FBI stops militia plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer

They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
If you looked into the plotters public profiles (social media) they were proud Anarchists and ANTIFA... I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Did you also know these plotters also considered kidnapping Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam?

Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters. In other words crazies. That's what you guys are. You will see come November all you have is your base and you'll need more than that.
Question; say your guy does win, fair and square (I think that's unlikely, but say it does)..... what do you think that means for us? What are you expecting to become of us?

Because it sounds like you expect that to somehow mean the end of us and everyone like us, and I'm wondering how you think that is going to happen. Do you think we're all going to spontaneously combust after election day, or something?
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.
Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters.
As I pointed out to you, I really dont care

it does not change my support for trump at all
We know. And he knows. But we were never trying to change your mind. My brother and his son have both voted for Biden. A year ago they thought they were going to vote for Trump. There are a lot of moderates who voted for Trump last time but not this time and it's because of Trump's bad behavior. They like a lot of the things he's done they say but they are sick of it. He is divisive and breaking this country. Got to go.

Not to mention this year we all get to mail in our votes. So all the people who weren't in love with Hillary so they just didn't vote last time, can easily vote for Biden from their homes and mail it in. That's why you Republicans hate mail in voting. It's going to cost you.

And before you say it, do you know Trump mails in his vote? Always has. If it's good enough for him to do it why not the rest of us?
Even Trump-haters dislike Field Marshall Whitmer and her Constitutional and Civil Rights-violating edicts. Talk about a 'power trip' - the ocurt shoots her earlier edicts - which she and her husband ignored - down, and she comes right back and vows to implement more....
And before you say it, do you know Trump mails in his vote?
Trump had to request an absentee ballot

but there will be 100 million blank ballots floating around this year just waiting to be stolen or used illegally

this is is a mockery of the democrat process
Trump had to request an absentee ballot

but there will be 100 million blank ballots floating around this year just waiting to be stolen or used illegally

this is is a mockery of the democrat process
Only a handful of states mail ballots to everyone. Half those states have been doing it for years. The other half are hardly swing states, with the possible exception of Nevada.

Everywhere else the ballots are by request.
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.

I think the Democrats will control the presidency, the House and the Senate. In the midterms the House and possibly the Senate will flip back to the Republicans. Just as with the last four years there will be no compromising by either side, the Republicans will remember the impeachment and Democrats dirty tricks and the Dems will cry, just like the GOP did. Nothing gets done. States will continue to lock down with Covid unless there is a November "miracle" cure. At least the Democrats will stop rioting and BLM protests will subside. The US government will force a Covid vaccine on everyone despite the herd mentality approach they claim today. The Democrats will try to shove the New Green Deal down our throats. Biden will figure out that is taxing only the rich will not work economically and need to expand the tax. The Dems will try to institute mandatory insurance forcing the middle class to pay more. The Dems spending will increase and the publics reliability on government will increase.

I'll be ready to retire, my plan, if Trump wins, I'll work for a few more years and I like that. If the Dems win, I'll retire and take all the federal money I can get and move to the southwest where it is warm and live off the government, why shouldn't i enjoy it, others will.

The need for a new party has never been greater, the extremist are going to ruin the nation.
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.

I think the Democrats will control the presidency, the House and the Senate. In the midterms the House and possibly the Senate will flip back to the Republicans. Just as with the last four years there will be no compromising by either side, the Republicans will remember the impeachment and Democrats dirty tricks and the Dems will cry, just like the GOP did. Nothing gets done. States will continue to lock down with Covid unless there is a November "miracle" cure. At least the Democrats will stop rioting and BLM protests will subside. The US government will force a Covid vaccine on everyone despite the herd mentality approach they claim today. The Democrats will try to shove the New Green Deal down our throats. Biden will figure out that is taxing only the rich will not work economically and need to expand the tax. The Dems will try to institute mandatory insurance forcing the middle class to pay more. The Dems spending will increase and the publics reliability on government will increase.

I'll be ready to retire, my plan, if Trump wins, I'll work for a few more years and I like that. If the Dems win, I'll retire and take all the federal money I can get and move to the southwest where it is warm and live off the government, why shouldn't i enjoy it, others will.

The need for a new party has never been greater, the extremist are going to ruin the nation.

And I think Biden will cut military spending

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is proposing a $4.7 trillion federal budget for fiscal year 2020 that includes $750 billion for national defense — a $34 billion increase, or about 5 percent, over what Congress enacted for fiscal year 2019.

Of the $750 billion, $718 billion is for the Defense Department and $32 billion is for national security programs performed by the Department of Energy’s nuclear laboratories and other agencies.

To fund the large increase to defense spending, the administration is proposing cuts of 5 percent to non-defense programs and is pumping up the Overseas Contingency Operations account from $69 billion in 2019 to $165 billion in 2020. Past administrations have used the OCO account to boost the military budget, as OCO is not subject to Budget Control Act spending caps. But this year’s OCO boost is unusually large, especially at a time when Trump is reducing overseas military presence.

That's $68 billion dollars not wasted. Put that into social security.

It's weird my brother and so many other rich Americans are voting for Biden who says he will raise their taxes. If they don't care why should you?
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
If you looked into the plotters public profiles (social media) they were proud Anarchists and ANTIFA... I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Did you also know these plotters also considered kidnapping Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam?

Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters. In other words crazies. That's what you guys are. You will see come November all you have is your base and you'll need more than that.
Question; say your guy does win, fair and square (I think that's unlikely, but say it does)..... what do you think that means for us? What are you expecting to become of us?

Because it sounds like you expect that to somehow mean the end of us and everyone like us, and I'm wondering how you think that is going to happen. Do you think we're all going to spontaneously combust after election day, or something?
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.
I know that people like you will arrest and kill others by the millions at some point. There are people like that on all sides. You guys are fast tracking it. You do not lose to well. You use unelected judges to make laws and we actually listen to them. You want five dollars worth of services for every dollar spent. And the agendas you have passed has caused everything to be more expensive to do. The Chinese will take over if this keeps up. The Western Hemisphere will go down in flames. And the Chinese investments here will be expected to produce results.
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
If you looked into the plotters public profiles (social media) they were proud Anarchists and ANTIFA... I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Did you also know these plotters also considered kidnapping Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam?

Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters. In other words crazies. That's what you guys are. You will see come November all you have is your base and you'll need more than that.
Question; say your guy does win, fair and square (I think that's unlikely, but say it does)..... what do you think that means for us? What are you expecting to become of us?

Because it sounds like you expect that to somehow mean the end of us and everyone like us, and I'm wondering how you think that is going to happen. Do you think we're all going to spontaneously combust after election day, or something?
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.
Actually I don't think anything at all will be happening because of Biden. I think that guy will be sitting in a chair in a sunbeam somewhere with a blanket on his lap, struggling to remember where he is and what his kid's names are.
I think that all the things you think of as good, are actually really bad, and I'm not the only one who thinks that. If you guys would just stick to fucking up your ownselves, none of us would care, but you always try and force your bad ideas on everyone else, and we don't want any of your shit.
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.

I think the Democrats will control the presidency, the House and the Senate. In the midterms the House and possibly the Senate will flip back to the Republicans. Just as with the last four years there will be no compromising by either side, the Republicans will remember the impeachment and Democrats dirty tricks and the Dems will cry, just like the GOP did. Nothing gets done. States will continue to lock down with Covid unless there is a November "miracle" cure. At least the Democrats will stop rioting and BLM protests will subside. The US government will force a Covid vaccine on everyone despite the herd mentality approach they claim today. The Democrats will try to shove the New Green Deal down our throats. Biden will figure out that is taxing only the rich will not work economically and need to expand the tax. The Dems will try to institute mandatory insurance forcing the middle class to pay more. The Dems spending will increase and the publics reliability on government will increase.

I'll be ready to retire, my plan, if Trump wins, I'll work for a few more years and I like that. If the Dems win, I'll retire and take all the federal money I can get and move to the southwest where it is warm and live off the government, why shouldn't i enjoy it, others will.

The need for a new party has never been greater, the extremist are going to ruin the nation.

And I think Biden will cut military spending

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is proposing a $4.7 trillion federal budget for fiscal year 2020 that includes $750 billion for national defense — a $34 billion increase, or about 5 percent, over what Congress enacted for fiscal year 2019.

Of the $750 billion, $718 billion is for the Defense Department and $32 billion is for national security programs performed by the Department of Energy’s nuclear laboratories and other agencies.

To fund the large increase to defense spending, the administration is proposing cuts of 5 percent to non-defense programs and is pumping up the Overseas Contingency Operations account from $69 billion in 2019 to $165 billion in 2020. Past administrations have used the OCO account to boost the military budget, as OCO is not subject to Budget Control Act spending caps. But this year’s OCO boost is unusually large, especially at a time when Trump is reducing overseas military presence.

That's $68 billion dollars not wasted. Put that into social security.

It's weird my brother and so many other rich Americans are voting for Biden who says he will raise their taxes. If they don't care why should you?

Why should I? Because raising taxes and not cutting spending is irresponsible government. I'm not voting for Biden because he, like Trump is lying to the American people. If you and your brother and nephew don't care, then vote for Biden, why should I cast a vote for a liar? Raising every ones taxes and not cutting the spending is a reason to not vote for Biden.

No one has given me one solid reason to vote for Biden, not one.
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
If you looked into the plotters public profiles (social media) they were proud Anarchists and ANTIFA... I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Did you also know these plotters also considered kidnapping Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam?

Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters. In other words crazies. That's what you guys are. You will see come November all you have is your base and you'll need more than that.
Question; say your guy does win, fair and square (I think that's unlikely, but say it does)..... what do you think that means for us? What are you expecting to become of us?

Because it sounds like you expect that to somehow mean the end of us and everyone like us, and I'm wondering how you think that is going to happen. Do you think we're all going to spontaneously combust after election day, or something?
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.
If this ain't your first rodeo, then you should know by now that a lot of people in this country are simply never going to let you force your bad ideas onto them, and what are you going to do about it?
That's my question to you; what are you planning to do to those of us who simply won't go along with all the bad ideas you want to impose? You say do this or that, we say "No." and then...... what? What do you think you are going to be able to do about it?
If they won't fill them out Gretchen and I will.
I know all too well that is true
These people are just stupid. They want to win because they want to be able to bring the force of government to bear on the people they don't like, but they fail to understand that government in the US has no power except what we the people give it..... we withdraw our consent and the entire government becomes impotent and powerless, immediately.
Shenanigans and fuckery during the election just delegitimizes the entire process and frees up anyone from feeling like they have to abide by any of the results.
If they successfully steal an election, all they are accomplishing is to hasten the day where government employees can't so much as show their faces in public without getting shot in them. (SMH)
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
If you looked into the plotters public profiles (social media) they were proud Anarchists and ANTIFA... I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Did you also know these plotters also considered kidnapping Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam?

Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters. In other words crazies. That's what you guys are. You will see come November all you have is your base and you'll need more than that.
Question; say your guy does win, fair and square (I think that's unlikely, but say it does)..... what do you think that means for us? What are you expecting to become of us?

Because it sounds like you expect that to somehow mean the end of us and everyone like us, and I'm wondering how you think that is going to happen. Do you think we're all going to spontaneously combust after election day, or something?
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.
I know that people like you will arrest and kill others by the millions at some point. There are people like that on all sides. You guys are fast tracking it. You do not lose to well. You use unelected judges to make laws and we actually listen to them. You want five dollars worth of services for every dollar spent. And the agendas you have passed has caused everything to be more expensive to do. The Chinese will take over if this keeps up. The Western Hemisphere will go down in flames. And the Chinese investments here will be expected to produce results.
Project much? Trump packed the courts with idealogs. Trump even admitted it at the debates. Obama left a whole bunch of seat unfilled on his way out. Why? Maybe Republicans wouldn't allow him to appoint those judges? So lets see how well the American middle class does under these con judges. With decisions like Citizens United, I know we are doomed for at least the next 2 or 3 generations. Luckily for me my family has EVERY advantage in this society. My dad is set, my brother and I are set and my nephews go to the best schools.
If they successfully steal an election, all they are accomplishing is to hasten the day where government employees can't so much as show their faces in public without getting shot in them. (SMH)
It may not be that simple

expect the ruling democrat party policy to be death for 10 conservative villagers for each nazi soldier, aka elected government office who is killed
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?
Their social media accounts are what these people stand for... FACTS... you seem to think they do not matter.... Dumb-ass..
Remember me?

Social media accounts belonging to several of the 13 men arrested over alleged plots to kidnap Michigan's governor and incite a 'civil war' were a hive of pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-government material, it has emerged.

It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters, as if we didn't know. Bet you don't even care. So just admit these guys were Trump supporters.

LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted in April in a show of support for the armed protesters gathering outside Michigan’s state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown measures.
In the weeks that followed, these supporters would march into the state Capitol carrying long guns. They stood along a balcony and looked down menacingly at legislators. Among them were some of the 13 militia group members arrested this week.

Whitmer blamed Trump for the plot to kidnap her, telling reporters Thursday that the president’s rhetoric “incites more domestic terror.”
Scholars of fascism, who have long warned of this link between a leader’s rhetoric and the violence committed by his followers, agree. Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of the book “How Fascism Works,” told me once that hateful speech from public leaders, left unchallenged, can become normalized.
It has emerged that these guys were huge Trump supporters,

You want me to give up my civil rights because a few men that I dont know and have never seen wanted to kidnapp a worthless piece of shit governor in michigan?

no thank you
If you looked into the plotters public profiles (social media) they were proud Anarchists and ANTIFA... I dont know where these leftist idiots find their horse manure but its not factual.
Did you also know these plotters also considered kidnapping Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam?

Just accept the plotters were Republican/Trump supporters. In other words crazies. That's what you guys are. You will see come November all you have is your base and you'll need more than that.
Question; say your guy does win, fair and square (I think that's unlikely, but say it does)..... what do you think that means for us? What are you expecting to become of us?

Because it sounds like you expect that to somehow mean the end of us and everyone like us, and I'm wondering how you think that is going to happen. Do you think we're all going to spontaneously combust after election day, or something?
You didn't go away when Clinton won or when Obama won, so I'm sure you will be around after Trump loses. In fact, the Supreme Court will remain right wing after Trump leaves.

But you crazies won't be running the White House. Even if you run the Senate and House, which you won't run either after November, the most important thing is a veto pen in the white house to stop your bad legislation and deregulations.

But this is when Democrats let us liberals down. They go along with too much Republican legislation. Bill Clinton was the worst. NAFTA, Deregulated the media and a few other times he really let us liberals down by going along with you guys.

I suspect you will spend the next 4 years claiming that blue collar isn't doing good because of Biden. You'll try to win back some seats in the 2022 midterms.

This aint my first rodeo.
If this ain't your first rodeo, then you should know by now that a lot of people in this country are simply never going to let you force your bad ideas onto them, and what are you going to do about it?
That's my question to you; what are you planning to do to those of us who simply won't go along with all the bad ideas you want to impose? You say do this or that, we say "No." and then...... what? What do you think you are going to be able to do about it?
Nothing. It's not up to me to organize Walmart and MCD workers. It's up to them.

I'm going to get up and go to work tomorrow and continue to make 6 figures.
If they won't fill them out Gretchen and I will.
I know all too well that is true
I know for a fact Jeb stole Florida for George. And the evidence is undesputable.

Same way I know George Bush lied us into Iraq. You were wrong about that maybe you are wrong about this.

In the Republican presidential debate in South Carolina on Saturday night, Donald Trump said something about the Bush administration and the Iraq War that is essentially illegal for Republican politicians.

“They lied,” he said. “They said there were weapons of mass destruction, there were none. And they knew there were none.”

So you knew all too well that Sadam had WMD's. Then when you found out maybe he didn't you pointed out that Hillary voted for war too. Sure, after the President lied to her.

You clearly don't care when a Republican president lies. Trump's at 20,000 lies so far.
If they won't fill them out Gretchen and I will.
I know all too well that is true
These people are just stupid. They want to win because they want to be able to bring the force of government to bear on the people they don't like, but they fail to understand that government in the US has no power except what we the people give it..... we withdraw our consent and the entire government becomes impotent and powerless, immediately.
Shenanigans and fuckery during the election just delegitimizes the entire process and frees up anyone from feeling like they have to abide by any of the results.
If they successfully steal an election, all they are accomplishing is to hasten the day where government employees can't so much as show their faces in public without getting shot in them. (SMH)


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