off for the clintons. The FBI actually destroyed blackberries and computers for the clintons following their BS "investigation."

Think the FBI comments about the clintons was about deal making behind the scenes--------------FBI comey/mueller/mcCabe and others wanted to move up------showing Hilliary that they were being good little minions by covering up her crimes that they could either promote or hide for her was one way to get promoted.
It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals. I keep forgetting these guys aren't REALLY radicals...they're Patriots and nice peaceful guys.

"The people that we charged are affiliated with this Wolverine Watchmen group," Nessel said, adding that it is a Michigan-based group. "But there are multiple white supremacy groups and militia groups that have been acting in accordance with one another."

Investigators found the men's mission is what white supremacist groups call "the Boogaloo," which Nessel described as an uprising or a second civil war.
“It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals.”

That’s because members of white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations constitute a significant percentage of the GOP voting block and Trump base.

No Republican/conservative is going to denounce white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations and risk losing their support.

Left just denies anything the violent left does is the violent left, which is really stupid. Antifa doesn’t exist, even though the left supports their actions. I find all you extremists are mentally off.
Who supports Antifa actions that you claim, please identify these alleged supporters by name.
It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals. I keep forgetting these guys aren't REALLY radicals...they're Patriots and nice peaceful guys.

"The people that we charged are affiliated with this Wolverine Watchmen group," Nessel said, adding that it is a Michigan-based group. "But there are multiple white supremacy groups and militia groups that have been acting in accordance with one another."

Investigators found the men's mission is what white supremacist groups call "the Boogaloo," which Nessel described as an uprising or a second civil war.
“It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals.”

That’s because members of white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations constitute a significant percentage of the GOP voting block and Trump base.

No Republican/conservative is going to denounce white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations and risk losing their support.

Left just denies anything the violent left does is the violent left, which is really stupid. Antifa doesn’t exist, even though the left supports their actions. I find all you extremists are mentally off.
Who supports Antifa actions that you claim, please identify these alleged supporters by name.

Here is just one, however by allowing and defending their riots as many mayors did, you are supporting Antifa.

Kshama Sawant supported the riots. Wheeler, Brown, also supported the left wing riots, permitted them all summer. Seattle governor and mayor supported the take over of a neighborhood in Seattle where three people died. Chicago , St. Louis, Minneapolis, we are not going to forget who pushed and created the riots, caused the death of many Americans. I’m tired of the left white washing their actions and explaining their justification for violence. Both sides are wrong and the left will give us a yeah but.

The extremists on both sides are ruining this country and we need to hold both sides responsible. The right and the threat to the governor of Michigan was wrong and the left and their murdering and rioting all summer was wrong.
I don't know who those people are....never heard of them.


No matter who starts it, or participates in criminals activities.

Protesters, have a constitutional right, to protest against their government.

It's demented on your part, to conflate the two.

Protesters are not Rioters.

A protest, is not a Riot

A Riot is not a Protest

Rioting is not protesting
The place is on fire and there are dead people.

a. A RIOT.



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